Saturday, February 16, 2013

Is Hemp the Pancea to Energy Ills?

Agenda21 can be defeated if enough of us move out to the countryside and form communities resistant to foreign and domestic terror and tyranny, that are resource and energy self sufficient - to a greater extent than we are now.

By creating hemp businesses, we can improve our health, safety, and psychological well being.

We can exercise our inalienable right to self defense and disobey the corrupt laws of the government that are worthy of revolution.

Support decriminalization of industrial non narcotic hemp. Plant the seed, it will grow like a weed until it is harvested by bio friendly farmers who make environmentally safe and energy net neutral products.

Those products would include clothing, fuels for cars, trains, and planes. It will include plastics as hard as steel and food as safe and natural as god intended.

Stop this nonsense of supporting one puppet or the other.  We are all being played by twisted politics of the new world order and the high canals. Cartels of billionaire gangsters oil the machine of tyranny with money not printed but materialized out of thin air.

The Federal Reserve should be audited ASAP. The S&P ratings lawsuit should be on every channel and we should all be asking lots of questions, filing lawsuits, protesting, boycotting, and pushing back this criminal activity that is destroying the planet.

Forget climate change, we need to stop the invasion of the foreign bankers from beheading our society and enslaving us all.

We have to start with learning about Agenda 21. Figure out if your city or town is on the crosshairs of the UN.

Defund think tanks like the CFR, Rand, public private operations like Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Federal Reserve, IRS.

They have our military by the balls with their lobbyists from Israel and Saudi Arabia, The City of London, and the British Royal Crown.

Do your homework and you will see, the same monopolies have controlled us for centuries.

You will see that the first declaration of independence was written on hemp paper by men who smoked it. If we can't do either in America today, then we are not as free as they were at that moment. 1776.

Get it?

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