Thursday, October 3, 2013

Are insurance rates going up because of Dodd-Frank? Maybe #GlassSteagall Can Help Again. #OrderlyLiquidation

Under Dodd-Frank, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is allowed to charge assessments to about 60 bank-holding and insurance companies with $50 billion or more in assets to fund what is called an “orderly liquidation fund.” Really, it’s just a bailout fund allowing the government to take over systemically risky institutions, recapitalize them, and allow them to reenter the market under new management.
Who are the 60 bank-holding and insurance companies that are being taxed to fund the next round of bailouts? If that fair business? The government passes laws to tax one set of companies, in order to bailout another? So the government that is in charge at the time of the next collapse will be responsible for choosing winners or losers in the banking and insurance industries? Let me guess.  The usual suspects will get bailed out and the honest but overextended players in the market will get crushed.  Now that's a competitive market where the rules are really twisted, manipulated, unnatural, unfair, and unpublished.   That's a game for which the rules are written to be broken.

So the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 was essentially overwritten or repealed with the Gramm Leach Bliley Act of 1999 that was signed into law by President Bill Clinton, while Alan Greenspan was Chairman of the Federal Reserve.  It is that very act that many consider the tipping point for deregulation, centralization, and globalization of the world markets.  It is also consider the act which gave birth to the tech bubble of 2001 and the housing bubble of 2007, which was followed by the financial market crash of 2008.  

The Federal Reserve System is made up of its privately held, top secret charter members.  The Federal Reserve is not only a central bank that controls the money supply, it is the next higher tier in the evolution of entities.  It's ownership is secret and their decisions affect the lives of millions of Americans, as well as billions of people abroad through its network of affiliates.  Nearly every central bank in the world has been infected with the control of the same club of interlocking directorates.  Many of them passing through the revolving door of the military industrial complex, including the NSA, FBI, CIA, DEA, ICE, ATF, IRS, and IBM. And now Facebook, Yahoo, Google, and Apple have been implicated.  And hey, look, their stock is doing GREAT! War and unemployment at all time highs all over the world but there is money for advertising.  Friends in the media?

The Federal Reserve System charter members are run and controlled by dynasties.  Those dynasties are the oligarchy that heavily affect world markets.  (They don't call them market makers for nothing, even though they should be called market breakers as well.)  Their combined power is matched only by our government.  In fact, they control our government, and many others around the world, if not by financial means, then by the threat of physical force.  Which government is surrounded by scandals right now for policies and actions taken as much as 110 years ago? What if I told you the same dynasties, the same oligarchy is playing games with the global economy right now, 3 generations later and the consequences of failure could mean the outbreak of World War 3?

That may sound extreme.  It may sound impossible.  It may sound like a conspiracy theory.  But it's exactly what happened the last dozen times we have gone to war.  Think about it.

Why did we get into World War 1? The Lusitania.  What year was that? 1915.  Less than 2 years later we declared war.  Who owned the ship? Who shot it down? Learn more on Wikipedia.  Then be sure to research the Wall Street, London, and German banking families that were involved.  Understand what power changed hands from Royal family to banking families, etc.  Pay attention to the new money masters.

Why did we declare war on Germany in

When you finish doing your research the opportunity of a lifetime may have passed.  The opportunity to force on the bankers, what they have forced on us for so long.  The Federal Reserve System and its charter members will be CRUSHED by reinstating Glass-Steagall, and insurance companies won't be affected so your insurance rates won't go up again.

At the same time, public banking is being debated all over the country.  When the guilty bastards that have manipulated our economy for at least the last 20 years are exposed for their financial war games, the gig will be up and we can go back to economies without so much debt and usury.  Life won't be perfect but at least we won't be forced to pay taxes for everything under the sun.

The hardest part of winning this game is avoiding war.

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