Showing posts with label medicare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label medicare. Show all posts

Monday, April 4, 2011

Privatization of Medicare? @chrislhayes

How is it possible that some perceive private corporations as being able to offer cost reductions for key government functions?

Corporations must produce profits and improve them over time. that is the nature of capitalism. They will underestimate the cost initially to get the business and then slowly increase the cost once the options are null.

What about all the military (Boeing, Halliburton) and health insurance industry projects that have costs Billions more than originally planned? The Federal government has been screwed over the past 60 years by the military industrial complex and citizens have been screwed since the 1970's by the health care industry.

How about the prison system? We spend more on incarceration than education at the State level. Privatized.

Why would we want to do this to our future generations for medicare?

Clipped from

Ryan’s Budget Would Cut Medicare, Medicaid and Trim $4 Trillion

Phasing Out Medicare

Ryan’s proposal will call for phasing out the traditional
Medicare health-care program for the elderly, with new
beneficiaries starting in 2022 instead being provided subsidies
to buy private health insurance.

It would cap spending on Medicaid, the health-care plan for
the poor, and give states more discretion over how to run the
joint federal-state program.