Showing posts with label #glasssteagall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #glasssteagall. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Love Perpetual War and Debt? Read The Economist and Follow Their Dogma

After many years of reading the Economist I stopped in 2008.  The economic world I knew blew up and neither the Federal Reserve, nor CNBC, nor the Economist had been any help at all.  In fact, quite the opposite.  They had lead me astray.  They distorted the truth.  But I didn't know that then.

5 years later while sipping a lousy coffee at Starbucks I took advantage of the free AT&T wi-fi and this article caught my eye.
The gated globe
Governments are putting up impediments to globalisation. It is time for a fresh wave of liberalisation

Now, I am completely on the opposite side of trade liberalization. Exposure to the way things really work from the Anglo-American Establishment to the Council on Foreign Relations and their British cousin the Royal Institute of International Affairs.  From the Federal Reserve System to the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Bank of International Settlements, and their interlocking directorates with BigOil and BigBanks.  From the CIA to the Mossad, MI5, MI6 to the National Security Council and NATO and the United Nations.  From the World Trade Organization to the G20, Bilderberg, and the Trilateral Commission.  And lastly from Foreign Affairs, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Economist back to the Council on Foreign Relations.

We have been lied to by all of these organizations and institutions and they work specifically to undermine every nation on Earth for their gain.  Their trendy well polished neoliberal materials are extremely deceptive.  They are meant to influence their audience into accepting a corporatized world of free trade and globalization where short term convenience and easy finance lure unsuspecting adults into a world of finance, debt,

Sunday, October 6, 2013

WallStreet Blackmails America; DebtCeiling vs. GlassSteagall

Remember reading this a few days ago?

Blankfein Says Finance CEOs Urge Action on Debt Limit
By Phil Mattingly and Roger Runningen October 02, 2013 
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Chief Executive Officer Lloyd Blankfein left a White House meeting with President Barack Obama and said lawmakers are risking the economic recovery if they don’t raise the federal debt ceiling.
Blankfein was among a group of financial-industry executives including JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) CEO Jamie Dimon and Brian Moynihan, CEO of Bank of America Corp., who met with the president today, the second day of a partial government shutdown. Democrats and Republicans are deadlocked on spending legislation and already are battling over raising the U.S. debt limit, which is required by later this month to avoid a default.
Does any of this sound familiar? Remember 2008 when Henry Paulson, former Goldman Sachs CEO, and then Secretary of the Treasury told member of Congress there would be martial law and a complete breakdown of the global financial system if they didn't approve of a bailout.

Now read this email to subscribers of LaRouche PAC dated October 5th, 2013

Wall Street had demanded that President Barack Obama stop the reinstatement of Glass Steagall at all costs and instead move ahead with more bailouts and bail-in looting of the American people to preserve their thoroughly bankrupt system. The Wall Street policy means an acceleration of crippling hyperinflation, devastating austerity and, ultimately, mass murder of the nation's most vulnerable citizens.
Several highly qualified Washington sources have confirmed that this was the ultimatum delivered by the Wall Street delegation that met privately with Obama on Wednesday afternoon Oct. 2 at the White House. The delegation was organized by the Financial Services Forum, a coalition of the nation's 19 biggest banks and insurance companies, and included Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase; Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs; Brian Moynihan, CEO of Bank of America; Michael Corbat, CEO of Citibank; and Anshu Jain, CEO of Deutsche Bank.
IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde delivered the same message in an interview with the Financial Times on Oct. 4, in which she demanded that the Federal Reserve maintain the $85 billion a month quantitative easing bailout of the top Wall Street and Europe banks indefinitely. And Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, speaking for Obama, threatened that any U.S. default will trigger a financial crisis far worse than the September 2008 meltdown.
The reality, as bluntly stated by Lyndon LaRouche today, is that the ongoing government shutdown and threatened default on U.S. sovereign debt on Oct. 17 is nothing more than an orchestrated swindle, aimed at conditioning the American people for the murderous policies that have already been accepted by Obama and by leading Congressional Republicans.
LaRouche warned: "Unless Glass Steagall is passed into law immediately, Obama and Wall Street plan to unleash the worst mass murder austerity and looting of the American people ever. The total separation of commercial banking from all the gambling activities under Glass Steagall is the only remedy. Bankrupt Wall Street now, before they can unleash their genocidal schemes full-force. President Obama is nothing but a tool of these Wall Street interests, as evidenced by his slavish commitment to maintain the bailout/bail-in program and stop Glass Steagall."
LaRouche continued: "In a matter of days or weeks, Obama and his Congressional Republican cohorts, on orders from Wall Street, are going to unleash absolute Hell on the American public through even deeper killer austerity cuts than the sequestration of the past months. The government shutdown is the biggest dog and pony show ever, intended to prepare the population to accept more hyperinflation, more bailouts and bail-ins, and worsening conditions so that Wall Street can survive a bit longer while honest, hard-working Americans die in ever greater numbers.
"It is time for Congress to break from Wall Street and the bankers stooge in the White House, and do the only thing that can set the United States back on a course of genuine prosperity: Pass Glass Steagall by a veto-proof majority this week."
... Pass Glass Steagall, wipe out the power of Wall Street and their European allies, and get on with the business of reviving this nation and the world around a plan of genuine development..."
Now we are getting somewhere.  There have been several proposals for a Wall Street Sales Tax, and 2 separate bills in the House and Senate calling for Glass-Steagall to be reinstated.  There is widespread popular support across the political spectrum for financial reform, and yet the power and money of the banking system stands in our way once again.

There have been only 2 issues which have plagued this country since the very early days of the colonies.  Slavery and the control of the money supply.  This is it.  This is the true face of Wall Street and the globalist bankers.  They threaten global economic collapse because they can.  Because they control an immense portion of the worlds assets.  Through interlocking directorates, the big banks, their oil companies, and their organized crime syndicates, these criminals are repeating the very same tricks that got the US into World War I and World War II, and now we are on the verge of World War III involving Syria, Iran, Russia, China, and Israel.

A wise man once said:

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."  Thomas Jefferson

He should know.  He fought the very same banking cartels in his time.  Some things never change.

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The End-Game Memo - Bankster Crimes in Desperate Times

Greg Palast is a legendary investigative journalist with a background in finance and insurance.  He has worked for major outlets and continues to share his findings with the alternative media world.

Larry Summers (New Fed Chairman?) and the Secret “End-Game” Memo

August 22, 2013 by   
Filed under Commentary

By Greg Palast for Vice Magazine
Thursday, 22 August 2013
When a little birdie dropped the End Game memo through my window, its content was so explosive, so sick and plain evil, I just couldn’t believe it.
The Memo confirmed every conspiracy freak’s fantasy:  that in the late 1990s, the top US Treasury officials secretly conspired with a small cabal of banker big-shots to rip apart financial regulation across the planet.  When you see 26.3% unemployment in Spain, desperation and hunger in Greece, riots in Indonesia and Detroit in bankruptcy, go back to this End Game memo, the genesis of the blood and tears.
The Treasury official playing the bankers’ secret End Game was Larry Summers.  Today, Summers is Barack Obama’s leading choice for Chairman of the US Federal Reserve, the world’s central bank.  If the confidential memo is authentic, then Summers shouldn’t be serving on the Fed, he should be serving hard time in some dungeon reserved for the criminally insane of the finance world.
The memo is authentic.
Finish reading the article here on DeadlineLive with Jack Blood, also a phenomenal investigative journalist.

Treasury Department Whistleblower Warns of Western War Crimes in Syria and Beyond

Do you know who this person is? He is the former Assistant Secretary to the Treasury under Ronald Reagan.  I think he has been referred to as the Father of Reaganomics.  He has changed his tune over the past 30 years to become an ACTIVIST!  He actually writes on his blog and speaks on alternative media outlets about his understanding of what's really going on behind the scenes in our government.

Do you think he understands the machinations of Washington DC, from Capitol Hill to the Pentagon?  If so, then you'd better listen to him.

He is not a whistleblower per se, not by the strict definition.  But he is an insider telling Americans on the Internet and on alternative media that the world is in a perilous place, due to a coup d'etat that has taken place in America.  The only problem is, most Americans don't realize their government has been taken over by stateless elitists hiding behind organized crime cartels.  These cartels are in such great control of world politics and economics that we actually THINK we are in control of the decision making process in what we call government.  Or we are dumbed-down employees working for corporations that are profiting from war and conflict.  That's why they are systemically too big to fail.  Too many of us actually work for them.  Imagine if we were able to actually hold special investigations and assign criminal punishment and fines to the guilty bastards at the top of the pyramid.  Then, just like Al Qaida, a new head would pop up and take the reigns.  Just like a terrorist organization.  After all, they do have their own intelligence networks, banks, central banks, transport, food, and insurance companies.  They have entire networks of approved operations that get plenty of media attention, while they surpress, subvert, and destroy the competition.

Read what Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has to say about Syria and then look at more of his articles on his website and videos on YouTube.

Syria: Another Western War Crime In The Making — Paul Craig Roberts

Syria: Another Western War Crime In The Making
Paul Craig Roberts

The war criminals in Washington and other Western capitals are determined to maintain their lie that the Syrian government used chemical weapons. Having failed in efforts to intimidate the UN chemical inspectors in Syria, Washington has demanded that UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon withdraw the chemical weapons inspectors before they can assess the evidence and make their report. The UN Secretary General stood up to the Washington war criminals and rejected their demand. However, as with Iraq, Washington’s decision to commit aggression against Syria is not based on any facts.
Finish the story here

Monday, August 19, 2013

LaRouche PAC vs. Ron Paulians vs. Bill Still on Monetary Reform

I am no expert but I can see a distinction between the Bill Still camp, the Ron Paul camp, and the Lyndon LaRouche camp on monetary reform and central banking.  This difference seems to be the crux of the "national bank" debate we see citing the Federal Reserve as the root of all monetary evil in the United States - an opinion which I also hold.  Keep in mind that all three of these camps are IGNORED by mainstream media because they are controlled by the big banks.

First, the Bill Still camp supports the end of fractional reserve banking altogether.  A good idea so long as there is a transition from our current 10% reserve requirement to 100% that doesn't completely dry up the money supply.  Bill Still also supports Ellen Brown and the Public Banking Institute and the notion of State owned banks like that of the Bank of North Dakota.  If enough of these banks are put in motion, we could counter the need for the Federal Reserve.  I am all for it.  He is also for competing currencies and ending the ability for governments to borrow.  Both are damn good ideas.

Second, Lyndon LaRouche and his LPAC group support the return of Glass-Steagall, the 1933 act that split the commercial and investment banking arms - a damn good idea since the investment banks are constantly inventing new ponzi schemes for making money, like the current several hundred trillion dollar derivatives market, at least $225 trillion is now held by the big five banks and supposedly covered by the FDIC.  If there was another Lehman moment, the derivatives would bankrupt the FDIC.

Third, LaRouche supports the return of a new Bank of the United States, one which is possibly more transparent than the Federal Reserve but still a Federally controlled central bank with fractional reserve banking, not backed by any hard and scarce commodity such as gold or silver.  This bank would be owned in part by the US government and the remainder by treasury holders, such as China, Japan, OPEN nations, all the major banks, etc.  LaRouche has a completely polar opposite opinion of history as it relates to Andrew Jackson, and Alexander Hamilton.  I believe you could refer to him as a Federalist.

Fourth, Ron Paul, primarily from the Austrian school of economics, believes in competing currencies, including the legalization of silver, as it was prior to the crime of 1873, and / or gold as it was before 1933 when we were on a full gold standard.  He believes in small government and that the Federal Reserve is suppressing interest rates and creating mal investment, such as the housing bubble, the bond bubble.

There are so many more points that should be debated, live on the Ron Paul Channel or elsewhere in mainstream media.  Lauren Lyster, Bob English, Max Keiser, Peter Schiff, Scott Horton, Ben Swann, and others could mediate and broadcast.

This is a big deal.  Each of these perspectives believes that the privately held Federal Reserve and its charter members (a subset of its owners) are destroying the global economy.  Make no mistake.  There is something wicked and nefarious about the Federal Reserve, its just that the opposition is not united, nor do they control the media so they are not heard.  90% of Americans could read this blog post and not have the slightest clue about what I am saying, but all those that are familiar with the "#EndTheFed", "#GlassSteagall", and "#PublicBank" memes are certainly familiar with part of it.

In a separate article here, I argue that Occupy and the TeaParty should unite to fight the big banks and government corruption.  This is THE ISSUE we should unite on!

I may be slightly wrong about each of these positions.  No doubt I am.  However, I am an average American with a Keynsian Economics degree that has spent at least 3 years of intense research on the question of the money supply, macroeconomics, banking, and insurance, and the crimes bankers commit and if I don't get it, it seems unlikely that the general public gets it.  Therefore, the public debate is necessary.  It would take months if not years to get the distinctions out. Meanwhile, maybe we could awaken, stir up, and unite enough people to make real progress on the problem.

Here are the 3 stories:

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

California introduced a resolution calling on Congress to pass #GlassSteagall legislation

California became the twenty-fourth state in the nation in which a resolution has been introduced calling on Congress to pass Glass-Steagall legislation, which is before both Houses of Congress. The measure, ACR 73, was introduced August 5 by Assemblyman Roger Hernandez, a Democrat from Los Angeles, and, so far, has one cosponsor. As a "concurrent" resolution, it can be brought before the Senate, as well.

In its preface, the resolution states that the "measure would urge the President and the Congress of the United States to enact federal legislation to protect the public interest by reviving the separation between commercial banking and speculative activity embodied in the Glass-Steagall Act."
In the following "Whereas" clauses, the resolution describes what Glass-Steagall did; that it was repealed in 1999, which allowed commercial banks to engage in "speculative activity [which] worked against the public interest by placing the commercial banks themselves in financial jeopardy and contributing to the Great Recession"; states that Dodd-Frank "does not provide the same level of the provisions of the Glass- Steagall Act"; and that the "public interest will continue to be at risk until commercial banks are prohibited from engaging in speculative activity again."

After identifying the House (HR 129) and Senate (S 985) bills, the memorial has a whereas clause which identifies the support for restoring Glass-Steagall from "diverse" groups and individuals, citing, among others, the AFL-CIO, AFT and IAM; Thomas Hoenig, David Stockman; economists Luigi Zingales and Lyndon LaRouche; Robert Reich; and "various state legislatures...."

That this resolution was introduced demonstrates that the line, that "California is back," which is being spread due to the "achievement" of a "balanced budget" pushed through by a Democratic Party super-majority in the legislature, is recognized as a fiction, and that the state is suffering from an accelerating collapse in agriculture and manufacturing. This collapse was "overcome" in the budget by the combined effects of a short-term revenue increase related to capital gains from the stock market bubble, which is not sustainable; accounting gimmicks; and the cumulative effects of more than $100 billion in cuts, especially in life-saving social programs, over the last decade.

The part-time, temporary and low-wage jobs created by this "recovery", combined with "green" spending, represent no alternative to national action, which has been acknowledged by many in the legislature, who agree that federal action, beginning with passage of Glass-Steagall, is a necessary pre-condition for a real recovery of the state, and national, economy.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

More on Glass-Steagall in the #DailyDuel

Starting at 20:24 is the #DailyDuel with Thom Hartmann and Bob English talking about Glass-Steagall.

Note that Thom Hartmann says the Federal Reserve should be NATIONALIZED! I would argue it should be shrunk in power and scope as well.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Federal Reserve is Desheeting Your Dollar into Worthless Toilet Paper #GlassSteagall #EndtheFed

When you feel as if your dollar doesn't go as far as it used to, remember the Federal Reserve prints money out of thin air and their charter member, primary dealer pals who own the Fed, are reducing your purchasing power.

Yet another reason to Reinstate #GlassSteagall and #EndtheFed.

Wolf Richter
While workers in the upper income categories, those who don’t have to worry about the price of toilet paper, have seen their incomes rise sharply over the years, the rest have been in a long downward spiral. To take just one measure: median household income, adjusted for inflation, has dropped 7.8% since 2000 (chart). The drop has been steeper for the lower income categories. These are the folks who do worry about the price of toilet paper. And for them, Kimberly-Clark Corp. and other tissue makers have a special strategy: “Desheeting.”
A word that top executives of personal-care conglomerates are proudly bandying about because it speaks of their corporate spirit of relentless innovation. And it cropped up during Kimberly-Clark’s second-quarter earnings call.
CFO Mark Buthman set the scene when he extolled “organic” sales growth of a whopping 3% in the second quarter, though actual sales, at $5.267 billion, were down fractionally year over year. A continuation of a worsening trend: in 2011, sales rose 5.5%. In 2012, sales rose only 1.0%, not even keeping up with inflation – a topic that came up a lot during the earnings call. In 2013, revenues look to be even more lackadaisical.
One exasperated analyst wanted to know with regards to the healthcare division, “Why do we have four quarters in a row of negative sales growth?”
“Yes. A couple of things,” retorted CEO Tom Falk, sticking to the rule of answering hairy questions with a yes; it would bamboozle everyone into having a positive attitude about the answer. “I think everybody in the healthcare space is trying to figure that out,” he said because his company wasn’t the only one with that problem. He ascribed it to high-deductible healthcare plans that encouraged consumers to make smart decisions; and to healthcare providers that pushed for “alternate therapies” before venturing into surgery. These efforts to tamp down on ballooning healthcare costs were giving his revenue-challenged company conniptions.
Yet Kimberly-Clark continues to eke out “adjusted earnings” growth – 8% per share in the second quarter. What gives? All manner of cost cutting, product-mix changes, and that word.
“Well, we took some desheeting in the quarter,” explained Mr. Buthman. The company was reducing the sheets on each roll of toilet paper and in each box of Kleenex. He called it an “innovation” that would lead to a “more positive” price. At the same time, volume, which the company counted in thousands of sheets, would decline. “Which net net, for us, works out to be a positive,” he said.
Citing the improved Cottonelle toilet paper line, he told an analyst, “It’s a great product, great category, growing rapidly. We will have to get you some, Connie, to try it.”
His strategy: “identifying and delivering cost savings in areas that our consumers and customers don’t care about....”
Because it’s tough out there. No revenue growth. Input prices that are increasing. Customers who can’t afford price increases. “Adjusted earnings” that have to increase. Solution: desheeting – rolls and boxes with fewer sheets. Consumers “don’t care about” that because they’re not supposed to notice.
Part of the innovation is to fluff up the tissue without adding more materials – 15% “bulkier,” it said on a box of Kleenex that had 13% fewer sheets in it, the Wall Street Journal discovered. In the Cottonelle line, sheet counts dropped by 5.7% to 9.6%. Fewer but fluffed up sheets, lower input costs for the company, and consumers who “don’t care about” that. A perfect solution – and a variation on an ancient theme – for hiding hefty price increases.
Other tissue makers are doing it too. They’re cutting the number of sheets per roll or box, they cutting the size of the sheets, and they’re fluffing up sheets to give consumers, as Mr. Buthman explained so eloquently in an interview, a “better, stronger, tissue so that you need fewer sheets to get the job done.”
But the math of getting “the job done” doesn’t quite work out that way. If someone for a particular “job” normally uses two sheets, he isn’t going to suddenly use 1.95 sheets for the same job to compensate for a 5% cut in sheet count, regardless of how fluffy and improved that innovative sheet may be. He’s going to use two sheets as before, and he’s going to buy more rolls and spend more money. If Kimberly-Clark’s cost-cutting and pricing strategy is working, he’ll never notice, though he might start wondering after a while where all his money is going.
Kimberly-Clark knows where his money is going. It’s propping up “adjusted earnings.” This is the high art of marketing to consumers who have been pauperized in small, nearly unnoticeable increments by over a decade of wage increases – for the lucky ones – that haven’t kept up with what the Fed is so passionate about creating: moderate inflation.
But the Fed has a problem. Foreigners have been big buyers of Treasuries. That buying collapsed during the financial crisis. Now, worried foreigners are once again bailing out. So far, the Fed has been picking up the slack. But what if the Fed were to “taper” those purchases, and long-term rates were to jump? Read....  Rising US Interest Rates Could Create An Economic Death Cycle. So Can The Fed Actually Taper QE?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Everyone but the big banks and their media pundits are FOR Reinstating #GlassSteagall

Remember Why Glass-Steagall Was Passed

The commission's hearings and findings provided a rationale for many of the laws adopted in the 1930s to regulate banking and the securities markets, including the Glass-Steagall Act, which forced banks to split their lending and securities businesses.
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Bob's Daily Buzzword: `Glass-Steagall'
July 17 (Bloomberg) -- Bob Rice, general managing partner with Tangent Capital Partners LLC, explains "Glass-Steagall." (Source: Bloomberg). Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. We are going to focus on glass- steagall.
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Glass-Steagall Act: It's Needed Now More Than Ever
The Glass-Steagall Act is the common name for four provisions of the Banking Act of 1933, which prohibited the merging of commercial and investment banking. It was enacted in response to the 1929 stock market collapse and subsequent financial crisis.
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Editorial: Elizabeth Warren, John McCain tackle Glass-Steagall Act
Along with Warren and McCain, Democrat Maria Cantwell of Washington and independent Angus King of Maine have introduced a modern version of the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act, which separated commercial banks from investment banks following the 1929 ...
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Elizabeth Warren Takes Victory Lap, Pushes New Glass-Steagall
In These Times
On Tuesday the Senate finally approved Richard Cordray as the first director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, putting an end to the two-year battle that prevented the federal agency from having a confirmed director. The CFPB was established ...
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Elizabeth Warren, the antidote to CNBC
Columbia Journalism Review
Last Friday, the senator made an appearance on “Squawk Box” to promote her 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act, which she's co-sponsoring with John McCain, and while there might not have been blood and teeth left on the floor, it was a TKO for Warren.
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Elizabeth Warren's new fight: Why the Tea Party backs it
That's the slogan accompanying Senator Elizabeth Warren's latest project, a highly anticipated bill that would reinstate the firewall between commercial and investment banking, first instituted after the Great Depression as the Glass-Steagall Act ...
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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The #dailydose of #GlassSteagall #TBTF #TBTJ and #BigBank Nonsense

Regulatory Rumpus: The Battle Over Reinstating Glass-Steagall
Among the small number of Americans who are passionate about financial regulation, no topic raises hackles more than the so-called Glass-Steagall act. It is “so-called” because when you hear the term “Glass-Steagall” the speaker is most certainly ...
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Sen. Elizabeth Warren Pitches 21st Century Glass-Steagall Bill
Fox Business
You're watching... Sen. Elizabeth Warren Pitches 21st Century Glass-Steagall Bill. Advertisement. Details. Description. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., argues we need to break up big banks. More Info; Share on Facebook; Share on Twitter; Expand Video.
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Glass-Steagall would not have stopped the crash
Financial Times
... global financial crash. It would have happened even if the Glass-Steagall Act in the US had been maintained in place rather than revoked; nor would the Vickers, Liikanen or Dodd-Frank proposals have made more than a minimal impact on the disaster.
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Fed's Tarullo: Glass-Steagall Return Not High on His List
A U.S. Federal Reserve official on Monday questioned the latest congressional plan to break up big banks, saying it is unclear whether such a move would prevent the next financial crisis. Fed Governor Daniel Tarullo, who has been the agency's point man ...
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Delamaide: Make banking boring (and safe) again
John McCain of Arizona and two other senators to introduce a 21st-century version of the Glass-Steagall Act that kept banks safe for six decades by separating commercial and investment banking. "Banking should be boring," Warren wrote in a blog post ...
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New Glass-Steagall Bill is An Attempt to “Go Back to the Future,” Says Sen. King
Yahoo! Finance (blog)
King says "this isn't the 'too big to fail' bill" -- the 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act creates a structural change in the banking system that would require big banks to break up into smaller institutions “in terms of functionality, not size ...
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Hard Push For New Glass-Steagall Act To Regulate Banks
Here And Now
Four senators, including Democrat Elizabeth Warren and Republican John McCain are proposing “The 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act” to force Wall Street to separate traditional banking from speculative investment. Under the proposed legislation, banks ...
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Economy News: New Glass-Steagall Bill Tries to Go Back to the Future
Massachusetts Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren is one of four senators who recently introduced the 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act, which, like the original 1933 statute, would separate commercial banking from investment banking in order to reduce ...
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Firebreaks are the best way to contain contagion
Financial Times
Firebreaks are the best way to contain contagion. From Mr Seb Walker. Sir, Your leader (“Split the banks”, July 13) advocates the reintroduction of a Glass-Steagall Act across the globe. Yet this populist approach ignores the fact that many of the ...
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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Bank Owned Media Fights New #GlassSteagall Act

Remember who owns and control the media in the USA, the UK, Israel, and Europe.  There are VERY few SOURCES of news and they are in the hands of the few.  The rest are just puppets and pundits supporting the Federal Reserve's infinity easing program, designed to inflate the assets held by their charter member banks.

Now they are speaking out AGAINST bank regulation, which must mean IT WILL WORK!

Old Glass-Steagall Worked. New One Won't.

The U.S. financial system of the mid-20th-century had positive qualities that we should seek to restore, but the separation of commercial banks from securities dealers isn't one of them. Advocates of bringing back the so-called Glass-Steagall act of ...
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Senate Glass-Steagall revival 'noise,' research firm says
MarketWatch (blog)
While the analysts don't see the modified Glass-Steagall Act getting traction, that doesn't mean they see curtains for bank reform. Their cases in point: likely adoption later this year of proposed minimum leverage ratio requirements, and the ...
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Fed's Tarullo says Glass-Steagall return not high on his list
Glass-Steagall proponents say a firewall is needed to prevent risk taking Wall Street firms from relying on backstops such as the Fed's discount window when they get in trouble. Warren said regulators fell down on the job by allowing Glass-Steagall to ...
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A new Glass-Steagall won't prevent another financial crisis
FORTUNE -- When banks behave badly, leave it to the Glass-Steagall Act to save the day. Such has been the mantra in the years following the 2007-2008 financial crisis -- the latest from U.S. senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.).
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Inside Glass-Steagall's Latest Comeback Attempt
Freshman Senator Angus King, one of three senators aiming to revive Glass-Steagall. Photo by Allison Shelley, Getty Images. Last Thursday, Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), John McCain (R-AZ) and Angus King (I-ME) proposed a new bill to the Senate ...
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Daniel Tarullo questions return to Glass-Steagall
Daniel Tarullo said Monday that the repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999 was not a major factor in the 2008 financial crisis and that putting it in back in place would not necessarily address the current threats to the financial system, such as banks ...
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FDIC's Hoenig Defends Warren's Glass-Steagall Act
The Vice Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has vigorously defended the reenactment of parts of the Glass-Steagall act sought by Senator Elizabeth Warren, along with other prominent members of the United States upper house.
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Daniel Tarullo questions value of return to Glass-Steagall
Last week the senators introduced what they are calling a modern day Glass-Steagall Act, arguing that Wall Street banks still pose a threat to the economy and taxpayers because they take too many risks risks and that the banking business should return ...
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Glass-Steagall II: If It's Not Fixed, Break It
Yahoo! Finance (blog)
Which is why the cynical idiocy of Glass-Steagall II as it's being called is so disheartening. Proposed by a bipartisan group of four Senators including Democrat Elizabeth Warren and Republican John McCain the new Glass-Steagall would force a ...
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Fed official doubts wisdom of returning to Glass-Steagall law
MarketWatch (blog)
In an interview Monday morning, Fed Governor Daniel Tarullo, the central bank's point man on bank regulation, said putting Glass-Steagall back in place would not address the current threats to the financial system, according to a report by Politico ...
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Monday, July 15, 2013

VIDEO Collection on #GlassSteagall - The banking legislation to take back America from the banking oligarchy

Watch and learn.  Reach out and talk to people.  Don't be fooled by the red herring stalling tactics bankers have been using for decades.  Things have gotten worse since 2008 - now the Federal Reserve is covering for the bankrupt bankers better than ever before, and NO ONE is AUDITING the Fed.

This is financial socialism.  They privatize the gains and socialize the losses.  It is also theft. Racketeering. Market rigging.  Cartels fixing prices to keep out non-cartel members.  They are creating a stateless corporate behemoth similar to IG Farben of World War II.  They circumvent, break, bend, and ignore our laws while sticking us with austerity, and the loss of liberty.

This is not a left, right, or center issue.  This is an issue for the 99% because the 1% are making the rules.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

More Hope than Tragedy Awaits Us All if Glass-Steagall is Passed


Despite all the tragedy filling the airwaves these days, there is a glimmer of hope.  After many years of obvious deception, fraud, and blatant theft both by investment and commercial bankers, lawyers, and accountants, there could be a restoration of the banking sector to its original purpose and scale.

Paving the Way for Economic Crises

The Glass-Steagall Act was repealed in 1999 under pressure from Wall Streetbankers trafficking in bundled subprime mortgages, derivatives, collateralized debt obligations, credit default swaps and the like. Inventing evermore exotic investment vehicles, the money movers pumped up a global financial bubble that eventually burst.

Officially it was blandly named the Banking Act of 1933 but around the world it is better known as Glass-Steagall, the ground-breaking piece of legislation that prevented commercial banks which took deposits from embarking on risky trading activities.

Carter Glass and Henry Steagall were the revolutionaries of the time. The years after the Great Depression sparked a debate in the US about how to prevent such devastation hitting the economy again, after nearly 5,000 banks collapsed.

Glass-Steagall forced commercial and investment banks to separate. Commercial banks were not allowed to underwrite the sales of stocks and bonds, while investment banks could not take in deposits from customers.

It remained in place for half a century before it was repealed in 1999 through the Financial Services Modernisation Act, again better known by the names of the politicians who promoted the legislation – Gramm, Leach and Bliley.

Since 1999, banks have been allowed to use commercial deposits and assets as fuel for securities trading on the derivatives market. Because commercial and speculative assets are so heavily comingled, the government is forced to protect the assets of banks making risky bets through near perpetual bailouts and purchasing of toxic debt.  It was the derivatives bubble that blew up the system and bankrupted the US banks in the 2007-2008 crash. 

Restoring Proper Financial Regulation 

Glass-Steagall forces separation of commercial from investment banks, it ends Too Big To Fail, bars government bailouts, and will stop the onset of hyperinflation.

On Friday Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Ia.) introduced Senate Bill 985 (#SB985) to reinstate Glass Steagall. While the full text of the Harkin bill has not yet been posted by the Library of Congress, the fact that there is now a Senate bill to reinstate full separation of commercial banking from all other brokerage and speculative activities is a dramatic development. The fight for Glass Steagall has now moved to a new level.

This comes at a very precise and fortunate time.  Earlier this year, Rep. Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio, introduced HR 129 to restore Glass-Steagall, saying, “The response of Congress to the 2008 financial crisis has been completely inadequate.”  Currently #HR129 – The Return to Prudent Banking Act– has 60 bipartisan co-sponsors in the House.  Four states have passed resolutions calling for reimplementation of Glass-Steagall, and a dozen other legislatures, including Virginia’s, are considering similar measures.

Specifically, the draft legislation has four components:

1. Commercial Banking institutions have one year to divest themselves of all non-commercial banking units, with no cross management or ownership between commercial and non-commercial units.

2. Commercial Banks are barred from using more than 2% of its capital for the creation, sale, or distribution of securities (certain bank-qualified securities are exempted)

3. Prevents Commercial Banks from loaning their commercial deposits into such vehicals as would support the creation and circulation of securities.

4. No securities of low or potentially low value can be placed by a bank into its insured commercial bank units. * Adds provision stating Glass-Steagall is the preeminant regulator of the banks, limiting banks from putting its depositors and shareholders at risk.

What is important about this legislation over all others is that there would be absolutely no room for loopholes.  There can be no accidental oversight or negligence.  Investment banking would be completely separated from commercial banking.   

This is NOT to be confused with the red herring that Obama supported earlier in his first term, known as the "Volcker rule" named after former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker .  That was a more complicated piece of legislation meant to stall real effective rules.  There is a reason for that.  Obama has received millions of dollars from investment banks, just like Romney, Bush, and all other presidential candidates.  The banks always hedge their bets and play both sides against the other.  DO NOT BE DECEIVED THIS TIME!

Additional Commentary

If you need more details on the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 and why it is important to restore, watch this video.  Max Keiser is an excellent financial news reporter that does not hold back any punches for any banker fraud and conspiracy.

And in case you need still more reason to support restoring Glass-Steagall, hear what Elizabeth Warren has to say about it.  Remember she was warning us all of the impending doom from 2005-2008 as the housing bubble and financial crisis was bubbling.

If you want to know more about who was responsible for repealing Glass-Steagall, watch this video and look to Alan Greenspan.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Would a Coalition of Occupy and TeaParty Make Sense? #GlassSteagall #PublicBanking #EndtheFed

Have you ever heard of the strategy of war called divide and conquer? The Romans used it to conquer in Europe and the British used it to conquer China during the Opium wars.  Now it is being used on us in the United States, as well as in Mexico, Canada, Europe, Russia, Africa, the whole damn world is on fire because we are being played like pawns in a global game of chess.

Here in the USA, we are all aware of the Tea Party and the Occupy Wall Street movements.  But do we know what they stand for and whether or not there have been people revolting like them in the past?

Let's look at right now for example.  Both movements are fired up about crime, corruption, coercion, taxes, economic conditions, and the quality of life in our communities.  We just disagree about who's responsible (who to blame) and how we should fix the problem (social engineering).

Ever heard of United We Stand, Divided We Fall?  Do you think the tactics still work today?  You'd better because we are split up like fools, allowing the manipulation to continue.  We don't even know it but the misery we feel today inflicted on us from outside forces and what we call the boom bust cycle or just life these days, is not happenstance.  You could not purposefully screw up government and finance any more if you tried.

Both Occupy and TeaParty want a better quality of life and to be left alone to live it.  Some blame government, some blame large corporations, some blame not so secret societies working like organized criminals.  Either way you look at it, things are fairly screwed up and we are not getting any younger.

It's about damn time we work together.  Put our heads together and think of ways to make a difference, pronto.

Writing for the Huffington Post, Bob Edgar suggests this is a good idea.

Left, right and center, Republican, independent, and Democrat, pretty much everyone agrees that our system has been corrupted. Big money, from banks and insurance companies, the medical lobby, defense contractors, the trial lawyers, the big unions and a boatload of other special interests, is in control.
The power of big money is why our tax laws allow some of our largest corporations and richest citizens to pay less than their fair share of our national expenses. It's why our military invests in high-tech weapons that are of little use to our troops in the Afghan mountains and Iraqi deserts. It's why the financial "wizards" who've nearly run our economy aground can get away with collecting fat bonuses drawn from government bailout funds. It's why we grow ever more dependent on energy purchased overseas from people who don't like us. It's why we can't get our act together to tackle the challenge of climate change. It's why Congress never seems able to do much of anything.

Writing for Fox Business, Dunstall Prial wrote something similar, and quoted several others who thought the same.

Virtually without exception, protesters who are willing to share their specific grievances inevitably connect their anger to the bailouts of the big Wall Street banks.

The image below was taken from Paul Hastings posting.  it shows how we started out the same and ended up different.  We should recognize that both movements have suffered from the Divide and Conquer efforts of billionaires that benefit from the status quo.

Comedy Central comedian and serious thinker Jon Stewart demonstrated the stark differences between how the media portrayed the two movements in a segment on his show.

We definitely have our differences, and that is how the powers that be split us up and that is how they continue to pilfer at our expense.

Until we put aside our differences and stand up for a common cause, we will be sidelined.

I say again, Would a Coalition of Occupy and TeaParty Make Sense?

I'd like to hear your thoughts.  Add comments below.