Showing posts with label kirchner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kirchner. Show all posts

Friday, July 8, 2011

Did the CIA and/or IMF Assassinate Kirchner As Threat to All Debtor Nations? #PIGS

I would like to know what the Argentinian people think! Was there an investigation into his death? It could be a coincidence that the IMF had motive and the CIA has a track record.  These things need to be worked out.

Hmm. So far the IMF has failed with Chavez, Morales, and Castro. Need more help?

 The CIA took out the democratically elected leader of Iran and replaced him with a tyrant - the shaw

 The CIA took out Torrijos in Panama and put in Noriega until he became a liability.

 The CIA setup Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, traded weapons with Iran with money from the cocaine trade in Latin America (Iran Contra)

And many more...
Amplify’d from

The Assassination of Nestor Kirchner by the IMF

Wednesday, 05 January 2011 01:08
Kirchner became the President of Argentina in 2002. He stood up to the IMF and refused to impose austerity measures on his people in order to repay the IMF. Because of the effectiveness of his non-austere economic policies, last month, Argentina finished paying off the last of the debt.

Kirchner told Oliver Stone the bankers threatened constantly ("siempre") to kill him.

People in Spain, Greece, and Ireland were calling on their governments to follow Kirchner's lead, and reject "austerity". There is every reason to think that the IMF bankers also threatened to murder the Prime Ministers of these countries, all off whom knuckled under to the IMF in the days after Kirchner's sudden and unexpected death from a "heart attack".

Did the IMF finally follow through on their threats to murder Kirchner, in order to give credence to their threats against the Euro-peons? There is every reason to think so.

The video

... shows Kirchner describing the threats as constant ("siempre")
... shows European populists calling on the people to support following Kirchner's example
... shows the head of the CIA, William Colby, describing a CIA pistol that shoots an ice-dart that leaves the target dead from heart attack, with "no evidence to indicate that the target was hit."