Showing posts with label organized crime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organized crime. Show all posts

Thursday, November 20, 2014

JP Morgan Pays Enormous Fine to Keep Whistleblower Quiet

The $9 Billion Witness: Meet JPMorgan Chase's Worst Nightmare | Rolling Stone

Fleischmann is the central witness in one of the biggest cases of white-collar crime in American history, possessing secrets that JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon late last year paid $9 billion (not $13 billion as regularly reported – more on that later) to keep the public from hearing.

Read more:

Sunday, October 6, 2013

WallStreet Blackmails America; DebtCeiling vs. GlassSteagall

Remember reading this a few days ago?

Blankfein Says Finance CEOs Urge Action on Debt Limit
By Phil Mattingly and Roger Runningen October 02, 2013 
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Chief Executive Officer Lloyd Blankfein left a White House meeting with President Barack Obama and said lawmakers are risking the economic recovery if they don’t raise the federal debt ceiling.
Blankfein was among a group of financial-industry executives including JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) CEO Jamie Dimon and Brian Moynihan, CEO of Bank of America Corp., who met with the president today, the second day of a partial government shutdown. Democrats and Republicans are deadlocked on spending legislation and already are battling over raising the U.S. debt limit, which is required by later this month to avoid a default.
Does any of this sound familiar? Remember 2008 when Henry Paulson, former Goldman Sachs CEO, and then Secretary of the Treasury told member of Congress there would be martial law and a complete breakdown of the global financial system if they didn't approve of a bailout.

Now read this email to subscribers of LaRouche PAC dated October 5th, 2013

Wall Street had demanded that President Barack Obama stop the reinstatement of Glass Steagall at all costs and instead move ahead with more bailouts and bail-in looting of the American people to preserve their thoroughly bankrupt system. The Wall Street policy means an acceleration of crippling hyperinflation, devastating austerity and, ultimately, mass murder of the nation's most vulnerable citizens.
Several highly qualified Washington sources have confirmed that this was the ultimatum delivered by the Wall Street delegation that met privately with Obama on Wednesday afternoon Oct. 2 at the White House. The delegation was organized by the Financial Services Forum, a coalition of the nation's 19 biggest banks and insurance companies, and included Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase; Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs; Brian Moynihan, CEO of Bank of America; Michael Corbat, CEO of Citibank; and Anshu Jain, CEO of Deutsche Bank.
IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde delivered the same message in an interview with the Financial Times on Oct. 4, in which she demanded that the Federal Reserve maintain the $85 billion a month quantitative easing bailout of the top Wall Street and Europe banks indefinitely. And Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, speaking for Obama, threatened that any U.S. default will trigger a financial crisis far worse than the September 2008 meltdown.
The reality, as bluntly stated by Lyndon LaRouche today, is that the ongoing government shutdown and threatened default on U.S. sovereign debt on Oct. 17 is nothing more than an orchestrated swindle, aimed at conditioning the American people for the murderous policies that have already been accepted by Obama and by leading Congressional Republicans.
LaRouche warned: "Unless Glass Steagall is passed into law immediately, Obama and Wall Street plan to unleash the worst mass murder austerity and looting of the American people ever. The total separation of commercial banking from all the gambling activities under Glass Steagall is the only remedy. Bankrupt Wall Street now, before they can unleash their genocidal schemes full-force. President Obama is nothing but a tool of these Wall Street interests, as evidenced by his slavish commitment to maintain the bailout/bail-in program and stop Glass Steagall."
LaRouche continued: "In a matter of days or weeks, Obama and his Congressional Republican cohorts, on orders from Wall Street, are going to unleash absolute Hell on the American public through even deeper killer austerity cuts than the sequestration of the past months. The government shutdown is the biggest dog and pony show ever, intended to prepare the population to accept more hyperinflation, more bailouts and bail-ins, and worsening conditions so that Wall Street can survive a bit longer while honest, hard-working Americans die in ever greater numbers.
"It is time for Congress to break from Wall Street and the bankers stooge in the White House, and do the only thing that can set the United States back on a course of genuine prosperity: Pass Glass Steagall by a veto-proof majority this week."
... Pass Glass Steagall, wipe out the power of Wall Street and their European allies, and get on with the business of reviving this nation and the world around a plan of genuine development..."
Now we are getting somewhere.  There have been several proposals for a Wall Street Sales Tax, and 2 separate bills in the House and Senate calling for Glass-Steagall to be reinstated.  There is widespread popular support across the political spectrum for financial reform, and yet the power and money of the banking system stands in our way once again.

There have been only 2 issues which have plagued this country since the very early days of the colonies.  Slavery and the control of the money supply.  This is it.  This is the true face of Wall Street and the globalist bankers.  They threaten global economic collapse because they can.  Because they control an immense portion of the worlds assets.  Through interlocking directorates, the big banks, their oil companies, and their organized crime syndicates, these criminals are repeating the very same tricks that got the US into World War I and World War II, and now we are on the verge of World War III involving Syria, Iran, Russia, China, and Israel.

A wise man once said:

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."  Thomas Jefferson

He should know.  He fought the very same banking cartels in his time.  Some things never change.

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