Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hemp Prohibition is the Epitome of Fascism in America

The following is an excerpt from my upcoming book entitled "The Great American Renaissance"

"The issue of hemp legalization in the United States is the epitome of fascism. Remember fascism is the merger of government and corporations to monopolize the markets and control the citizens.  The same international money cartel and self appointed aristocratic families that have controled the American money supply, indebted our nation, brought war to our shores, and assassinated our presidents is responsible for the prohibition of industrial hemp.  They fear that let loose, hemp would create an entire new industry out of their control, one that would reduce their market share for the production of textiles, pharmaceuticals, energy, plastics, and eventually, most importantly, control of the money supply through the Federal Reserve.  

Legalized hemp would allow farmers to cultivate a plant that they could then distill into a fuel which would ease the financial burden of farming and provide financial freedom and indepedence to millions of Americans across the country as anyone that owns an acre of land could produce their own energy.  The very fact that industrial hemp is illegal in the United States, and around the world for that matter, represents the essence of control by the 1% of the remaining 99%.  By legalizing hemp, will we be well on our way to resolving the energy crisis, the health crisis, the personal and governmental debt crisis, as well as the man made portion of the climate issues."

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