Showing posts with label optimistic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label optimistic. Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2011

America's Lost Generation

Starting with the Reagan presidency in 1981, through Bush Sr., Clinton, and ending in the final 6 months of  George W Bush' second term in 2008, Americans were distracted with the false belief in infinite growth enabled and driven by the perpetual flow of cheap energy, cheap credit, 401ks, and explosive real estate.  The obsession became an addiction to oil and money that stripped most Americans of any conscience.  This became the slippery slope down the road to a hollow soul and empty culture that was no longer capable of self reflection or positive contribution to mankind.  It wasn't just Americans of course.  Others around the world who did not understand sinister geopolitics and our hidden motives, were equally drawn to our wealth and lifestyle.

For those that witnessed the falls of the twin towers on September 1, 2001, it was a wake up call that something was wrong as the American dream suddenly started to turn into a nightmare.  Meanwhile, many continued to deny anything was wrong at all.  Elsewhere in the world a revolution was brewing with envy of American prosperity and anger at American hypocrisy and audacity.

Bush's presidency laid the final death blows to the American psyche and economy with favors for his good ole boy network that deregulated the banking and energy industries, gave tax breaks to the wealthy, legalized torture, stripped Americans of civil liberties, and burdened the US Government with the financial debt of war and burdened the American people with the psychological debt of guilt for allowing the destruction of the planet by fascist neoconservative movement motivated by greed, matched in history only by Mussolini, Hitler, and the Japanese imperial army.  America has become a sick derivative of its founding fathers' vision in less than 300 years.

And now we are at a fork in the road with several possible futures.  The optimistic,
the pessimistic
the pragmatic,
the hopeless
the angry
the addicted continue filling their veins with mindless sex, synthetic prescription drugs, poisonous processed food and alcohol while denying the connection between oil, illegal drugs, war, and money.