Showing posts with label #occupythefed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #occupythefed. Show all posts

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Will Democrats Stand With Rand and Support #AuditTheFed?

They should.  Many Democrats supported Occupy during the 2011-2012 American Spring which resulted in very little.  Now, RINO (that is not an insult but a compliment) Senator Rand Paul is supporting the 2014 Federal Reserve Transparency Act, otherwise known as #AuditTheFed.

More to come but here is the letter from Ron Paul seeking support for #AudittheFed:

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Ron Paul on The Global Central Bank Fraud and Cyprus

Ron Paul: "The Great Cyprus Bank Robbery"

Submitted by Tyler Durden to ZeroHedge on 04/02/2013

Bank Run European Central Bank European Union Federal Reserve Fractional Reserve Banking Gross Domestic Product International Monetary Fund Ron Paul Sovereign Debt

By Ron Paul

The Great Cyprus Bank Robbery

The dramatic recent events in Cyprus have highlighted the fundamental weakness in the European banking system and the extreme fragility of fractional reserve banking. Cypriot banks invested heavily in Greek sovereign debt, and last summer's Greek debt restructuring resulted in losses equivalent to more than 25 percent of Cyprus' GDP. These banks then took their bad investments to the government, demanding a bailout from an already beleaguered Cypriot treasury. The government of Cyprus then turned to the European Union (EU) for a bailout.

The terms insisted upon by the troika (European Commission, European Central Bank, International Monetary Fund) before funding the bailout were nothing short of highway robbery. While bank depositors have traditionally been protected in the event of bankruptcy or liquidation, the troika insisted that all bank depositors pay a tax of between 6.75 and 10 percent of their total deposits to help fund the bailout.

While one can sympathize with EU taxpayers not wanting to fund yet another bailout of a poorly-managed banking system, forcing the Cypriot people to pay for the foolish risks taken by their government and bankers is also criminal. In their desire to punish a “tax haven” catering supposedly to Russian oligarchs, the EU elites ensured that ordinary citizens would suffer just as much as foreign depositors. Imagine the reaction if in September 2008, the US government had financed its $700 billion bank bailout by directly looting American taxpayers' bank accounts!

While the Cypriot parliament rejected that first proposal, they will have no say in the final proposal delivered by the EU and IMF: deposits over 100,000 euros are likely to see losses of at least 40 percent and possibly as much as 80 percent. “Temporary” capital controls that were supposed to last for days will now last at least a month and might remain in effect for years.

Especially affected have been the elderly, who were unable to use ATMs or to transfer money electronically. Despite the fact that ATMs severely limited the size of withdrawals during the two week-long bank closure, reports indicated that account holders who had access to Cypriot bank branches in London and Athens were able to withdraw most of their funds, leading to speculation that there would be no money available when banks finally opened up again. In other words, the supposed Russian oligarch money may well be already gone.

Remember that under a fractional reserve banking system only a small percentage of deposits is kept on hand for dispersal to depositors. The rest of the money is loaned out. Not only are many of the loans made by these banks going bad, but the reserve requirement in Euro-system countries is only one percent! If just one euro out of every hundred is withdrawn from banks, the bank reserves would be completely exhausted and the whole system would collapse. Is it any wonder, then, that the EU fears a major bank run and has shipped billions of euros to Cyprus?

The elites in the EU and IMF failed to learn their lesson from the popular backlash to these tax proposals, and have openly talked about using Cyprus as a template for future bank bailouts. This raises the prospect of raids on bank accounts, pension funds, and any investments the government can get its hands on. In other words, no one's money is safe in any financial institution in Europe. Bank runs are now a certainty in future crises, as the people realize that they do not really own the money in their accounts. How long before bureaucrat and banker try that here?

Unfortunately, all of this is the predictable result of a fiat paper money system combined with fractional reserve banking. When governments and banks collude to monopolize the monetary system so that they can create money out of thin air, the result is a business cycle that wreaks havoc on the economy. Pyramiding more and more loans on top of a tiny base of money will create an economic house of cards just waiting to collapse. The situation in Cyprus should be both a lesson and a warning to the United States. We need to end the Federal Reserve, stay away from propping up the euro, and return to a sound monetary system.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Diabolical Central Bank Master Plan

Read this posting on Zerohedge:

Is This The Diabolical "Master Plan" Behind Crushing Europe's Depositors

Tyler Durden's picture

Last week, when we commented on the absolutely idiotic Eurogroup proposal (now voted down and replaced by an equally idiotic "bank resolution" proposal which will see uninsured deposits virtually wiped out) to tax uninsured and insured deposits, we jokingly suggested that this may be merely the latest ploy by the legacy status quo to achieve one simple thing: force depositors across the continent (and soon, world) to pull their money out of a malevolent, hostile banking system and push that money into stocks, or simply to spend it. This would help finally defeat the biggest bogeyman of the centrally-planned reflation attempt in the past 4 years - the absolutely dismal velocity of money which drops every time the G-7 central planners inject liquidity into stocks. 
We were joking, because it would be beyond conspiratorial to suggest that a central bank could go as far as wiping out the wealth and savings of an entire nation in order to promote broken monetary policy. It would be outright idiotic and not to mention criminal. Why purposefully endanger depositors, and thus an entire financial system, just to spook them and their money? Or so we thought until we read the following just as "conspiratorial" take from Deutsche Bank's Jim Reid:
Maybe the lesson from all of this is that if you are fortunate enough to have a fair degree of money you might be better off spending it! Maybe that’s the master plan here? Boosting activity by forcing people to use their money rather than deposit it! Indeed I wonder how long it’ll be before an equity strategist suggests that this is bullish as money might now leave deposit accounts and go into equities!
Sarcastic humor or sad, insolvent reality... You decide.

Does it remind you of something you have heard or read before?  Watch the video below.  G Edward Griffin has been telling us of the sinister and diabolical central bank planners for DECADES.  Very few are listening.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Would a Coalition of Occupy and TeaParty Make Sense? #GlassSteagall #PublicBanking #EndtheFed

Have you ever heard of the strategy of war called divide and conquer? The Romans used it to conquer in Europe and the British used it to conquer China during the Opium wars.  Now it is being used on us in the United States, as well as in Mexico, Canada, Europe, Russia, Africa, the whole damn world is on fire because we are being played like pawns in a global game of chess.

Here in the USA, we are all aware of the Tea Party and the Occupy Wall Street movements.  But do we know what they stand for and whether or not there have been people revolting like them in the past?

Let's look at right now for example.  Both movements are fired up about crime, corruption, coercion, taxes, economic conditions, and the quality of life in our communities.  We just disagree about who's responsible (who to blame) and how we should fix the problem (social engineering).

Ever heard of United We Stand, Divided We Fall?  Do you think the tactics still work today?  You'd better because we are split up like fools, allowing the manipulation to continue.  We don't even know it but the misery we feel today inflicted on us from outside forces and what we call the boom bust cycle or just life these days, is not happenstance.  You could not purposefully screw up government and finance any more if you tried.

Both Occupy and TeaParty want a better quality of life and to be left alone to live it.  Some blame government, some blame large corporations, some blame not so secret societies working like organized criminals.  Either way you look at it, things are fairly screwed up and we are not getting any younger.

It's about damn time we work together.  Put our heads together and think of ways to make a difference, pronto.

Writing for the Huffington Post, Bob Edgar suggests this is a good idea.

Left, right and center, Republican, independent, and Democrat, pretty much everyone agrees that our system has been corrupted. Big money, from banks and insurance companies, the medical lobby, defense contractors, the trial lawyers, the big unions and a boatload of other special interests, is in control.
The power of big money is why our tax laws allow some of our largest corporations and richest citizens to pay less than their fair share of our national expenses. It's why our military invests in high-tech weapons that are of little use to our troops in the Afghan mountains and Iraqi deserts. It's why the financial "wizards" who've nearly run our economy aground can get away with collecting fat bonuses drawn from government bailout funds. It's why we grow ever more dependent on energy purchased overseas from people who don't like us. It's why we can't get our act together to tackle the challenge of climate change. It's why Congress never seems able to do much of anything.

Writing for Fox Business, Dunstall Prial wrote something similar, and quoted several others who thought the same.

Virtually without exception, protesters who are willing to share their specific grievances inevitably connect their anger to the bailouts of the big Wall Street banks.

The image below was taken from Paul Hastings posting.  it shows how we started out the same and ended up different.  We should recognize that both movements have suffered from the Divide and Conquer efforts of billionaires that benefit from the status quo.

Comedy Central comedian and serious thinker Jon Stewart demonstrated the stark differences between how the media portrayed the two movements in a segment on his show.

We definitely have our differences, and that is how the powers that be split us up and that is how they continue to pilfer at our expense.

Until we put aside our differences and stand up for a common cause, we will be sidelined.

I say again, Would a Coalition of Occupy and TeaParty Make Sense?

I'd like to hear your thoughts.  Add comments below.

Friday, July 20, 2012

CALL YOUR Congressman NOW! To Support Ron Paul's Bill to Audit the Federal Reserve!

Congressman Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill, H.R. 459, will be voted on this Tuesday, July 24, in the U.S. House!

Audit the Fed will be brought up under a "suspension of the rules."

This means the Fed's allies won't be able to offer ANY amendments to water down the bill.

But under suspension, we must have a two-thirds majority to win, so we need your help more than ever to push the bill over the top.

Audit the Fed currently enjoys the support of a majority of the U.S. House, but you and I know from experience that nothing can be taken for granted.

Please contact your representative right away and demand they vote "YES" on Audit the Fed.

Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CD 1) 202-225-3311 Rep. Wally Herger (R-CD 2) 202-225-3076 Rep. Daniel E. Lungren (R-CD 3) 202-225-5716 Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CD 4) 202-225-2511 Rep. Doris O. Matsui (D-CD 5) 202-225-7163 Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D- CD 6) 202-225-5161 Rep. George Miller (D-CD 7) 202-225-2095 Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CD 8) 202-225-4965 Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CD 9) 202-225-2661 Rep. John Garamendi (D-CD 10) 202-225-1880 Rep. Jerry McNerney (D-CD 11) 202-225-1947 Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CD 12) 202-225-3531 Rep. Pete Stark (D-CD 13) 202-225-5065 Rep. Anna G. Eshoo (D-CD 14) 202-225-8104 Rep. Mike Honda (D-CD 15) 202-225-2631 Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CD 16) 202-225-3072 Rep. Sam Farr (D-CD 17) 202-225-2861 Rep. Dennis Cardoza (D-CD 18) 202-225-6131 Rep. Jeff Denham (R-CD 19) 202-225-4540 Rep. Jim Costa (D-CD 20) 202-225-3341 Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CD 21) 202-225-2523 Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CD 22) 202-225-2915 Rep. Lois Capps (D-CD 23) 202-225-3601 Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-CD 24) 202-225-5811 Rep. Buck McKeon (R-CD 25) 202-225-1956 Rep. David Dreier (R-CD 26) 202-225-2305 Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CD 27) 202-225-5911 Rep. Howard Berman (D-CD 28) 202-225-4695 Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CD 29) 202-225-4176 Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CD 30) 202-225-3976 Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CD 31) 202-225-6235 Rep. Judy Chu (D-CD 32) 202-225-5464 Rep. Karen Bass (D-CD 33) 202-225-7084 Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CD 34) 202-225-1766 Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CD 35) 202-225-2201 Rep. Janice Hahn (D-CD 36) 202-225-8220 Rep. Laura Richardson (D-CD 37) 202-225-7924 Rep. Grace Napolitano (D-CD 38) 202-225-5256 Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CD 39) 202-225-6676 Rep. Ed Royce (R-CD 40) 202-225-4111 Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-CD 41) 202-225-5861 Rep. Gary Miller (R-CD 42) 202-225-3201 Rep. Joe Baca (D-CD 43) 202-225-6161 Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CD 44) 202-225-1986 Rep. Mary Bono (R-CD 45) 202-225-5330 Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CD 46) 202-225-2415 Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-CD 47) 202-225-2965 Rep. John Campbell (R-CD 48) 202-225-5611 Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CD 49) 202-225-3906 Rep. Brian P. Bilbray (R-CD 50) 202-225-0508 Rep. Bob Filner (D-CD 51) 202-225-8045 Rep. Duncan D. Hunter (R-CD 52) 202-225-5672 Rep. Susan Davis (D-CD 53) 202-225-2040

Your dedication and determination have produced this historic moment in our battle against the Fed, but our work is not done yet.

Please contact your representative right away and demand they vote "YES" on Audit the Fed.

There has never been a better chance to turn Audit the Fed into the law of the land, but our success depends on your willingness to take action now.

Time is short, so please contact your representative today!

In Liberty,

Deb Wells Interim California State Coordinator Campaign for Liberty

P.S. Congressman Ron Paul's H.R. 459 will be voted on this Tuesday, July 24, so time is running out to call your representative!

Please contact Congress right away and urge your representative to vote "YES" on Audit the Fed!