Friday, February 17, 2012

Why Big Oil & Big Banks and the Federal Reserve Are Driving Our Country into the Ditch

If I was running an oil company, I would want to make you desire my product as much as possible.  its a limited resource globally, the price can only go up.  It's like squeezing blood from a turnip.

(Buy oil stocks. Make their price go up so high that it bursts.  So that every American starts to feel the pain so they will wake up and realize that we are under attack, in a war, and our monetary and foreign policy have been hijacked by foreign cartels.  We are so blind to the truth because no one in the mass media will come out and say it.  Why? Because the 5 major media companies in the US are owned in part by the same banker cartels that    caused the crisis, got the bailouts, and are now laughing their ass off while we plunder into oblivion.  If we let it go any further this will look much worse than World War II.  This will generate riots greater and more fierce than after the Vietnam War.  This will drive us further into debt until we are broke.  And the last time a superpower went broke it was 1989.  tianemen square, velvet revolution, fall of the berlin wall, romania, hungary, Panama, all fell to the American Empire that our presidential military industrial complex is running.  Eisenhower warned of the Congressional military industrial complex but the president can assassinate with drones.  He is showing off to the Pentagon with his CIA, covert, secret operations.  Meanwhile our own military is telling us to GET OUT of the middle east but they cant make the decision.  Only the president can.  And we are in the middle east to protect Saudi Arabia and the banking cartels oil investment with Saudi Aramco.  Was it on their behalf that we invaded Iraq? Or wa that just to provoke Iran into war? Wil the Iran war be a distraction from further financial rape here at home? Last time there was a war, Dick Cheney made $1.2 trillion dollars disappear from the Pentagon.

Then Hank Paulson and his Federal Reserve loaned domestic and international banks $26 trillion dollars.  Much of which is now held at the central banks all around the world.  As soon as they release that money to the market, it will be another boom.

And who got the MF Global customer money when they went bankrupt?  JP Morgan.  Who pays the attorneys that run the trustee and bankruptcy proceedings.  And who losses? Minnesota Farmers? Jon Corzine, former governor and former head of Goldman Sachs knows EXACTLY how to steal and get away with it.

JP Morgan knows how to leverage Corzine to steal for them.  And guess who benefited the most from processing government loans to students? JP Morgan.  And guess who got the biggest bailout? JP Morgan. And guess who owns JP Morgan stock?

The same people that own Shell Oil stock. Don't you see? They have rigged our laws, our courts, our congress, our elections, our banking, our monetary and foreign policy.  We have been occupied!

Our government and economy are being controlled by a small group of very savvy psychopaths that know how to make money betting on both sides of every battle.

Every time somebody comes out with the truth, they get ignored by the mass media.  Which then makes it conspiracy theory, until knowledge of the truth crosses the chasm and reaches the tipping point of revolution.

We must convince Democrats, Republicans, and Independents to work together to take control of our country, or we will end up like Greece - a victim of financial rape.  We should hope we can turn out like India and keep control of our money supply and defend our borders and reach enlightenment.  Otherwise, we are likely to suffer much more than we already have.  We may end up like Russia in 1914 or Libya in 2011 or Iraq in 2003, Syria in 2012, .   Can't you see the world is already at war.  this is the beginning of world war 3 and if we are not careful we could all end up dust in the wind.

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