Monday, May 12, 2014

Warning: Former MSNBC Pundit Propaganda: Operation American Spring - Right Wing March On Washington

I left #cenkuygur a few comments on Youtube.

Needless to say that the uproar about #Benghazi is near the heart of this movement.  For nore on that, watch the latest interview of James Corbett.

  Let's see, what do we know about the current state of America:

1. the markets are rigged.  Everything on the stock market, gold, silver, LIBOR, currency markets, HFT,
2. The justice system is f*cked.  Eric Holder is in Contempt of Congress for Fast and Furious.  The Supreme Court says corporations are people and any amount of money can secretly flow towards political campaigns (Citizens United)
3. The police state and surveillance state is out of control.  NDAA, Patrio Act, drones, NSA working with high tech to monitor every form of communication
4. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel, owned by TBTF banks that bankrupt cities (Detroit, Stockton), counties (Jefferson), and States (Who's first? IL or CA)
5. Skull and Bonesman John Kerry picked up where Hillary left off and is using the CIA and State Dept to coerce and blackmail foreign nations, bringing in the IMF, NGOs to impose austerity while the Billionaires like Soros, Kissinger, and Brzezinski, Blackstone Group, and Goldman Sachs rape, pillage and plunder. I am talking about Syria, Ukraine, Libya, Sudan,  All of this leading to KINETIC action, false flags, and covert operations to DESTABILIZE foreign countries.  
6. BigPharma and Monsanto are poisoning our food and water.
7. Presidents from Bush Sr to Obama are implementing a United Nations plan (#UNAgenda21) to remove private property, disarm Americans, and force more taxes on the middle class
8. An oligopoly continues to operate with impunity while lobbying Congress and the White House to pass legislation that feeds their mega corporate control and destroys the middle class and small businesses and farms.
9. That same oligarchy controls the media so much that NOTHING gets discussed or debated or presented on TV, news, or radio that doesnt fit the false left right narrative that is simply Divide and Conquer.
10. Did I mention that we've been engaged in ENDLESS WAR?
11. We have the world's largest prison population
12. The govt sanctioned economic data such as "unemployment" is rigged.  When CPI and PPI dont include FOOD and ENERGY or EDUCATION then WTF does it measure?
13. Obama's Common Core is degrading the quality of education in this country - on purpose to create better corporate employees, meanwhile the manufacturing capabilities are being wiped out.
14. The Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are UNELECTED UNACCOUNTABLE technocrats that manipulate foreign policy for the benefit of their military industrial complex.

Need I say more 

THIS IS a short list of WHY EX-MILITARY are MARCHING on Washington DC.
Cause we're f*cked as is and #Occupy made very little progress!

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