JPMorgan Misled Investors, Dodged Regulator, Report Shows - Bloomberg -
This is your chance to do something about the banker led destruction that we have been victims of for so long.
Move your money out of JP Morgan Chase into a local bank.
Sell their stock.
Support Elizabeth Warren and the #wallstreetsalestax. Time for the one percent to pay their fair share.
And buy silver from Max Keiser.
He will tell the rest of the story. Learn about their corruption and coercion and the misery they and others like them have caused over the years. At YOUR expense! Your tax dollars pay for nearly 70% of their revenues. They live off of government subsidies while the rest of our government services are blamed.
Tweets about "#WallStreetSalesTax"
Read more from Max Keiser on the "Buy Silver, Crash JP Morgan Campaign"
500 Dollar Silver Manisfesto
The Crash JP Morgan Buy Silver Manifesto or: How to Get Hedge Funds To Do Your Dirty Work For You And Drive the Price of Silver to $500
1 – JP Morgan has a huge short position in Silver – estimated to be 3.3 billion ounces – tied to an enormous, extremely precarious $65 trillion derivatives position.
2 – Various exchanges around the world have been caught manipulating the price of Silver using ‘naked’ short sales i.e., counterfeiting.
3 – Of all the actively traded commodities
traded around the world, Silver is one of the least plentiful and its supply is shrinking, but its industrial uses are multiplying. The ‘networked’ age of global communications is built with Silver.
4 – Hedge funds are taking physical delivery of Silver – adding substantial demand as well as exposing these exchange’s naked short positions – who are already scrambling to deliver – jacking prices
up to multi-decade highs – and inspiring these predatory funds to buy more Silver.
5 – There are billions of people around the world who are aware that banks have been committing fraud and embezzlement who are upset that their politicians seem only interested in helping the banks commit more fraud – who are looking for a cheap way to non-aggressively fight back and decapitalize these banks.
6 – Many of these people have the access and wherewithal to purchase 1 ounce of Silver – thus removing hundreds of millions of ounces of Silver from the ‘paper’ market – forcing additional scrambling by dealers to fill orders by buying back short positions – inspiring the funds to buy and take physical delivery of even more Silver – creating a colossal short squeeze – in which JP Morgan stands to be the biggest loser.
7 – Buying Silver is how the world is monetizing its anger at the banks who stole their wealth.
8 – Crash JP Morgan Buy Silver
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