Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Top 10 Truths You Will NOT Hear in the Presidential Debates

Let's be honest with each other.  You and I both know that faith and confidence and trust in the United States government is at an all time low, and with good reason.  We appear polarized on the left right paradigm that the corporate owned mass media keeps repeating at us like Nazi propaganda.  You hear very little if anything in the news about Syria, Iran, Libya, Israel, corporate lobbyists, the military industrial complex, the Federal Reserve, big banks that are systemically too important to fail (TBTF), jackals, drones, or political assassinations.  Yet they exist and the United States government officially suports them.  Isn't it time you ignore the pundits and politicians spewing out soundbites that misinform and harm you and other Americans and get a REAL education on geopolitics, energy, corruption, petrodollar warfare, and collectivism?

You will most likely NOT hear about any of the following truths that have an enormous impact on you.
  1. The Federal Reserve is a private banking entity that enjoys a monopoly on printing a debt-based currency for the United States and that it is in their best interest to see the national debt soar.
  2. Since World War I, the wars in the middle east have been about capturing natural resources, controlling the central banks of the fallen nations, and ensuring that petroleum continues to trade only in US dollars, not about spreading democracy or liberating oppressed people.
  3. The LIBOR scandal and the financial crisis of 2008 was not legitimately investigated because the US Treasury knows that the TBTF banks are propping up the US Dollar and keeping the global American empire afloat and that any real investigation would result in their bankruptcy and subsequent US Dollar collapse.
  4. The same TBTF banks that were bailed out in 2008 and 2009 are owned by the same oligarchy that owns controlling shares in the mass media.
  5. The same oligarchy that owns the TBTF banks also owns controlling shares in the big oil companies that benefit from protected monopolies and protection from the US military abroad.
  6. Congress and the Senate are under the control of these oligarchies and therefore refuse to hold hearings on the legality of their actions.
  7. The Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Group, the Bilderberg Group, and AIPAC have maintained astonishing influence over the United States foreign policy to their benefit.  Shouldn't you know who they are?
  8. The 9/11 terrorist attacks were an inside job with coordination from inside the White House.  They were not perpetrated solely by 11 Saudi Arabian terrorists commanded by Osama Bin Ladin from a cave in Afghanistan.  First and foremost, the World Trade Center buildings were demolished with explosives that were planted.  Secondly, there were war games being held that very day that simulated the very attacks that actually happened.  Dick Cheney commanded the war games.  This was a false flag event perpetrated to generate support for war in the Middle East and at home.
  9. Many American presidents, such as Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, John F Kennedy, have been assassinated by the very banking oligarchies that currently control our foreign and domestic policies.  
  10. Obama and Romney are puppets controlled by the same oligarchies offered to us as an illusion of choice.
Each one of these topics requires significant research on your part to verify.  You will certainly form your own opinion but there is no doubt that the media cooperates with a hidden shadow elite that manipulate America into debt and war for their own benefit.

All of your research will support that you TAKE ACTION NOW! by showing your support to Audit the Federal Reserve.  Once you see how the Federal Reserve has been secretly propping up the banks that CONTROL the Fed, and that the BigOil companies and military industrial complex benefit from our perpetual debt and endless war, it is impossible to ignore the obvious: America has been taken over by a ruthless organized criminal syndicate.

Do you think Obama or Romney would have the guts to stand up to a power so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that most men dare not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it?

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