Tuesday, July 23, 2013

End the Silent Filibuster, Sign the Petition

From: Senator Jeff Merkley <noreply@list.moveon.org>

Our persistent push for filibuster reform forced the Republicans in the U.S. Senate to stop their obstruction and allow an up-or-down vote on the President's nominees. 
America can now move forward with critical reforms to stop predatory lending, keep our air and water clean, and block unfair labor practices.  
But it's not enough to restore the traditions of the Senate just for executive nominations. The Senate also has to find a way to debate constructively -- and then move forward to a majority vote -- on legislation and judicial nominees.

Join me and the Daily Kos community: Call on the Senate to take the next step -- require Senators to actually talk when they filibuster.

The talking filibuster would allow Senators who want further debate -- or even to block a vote -- to take the floor and make their case.  

To me, it's simple: No more silent filibusters. Let the American people be the judge of whether the Senators on the floor are heroes, or bums. And, when they're done talking, the Senate should move forward and vote.  
It's time to replace the undemocratic, silent filibuster with a talking filibuster. 

Please sign our petition, and demand the Senate require Senators to actually talk when they filibuster.
The American people deserve a Senate that works. Reforming the silent filibuster to a talking filibuster can do just that. 

Please sign our petition today.

Senator Jeff Merkley

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