Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Efficiency Didn't Solve Our Consumption Addiction

Joseph Tainter PhD
anthrpologist, historian
author, The Collapse of Coplex Societies

Jevins paradox. William Henry Jevins - incr effi in use of the resource, ultim more gets used than ever before.

After the oil shocks of the 1970's, energy efficiency increased dramatically with innovation and technology, and hard work, and effort.  However, then in the 1980's the price came down and we increased our consumption again.  Like an addict with no discipline. Like an adult with bad habits.

Peak oil crisis. Find a transition liquid fuels.. growing gap, etc.

TV made it look exciting and fun.  Celebrities did the same.  And all our friends

Oil and auto companies spent a lot of money trying to convnince us there are no pollution issues with autos and petroleum related health issues.

The oil pollution

The more time you spend in traffic, the dumber you are to this obvious fact.  Either in the air, on the ground, in your car, on a plane, train or any automibile in a crowded city.

Even if we believe in a miracle to bail us out, we dont plan for the earth taking action itself.  Earthquakes.  Tornadoes.

Wild dislocation creates recession and inflation, STAGFLATION.  Classic economic policy making fails when both a reciession and inflation meet at the same time.

Catch 22: there are too many people on the planet overconsuming and we need to fix the problem immediately they need to volunteer into the solutions.  They cannot be forced.  For that you have to have faith that if they are educated, if they are told the truth, they will learn to handle it.  Remeber it will take time.  Just as we cannot put the whole story into a single 2 hr movie, the same person who is veiwing the movie wont get the whole message.

Hierarchy is the patterm played out across 500 years and the melding of coirporation and state power with violence.  this ia fascism.  That is our culture.  Not just our governmnt, not just our corporations, the whole thing put together.

Pushing the Plane tto the Tipping Point.

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