Showing posts with label healthcare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthcare. Show all posts

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Top10 Reasons to Stop the #Cromnibus and #Shutdown the American Govt

Here is a list of at least ten reasons you should support a peaceful revolution in America at this time, which STARTS NOW by stopping the $1.1 trillion budget.  #Cromnibus #ShutItDown.

Centralized Control of Economic Markets - The markets are rigged.  Everything on the stock market, gold, silver, LIBOR, currency markets, HFT, you name it, the evidence is there. #RestoreGlassSteagall #ProhibitHFT

Corporate Control of Our Legal System - The justice system is f*cked.  Eric Holder is in Contempt of Congress for Fast and Furious.  The Supreme Court says corporations are people and any amount of money can secretly flow towards political campaigns (Citizens United) #RepealCitizensUnited

Israeli control of the US Congress, White House, and Pentagon through lobbying, coersion, blackmail, dual citizens, and outright murder and genocide.  For examples see "The Day Israel Attacked America" and "9/11 Missing Links".

Authoritarian Domestic Surveillance - The police state and surveillance state is out of control.  From the NDAA, Patriot Act, to predator drones, and NSA working with high tech to monitor every form of communication, every physical, financial, and digital transaction is recorded and monitored.  They may not have anything on you yet, but they will.  #DefundNSA #NoMoreDrones

Centralized Control of the Economy, Prices, and Wages - The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel, owned by TBTF banks that bankrupt cities (Detroit, Stockton), counties (Jefferson), and States (Who's first? IL or CA). #AuditTheFed #RestoreGlassSteagall

Quasi Secret Societies and Foreign Agents Control Foreign Policy for Profit -   Skull and Bonesman John Kerry picked up where Hillary left off and is using the CIA and State Dept to coerce and blackmail foreign nations, bringing in the IMF, and NGOs to impose austerity while the Billionaires like Soros, Kissinger, and Brzezinski, Blackstone Group, and Goldman Sachs rape, pillage and plunder. I am talking about Syria, Ukraine, Libya, Sudan, Cuba, Venezuela, and the rest of the countries we currently attempt to destabilize using covert operations.   Sometimes they even use assassins (mercenaries like Blackwater) or KINETIC action in false flag operations to DESTABILIZE foreign countries or worse, to manipulate public opinion to serve a hidden agenda here at home, such as United Nations Agenda 21.  #InvestigateSkullAndBones

In Sickness and in Health - BigPharma and Monsanto are poisoning our food and water.  While much has been done about this to make people aware of genetically modified foods, they are still being slipped in undetected and unlabeled.  Meanwhile Obamacare is being deployed to guarantee long term profits for the pharmaceutical industry and corporate hospitals.  Rates will rise and sickness will rise and they will profit. #KillMonsanto #EndRockefellerMedicine

Loss of Sovereignty, Loss of Property Presidents from Bush Sr to Obama are implementing a United Nations plan (#UNAgenda21) to remove private property, disarm Americans, and force the middle class into overpriced high density, stack and pack condos and apartments in mega metropolices in a regionalization power play to create city-states like Rome. #StopUNAgenda21

Corporate Welfare and Legal Bribery - An oligopoly continues to operate with impunity while lobbying Congress and the White House to pass legislation that feeds their mega corporate control and destroys the middle class and small businesses and farms.  #CampaignFinanceReform

A Shadow Government Propaganda Machine -  That same oligarchy controls the media so much that NOTHING gets discussed or debated or presented on TV, news, or radio that doesnt fit the false left right narrative that is simply Divide and Conquer.

Weapons Trade, Subversion and False Flags - The attacks on Benghazi on 9/11/12 were part of a CIA and State Department operation to trade arms from the Libyan invasion through Turkey to the Free Syrian Army and Al Queda in Syria.  An American Ambassador and several others were killed, possibly to stop them from blowing the whistle.  The coverup has been amazing and even includes Hillary Clinton falling and getting amnesia.  Look it up!  The Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are UNELECTED UNACCOUNTABLE technocrats that manipulate foreign policy for the benefit of their military industrial complex. #Solving911 #Investigate911 #ArrestMcCainForTreason

The Prison Industrial Complex - We have the world's largest prison population, much of which is FOR PROFIT and prisoners are often producing products and engaging in services.  That's slave labor right here in America.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Government Statistics - The govt sanctioned economic data from the Federal Reserve such as "unemployment" is rigged.  When CPI and PPI dont include FOOD and ENERGY or EDUCATION then WTF does it measure?  The measure of money supply changes every time the numbers look bad and the purchasing power of the US dollar has declined as much as 98% since the Federal Reserve coup of 1913.

Obama's Reducation Program - Obama's Common Core is degrading the quality of education in this country - on purpose to create better corporate employees, meanwhile the manufacturing capabilities and critical thinking skills of our country are being wiped out. #CommonCore is a Disease!

Gun Free Zones - Every time a lone nut allegedly pulls off the most unlikely round of assassinations, like the Dark Knight shooter in Aurora, CO, or the Sandy Hook elementary shooting, the Federal government looks for ways to take our guns and defy the second Amendment.

Freedom of the Press, First Amendment - Corporate media lies through its teeth on a daily basis on behalf of the shadow government, perpetuating the left right paradigm in order to divide and conquer us all.  Meanwhile, our ability to speak out, blow the whistle, or even protest has been censored, trampled, and muffled. 

A Nation of Debt - The United States has the largest national debt in the history of the world.  What sort of debt slaves will be required to pay that off? #MonetaryReformAct

Selective Enforcement of Tax Law - The IRS has been accused of orchestrating partisan politics in favor of Barack Obama and the Democratic party in the 2012 selection process.  The fact that Lois Lerner is taking the heat and pleading the 5th should be alarming to everyone.  Let us not forget, the US Attorney General is in contempt of Congress for Fast and Furious.  We need an AG that will prosecute perjury by Clapper, banksters, and more.

No Taxation Without Representation - 1913 was a bad year for the USA.  We got income taxes (started at 1%), the IRS, and the Federal Reserve, all through coersion and deceptive practices.  None of them are Constitutional. #EndtheFed

Military Suicide - Our armed forces are suffering under decades of war and no amount of drone strikes will relieve them.  Suicides are occurring at an alarming rate despite mainstream attempts to dispel that news.

Do you need more? I am sure there are another 100 reasons to stop this administration and Congress from destroying what's left of the country.  

Did I mention that we've been engaged in ENDLESS WAR at TAXPAYER's EXPENSE as part of a corporate welfare program?  50% of the $1.1 trillion spending bill is for the military industrial complex.  Can anyone else see that we are near World War 3 ostensibly over Ukraine, a crisis the US government absolutely provoked.  


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Greed + Cartels = U.S. Sickcare/ObamaCare

February 13, 2014

Sickcare/ObamaCare is fundamentally broken at every level.

The incremental nature of change makes it difficult for us to notice how systems that once worked well with modest costs have transmogrified into broken systems that cost a fortune. Exhibit # 1 is higher education: 40 years ago, four-year public universities were affordable and two-year community colleges were almost free. Now students have to borrow $1 trillion to pay for the exorbitant privilege of higher education.
And no, the difference isn't that states don't provide the same funding--the difference is costs have soared while the yield on the investment has plummeted. Please read:
The Mafia State of Mind
Our Two Most Onerous Taxes: College Tuition and Healthcare Insurance
Our Middleman-Skimming Economy
America's Make-Work Sectors (Healthcare and Higher Education) Have Run Out of Oxygen
Longtime correspondent Ishabaka (an M.D. with 30+ years experience in primary care and as an emergency room physician) responded to this article with an insider's account of what happens when greed and cartels take over healthcare.After reading What's wrong with American hospitals?, a scathing deconstruction of for-profit healthcare, Ishabaka submitted this commentary:
I could have told you what was wrong with our hospital system by 1989 - nobody would listen to me back then.
Up til the '70's, almost all hospitals in the United States were not for profit COMMUNITY HOSPITALS. They were LOCAL. The Board of Directors was made up of some senior doctors, maybe the head nurse, and various other prominent local businessmen and professionals. Others (mostly Catholic), were run as non-profits by religious orders. A very few, mostly very small hospitals were for profit, usually owned by a group of doctors, or even one doctor.
The mission of these community hospitals was to provide for the LOCAL COMMUNITY - one and all. Payment was various - private insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, self pay - and the idea was to collect just enough money to keep the hospital going, and provide care for the poor who had no money to pay. If your grandma got bad care - you could go - in person - to the local, say, banker, on the Board of Directors, and tell him - and he would CARE.
THIS SYSTEM WORKED, and kept costs DOWN. Remember, the hospital just needed enough money to stay in the black. Often local wealthy people would will money to the hospital in which they had been cared for.
In the '80's - there was the arrival of the for-profit cartels - and I use the world cartels specifically - these were run by people with the sociopathic Goldman Sachs type mentality - their sole goal was to acquire huge sums of money for themselves, their hospital directors, and their SHAREHOLDERS. They used a typical sneaky technique - they'd come into town, and tell the locals they could run the hospital much cheaper, because of their economy of scale. People believed this, and the cartels bought out most of the community hospitals.
I worked at one such for-profit hospital and had a 21-year old indigent man come in who'd been struck by a car while walking, and was rapidly bleeding to death. The hospital administrator refused to open the operating room, even though I had a surgeon right there, willing and able to operate for free to save this young man's life. The surgeon threw a fit, and he was a big wheel at the hospital and the administrator backed down - otherwise I firmly believe the young man would have died. This was LEGAL back then, before the EMTLA law was passed because similar abuses were rampant NATIONWIDE.
Around this time, the administrators of the remaining community hospitals found out the administrators of the for-profit hospitals were making tens of times their salaries - and bonuses based on profits - and started demanding similar salaries and bonuses based on PROFITS - a contradiction of the old concept of community hospitals (the article does touch on this).
How do you increase hospital profits? Number one - avoid any care for the poor you can weasel out of. Number two - cut staff to the bone and beyond (one of hospital's biggest expenses). Most American hospitals now have UNSAFE nurse to patient ratios because of this.
As far as patient care goes, nurses are the most important people in hospitals. I know of one lady who DIED while in a monitored bed, and wasn't found dead until several hours later due to the criminally low nursing staff ratio in a hospital I worked in. I HAD complained about the dearth of nurses, and was threatened with the loss of my job. Another side effect of this is, nursing in hospitals has become unbearable for nurses who really cared about their patients - many good hospital nurses have left hospital work for other fields. The results are appalling.
I saved the life of a patient an unqualified, under-educated nurse gave the wrong medicine to - a medicine that IMMEDIATELY MAKES YOU STOP BREATHING, because it was cheaper for the hospital to hire her than a knowledgeable and experienced nurse. The medicine is pancuronium bromide, if you want to Google it. The nurse didn't know one of the effects was cessation of breathing - this is Pharmacology for Nurses 101, this drug is used all day long in every operating room in America (where doctors WANT patients under anesthesia to stop breathing, and put them on breathing machines during the surgery - which is very safe if done correctly).
I could go on and on. Simple things, like the instruments you use to suture cuts - community hospitals used to buy Swiss or German made ones that were of the finest quality, sterilize and re-use them over and over. This changed to disposable instruments that sometimes literally fell apart in my hands. Bandage tape that didn't stick, instead of quality Johnson and Johnson tape - anything to save a buck.
It is not getting better, it is getting worse. The nurses I know tell me hospitals are cutting staff even MORE now in preparation for Obamacare.
I will end with a story that illustrates the difference between Old School and New School hospital administrators.
I had the pleasure of working five years in a real community hospital. One of the senior administrators (R.I.P.) was a gentleman who'd made his fortune in the grocery business. In his late 80's, he would arrive at the emergency department entrance every morning between seven and eight am, and proceed to walk throughout the hospital. He would ask various and sundry staff how they were getting along - everyone from janitors to senior physicians. If something was amiss - HE RECTIFIED THE SITUATION. Tragically, this hospital was bought out, and is now part of a chain.
I had the displeasure of working in a "community" (really for-profit) hospital with a middle aged administrator who NEVER set foot outside his office or conference rooms - he NEVER appeared in the (very large and busy) emergency department once. This was in the early 90's, and one year it was revealed that his compensation was $600,000 - and a brand new Lexus as a "performance bonus". He was on the golf course by three pm every single day. That was the hospital where the woman who was being "monitored" (alarms and all that) was found very cold and dead after a delay of who knows how many hours.
Thank you, Ishabaka, for telling it like it really is. Needless to say, ObamaCare (the Orwellian-named Affordable Care Act--ACA) purposefully ignores everything that is fundamentally broken with U.S. sickcare and extends the soaring-cost cartel system, essentially promising to stripmine the taxpayers of however many trillions of dollars are needed to generate outsized profits for the cartels.
Only those with no exposure to the real costs of ObamaCare approve of the current sickcare system. Government employees who have no idea how much their coverage costs, well-paid shills and toadies like Paul Krugman, academics with tenure and lifetime healthcare coverage--all these people swallow the fraud whole and declare it delicious.

Only those of us who are paying the real, unsubsidized cost know how unsustainable the system is, and only those inside the machine know how broken it is at every level. Greed + cartels = Sickcare/ObamaCare. Love your servitude, baby--it's affordable, really, really, really it is.

Refer back to this video and others similar to understand WHY we do EVERYTHING WRONG in healthcare.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Obama Clearly Works for the Banks, Not the People #ows

The Obama healthcare plan did not address the costs, it simply expanded coverage to more people.  Arguably better than what we had before.  However, the true cost increases to healthcare are in medical liability insurance, super leveraged medical institutions increasing the price of service with new technology, the cost of real estate for hospitals and clinics, the cost of drugs to treat, and the big one is the 30-40% administrative overhead created by the PPO processes.

The banking regulations have yet to put any prominent bankers in jail for FRAUD.  Sidelines folks such as Bernie Madoff could no longer be ignored.

The HAMP and homeowners refinancing plans allow homeowners who are underwater to REFINANCE, creating additional interest charges and INCREASING the overall cost of the home.  This way the banks don't have to take writedowns.  With no prospects for growth in the economy, the value of the homes will not grow in the near future so what's the point of owning? At the same time the mortgage interest deduction is slated for elimination.

The student loan deal actually took the banks out of education costs so that was good for us, but what about the trillion dollar education debt bubble that is ALREADY out there.  With no prospects for growth, jobs are slim, but student debt cannot be avoided.

Can anyone point to ANY Obama legislation that actually REDUCED the debt burden or inflationary burden the American middle class is facing?