Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Diabolical Central Bank Master Plan

Read this posting on Zerohedge:

Is This The Diabolical "Master Plan" Behind Crushing Europe's Depositors

Tyler Durden's picture

Last week, when we commented on the absolutely idiotic Eurogroup proposal (now voted down and replaced by an equally idiotic "bank resolution" proposal which will see uninsured deposits virtually wiped out) to tax uninsured and insured deposits, we jokingly suggested that this may be merely the latest ploy by the legacy status quo to achieve one simple thing: force depositors across the continent (and soon, world) to pull their money out of a malevolent, hostile banking system and push that money into stocks, or simply to spend it. This would help finally defeat the biggest bogeyman of the centrally-planned reflation attempt in the past 4 years - the absolutely dismal velocity of money which drops every time the G-7 central planners inject liquidity into stocks. 
We were joking, because it would be beyond conspiratorial to suggest that a central bank could go as far as wiping out the wealth and savings of an entire nation in order to promote broken monetary policy. It would be outright idiotic and not to mention criminal. Why purposefully endanger depositors, and thus an entire financial system, just to spook them and their money? Or so we thought until we read the following just as "conspiratorial" take from Deutsche Bank's Jim Reid:
Maybe the lesson from all of this is that if you are fortunate enough to have a fair degree of money you might be better off spending it! Maybe that’s the master plan here? Boosting activity by forcing people to use their money rather than deposit it! Indeed I wonder how long it’ll be before an equity strategist suggests that this is bullish as money might now leave deposit accounts and go into equities!
Sarcastic humor or sad, insolvent reality... You decide.

Does it remind you of something you have heard or read before?  Watch the video below.  G Edward Griffin has been telling us of the sinister and diabolical central bank planners for DECADES.  Very few are listening.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Americans Deprived of Hemp At Behest of Corporate Oligarchy

Heart's yellow journalism still applies today and Americans are taken for a ride by the big oil, cotton, news, and chemical companies.

Will Americans WAKE UP and smell the WEED that could revitalize the economy, improve the health of our nation, and reduce the WARS FOR ENERGY that are bankrupting the country?

Probably not.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Global Twisted Economix by the Numbers

Via Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog,

Why is the global economy in so much trouble? How can so many people be so absolutely certain that the world financial system is going to crash? Well, the truth is that when you take a look at the cold, hard numbers it is not difficult to see why the global financial pyramid scheme is destined to fail. In the United States today, there is approximately 56 trillion dollars of total debt in our financial system, but there is only about 9 trillion dollars in our bank accounts. So you could take every single penny out of the banks, multiply it by six, and you still would not have enough money to pay off all of our debts.

Overall, there is about 190 trillion dollars of total debt on the planet. But global GDP is only about 70 trillion dollars. And the total notional value of all derivatives around the globe is somewhere between 600 trillion and 1500 trillion dollars. So we have a gigantic problem on our hands. The global financial system is a very shaky house of cards that has been constructed on a foundation of debt, leverage and incredibly risky derivatives. We are living in the greatest financial bubble in world history, and it isn't going to take much to topple the entire thing. And when it falls, it is going to be the largest financial disaster in the history of the planet.
The global financial system is more interconnected today than ever before, and a crisis at one major bank or in one area of the world can spread at lightning speed. As I wrote about yesterday, the entire European banking system is leveraged 26 to 1 at this point. A decline in asset values of just 4 percent would totally wipe out the equity of many of those banks, and once a financial panic begins we could potentially see major financial institutions start to go down like dominoes.

We got a small taste of what that is like back in 2008, and it is inevitable that it will happen again.
Anyone that would tell you that the current global financial system is sustainable does not know what they are talking about. Just look at the numbers that I have posted below.

The following is the global financial pyramid scheme by the numbers...

-$9,283,000,000,000 - The total amount of all bank deposits in the United States. The FDIC has just 25 billion dollars in the deposit insurance fund that is supposed to "guarantee" those deposits. In other words, the ratio of total bank deposits to insurance fund money is more than 371 to 1.

-$10,012,800,000,000 - The total amount of mortgage debt in the United States. As you can see, you could take every penny out of every bank account in America and it still would not cover it.

-$10,409,500,000,000 - The M2 money supply in the United States. This is probably the most commonly used measure of the total amount of money in the U.S. economy.

-$15,094,000,000,000 - U.S. GDP. It is a measure of all economic activity in the United States for a single year.

-$16,749,269,587,407.53 - The size of the U.S. national debt. It has grown by more than 10 trillion dollars over the past ten years.

-$32,000,000,000,000 - The total amount of money that the global elite have stashed in offshore banks (that we know about).

-$50,230,844,000,000 - The total amount of government debt in the world.

-$56,280,790,000,000 - The total amount of debt (government, corporate, consumer, etc.) in the U.S. financial system.

-$61,000,000,000,000 - The combined total assets of the 50 largest banks in the world.

-$70,000,000,000,000 - The approximate size of total world GDP.

-$190,000,000,000,000 - The approximate size of the total amount of debt in the entire world. It has nearly doubled in size over the past decade.

-$212,525,587,000,000 - According to the U.S. government, this is the notional value of the derivatives that are being held by the top 25 banks in the United States. But those banks only have total assets of about 8.9 trillion dollars combined. In other words, the exposure of our largest banks to derivatives outweighs their total assets by a ratio of about 24 to 1.

-$600,000,000,000,000 to $1,500,000,000,000,000 - The estimates of the total notional value of all global derivatives generally fall within this range. At the high end of the range, the ratio of derivatives to global GDP is more than 21 to 1.

Are you starting to get the picture?
Every single day, the total amount of debt will continue to grow faster than the total amount of money until the day that this bubble bursts.

What we witnessed back in 2008 was just a little "hiccup" in the system. It caused the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, but global financial authorities were able to get things stabilized.

Next time it won't be so easy.

The next wave of the economic collapse is quickly approaching. A full-blown economic depression has already started in southern Europe. Unemployment is at record highs and economic activity is contracting rapidly.

The major offshore banking centers in Cyprus are on the verge of collapsing. It was just announced that they will now be closed until Tuesday, but nobody really knows for sure when they will be allowed to reopen. And there is already talk that when they do reopen that there will be strict limits on how much money people can take out.

And now the IMF is warning that the three biggest banks in Slovenia are failing and that a billion euros will be needed to bail them out.

The dominoes are starting to tumble, and the United States won't be immune. In fact, the greatest financial problems that the United States has ever seen are on the horizon.
But you can just have faith that Ben Bernanke, Barack Obama and the U.S. Congress know exactly what they are doing and will be able to save us from the coming financial collapse if you want.

The mainstream media will provide you with all of the positive economic news that you could possibly want. They are giddy about the fact that the Dow keeps hitting all-time highs and they would have us all believe that we are in the midst of a robust economic recovery. You can listen to them if you want to.
But when you are tempted to believe that everything is going to be "okay" somehow, just go back and look at the numbers there were posted above one more time.

There is no way that the global financial pyramid scheme is going to be able to hold up for too much longer. At some point it is going to totally collapse. When that happens, will you be ready?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Bankers Advance on Cyprus, Testing New Boom Bust Strategy - Deposit Rape

First read this @nytimes NONSENSE "A Bank Levy in Cyprus, and Why Not to Worry - http://nyti.ms/YoIKBa

Then see what non-corporate sponsored media is saying:

·         Cyprus Finance Minister Resigns, President Refuses To Accept Resignation | Zero Hedge http://bit.ly/11eRyA4
·         Former Cyprus Central Bank Head Slams 'Blackmailing' European Leaders | Zero Hedge  http://bit.ly/YoJaaH
·         From Smoldering Ashes of Cyprus Comes Good News of Reality For Europe | Mish http://bit.ly/YoJPZH
·         Cyprus Contagion Spreading: Greek Bonds Plunge Most Since Bailout | Zero Hedge http://bit.ly/YoKdHE

Meanwhile back home:

·         US Deposits In Perspective: $25B In Insurance, $9,283B In Deposits; $297,514B In Derivatives | Zero Hedge http://bit.ly/YoK5YQ
·         Obama is Worse than Bush | Global Research http://bit.ly/11f3eCR

Friday, March 15, 2013

Fight Financial Tyranny with Silver Bullets and a #WallStreetSalesTax

Buy silver bullets and watch JP Morgan Chase crumble.  Their corruption is so widespread, their revenues are primarily from government subsidies, and they take you cars and homes when you can't make the payments.  HYPOCRISY!

LIBOR rigging - Guilty!
Silver price manipulation - Guilty!
Gold price manipulation - Guilty!
Bribing Congress and the White House - Guilty!

I hope Elizabeth Warren goes postal on JP Morgan Chase.

When you hear this word, think #wallstreetsalestax

When you hear sequester, think #wallstreetsalestax,
When you hear filibuster, think #wallstreetsalestax,
When you hear lobbyist, think #wallstreetsalestax,
When you hear #currencywars, think #wallstreetsalestax,

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Oh yes! Time to crush $JPM! Go Warren, Go Keiser Silver!

Buy keiser silver dollars and support Elizabeth Warren to #SeizetheBank

JPMorgan Misled Investors, Dodged Regulator, Report Shows - Bloomberg -

This is your chance to do something about the banker led destruction that we have been victims of for so long.

Move your money out of JP Morgan Chase into a local bank.

Sell their stock.

Support Elizabeth Warren and the #wallstreetsalestax.  Time for the one percent to pay their fair share.

And buy silver from Max Keiser.

He will tell the rest of the story.  Learn about their corruption and coercion and the misery they and others like them have caused over the years.  At YOUR expense! Your tax dollars pay for nearly 70% of their revenues.  They live off of government subsidies while the rest of our government services are blamed.

Read more from Max Keiser on the "Buy Silver, Crash JP Morgan Campaign"

500 Dollar Silver Manisfesto

The Crash JP Morgan Buy Silver Manifesto or: How to Get Hedge Funds To Do Your Dirty Work For You And Drive the Price of Silver to $500
1 – JP Morgan has a huge short position in Silver – estimated to be 3.3 billion ounces – tied to an enormous, extremely precarious $65 trillion derivatives position.
2 – Various exchanges around the world have been caught manipulating the price of Silver using ‘naked’ short sales i.e., counterfeiting.
3 – Of all the actively traded commodities traded around the world, Silver is one of the least plentiful and its supply is shrinking, but its industrial uses are multiplying. The ‘networked’ age of global communications is built with Silver.
4 – Hedge funds are taking physical delivery of Silver – adding substantial demand as well as exposing these exchange’s naked short positions – who are already scrambling to deliver – jacking prices up to multi-decade highs – and inspiring these predatory funds to buy more Silver.
5 – There are billions of people around the world who are aware that banks have been committing fraud and embezzlement who are upset that their politicians seem only interested in helping the banks commit more fraud – who are looking for a cheap way to non-aggressively fight back and decapitalize these banks.
6 – Many of these people have the access and wherewithal to purchase 1 ounce of Silver – thus removing hundreds of millions of ounces of Silver from the ‘paper’ market – forcing additional scrambling by dealers to fill orders by buying back short positions – inspiring the funds to buy and take physical delivery of even more Silver – creating a colossal short squeeze – in which JP Morgan stands to be the biggest loser.
7 – Buying Silver is how the world is monetizing its anger at the banks who stole their wealth.
8 – Crash JP Morgan Buy Silver

A New Housing Bubble Fueled By Easy Fed Money

First a trip back in time:

-          Peter Schiff Calls The Housing Bubble in 2006 http://bit.ly/14TaLUo
-          2006: Pimco PM on Housing Prices - http://bit.ly/10J9nXz

We all know what happened next.  The housing bubble popped along with trillions of dollars of derivatives contract and global credit dried up.  The stock market crashed along with the economy.  Banks got bailouts and crony capitalism was officially made policy.

Now, 5 years later, read on:

The Mysterious New Housing Bubble » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names 

Boomerang Foreclosures" Are Back As Bernanke's Second Housing Bubble Begins To Pop | Zero Hedge

This Is Housing Bubble 2.0: David Stockman | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance 

"Former Reagan budget director warns of new housing bubble | The Daily Caller" (  

"Housing Market Already Shows Signs of a New Bubble 

Background data to help you put the housing bubble in context:
10 Examples Of TheClueless Denial About The 'Real' Economy | Zero Hedge 

Quantitative Easing Did Not Work For The Weimar Republic Either 

"Where Does Money Come From? The Giant Federal Reserve Scam That Most Americans Do Not Understand 

and this:

10 Things That Every American Should Know About The Federal Reserve 

If you are really into securitization, read this:

Blackstone Rushes To Capitalize On Housing Bubble By Launching REO-To-Rent Securitization | Zero Hedge

What you may or may not have noticed about all of these articles is that they are NOT mainstream, with 1 exception.  There are no corporate advertising contracts to consider when editing the story.  This is what people REALLY think based on the DATA.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

White Smoke and Mirros: Jesuit Pope, Dow Record

Wow.  The mass media are really beating the drum trying to get people into the markets.  (See here, here, and here.)  That must mean it will pop within less than a year.  Visit CNBC or Bloomberg if you need more hyped up non sense to get you to put your hard earned money into the stock market, or if you need more persuading to buy that bigger home.  They can't even give you a quantitative comparison of the Dow vs. the S&P500.  Look how closely they track

Well, let's look into this a bit.

We know the Federal Reserve is buying almost all the US debt, sometimes even before it hits the market.  Why? Because the rest of the world isn't drinking from the same BS laden coolaid anymore and because they want to CONTROL the US government.  Imagine if the US Congress said "We want to audit the Federal Reserve".  The Fed can say behind closed doors, "Push this any further and we will stop buying your bonds and the whole economy will crash."

The Federal Reserve is also buying over $40 billion dollars a month in mortgage backed securities, bailing out the primary dealers that make up its secret charter members.

Look forward to more boom bust and bailouts over the coming months as gas prices rise, which is always an early indicator of bubble popping.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Bernanke and the Federal Reserve Blowing Bubbles into Housing, Bonds, Stock Market, Bank Reserves

Think the Fed is your friend? Read on…

1.        "The Erosion Of The U.S. Economy In Two Words: Jobs And Wages | Zero Hedge  http://bit.ly/13PKDh5
-      adjusted for official inflation, real wages are down by 7% - 8%.

2.       Low interest rates, Over 20 Million Houses Sitting Vacant | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog http://bit.ly/Ye1HbM
-          the economy is being helped by “shadow stimulus.”  It’s coming from millions of underwater homeowners who have stopped making mortgage payments. 
-          Calvo says, “Money that would have been otherwise allocated towards a housing payment is going into consumer spending.” 
-          The Fed is also propping up housing by suppressing interest rates.

3.       "U.S. Already in Technical Default-Gregory Mannarino | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog" ( http://bit.ly/13PRJCj
-          Image below depicts Fed buying treasuries when no one else will, en masse, creating a bond bubble

-          Courtesy of Wolf Richter

5.       "Fed Injects Record $100 Billion Cash Into Foreign Banks Operating In The US In Past Week | Zero Hedge" ( http://bit.ly/13PTijI

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Root Cause Analysis: Is The Federal Reserve the Top of the Vampire Pyramid Known as the New World Order?

Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, 100 years ago after 3, repeat THREE Senators passed the law on December 24, 1913.

So what was he warning about? The Vampire Squid banking cartels and their organized crime syndicates.  Not only was the threat real and deadly in 1913, it is real and deadly now.

So who is talking about this credit and debt based ponzi scheme? Keep watching.

The answer to the question posed in the subject line of this article is NO.  However, We will not be able to take down the head unless we recognize all the parts of the body.

What other lies have we been told? Now is a good time to invest in real estate? A good time to invest in treasuries? A good time to invest in stocks?  How are these all related?

Think currency wars is an overstatement by a bunch of bloggers and Internet losers?  How about the Pentagon?

Hypothetical and extreme but real world events are not far from this now.  Don't you think it is about time the Federal Reserve is audited, investigated, and shutdown?

Friday, March 8, 2013

Confessions of George H. W. Bush, 50 Years After the Kennedy Assassination

We are also "celebrating" the 100 year anniversary of the Federal Reserve Act creating the private Federal Reserve cartel and its monopoly of the American money supply by foreign and domestic banking and industrial dynasties.

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered."

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies..."

- Thomas Jefferson

“The bold effort the present bank has made to control the government, the distress it had wantonly produced...are but premonitions of the fate that awaits the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it.” 

“If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution by morning.” 

- Andrew Jackson

Isn't it about time we understand and acknowledge the truth behind both of these crimes? What is the connection with the Bush dynasty?  Or should we wait for another scientifically engineered economic crisis or another false flag event such as the 9/11 attacks?  It's up to you.

DARK LEGACY (film) from NM on Vimeo.

George Sr. recently got out of the hospital and had a reunion.  The Twisted Times Daily sat down with the family and asked a few questions.

<Add Bush Jr. audio-video here>

Thursday, March 7, 2013

More Hope Than Tragedy? Warren Grills Treasury About HSBC Drug Cartel Money Laundering

This is AWESOME! Go Elizabeth.  She is made of steel.  Perhaps she can take off where Ron Paul left off.  You have to understand that HSBC has been in the business of evil for quite a long time.  The fact that the American government cannot shut it down is a prime indicator that we are still under the control of the British Crown.  Think I am crazy? Read on.

Start here.

Now, let's look back in time to the Opium Wars with China in the 1600's.

Now watch this news show about financial fraud and scandal.  Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert BRILLIANTLY describe parts of the Fourth Riech that is taking over the world economies.  He describes part of the conspiracy to drive our globe into war and depression.  Have patience, they like to tell funny stories along with their news commentary.  Kind of like Bill Maher or Jon Stewart, only more focused on the financial fraud.

So who is on top of the financial house of cards that Warren is investigating? That's what you need to find out.

I would start by looking at the private Federal Reserve and its charter members.  

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

TwistedPolitix: You Vote With Your Dollars and Your Time, Not Your Ballot

TwistedPolitix: You Vote With Your Dollars and Your Time, Not Your Ballot: For the most part everybody gets one vote per election and they choose a candidate. They rarely see how their vote affected the entire election. But what they do see is the quality of life around them go up or down, along with taxes, crime, incomes, savings, and health.

You Vote With Your Dollars and Your Time, Not Your Ballot

For the most part everybody gets one vote per election and they choose a candidate.  They rarely see how their vote affected the entire election.  But what they do see is the quality of life around them go up or down, along with taxes, crime, incomes, savings, and health.

Don't you think it would make more sense for each of us to look at where we spend our hard earned time and money as consumers, citizens, employees, and parents.

If you are taxes are going up is it because you live in a broke municipality or because yours is willing to pay more to the bankers via subsidies and bailouts?

If the Federal Reserve and its charter members have been managing the quality of our economic lives by heavily influencing the money supply, redlining some while bankrolling others, don't you think it's time for there to be some competitive data and education about what the statistics mean?

How else can you make informed decisions? Keen observation via the propaganda machine owned by the same individuals and institutions?  Ha ha.

Get an education.  Get a life.  Join the Peace Revolution.

Can data and statistics solve this crisis?

Seems like a select few economists and concerned citizens around the world are talking about a pending global crisis like they did in 2005-2008.  And like then they do not get much mass media attention so very few are taking appropriate action to protect themselves intellectually, financially, and physically 

Last time we learned after the fact that banks had an inside scoop on the crash and made out like bandits and not a single ringleader went to jail.  Now many of the people, cities, municipalities, states, and countries around the world are hurting economically and psychologically.  This is not a time of peace.  It is a time of war and if we do not stop what is going on, it will continue another 100 years.

Our current economic system runs on data and a set of lies.  Most of us are not aware of the lies and aren't educated enough to see through the lies, let alone to do the math, propose solutions, debate them, and take action.

So we get pummeled every cycle and life gets harder and harder.

With better population data, visual demographics, visual census,  economic, weather data etc, we can see what is really wrong with our economy.  Local citizens should see how their communities look from a data perspective and they should learn why, as well as who makes the decisions about how their life is socially engineered.

Who Will Be Your Next Dictator? Ask the Illuminati It's a new version of an old game.

What will you choose to believe?

Petroleum, Abiotic or Fossil Fuel, Still Limited, Still Dirty, Still a Reason for War

Jerome Corsi: Oil creation process discovered by Nazi's kept hidden by US Govt - National Finance Examiner | Examiner.com

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How Can Hemp Restore America? New Farm Bill May Spark Hemp for Energy

Whether you are a liberal Democrat, or a moderate Republican, a progressive independent, an Occupy protester, a social security recipient, a US veteran, a farmer, a work from home mom, an unemployed dad, or a Silicon Valley software developer, you should be behind the movement to legalize or decriminalize non-narcotic industrial hemp.

If you are against hydraulic fracking, you should be for Hemp for Energy.
If you are against BigOil and their energy wars, you should be for Hemp for Energy.
If you are against the Keystone XL pipeline deal, you should be for Hemp for Energy.
If you are against polluting the earth, you should be for Hemp for Energy.
If you are against big government, you should be for Hemp for Energy.
If you are against the United Nations Agenda 21, you should be for Hemp for Energy.
If you are against the high cost of medical treatment, you should be for Hemp for Energy.
If you are against the high cost of gasoline, you should be for Hemp for Energy.

Hemp biomass, biofuels, and plastics could be produced to run our diesel trains, our internal combustion cars, diesel cargo trucks, and some airplanes.

Domestically grown hemp could be used to produce many of the products that are currently fabricated from imported petroleum.  Reducing the import of foreign oil would improve the economic equation for calculating GDP whereas Imports would decrease.

Domestically grown hemp would reduce the need to import oil from more and more expensive and dangerous locations, such as the Arctic circle, Nigeria, the Middle East, or from Canada's tar sands.

That would mean fewer wars and fewer deaths due to military conflict.  It would mean a reduction in pollution caused by oil spills, such as that of BP in the Gulf of Mexico.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

70 Years After World War II, The New York Times Still Denies Banking and Industrial Involvement in Holocaust

Read this article from the NYT. Then ask yourself, who funded the killing camps? Where did the money come from to fund Hitler? Were these camps setup in secrecy like the FEMA camps built in the US between 1980-2012? Are there any connections between the 9/11 attacks, the 2008 financial crisis, and the Holocaust?

Perhaps you can begin your investigation by looking at the lawsuits in Europe against the insurance companies that are mentioned below.

THE NEW YORK TIMES NEWS ANALYSIS The Holocaust Just Got More Shocking

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum/Collection of Eugenia Hochberg Lanceter A group of Jewish women at the entrance to the Brody ghetto in Eastern Galicia, 1942. The sign is written in German, Ukrainian and Polish.

2 more images

By ERIC LICHTBLAU Published: March 03, 2013

THIRTEEN years ago, researchers at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum began the grim task of documenting all the ghettos, slave labor sites, concentration camps and killing factories that the Nazis set up throughout Europe.

What they have found so far has shocked even scholars steeped in the history of the Holocaust.

The researchers have cataloged some 42,500 Nazi ghettos and camps throughout Europe, spanning German-controlled areas from France to Russia and Germany itself, during Hitler's reign of brutality from 1933 to 1945.

The figure is so staggering that even fellow Holocaust scholars had to make sure they had heard it correctly when the lead researchers previewed their findings at an academic forum in late January at the German Historical Institute in Washington.

"The numbers are so much higher than what we originally thought," Hartmut Berghoff, director of the institute, said in an interview after learning of the new data.

"We knew before how horrible life in the camps and ghettos was," he said, "but the numbers are unbelievable."

The documented camps include not only "killing centers" but also thousands of forced labor camps, where prisoners manufactured war supplies; prisoner-of-war camps; sites euphemistically named "care" centers, where pregnant women were forced to have abortions or their babies were killed after birth; and brothels, where women were coerced into having sex with German military personnel.

Auschwitz and a handful of other concentration camps have come to symbolize the Nazi killing machine in the public consciousness. Likewise, the Nazi system for imprisoning Jewish families in hometown ghettos has become associated with a single site - the Warsaw Ghetto, famous for the 1943 uprising. But these sites, infamous though they are, represent only a minuscule fraction of the entire German network, the new research makes painfully clear.

The maps the researchers have created to identify the camps and ghettos turn wide sections of wartime Europe into black clusters of death, torture and slavery -centered in Germany and Poland, but reaching in all directions.

The lead editors on the project, Geoffrey Megargee and Martin Dean, estimate that 15 million to 20 million people died or were imprisoned in the sites that they have identified as part of a multivolume encyclopedia. (The Holocaust museum has published the first two, with five more planned by 2025.)

The existence of many individual camps and ghettos was previously known only on a fragmented, region-by-region basis. But the researchers, using data from some 400 contributors, have been documenting the entire scale for the first time, studying where they were located, how they were run, and what their purpose was.

The brutal experience of Henry Greenbaum, an 84-year-old Holocaust survivor who lives outside Washington, typifies the wide range of Nazi sites.

When Mr. Greenbaum, a volunteer at the Holocaust museum, tells visitors today about his wartime odyssey, listeners inevitably focus on his confinement of months at Auschwitz, the most notorious of all the camps.

But the images of the other camps where the Nazis imprisoned him are ingrained in his memory as deeply as the concentration camp number - A188991 - tattooed on his left forearm.

In an interview, he ticked off the locations in rapid fire, the details still vivid.

First came the Starachowice ghetto in his hometown in Poland, where the Germans herded his family and other local Jews in 1940, when he was just 12.

Next came a slave labor camp with six-foot-high fences outside the town, where he and a sister were moved while the rest of the family was sent to die at Treblinka. After his regular work shift at a factory, the Germans would force him and other prisoners to dig trenches that were used for dumping the bodies of victims. He was sent to Auschwitz, then removed to work at a chemical manufacturing plant in Poland known as Buna Monowitz, where he and some 50 other prisoners who had been held at the main camp at Auschwitz were taken to manufacture rubber and synthetic oil. And last was another slave labor camp at Flossenbürg, near the Czech border, where food was so scarce that the weight on his 5-foot-8-inch frame fell away to less than 100 pounds.

By the age of 17, Mr. Greenbaum had been enslaved in five camps in five years, and was on his way to a sixth, when American soldiers freed him in 1945. "Nobody even knows about these places," Mr. Greenbaum said. "Everything should be documented. That's very important. We try to tell the youngsters so that they know, and they'll remember."

The research could have legal implications as well by helping a small number of survivors document their continuing claims over unpaid insurance policies, looted property, seized land and other financial matters.

"HOW many claims have been rejected because the victims were in a camp that we didn't even know about?" asked Sam Dubbin, a Florida lawyer who represents a group of survivors who are seeking to bring claims against European insurance companies.

Dr. Megargee, the lead researcher, said the project was changing the understanding among Holocaust scholars of how the camps and ghettos evolved.

As early as 1933, at the start of Hitler's reign, the Third Reich established about 110 camps specifically designed to imprison some 10,000 political opponents and others, the researchers found. As Germany invaded and began occupying European neighbors, the use of camps and ghettos was expanded to confine and sometimes kill not only Jews but also homosexuals, Gypsies, Poles, Russians and many other ethnic groups in Eastern Europe. The camps and ghettos varied enormously in their mission, organization and size, depending on the Nazis' needs, the researchers have found.

The biggest site identified is the infamous Warsaw Ghetto, which held about 500,000 people at its height. But as few as a dozen prisoners worked at one of the smallest camps, the München-Schwabing site in Germany. Small groups of prisoners were sent there from the Dachau concentration camp under armed guard. They were reportedly whipped and ordered to do manual labor at the home of a fervent Nazi patron known as "Sister Pia," cleaning her house, tending her garden and even building children's toys for her.

When the research began in 2000, Dr. Megargee said he expected to find perhaps 7,000 Nazi camps and ghettos, based on postwar estimates. But the numbers kept climbing - first to 11,500, then 20,000, then 30,000, and now 42,500.

The numbers astound: 30,000 slave labor camps; 1,150 Jewish ghettos; 980 concentration camps; 1,000 prisoner-of-war camps; 500 brothels filled with sex slaves; and thousands of other camps used for euthanizing the elderly and infirm, performing forced abortions, "Germanizing" prisoners or transporting victims to killing centers.

In Berlin alone, researchers have documented some 3,000 camps and so-called Jew houses, while Hamburg held 1,300 sites.

Dr. Dean, a co-researcher, said the findings left no doubt in his mind that many German citizens, despite the frequent claims of ignorance after the war, must have known about the widespread existence of the Nazi camps at the time.

"You literally could not go anywhere in Germany without running into forced labor camps, P.O.W. camps, concentration camps," he said. "They were everywhere."

Eric Lichtblau is a reporter for The New York Times in Washington and a visiting fellow at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum