Thursday, January 24, 2013

Alternative Media Host Alex Jones Meets Corporate Media Puppets

First watch this video to get an introduction to Alex via the corporate media lens:

Yes, I understand Alex looks intense and out of control.  I know how he feels.  He is mad as hell that we have been lied to for so long on so many levels.  You may think it is a matter of left versus right, but you are so very wrong.  From the Federal Reserve Act to MLK to JFK, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, 9/11, and now Mali.

Unfortunately when you don't have big corporate media budgets it is very hard to get your message across to the masses so that they will take appropriate action.

Ask yourself some questions:

Do you believe that all individuals in the City, State, and Federal government are acting in the best interest of the people of the United States of America?

Do you believe that corporate media, largely controlled by 5 major corporations report the news of the world in an accurate fashion that best represents what's really happening? Do they question government and other corporate actions sufficiently enough to keep them in check?

Are you satisfied with the job of the US President? The US Congress?

What is wrong with our current social and economic environment? What are the root causes of our problems?

Do you really think the source of all our problems is as simple as "the damn liberals" or the warmongering Republicans?

How is it possible that US foreign and domestic policy have been virtually the same for nearly 40 years?

You need only to look at the shared think tanks and associations of White House administrations over the past 40 years to realize they all have ONE THING in COMMON.

The Council on Foreign Relations.

That is where you should be looking.  Research the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) and their reference to a need for a "new Pearl Harbor".

Watch 9/11 in 5 Minutes.  Does it make you think there's something fishy about the official story? Then watch a film that just came out and has won several awards, Operation Terror and consider the .

Then decide if Alex Jones or other alternative media deserve tin foil hats.

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