Sunday, March 16, 2014

Syria: the forgotten conflict? #Genocide

'West created Frankenstein monster in Ukraine'

Will the US government and NGOs interfere in Scotland's referendum as they have in Ukraine and Crimea?

U.S. Senators Make A Spectacle Of Themselves In Ukraine

Senator McCain LIES on C-SPAN in front of Ukrainian people - This so-called bipartisan group of Senators do NOT have the support of American people.  Where are the representatives of the Independents? Where is the  non-partisan media in the USA? Independents DO NOT want ANOTHER WAR over natural resources; in this case, natural gas.

My Letter to Congress Demanding Support for #HR24, #AuditTheFed

Write your representative of Congress TODAY!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Will Democrats Stand With Rand and Support #AuditTheFed?

They should.  Many Democrats supported Occupy during the 2011-2012 American Spring which resulted in very little.  Now, RINO (that is not an insult but a compliment) Senator Rand Paul is supporting the 2014 Federal Reserve Transparency Act, otherwise known as #AuditTheFed.

More to come but here is the letter from Ron Paul seeking support for #AudittheFed:

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

After 100 Years of TwistedEconomix, It's Time to #AuditTheFed

Time to do a little homework my friend.  Your central bank is not a benevolent and misguided bureaucratic old farts club.  It is more like organized crime.  A cartel.  Price fixing, market manipulation, engaging in the most heinous forms of usury known to man.

Or is it?

Make your own decision.  Just watch.  And share.  #AuditTheFed

How Monetary Policy Drives Foreign Policy

And the Council on Foreign Relations controls monetary policy via the Federal Reserve....

It should now be evident that America's foreign policy is to an extent being driven by our banking mess. Again and again, we see Washington, including Wall Street's handmaiden, the Fed, exporting monetary chaos implicitely in order to weaken the status of potentially competing reserve currencies:
  • Wall Street sent a tsunami of bad AAA-rated mortgage debt to Europe, much to Germany, the locus of power for the Euro (and again, implicit admission of guilt is seen in the apparent fronting of billions of bailout dollars to the European banks by the Fed after the crisis);
  • Washington has apparently fomented or supported a coup in the Ukraine that increases the likelihood of war in Europe dramatically therefore sending the gigantic pools of liquid financial assets in the world scurrying into the greenback and US Treasuries, which the Chinese have stopped gobbling up;
  • the other factor is that the military-industrial complex needs war to get its funding, and when drone-bombing rag-heads can't provoke a serious attack, destabilizing a former Eastern bloc nation and provoking a somewhat justifiably paranoid Russian leader into military action guarantees at least a shot in the arm of crisis funding.
Russia has repeatedly stated over the past decades that an EU move on the Ukraine crosses a red line. The EU ignored the warning, and with the US's help and the ire of Ukrainians sick of a corrupt government crossed Putin's red line. What the Ukrainians want is democracy and relief from their corrupt plutocrats (see previous post's article by Paul Craig Roberts).
The US has no compelling strategic interest in the Ukraine, or in the Crimea remaining part of the Ukraine. Yes, the Ukraine has been looted by its oligarchs, just as Russia was, and just as the US is being looted by its oligarchs right now; incomes of a majority of American households are falling so the banks can collect on bad debts. It would be nice for people everywhere if they could break the grip of the plutocrats over their livelihoods. In the Ukraine, to substitute debt servitude to Western banks for the domination of the oligarchs would only accelerate the collapse of the EU. And it's not clear the EU, if it offers help, won't be ripped off by the oligarchs as well. The new government in the Ukraine has already increased the power of the oligarchs by giving them provinces to rule, so it's not clear the Western "rescuers" are even able to help solve the fundamental problem at all, and might end up losing their shirts again, as they have in Greece, Portugal, et al.
Until democratic governments around the world become strong enough to counteract the power of the plutocrats by taxing them, both their income and their wealth (as Sweden does) the revolving looting of sovereign governments and demolition of middle classes by the plutocrats and their corporations will continue.
A couple of posts ago I said the scariest thing I've heard recently was Catherine Anne Fitts saying what the world needs now is a global debt for equity swap. I should say I generally like Ms. Fitts' analysis and suspect she may even have misspoken when she made this comment. Such a move would concentrate ownership of the world's assets sufficiently to create even more of a Plantation Earth than we have currently.
She identified the problem, but not the solution. What the world needs now is a global jubilee, debt forgiveness. The debt that the Fed is shoving under the carpet via QE is what is known in banking circles as "bad debt." It is loans that never should have been made because they will never be repaid. In honest not crony capitalism such debts come out of the profits (as losses) of the banks that made them. In crony capitalism, with a central bank controlled by the banks, such debts are "paid back" by being monetized and put on the backs of the taxpayers either directly or through inflation.
The austerity programs Europe has put in place so that Wall Street and European banks can be paid back bad debts have destroyed more than one economy and more are probably yet to fall. (The idea promoted ten plus years ago of "convergence" of interest rates in the EU between periphery and core caused me to gag at the time.) Debt slavery to Western banks is not the answer. (China is apparently making similar mistakes; it will be interesting to see what they do with the bad debt. I suspect their strong central government will tell the bankers to go stuff it.) Ms. Fitts suggests that sooner or later the plutocrats will destroy the banks in order to buy them cheap and collect the rents themselves, canny suggestion indeed.
Chaos in the world = a strong dollar. Until it doesn't. Chaos has a way of being unpredictable.
Capitalism has killed democracy. "Free" markets dominated by monopolies and oligopolies are not what Adam Smith had in mind. It's time for democracy to be reborn. There are degrees of economic inequality that are simply immoral and destructive and humankind has the right to reject them. When the top 85 families own as much as the bottom 3.5 billion people, as recently reported, we have reached such a point.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Bilderberg Group: The Secret Rulers of the World


Council on Foreign Relations - The Power Behind Big News


Rockefeller Controlled Media


Study Finds: The Council on Foreign Relations Controls Mass Media


#AuditTheFed Close to Majority in the House

As we push to pass 200 and get a majority (218) to sign on the bill once again, I hope you’ll sign your petition to your U.S. Representative today. 

The House version of Audit the Fed (H.R. 24) stands at 195 cosponsors, just 23 short of a majority.

If you’ve already signed it, please forward it to family and friends so we can mobilize as many Americans as possible and keep building our momentum! 

For more information on why our nation can’t afford to wait any longer to Audit – and then END – the Fed, please see my original email below. 

In Liberty,

Ron Paul 

Campaign for Liberty
Dear Andrew,

"Monetary morphine." 

That's how some are now referring to the Fed's risky and unprecedented print-now, ask-questions-later policies. 

As a doctor, I can tell you morphine is one of the most dangerous and addictive substances known to man. First, just a little of the opiate masks a patient's pain. But then, addicts crave more and more until overdoses result in death.

Andrew, the Fed has tried hard to mask many of our economic problems for years now. But today, the first cracks are starting to appear in what I believe will be nothing less than a Federal Reserve-created, global financial meltdown

And every second Congress waits to finally audit and EXPOSE the Federal Reserve - the first step toward finally ENDING the Fed once and for all - the problems get bigger and bigger

That's why it's critical you sign your Audit the Fed petition right away. 

As you'll see, this petition urges your U.S. Representative to do everything in their power to achieve a standalone, roll call vote on the Audit the Fed bill (H.R. 24), including cosponsoring it if they haven't yet done so. 

As Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid showed us during Fed Chair Janet Yellen's confirmation fight - when he blatantly broke Senate rules rather than allow so much as a vote on Audit the Fed - he'll resort to any dirty trick in the book to stop you and me

But the truth is, there's never been any defense in Washington, D.C. against a tidal wave of angry Americans DEMANDING political action - or politicians' hides. 

That's exactly why I'm counting on your action today to help me create that tidal wave of outrage before it's too late

You see, just recently, news broke that Wall Street bigwigs, including George Soros' investment firm, held off-the-record private meetings with Fed officials, where they urged a new round of Fed "intervention" to prop up Europe. 

Apparently, the TRILLIONS in bailouts and secret loans the Fed has issued to overseas banks in recent years aren't working. 

Now, some foreign banks are fearing old-fashioned panics and demanding depositors show proof of need just to withdraw "large amounts" of their own money! And I'm afraid it's only a matter of time until this madness reaches our shores. 

Today the U.S. dollar acts as the world's "reserve currency" - the currency most often used in international trading. 

This has encouraged our federal government's monetary morphine high, enabling Congress to spend like drunken sailors as U.S. dollars - even when printed out of thin air - stay in demand around the globe

But as foreign economies crumble and stop needing U.S. dollars - and the Federal Reserve continues to print money like there's no tomorrow - I truly fear an all-out, global financial catastrophe resulting in the collapse of the U.S. dollar

And our massive and growing $17.3 TRILLION national debt could end up wiping out every last shred of American wealth.

That's why your action today is so critical

If you and I can FORCE Congress to Audit the Fed, the American people will finally see that the Federal Reserve System leads to: 

*** Ever-expanding Big Government boondoggles like "ObamaCare." 

Now that politicians have figured out the Fed will just create money out of thin air to pay the bills if taxing and borrowing can't make ends meet, the floodgates are wide open for even more of the statists' utopian plans; 

*** Constant economic crises

The housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally planned interest rates and money manipulation; 

*** The destruction of the middle class

As fuel, food, housing, medical care, and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money sinks; 

*** Currency destruction

History shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize their money isn't worth the paper it's printed on and REFUSE to accept it. 

That's why it's so important you help me turn up the heat on Congress today

I know that despite an outpouring of action by the American people during Janet Yellen's confirmation hearing, Senator Reid flat-out REFUSED to allow a vote on Audit the Fed

But luckily for him, my ability to participate in the fight was limited by federal law. 

As a former Member of Congress, I was restricted on what I could say and do regarding legislation and grassroots mobilization for one year after leaving office. For example, I couldn't even directly ask you to call Congress for or against a piece of legislation. 

But those restrictions were lifted on January 4. 

And with so much at stake, I'm more determined than ever to FORCE Congress to act on auditing the Federal Reserve

Without an audit, I'm afraid there could be no stopping the economic calamity you and I both sense roaring at us like a freight train. 

The good news is your action is proven to work. 

Just ten years ago, discussion of the Federal Reserve was limited almost solely to libertarian academics and a few of us in Congress. 

Today, it's a MAJOR national political issue - one supported by nearly 75% of the American people. 

And it's your action in support of Campaign for Liberty that put it there

Thanks to your help, my Audit the Fed bill passed the U.S. House with an incredible bipartisan three-fourths majority in 2012. And if you and I can create another massive tidal wave of action in 2014, I'm convinced there will be no stopping us

But there's no time to waste. You and I have a LOT of work to do. 

And it all starts in the House. 

Today, the House version of Audit the Fed (H.R. 24) stands at 195 cosponsors, just 23 short of a majority

If you and I can pressure a majority of House members to cosponsor Audit the Fed, pressure will dramatically increase on the House Leadership to schedule a vote. 

I'm confident, once a vote is scheduled, the bill will sail through the House yet again. 

At that point, will Senator Reid and President Obama really be able to say "NO" to holding a vote? 

Well, 2014 is an election year. 

As I mentioned earlier, Audit the Fed is supported by nearly 75% of the American people. 

"Thanks" to ObamaCare, NSA spying, and a host of other issues, the political winds are already blowing against President Obama and Senator Reid. 

If they want to add Audit the Fed to the mix, it'll be their political funeral in 2014

The American people are FED UP with Big Government politicians trying to run their lives. 

And more and more now understand Federal Reserve banksters aren't running our economy anywhere but into the ground. 

That's why it's so important you sign your petition IMMEDIATELY

My hope is to contact up to 12 million Americans from coast-to-coast to generate additional petitions to Congress. 

That alone will dramatically turn up the heat on Congress to take action. But I'm not going to stop there. 

In fact, I've instructed Campaign for Liberty staff to craft a $500,000 Internet, email, and TV mobilization campaign. 

Not only that, but it seems just about every other day, I get a call from another news network asking for an interview. 

Now that my restrictions have been lifted, I'm going to come after the Fed with everything I have

But I'm just one man. And I know what it's like to stand alone. 

For almost 40 years, I've fought to restore constitutional principles in America. 

I've warned about the dangers of the Fed. 

Today, as much as I hate to see it, my predictions are coming true

But I know I'm not alone any more. The support of good folks like you who are willing to take action to save our beloved Republic gives me hope. 

So won't you please sign the petition to your U.S. Representative at once

And, if you can, please agree to your most generous contribution

Campaign for Liberty doesn't have the money in the bank to fund everything that needs to be done. 

And I know without money, all our best-laid plans are nothing but words on paper. So I'm counting on you to help me turn up the pressure on Congress. 

Won't you please agree to a generous contribution of $30

I know I'm asking you to stretch. 

But I also know you understand just how important it is we finally Audit the Fed and FORCE our federal government to give up its addiction to "monetary morphine." 

Of course, if $30 is just too much, please give what you can. 

Perhaps you can give $20 or $10? 

Regardless of what you can give, please act right away. 

Please sign your petition and agree to your most generous contribution of $30, $20, $10, or whatever you can afford IMMEDIATELY

In Liberty,

Ron Paul 

P.S. Every second Congress waits to finally audit and EXPOSE the Federal Reserve - the first step toward finally ENDING the Fed once and for all - the problems get bigger and bigger

Now that my legal restrictions have been lifted, allowing me to turn up the pressure on Congress higher than ever,Campaign for Liberty is doubling down on its efforts to Audit the Fed before the Federal Reserve destroys every last shred of American wealth

That's why it's critical you sign your petition to your U.S. Representative and make your most generous contribution of $30, $20, or at least $10 TODAY

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Foreign Intervention and the Ukraine Crisis #EliteAgenda

After watching this, do your own research on how the wealthy elites are manipulating US foreign policy for their own benefit, to the detriment of the already heavily damaged reputation of the United States government.

Remember this is the CAUSE of the current crisis in Ukraine and was the REASON Putin intervened.  Any American or NATO response to Putin's intervention is based on lies, just like Iraq, Syria, Iran, or any other sovereign nation in which the US military and US government cowardly intervenes for economic reasons.

Listen to John Perkins, author of "Confessions of an Economic Hitman".  This is how countries get hoodwinked.