Friday, April 1, 2011

9/11 Families Press 4 Truth @Mr_Electro

No hype, no unproven theorys, just the struggle of the 9/11 survivors to get reasonable answers from our government. It is touching, and at the same time shocking as actual film clips connect the dots in a way that our media should have, but didn't. Every citizen of the US should see this film. (I am sure many low votes are from "patriots" that haven't even seen this touching, thoughtful and at the same time provocative film).
370 out of 428 members found this review helpful

This film is a brilliant as it is shocking. There is absolutely NO speculation included that would damage the films credibility, it contains documented facts complete with verifiable sources that prove the government is hard at work trying to keep the facts of 9/11 hidden from the American public. Every American needs to see this movie, within in lies critical knowledge required to regain control of OUR Nation.

This movie is GOOD! The only reason it doesnt have 5 stars is because lying republicans give it one star. I dont think that Bush engineered the attacks, rather I think he lied to coverup his incompetency. There are lots news stories revealed here that shead a new light on what really happened.

Clipped from

9/11: Press for Truth

9/11: Press for Truth

Based partly on Paul Thompson's book The Terror Timeline, this documentary chronicles the efforts of family members who lost loved ones in the 9/11 attack as they hound powerful officials to uncover the truth. The families succeed in generating an independent investigation, but more questions than answers emerge as the film spotlights secretive politicians, buried news items, government press conferences lacking substance and more.


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