Showing posts with label fluoridation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fluoridation. Show all posts

Thursday, April 23, 2015

#WaterWars in #Drought Ridden #California - #Fluoridation #Fluoride

It appears Facebook is not completely worthless.

Environmental activist and consumer advocate, Erin Brockovich, posted a statement calling for an end to fluoridation, for hearings to hold public officials accountable, for organizations to rescind endorsements of fluoridation, and for further research on removing accumulated fluoride from our bodies. Please read, like, comment, and share:
After a great deal of research and personal thought, I am opposed to the continued policy and practice of drinking water fluoridation; I believe this harmful practice must be ended immediately. Public drinking water is a basic human right; and its systematic use as a dispensary of a substance for medical purposes is deplorable.
Shocking revelations are surfacing in the growing scandal; real harm from fluoride affects people of all races and ages, but one of the especially shocking aspects of the scandal is how dental and government officials responded when The Lillie Center for Energy & Health Studies publicized the science showing disproportionate fluoride harm to the African American community. Minority community and civil rights leaders have been speaking out, including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s niece Alveda King. Ms. King recently posted on my Facebook page that I should keep shining the light on Fluoridegate. Ms. King also called for public hearings, and I agree: it's time for meaningful public hearings. There are numerous documents and aspects to this scandal that investigative bodies and investigative journalists will want to examine.
Now is the time for professional and consumer advocacy groups that have blindly lent their name to support drinking water fluoridation to rescind that permission. How many of them actually conducted their own reviews before allowing their name to be used? And now is the time to ask the hard questions about the nature of the relationship between trade groups, our surgeon generals, and other government officials concerning drinking water fluoridation.
As a mother and grandmother, I am concerned about families in fluoridated communities using fluoridated drinking water from their tap to mix infant milk formula. I am concerned that the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences has designated kidney patients, children, diabetics and seniors as "susceptible subpopulations" that are especially vulnerable to harm from ingested fluorides. How can we in good conscience give susceptible persons an uncontrolled amount of fluorides in water? I also strongly support Drinking water utility professionals, many I know many deplore and feel guilty about the idea of dispensing medication through drinking water and working with the dangerous fluoridation chemicals.
Drinking water fluoridation takes away people's freedom to choose what they take into their bodies. Low income families may not have the financial means to avoid over dosing with their drinking water.
I call for four avenues of action:
1. An immediate repeal of all laws that require or enable fluoridation.
2. Holding of Fluoridegate hearings at both national and state levels.
3. For professional associations and advocacy groups to rescind allowing their names to be used to support drinking water fluoridation.
4. For key research to immediately begin on how to safely remove fluorides that have accumulated in people's bones and pineal glands.
My career has been about making people aware of harmful exposures and the deception that often accompanies those exposures. Drinking water fluoridation is harmful, we've been deceived to believe it is safe, and with new found knowledge we must all act now to stop it.
 · Comment · 
  • Zanne Gallop, PristineHydro Living Water, Karen Turner Drea and 1,124 others like this.
  • Helen Bibelheimer We should not have to fight for clean water
  • Monica Kimball Fluoridation is in violation of the Clean Water Act.
  • Rebecca Flaming-Martin Portland Oregon won against the effort to force fluoridation on us by our mayor and city council. I helped get folks to sign petitions to get the chance to vote on it. I have fibromyalgia and I cared enough about this to suffer to get signatures. People need to get informed and take action against this form of water pollution.
  • Doris Loadwick Sadly the "powers that be" have brainwashed the American public into thinking fluoridation is a "good/necessary thing to do". I just came back from the dentist and they always ask if I would like a fluoride treatment and as always I said NO! People nee...See More
  • Candice Brannon Bella If they have their way, we'll be fighting for water.
  • Dominic Dunne Fluoridation is Chemical Warfare on the Nation !
  • Hally DeCarion Yes. Helen. We shouldn't have to fight for clean water. But that's our reality now in Sonoma County CA where this is being debated for two years. The Public Health Dept. thinks it's a 'good' thing. They focus on the argument that poor children ...See More
  • Goldie G. Hathaway Ban Fluoride!
  • Keith Miller Wow, Brockovich you are one writer. Concise, organized, logical. With you on this side the " Fluoridgaters" are toast. Thank You. Wish you had a writing class, you are a 15 on a scale of 5.
  • Wendy Mojelski Spezowka Helen Bibelheimer Looks like we have to, like the countries that now have it out of their water it has to be done!! This not only applies to the fluoride in our water but the GMOed food being allowed across our borders , we need to fight for whats right , I have grand babies and if I can't fight for them and their future so they have a quality life with good health what is the purpose of it all?? :)) Its time!
  • Shelly Barney It's mass medication. Water fluoridation takes a person's rights to choose away. There is no way to regulate how much fluoride and one person will consume. Unfortunately the only way to filter it out is by reverse osmosis or distillation.
  • Julia Russell Absolutely right! Many of us fought it here in Los Angeles, but lost.
  • Kim Nunez Westcott Thank you for helping spread this very important information.
  • Pam Pandalis fluoridation is a violation of our right to not be intentionally medicated. I read the fight in 1957 they had in congress and congress said constitutionally that people had the right to know. Big bucks won and we lost that battle.
  • Lauri Cavalie Byrns Chem trails too!
  • Christal Meyers THEY trying to kill us out
  • Judith Hodges poisoners poison.
  • Lyn Alvey Buerger Fluoride is a toxic by-product from the manufacturing industry and the only way they could figure out how to dispose of it was to add it to our water. That is our government in action. And the sludge that is being reated by the yogurt industry is nasty and they are thinking about ways to make it into baby food.
  • Brenda Anderson-Coley What if... first, they trial this dangerous chemical waste called flouride, and then they pass a bill to take it to the whole world. There is in fact, reliable information on the internet, outlining the dangers of this industrial waste.!
  • Jim Coloma You Mean only a doctor or dentist can prescribe individual doses to individuals?
  • Strata House 50 year old problem and still fluoride...
  • Janice Hicks Scientists Find Fluoridated Water Causes Hypothyroidism, Weight Gain, AND Depression

    Earth. We are one
  • Jessica Smith Marisa
  • Judy G Teasdale Betty Murphy