Showing posts with label barack obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label barack obama. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Barack Obama - The Case for Impeachment [SCG News 5.15.2013]

If this was a Republican, Liberals Democrats would be up in arms, but still not do anything.  Republicans and Conservatives, are you so weak you won't step up to the plate? Isn't it time American so-called "representative" government be held accountable for the crimes they are committing?

If so, DO SOMETHING about it! Something positive that will capture attention and get the point across.  Non-violent of course.  Remember, he's got drones and a license to kill.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Obama Clearly Works for the Banks, Not the People #ows

The Obama healthcare plan did not address the costs, it simply expanded coverage to more people.  Arguably better than what we had before.  However, the true cost increases to healthcare are in medical liability insurance, super leveraged medical institutions increasing the price of service with new technology, the cost of real estate for hospitals and clinics, the cost of drugs to treat, and the big one is the 30-40% administrative overhead created by the PPO processes.

The banking regulations have yet to put any prominent bankers in jail for FRAUD.  Sidelines folks such as Bernie Madoff could no longer be ignored.

The HAMP and homeowners refinancing plans allow homeowners who are underwater to REFINANCE, creating additional interest charges and INCREASING the overall cost of the home.  This way the banks don't have to take writedowns.  With no prospects for growth in the economy, the value of the homes will not grow in the near future so what's the point of owning? At the same time the mortgage interest deduction is slated for elimination.

The student loan deal actually took the banks out of education costs so that was good for us, but what about the trillion dollar education debt bubble that is ALREADY out there.  With no prospects for growth, jobs are slim, but student debt cannot be avoided.

Can anyone point to ANY Obama legislation that actually REDUCED the debt burden or inflationary burden the American middle class is facing?

Friday, May 6, 2011

Federal Taxes Lowest Since 1950 #2012

Does this explain why cities and states and the federal government are suffering so much in terms of their budget? Or is it overspending? Or both.

Taxes as a percentage are lower. The number of taxpayers are fewer (with greater unemployment) but expenditures are greater with significant defense and military spending (WAR), poor performance of state pension funds (invested in AAA rated mortgage backed securities), union contracts (which support seniority rather than performanced based pay), the financial bailout (TARP - which has been paid back to a great degree), and skyrocketing healthcare costs affecting Medicare and Medicaid. Social Security is in good shape.

So why the all out class warfare by the right on planned parenthood, and public pension plans?

Why the ignorant defense of unions by the left?

We need to come together and solve the country's problems. Not distract from the real issues with partisan politics.

#Peakoil is real and we will need to DRAMATICALLY change the way we live. SOON.

Our pursuit for any oil and gas and minerals (WAR in Iraq and Afghanistan) to fund our continuous plan for growth is NOT SUSTAINABLE with depleting natural resources. Our current economic model cannot run without energy.

Clipped from

By one measure, federal taxes lowest since 1950

WASHINGTON — Think your taxes are too high? As a share of the nation's economy, Uncle Sam's tax take this year will be the lowest since 1950.

And for the third straight year, American families and businesses will pay less in federal taxes than they did under President George W. Bush, thanks to a weak economy and a growing number of tax breaks for the wealthy and the poor.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Neocons destroying democracy @maddow

It takes one to know one. They are accusing Democrats of the VERY thing they are doing, in order to AVOID scrutiny for their own voter fraud - Neocons are scrubbing the voter records of left-leaning voters - Blacks, latinos, immigrants, ex-cons, STUDENTS!!!

Clipped from

The Republican voter fraud hoax

Donald Duck and the Dallas Cowboys won't steal the election for Obama. Acorn's only crime is registering Democratic voters

Barack Obama and the Democrats are stealing the election. Massive voter fraud is being carried out, even as we speak, by their henchmen, known by the innocuous sounding Association for Community Organisations for Reform Now, or Acorn. Clever bastards.

The only problem? Despite the screaming wall-to-wall coverage of "Democratic voter fraud in 11 swing states" as seen on Fox News and even the once-respectable CNN, none of it's true. None of it.