Friday, September 30, 2011

Letters to a President 9/30/201

Dr Paul,

You just might have a chance of winning! They are listening to you.  Hell, Perry is copying you.  You just have to get out there and do something that no president has done since Jimmy Carter; TELL THE TRUTH.

The Fed, The Weed, The Oil Companies, The Banks - Real American History.

But you also have to TELL US A VISION we can all stand behind, as well as KENNEDY.

Something as grande as Kennedy's Trip to the Moon (assuming that was even real).  But it moved us all towards one goal.  Tell them about the high speed rail we can build that runs on solar, hydro, and hemp bio-diesel.  Tell them about the roaring horse power of the new American Bullet trains powered cutting edge technology.  

That's a vision people will stand behind when the price of gas reaches $10 a gallon, which is what will happen when the Eurozone tumbles.  Investors will flee to the USD and gold, maybe silver, and the Pound Sterling, and YUAN from China.  Some to the indian ruppee and others to the russian ruble. Al currencies will spike as the world economies feel the ripple affect of the Greek and Italian defaults.  Then, imports will become more expensive.  Some will even blame others countries for their misery and then the CIA, MI6, ISI and Mossad will play their games and someone will end up dead.  Then a war will start and where will be be?

And that's why hemp should be legalized.  Because war is politix by another means, and economix is business by other means, and business is sometimes personal.  Because it was made illegal to protect the cotton and papers industries and now it stays illegal to protect the oil and banking industries.  

If every American was allowed to grow hemp in their backyard and sell it on the market at a fair price, it would become a commodity.  And then the bankers and speculators would fuck that up too.

Anyway, hemp could become a source of fuel and income.  Some regulations, but the people could regulate themselves with third party auditing.  Balance the powers.  The people need more equity.  The middle class need more equity.  Less debt.

Got it? I'll explain more in my book.  For now you can follow @twistedpolitix

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