Showing posts with label #monetaryreformact. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #monetaryreformact. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Lord Rothschild Speaks on Geopolitics and Economic Situation

The master of debt and international banking, Lord Rothschild has spoken to his shareholders, and thus the world on his opinions of the future of economies worldwide.  Of course, he forgets to mention that he and other trillionaires and oligarchs control the world's money supplies, central banks, and therefore hold hostage nearly every market in the developed world.

What we need to see are the following reforms: #GlassSteagall, #MonetaryReformAct, #AuditTheFed, and #PublicBanking.  It's time to turn away from a debt based economy where private cartels privatize the gains, and socialize the losses.  Until you change the way money works, you change nothing.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Monetary Reform Act - National Economic Reform and Recovery

The Two Step Plan to National Economic Reform and Recovery

1. Directs the Treasury Department to issue U.S. Notes (like Lincoln’s Greenbacks; can also be in electronic deposit format) to pay off the National debt.

2. Increases the reserve ratio private banks are required to maintain from 10% to 100%, thereby terminating their ability to create money, while simultaneously absorbing the funds created to retire the national debt. (this should probably happen over a long period of time)

These two relatively simple steps, which Congress has the power to enact, would extinguish the national debt, without inflation or deflation, and end the unjust practice of private banks creating money as loans (i.e., fractional reserve banking). Paying off the national debt would wipe out the $400+ billion annual interest payments and thereby balance the budget. This Act would stabilize the economy and end the boom-bust economic cycles caused by fractional reserve banking.