Sunday, December 4, 2011

Waking Up and Taking Action

Would you speak up to protect your family? your country? your company? your community? your food sources? your race? your religion? your money? your home?

Would you take action to protect any of those things?

What form of action would you take if you saw all previous forms of action fail? Would you write letters to Congressmen? Would you visit your Senator? Would you protest?

Or would you hide your concerns, your disgust, and your frustrations behind your own personal Berlin wall?

What would hold you back? What is holding you back? Are you afraid of losing your job? Of looking kooky in front of your friends, family, or coworkers?

Or do you not feel anything? Do you believe those around you that the problem is caused not by the large corporations and government institutions but by the lazy greedy people within your community that look different than you.  Perhaps they dont make the same amount of money as you. Perhaps they dont have hair like you or your friends.  Perhaps they dress differently, or worse, they are of a different race, religion, or national identity.

How much evidence is needed? At what point would you accept that something is wrong and that something needs to be done about it? Would you simply accept the status quo as a fact of life because that how we've always done it.

What if the problem threatens your children? Not with an immediate physical act of violence but a long deteriorating, debilitating cancer like infection.  What if was financial terrorism, debt enslavement and poor health that threatened your children's quality of life?

When would you wake up and take action? Or would you simply ignore the evidence, blame others, and deny that it is a problem.

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