Friday, October 19, 2012

Manipulating America Into the Left Right Paradigm

Is it possible to get the Occupy movement to cooperate with the TeaParty movement to create a formidable force against fascism and government corruption?

The definition of the Occupy Movement taken from Wikipedia is as follows:

The Occupy movement is an international protest movement against social and economic inequality, its primary goal being to make the economic structure and power relations in society fairer. Different local groups have different foci, but among the prime concerns is the claim that large corporations and the global financial system control the world in a way that disproportionately benefits a minority, undermines democracy and is unstable.

The TeaParty movement is defined as follows:

The Tea Party movement is an American political movement that advocates strict adherence to the United States Constitution, reducing U.S. government spending and taxes, and reduction of the U.S. national debt and federal budget deficit.  The movement is generally considered to be partly conservative, partly libertarian, and partly populist. The movement has sponsored protests and supported political candidates since 2009.

Aren't they both groups of Americans that feel disenfranchised by government?  The Occupy movement is sick and tired of corporations, lead by an un-elected elite, raping, pillaging, and plundering the world for their own benefit, and begging for bailouts, or socializing the losses, when things go wrong.

The ORIGINAL Boston TeaParty was the same thing.  The TeaParty occurred when Bostonians became outraged with the corrupt and unfair trade thrusted upon them by the British Parliament vis a vis the British East India Company.  So our ancestors took their chests of tea and threw them in the water.  The British government gave the British East India Company an unfair advantage over local entrepreneurs through force and coercion.  They did the same thing with our currency and that was the final straw that broke the camels back, the revolution was launched.

The challenge is that the two movements are focused on the social value differences while the TeaParty seems to be complacent with corporate greed and corruption yet fantastically upset about government waste.  what should be pointed out here is that government is wasting our money because large corporations bribe and cajole Congress and regulatory agencies into looking the other way while corporations commit the most aggregious crimes our this century.

Think about that and continue reading the the Left Hook:

Red Scar on America

The budding genre of left-wing conspiracy research, intuitively attractive as a unifying force to many, attempts to break imposed philosophical paradigms and to deprogram minds in a world traumatized and confused by the Illuminati’s biggest psyops program ever – the Cold War. This delicate task requires a historically-grounded progressive political framework which, while taking a backseat to realpolitik, remains pertinent.
While the mainstream left refuses to acknowledge any hint of conspiracy, no matter the number of footnotes; the Alex Jones “right/left paradigm is dead” crowd, while open to deep politics, leans right ideologically, enabling the banker cabal in its quest for global hegemony via 18th century mercantilism – the purest form of capitalism ever practiced.
It is incredibly naïve to believe that the Illuminati bankers wish to usher in communism as their economic model. The real world tells us that wealth is not being redistributed. It is being concentrated in the hands of the few at historic levels.
The left’s problem lies in naiveté and cowardice, and in its inability to deconstruct the brutal state capitalism imposed via the Soviet Union. The libertarian conspiracy crowd lacks a background in political theory – their Cato Institute is funded by the same corporations that fund the two major political parties. They too have been brainwashed since birth by the mysterious events that culminated in the Soviet Union.  Read more...

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