Friday, October 7, 2011

Inside Job or Externally Driven Change

Can nations change from the inside out or must it be forced upon the people, companies, and governments ny an outside force such as resource depletion, trade and currency wars, or worse, military wars, organized crime, or terrorism?

Certainly it can be either way, it just depends on how perceptive, persistent, and persuasive our public figures are.

It should not be based in which one side has greater access to capital, but that is the way things have been for thousands of years.

Athens, Rome, Babylon, Tripoli, Kyoto, Leningrad.  All were centers of great empires at some point in human history.  Each one has been raped, pillaged, and plundered after their fall, which is happening now.  Foreign robber barons from around the world have been buying up our assets and institutions since we lost of sovereignty in 2012.

Just as the USSR changed its name after the fall of communism, so will the United States of America after the fall of the fedral reserve system, the banking oligarchy, and the USD.

Then it will be time for patriots, citizens, consumers, politicians, employees, employers, professors, police, nurses, teachers, and even ex bankers to tuck their tail in shame and begin rebuilding a more balanced and sustainable model. 

6 years will be the key.  Every six years the people will vote for their representatives, not just in the Whitehouse, but also the congress, the treasury, the courts, etc.  From local levels to national.

On the same cycle so we as a collective group of citizens will judge our representatives as a whole AMD individually.  There will be retrospective workshops held every cycle where debates will be held about how well the previous administration did. They will detemine what went.well and didn't work. 

They will be measured by gross national happiness which is polled on a regular basis.

Laws and regulations will be adjusted, appealed, or renewed on a local basis depending on how well they functioned.

Their will be good will and debt but they must be balanced on a an annual basis with no more than 6 years accumulation beyond the zero plus

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