Showing posts with label #911truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #911truth. Show all posts
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Solving 9-11: Exposing the Deception
A explanation of how the public has been deceived and misinformed about
the events of 9-11 and how this deception has been used to wage war and
change American society.
ehud barack,
ehud olmert,
Sunday, January 4, 2015
How the #Neocons Never Left #ThinkTank #FPI #PNAC
The Project for the New American Century.
PNAC said, in THEIR OWN WORDS, we need a "new Pearl Harbor" event to swiftly enact the endless wars in the Middle East...and then 9/11 conveniently happened (and the official story is FALSE, see the videos immediately following these Libya videos):
Think this group will support Jeb Bush for President in 2016? You bet!
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Is This The Start of World War III? #WW3
#SecDef Chuck Hagel Says We Are Seeing Historic, Defining Times, A New World Order #NWO #WW3
— #RandomCoincidences (@TwistedPolitix) December 30, 2014
Saturday, December 27, 2014
List of CENSORED 9/11 Whistleblowers
Ever wonder why no one ever seriously counters the official story in mainstream news? Here's part of your answer.
Dr. Alan Sabrosky
Wikipedia ... has openly accused
Israel of orchestrating the attacks of September 11th, 2001.
Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D., University of Michigan],
1976]) citation needed], is a ten-year US Marine Corps
veteran and a 1986 graduate of the U. S. Army War College.
He is also a writer and consultant specializing in national
and international security affairs. In December 1988, he
received the Superior Civilian Service Award after more than
five years of service at the U.S. Army War College as
Director of Studies, Strategic Studies Institute, and holder
of the General of the Army Douglas MacArthur Chair of
Research. Dr. Sabrosky's teaching and research appointments
have included the United States Military Academy, the Center
for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Middlebury
College and Catholic University; while in government
service, he held concurrent adjunct professorships at
Georgetown University and the Johns Hopkins University
School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). Dr.
Sabrosky has lectured widely on defense and foreign affairs
in the United States and abroad. ...
A representative quote by Dr. Sabrosky is as follows - "What
we need to stand up and say is not only did Israel attack
the USS Liberty, they did 9/11. They did it. I have had long
conversations over the past two weeks with contacts at the
Army War College, at it's headquarters, Marine Corps and I
made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100
percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period."
In a later interview he stated: "Americans must understand
that they did it. And if they do, Israel is gonna disappear.
Israel will flat ass disappear from the face of this
earth." citation needed] Sabrosky has not brought any new
evidence (and does not consider that any more is necessary
or likely to be forthcoming, other than a possible
confession from one of the 9-11 organizers), but rather lent
his credentials, both of being part Jewish himself, and of
being a Professor and former Vietnam Marine veteran, to the
critics of the official US government position on 9-11, and
its justification for its wars. He has also provided a
comprehensive conceptual framework for evaluating 9-11 in
“Demystifying 9-11: Israel and the Tactics of Mistake
Susan Landauer A 9/11 Truth
activist, CIA asset, and whistleblower with extensive
experience in the immoral sanctions and illegal invasion of
Iraq ...
Wikipedia Lindauer is the daughter of John Howard
Lindauer II, the newspaper publisher and former Republican
nominee for Governor of Alaska. Her mother was Jackie
Lindauer (1932–1992) who died of cancer in 1992. In 1995 her
father married Dorothy Oremus, a Chicago attorney who along
with other members of her family owned the largest cement
company in the Midwest. Lindauer is also a second cousin of
former White House Chief of Staff,
Andrew Card. ... She graduated from
Smith College in 1985. She earned a masters degree in public
policy from the London School of Economics. She worked as a
temporary reporter at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer for 13
weeks in 1987, and as an editorial writer at the The Everett
Herald in Everett, Washington in 1989. She then was a
reporter and researcher at U.S. News & World Report in 1990
and 1991. She then worked for Representative Peter DeFazio,
D-Oregon (1993) and then Representative Ron Wyden, D-Oregon
(1994) before joining the office of Senator Carol Moseley
Braun, D-Illinois, where she worked as a press secretary and
speech writer. On January 8, 2003, she delivered a
letter to Andrew Card. In her letter, she urged Card to
intercede with President George W. Bush to not invade Iraq,
and offered to act as a back channel in negotiations. Andrew
Card is her second cousin. Her first politically-related
contact with former Chief of Staff was around 2001. Lindauer
was arrested on March 11, 2004 in Takoma Park, Maryland and
charged with "acting as an unregistered agent of a foreign
government". The indictment alleged that she accepted
US$10,000 from the Iraqi Intelligence Service in 2002.
Lindauer denies receiving the money, but confirms taking a
trip to Baghdad, claiming it was on behalf of her work as a
U.S. asset. She was released on bond on March 13, 2004, to
attend an arraignment the following week. (She was
falsely accused of being mentally unstable, but has a mass
of records proving otherwise see
she is focused and articulate)
Sibel Edmonds
JustaCitizen in
her new memoir, Sibel Edmonds�the most classified woman in
U.S. history takes us on a surreal journey that begins with
the secretive FBI and down the dark halls of a feckless
Congress to a stonewalling judiciary and finally, to the
national security whistleblowers movement she spearheaded.
Having lived under Middle East dictatorships, Edmonds knows
firsthand what can happen when government is allowed to
operate in secret. Hers is a sobering perspective that
combines painful experience with a rallying cry for the
public's right to know and to hold the lawbreakers
accountable. With U.S. citizens increasingly stripped of
their rights in a calibrated media blackout, Edmonds story
is a wake-up call for all Americans who, willingly or
unwillingly, traded liberty for illusive security in the
wake of 9/11.
Charlie Sheen
video and Charlie Sheen has provoked outrage with
claims that the U.S. government was behind the September 11
terror attacks. Ahead of today's eighth anniversary of the
atrocities that killed 3,000, the Hollywood star has
insisted there was a cover-up. And he has appealed to
President Barack Obama to hold a new investigation into the
attacks on the World Trade Centre towers in New York and the
Pentagon in Washington DC. Enlarge Actor Charlie Sheen,
shown here with ex-wife Denise Richards in 2005, has
demanded Barack Obama open a new investigation into 9/11
Sheen, the highest-paid actor on U.S. TV, argues that 'the
official 9/11 story is a fraud' and says the commission set
up to investigate was a whitewash. He claims the attacks
simply served 'as the pretext for the systematic dismantling
of our Constitution and Bill of Rights'.
Frank Greg Ford -
was a member of the team that discovered the canisters at the Balad
airbase and he has stated a British team arrived to take
possession of the evidence and later destroyed it. Ford has
filed a law suit against the United States government for
the retaliation he experienced for his team's discovery.
Greg Palast Wikipedia (born
June 26, 1952) is a New York Times-bestselling author and a
freelance journalist for the British Broadcasting
Corporation as well as the British newspaper The Observer.
His work frequently focuses on corporate malfeasance but has
also been known to work with labor unions and consumer
advocacy groups. Notably, he has claimed to have uncovered
evidence that Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Florida Secretary
of State Katherine Harris, and Florida Elections Unit Chief
Clay Roberts, along with the ChoicePoint corporation, rigged
the ballots during the US Presidential Election of 2000 and
again in 2004 when, he argued, the problems and machinations
from 2000 continued, and that challenger John Kerry actually
would have won if not for disproportional "spoilage" of
Democratic votes. 9/11
Jesse Ventura
Wikipedia (born July 15,
1951), better known as Jesse Ventura, is an American
politician, actor, author, veteran, and former professional
wrestler who served as the 38th Governor of Minnesota from
1999 to 2003. Ventura served as a Navy UDT member during the
Vietnam War. He later embarked on an 11-year professional
wrestling career from 1975 to 1986, taking up the stage name
Jesse "The Body" Ventura. Ventura first entered politics as
Mayor of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota from 1991 to 1995. He ran
as the Reform Party candidate in the Minnesota gubernatorial
election of 1998, .... The campaign was successful, and
Ventura served from January 4, 1999, to January 6, 2003,
without running for a second term. After leaving office,
Ventura became a visiting fellow at Harvard University's
John F. Kennedy School of Government. He has also hosted a
number of TV shows and has written several political books.
Ventura currently lives in both Dellwood, Minnesota and Cabo
San Lucas, Mexico. ... Ventura
became critical of the War in Iraq, arguing that Iraq had no
involvement in the 9/11 attacks. ...
In April and May 2008, Jesse Ventura, in several radio
interviews for his new book, Don't Start the Revolution
Without Me, began to express concerns about what he
described as some of the unanswered questions of the
September 11 attacks. His remarks about the possibility that
the World Trade Center was demolished with explosives were
also repeated in newspaper and television stories following
some of the interviews. Ventura was interviewed on the Alex
Jones radio show on April 2, 2008 where he said that he felt
that many unanswered questions remain, and he believes that
World Trade Center Building 7, which was not struck by a
plane, collapsed on the afternoon of 9/11 in a manner which
resembled a controlled demolition Ventura stated: How could
this building just implode into its own footprint five hours
later? That's my first question. The 9/11 Commission
didn't even devote one page to that in their big volume of
investigation. ... Conspiracy Theory with
Jesse Ventura Main article: Conspiracy Theory with Jesse
Ventura In August 2009, it was announced that Ventura would
host TruTV's new show Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.
"Ventura will hunt down answers, plunging viewers into a
world of secret meetings, midnight surveillance, shifty
characters and dark forces," truTV said in a statement. On
the program, which debuted on December 2, 2009, Ventura
travels the country, investigating cases and getting input
from believers and skeptics before passing judgment on a
theory's validity. According to TruTV, the first episode
drew 1.6 million viewers, a record for a new series on the
network. The second season of the series debuted in October
2010 and aired 8 episodes through December 2010.A third
season is in the process of being made and will air sometime
in 2012.
Michael Springman
OpEdNews How A Visa Bureau Chief In Saudi Arabia
Learned To Love Denying Visas To Terrorists ...
With an employment history of over twenty years with the
federal government,1 Springman joined the State Department
in 1986 and was assigned to the American Consulate in
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in 1987.2 His position was chief of the
visa bureau section there.3 Before leaving for Jeddah,
Springman was contacted by the American ambassador in Saudi
Arabia, Walter Cutler, who passed on to Springman rather
ominous forewarnings (or friendly advice not to rock the
boat) concerning his new position. Cutler, Springman says,
"kept talking about visa problems. And how I should do my
best to make sure that everything ran smoothly".4 This
conversation with Cutler would prove to be the initiation of
a fourteen year odyssey for Springman that culminated on
September 11, 2001. ... So
here we have an interesting scenario of young, out of work,
Muslim men with no visible skills traveling from other
Muslim countries to Saudi Arabia in order to obtain a visa
for entry into America rather than obtaining that visa in
their native country? Very curious, to say the least. Then
came September 11, 2001. ... Several
weeks after the 9/11 attacks it was reported in the press
that of the nineteen hijackers who commandeered aircraft on
the morning of September 11, 2001, fifteen had obtained
their visas at the American Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi
Arabia.12 Springman was surprised to read this. He had
thought that the CIA operation in Jeddah had been closed
down long before the 9/11 attacks, considering he, "had
complained to the diplomatic security in Washington"had
complained to the General Accounting Office"had complained
to the State Department Inspector General's office, and"had
complained to the Bureau of Consular Affairs at the State
Department."13 It would seem that Langley takes little
notice of storm warnings emanating from Foggy Bottom.
BBC -- The BBC blew the
whistle on it own involvement in 9/11 YouTube
BBC Reports Collapse of WTC Building 7 Early-- TWICE
The BBC reported that a number of the 9 11 'hijackers' were
still alive after 9 11. (BBC NEWS Middle East Hijack
'suspects' alive and well)
Aangirfan Newsweek revealed that five
of the alleged 9/11 hijackers received training at secure US
military bases. (MSNBC) "Terrorists in the September 11
attacks received training at secure US military bases, a
Defense Department spokesman admitted in an interview
Friday." Three days after the WTC disaster, Newsweek and the
Washington Post reported that 3 of the hijackers had listed
their address as the Naval Air Station in Pensacola,
Steve Pieczenik
9/11 attacks were a Bush inside job ....
Steve Pieczenik is a critically acclaimed author of
psycho-political thrillers and the co-creator of the
best-selling Tom Clancy's Op-Center and Tom Clancy's Net
Force paperback series. Trained in psychiatry at Harvard
University and international relations at M.I.T., his novels
are based on over twenty years experience resolving
international crises and hostage situations for the
Department of State for four administrations.
and ...
Recruited by Lawrence Eagleburger as Deputy Assistant
Secretary of State for Management, Pieczenik went on to
develop, "the basic tenets for psychological warfare,
counter terrorism, strategy and tactics for transcultural
negotiations for the US State Department, military and
intelligence communities and other agencies of the US
Government,” while also developing foundational strategies
for hostage rescue that were later employed around the
world. ... Pieczenik also served as a senior policy
planner under Secretaries Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance,
George Schultz and James Baker and worked on George W.
Bush’s election campaign against Al Gore.
Tony Shaffer
Wikipedia (born 1962) is a
U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel who gained fame for his claims
about mishandled intelligence before the September 11
attacks and for the censoring of his book, Operation Dark
Heart. Shaffer enlisted in the Ohio Army National Guard in
1980 and graduated from Officer Candidate School in 1982. He
received his B.A. in political science and environmental
studies from Wright State University in 1986 ...
Shaffer has alleged that the U.S. Defense Intelligence
Agency (DIA) failed to properly evaluate intelligence on
9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta. Shaffer's allegations
subsequently became known as the Able Danger controversy. In
October 2003, according to his later statement to Congress,
Shaffer told the 9/11 Commission staff director, Dr. Philip
D. Zelikow, that in 2000 a DIA data-mining program known as
Able Danger had uncovered two of the three terrorist cells
eventually implicated in the September 11 attacks. Shaffer
reportedly told Zelikow that DIA leadership declined to
share this information with the FBI because military lawyers
expressed concerns about the legality of doing so. Shaffer
also asserted that he briefed Director of Central
Intelligence George Tenet on three separate occasions
regarding his unit's activities. The 9/11 Commission Report
did not mention Shaffer's allegations, but in 2005 and 2006
the Chairman of the House Select Intelligence Committee,
Rep. Curt Weldon, publicized Shaffer's allegations in public
statements and hearings.
Paul Craig Roberts (born
April 3, 1939) is an American economist and a columnist for
Creators Syndicate. He served as an Assistant Secretary of
the Treasury in the Reagan Administration earning fame as a
co-founder of Reaganomics. He is a former editor and
columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and
Scripps Howard News Service who has testified before
congressional committees on 30 occasions on issues of
economic policy. Roberts is a critic of Israel, calling Gaza
"the world's largest concentration camp" populated by people
who were "driven out of Palestine so that Israel could steal
their land." Roberts has been a critic of both Democratic
and Republican administrations. Although Roberts praised
Ronald Reagan, he has compared supporters of George W. Bush
to "brownshirts with the same low intelligence and morals as
Hitler's enthusiastic supporters." He has opposed the War on
Drugs and the War on Terror stating it has "made widows and
orphans of millions of Muslims" ... Of the 9/11
Commission Report he wrote in 2006, "One would think that if
the report could stand analysis, there would not be a taboo
against calling attention to the inadequacy of its
explanations." (see Criticisms of the 9/11 Commission
Report). He has reported what he says are findings by
experts that conclude there is a large energy deficit in the
official account of the collapse of the three WTC buildings,
and says that this deficit remains unexplained. Roberts
comments on the "scientific impossibility" of the official
explanation for the events on 9/11 and says those engineers
and physicists who accept this theory are wrong. On August
18, 2006, he wrote: I will begin by stating what we know to
be a solid incontrovertible scientific fact. We know that it
is strictly impossible for any building, much less steel
columned buildings, to “pancake” at free fall speed.
Therefore, it is a non-controversial fact that the official
explanation of the collapse of the WTC buildings is false...
Since the damning incontrovertible fact has not been
investigated, speculation and “conspiracy theories” have
filled the void..
Wayne Madsen
Wikipedia (born April 25,
1954) is a Washington, D.C.-based investigative journalist,
author and columnist specializing in intelligence and
international affairs. He is the author of the blog Wayne
Madsen Report. In early 1982 he was stationed at the
Coos Head Naval Facility which had an allowance of twelve
officers, ninety-five enlisted and 15 civilians. According
to Madsen, while Operations Officer at Coos Head he was
involved in a sting operation conducted by the FBI and Naval
Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) which ultimately ended
in the arrest of his commanding officer for pedophilia on 11
September 1982 and he was awarded a Navy Achievement Medal
for his involvement and assistance in the investigation.
In 1984, Madsen was loaned to the National Security Agency
by the Navy. Between 1985 and 1989 Madsen held a
series of jobs, first working for RCA as a government
consultant on contracts for the National Security Agency (NSA).
Later he worked for the Navy's Naval Data Automation Command
as a civilian employee. After this Madsen briefly
established his own consulting firm, then worked for the
National Bureau of Standards, and later for the State
Department. In 1990 Madsen joined Computer Sciences
Corporation, working there from 1990 until 1997, 16] when he
joined the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) as a
senior fellow. In late January 2005 Madsen left EPIC.
In 2005 Madsen began working as a free-lance journalist. He
produces a blog called the Wayne Madsen Report. His articles
have appeared in publications such as CorpWatch,
CounterPunch, CovertAction Quarterly, In These Times,
Multinational Monitor, The American Conservative, The
Progressive and The Village Voice. His columns have appeared
in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Columbus Dispatch,
Houston Chronicle, Philadelphia Inquirer, Miami Herald and
the Sacramento Bee. He is a regular on WETA-TVs "White House
Danny Jowenko
911BloggerDutch demolition expert Danny
Jowenko was killed a car accident in the Netherlands. He was
reportedly driving from church when he collided head-on with
a tree. There was also a dog in the car who survived.
Jowenko is best known in the 9/11 truth community for his
analysis of Building 7, which he concluded was a
professionally-engineered controlled demolition.
Colleen Rowley
Coleen Rowley From the time she was eleven
years old, Coleen was determined that she would one day
become an FBI agent. In January of 1981, she was appointed a
Special Agent with the FBI and initially served in the
Omaha, Nebraska and Jackson, Mississippi Divisions In 1984,
she was assigned to the New York Office where, for more than
6 years, she worked on Italian organized crime and Sicilian
heroin drug investigations. She had the opportunity to
further her language proficiency in Italian at the Defense
Language Institute in Monterey, California. She also served
three separate temporary duty assignments in the Paris,
France Embassy and the Montreal Consulate. ...
In 1990, Coleen was transferred to Minneapolis where she
assumed the duties of Principal Legal Advisor (which later
became "Chief Division Counsel"). Her responsibilities
entailed oversight of the Freedom of Information,
Forfeiture, Victim-Witness and Community Outreach Programs
as well as providing regular legal and ethics training to
FBI Agents of the Division and some outside police training.
... In May of 2002, Coleen brought some of
the pre 9/11 lapses in the investigation of Zacarias
Moussaoui to light. The 9/11 Commission subsequently
described Moussaoui as an “Al Qaeda mistake and missed
opportunity,” the investigation of whom may have led to the
center of the Al Qaeda plot if it had been pursued in a
timely and effective manner. ...
In June of 2002, Coleen testified to the Senate Judiciary
Committee about some of the endemic problems faced by the
FBI and the intelligence community.
Kurt Sonnenberg
Ground Zero
video of thermite-cut beams
Paul Fetzer
Veterans Today I am the founder of Scholars for
9/11 Truth, a former Marine Corps officer, a magna cum laude
graduate of Princeton and a Ph.D. in the history and the
philosophy of science. I have done a great deal of research
on the assassination of JFK as well as on 9/11, where I
edited the first book from Scholars, THE 9/11 CONSPIRACY
(2007), organized and moderated its first conference, “The
Science and Politics of 9/11: What’s Controversial, What’s
Not”, and produced its first DVD. ... created "The Science
and Politics of 9/11" DVD I have participated in hundreds of
interviews about 9/11 on radio and television, including a
3.5 hour appearance on television in Athens in December
2006, which was broadcast worldwide by satellite, speaking
in New York in 2007 and in 2008, traveling to Buenos Aires
for 9/11 presentations in 2008 and 2009, and organizing a
London symposium on “Debunking the ‘War on Terror’” in
London in 2010.
Lee Hamilton
Wikipedia (born April
20, 1931) is a former member of the United States House of
Representatives and currently a member of the U.S. Homeland
Security Advisory Council. A member of the Democratic Party,
Hamilton represented the 9th congressional district of
Indiana from 1965 to 1999. Following his departure from
Congress he has served on a number of governmental advisory
boards, most notably as the vice chairman of the 9/11
Commission. ... He
was critical of the commission, saying it was "set up to
fail" .... On Saturday, August 11, 2012,
Hamilton's wife, 82-year-old Nancy Hamilton, died after
being run over by her own car, when she arrived at a
veterinary clinic where she was taking one of her pets. She
had not left the car in park when she got out and walked
behind the car to go around to the other side and let her
pet out, and it rolled backward and struck her, running her
over, causing blunt force trauma ... suspicious?
— Greg Burton (@WG_Burton) December 31, 2014
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Claim of Nuclear Device Detonation Beneath WTC Towers on 9/11
9/11 TRUTH GOES NUCLEAR: Massive Download In ProgressRussia Disseminates,Snowden Validates,NSA Evidence CorroboratesNew 9/11 Data Dump
— Veteran 9/11 Investigator says World trade center destroyed by nuclear weapons.
Documents in hand prove source of materials for these weapons.
— Veteran 9/11 Investigator says World trade center destroyed by nuclear weapons.
- Able Danger investigation proved that the FBI was complicit in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. Mossad Agent Monica Lewinsky was set up to get Clinton to stop investigating the Oklahoma City nuclear event.
- 40:01 Real Able Danger established after Oklahoma City bombing, to investigate a group that included a rogue organization within the CIA, Israeli, and Saudi Intelligence. Able Danger pre-report lists CIA [part of Able Danger investigation], The Mossad, and Saudi Intelligence, were operating in the USA as terror cells who called themselves by a code name = Al Qaeda
- Able Danger investigated theft of nuclear material, and the Dept of Energy, stating a high-ranking individual within US Energy Dept, perhaps the Director himself, was an Israeli agent who made available to Viktor Bout, and those working with him, could have been a brother of President George Bush, and the Prime Minister of Israel, and the Prime Minister of South Africa at that time, were all directly involved.
- 44:00 Gordon Duff pulls up report Russians sent to him that lists people who planned destruction of the World Trade Center in NYC. 9/11 attacks were partially done as nuclear blackmail, and also to stop Able Danger investigating theft of over $200 trillion and 350 nuclear warheads. Gordon has documents from the Russian government regarding Able Danger.
- Department of Energy supplied information on nuclear “pits”, the center of warheads that were sent to Pantex ["the United States' only nuclear weapons assembly and disassembly facility" (Wikipedia -- Pantex Plant)], Amarillo, Texas to convert into fuel. Some pits were configured in such a way to remanufacture into nuclear weapons. Some pits had deteriorated to such an extent, and were of a configuration that if someone tried to manufacture them, it would be the last thing they ever did! The pits removed from there; if you thought you could enter a nuclear reprocessing facility and just grab something off the shelf [MOX plutonium], without detailed, exceedingly classified information about the chemical make-up, design, and current condition of each of the 350 pits taken, it would be a complete waste of time and energy.
- 46:00 They began cherry picking, to re-build the Israeli nuclear arsenal after the Dimona reactor operation had crashed between 1988 and 1994. Colonel James Henke, Attaché to Israel, and now Editor of VT, was in the reactor on behalf of US government, investigating what happened within that reactor.
- When the Israelis were no longer able to produce nuclear weapons, they found a way to just take them off the shelf in the USA. VITAL: The only way they could do that is with the help of a high level mole within the Dept of Energy who could tell them which ones to take. This is likely one of the biggest national secrets ever! We’ll go back to the make-up of the group involved in running this organization, which by the way is responsible for the FRANKLIN SCANDAL.
- 47:44 This group controls members of Congress through running gambling money through Las Vegas and Macau, running prostitution and [rent boys] groups across the USA and through Washington, DC. It runs a massive blackmail organization out of Cuba. Stew Webb has confirmation from the NSA on this organization. This organization handles its cash through Bain Capital and the world’s largest retail chain aids them in doing this through banks that it owns; a massive money laundering operation.
- 48:46 Speaking from lists they have stating the first Director of Homeland Security was listed as the head of Al Qaeda [insinuated to be Michael Chertoff]; the real Osama Bin Laden, assisted by US Attorney who had handled all 9/11 investigations. 50:40 ISIL/ISIS is a total creation of the CIA, Saudi and Mossad Intelligence code named “Al Qaeda”. Individuals who initially set it up are still running it. This is why the government of Iraq announced on Sept 22, 2014, if Americans wanted to have boots on the ground, they have no interest in having anyone there, because of the involvement of these 3 organization, there isn’t anyone they can trust.
- 51:40 [JOHN] Latest invasion of Iraq and Syria not getting knee-jerk reaction from American public, and beheadings are all very likely false, too. Looks like they’re setting us up for a fake boogey man to do something very catastrophic to America to make us blindly go into another conflict.
- 52:05 GORDON DUFF response: This is why I am saying what I am saying today. Gordon has an indication, and frankly it could have happened already were it not for so many whistleblowers on the internet exposing potential nuclear plots, that there is a nuclear threat against USA. Russians are an aware of this. There has been an exchange or not? Gordon will not box with Russians, who give Gordon information. The Ukrainian war went nuclear! The government in Kiev says it has. They are staunch allies of USA.
- 53:17 Osama Bin Laden was a phantom enemy created to mask the real enemy, and only enemy, the Director of Homeland Security. It turned out to be a horrible mistake that the USA hand fed weapons into al-Nusra ISIL, after code naming them Al Qaeda; that they burned up the name Al Qaeda. That was a good boogey man name to use. The real Osama Bin Laden, and head of Al Qaeda, was the Director of Homeland Security, and that’s ‘who’ ran Al Qaeda, with the help of a US Attorney[involved in the investigation], and head of Canadian distilling family — very well known and the wealthiest family in Canada, with the help of the Mayor of NYC, a NYC Police Commissioner, were involved in planning 9/11 according to these documents, the then President of South Africa, and the Prime Minister of Israel,the names go on, including a prominent White House Counter-Terrorism official [unnamed].
- 54:58 Names NOT listed in the document are Donald Rumsfeld, John Ashcroft, Dick Cheney, and George W. Bush. There are classification levels in that particular document that are not legal to list. Gordon can only say what is and what is not there.
- 55:34 On 9/11 the destroyed Pentagon offices contained a small G2 Unit [US Army G2 Branch Responsible for Intelligence and Security]; a highly classified Criminal Investigation Service. The part of the Pentagon that was hit was the site of the Able Danger offices. They were investigating missing nuclear weapons. This group under JPS UDP command, for those of you who work in government; that’s 35 out of 50 key investigators from Able Danger were killed in that attack. They were called into the office where the missile struck for an emergency general staff meeting that was running late, [the very same plot ran on television shows including the show "Homeland"]. John O’Neil (American counter-terrorism expert and Special-Agent-in-Charge in the Federal Bureau of Investigation) who was Chief of Security for the World Trade Center and died in the collapse of the Twin Towers on Sept. 11, was also known for trying to stop the 9/11 attacks and apparently murdered for trying to blow the whistle. Later, CIA agent Roland Carnaby was murdered by a Mossad agent in Houston Texas, who was also a Houston police officer. [During Q&A video around 1:11 During Pentagon attack, none of the higher ups or General Myers were present]. Gordon read this from amended notes after original 9/11 report in 2003.The real 9/11 report, not the cover up.
- 57:04 More curious things: People they were protecting in southern Manhattan from a nuclear attack on 9/11; CEOs of key firms working in the World Trade Center were invited to a private golf outing, but in reality were kept secure at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska. Golf outing was sponsored by Warren Buffet. Make of this what you will. Gordon cannot publish this document.
- 58:00 This investigation into theft of nuclear weapons is being handled by a federal grand jury in Houston, Texas that is still seated. There are a number of people currently in witness protection. There are numerous — “piles” — of witness statements involving people who had driven nuclear weapons in refrigeration trucks full of cow carcasses, the nuclear weapons were in boxes on the floor under the carcasses. The nuclear weapons were then sorted inside a refrigeration facility and transferred to fertilizer plants, ultimately moved through the Port of Houston. The truck drivers and people who butchered and cut up the cows who have made incriminating statements have been in witness protection for many years.
- 59:19 Obama blocking money laundering for a number of months, is the most dangerous thing he has done and is tied to these issues: tied to Wanta and his money, tied to NASA payoffs of people involved in 9/11 and subsequent financial crimes, and huge thefts out of the Pentagon, and why investigators in the Pentagon were killed, and computers destroyed. Records should have been stored on centralized servers. These are not stand alone computers with hard drives in them. Pentagon has stacks of multiple secure mainframes, and yet claim records were destroyed when computer terminals tied to the mainframe were destroyed. They don’t have a drive in them and you can’t even put a flash drive in them. General Meyers helped sequester key people during 9/11. (Q&A 1:32 Pentagon computers are EMP protected and stored deep underground.)
- 1:01:42 During 9/11 and confirmed; Israeli teams around NYC were being watched, and dancing Israelis were living in New Jersey, under investigation and being watched by an FBI Team headed by Special Agent Mike Dick. Mohamed Atta was seen meeting with them, the alleged 9/11 mastermind [imaginary box cutter]. Arrests were made; the only ones that were publicly held were the ‘dancing Israelis’ who were being investigated for smuggling nuclear weapons into the USA. Other groups were under investigation including Urban Moving Systems. One group was arrested on George Washington Bridge. They had planted explosives where the cables connect into the ground. They were arrested, and later released to an alleged FBI agent who was actually an Israeli Mossad agent ‘authorized’ to carry FBI identification. Arrest made by NJ State Troopers who released the 3 man Israeli team. Two more bombs were to be used on the Lincoln and Holland tunnels. Electronic warfare jammers were placed on several high rise buildings in Fort Lee, and around the bridge, and around the block by this group themselves. The dancing Israelis planted the jammers. Two of the RF jammers were recovered and are still in evidence, held in Houston, Texas.
- 1:04:18 Their job was to jam the Port Authority, and NYC fire department radios (the fire department radios did not work because the Israelis jammed them) No radio blackout issues, the radios were intentionally jammed. NY Office of the FTC recovered the jammers using detection equipment. We have a recording [tape] of this arrest, of the Israeli’s who tried to take out the George Washington bridge. New Jersey State Police arrested them.
- 1:05:14 During one of the tunnel arrests on 9/11 a NYPD detective called Gordon Duff to indicate they had made an arrest, where a truck [they did not say Urban Moving Systems] which Gordon perceives it was. Since there was a road block going into the tunnel the truck driver tried a turn around. Gordon Gordon was informed this Commissioner ordered the release of these individuals; weapons and a bomb to destroy the tunnel were recovered in a vehicle [may not have been an Urban Moving Systems vehicle], with Israeli citizens in it, heading into the Lincoln Tunnel. Unsure about Holland Tunnel outcome; however, there are records of a plot being foiled. There was a group arrest and they were released to the NYC Police Commissioner and never seen again. NYC Police Commissioner later went to prison. We want to thank to Edward Snowden, Intelligence Agencies of Russia who answered so many questions, and who validated so much of what we learned was right. Thanks to them we now know the scope of this; we now know that the APEC scandal was part of Able Danger, and that Richard Holbrooke’s part in passing nuclear secrets / information was a part of this.
- 1:07:52 “BIG PICTURE” – Dr. James Fetzer and Dr. Preston James question Gordon Duff who confirms the accuracy of what Stew Webb says: 1:08:35 The Israelis are behind ISIL/ISIS, and attempting to take over all the oil in the Middle East. They’re trying to control the production of the oil in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, and Syria. They dropped oil prices $8-10 per barrel in the past 6 weeks. They are forcing oil prices down, which they are manipulating daily, and will force down again by another $5-8 a barrel. They are trying to control Russia’s production (Yukos Oil) [by remote]. They plan on squeezing out Russia, eventually Saudi Arabia, and Iran in particular, in order to run their economies.
- 1:09:27 All of this has been run through Cuba [vital details]. The Donald Lunquist Bribery scandal, all of this, these guys are all going in and out of Cuba. Flying from Toronto. They were issued diplomatic passports and visas by the Israelis. And they are flying out of Vera Cruz, Mexico. These guys have easy in/out of Cuba, their parking place, protected by Castro government. Little do they know, Mexican Intelligence infiltrated them and it’s all on video!
- 1:11:52 List of an alleged 125 casualties at the Pentagon, exclusive of the ‘plane crash’ victims, 36 of them were financial analysts, accountants, budget experts, suggesting Rumsfeld had used the occasion to mention $2.3 trillion missing from the budget, to get them all together in the West Block offices of the Pentagon, with their documents and records, to take them out. REVELATION: The records could not have been destroyed because they were using dumb terminals to connect to it. Catherine Austin Fits, HUD Secretary found this, creating the distinct possibility of an existing back up of all the relevant records.
- 1:13:02 After 9/11 a former CIA Director told Gordon how many of his friends were killed amongst the financial analysts there.
- 1:16:47 Gordon responds to Preston’s question about nuclear weapons going off in USA: YES, very much in danger. Gordon thanks Russians who sent him the information and thanks Snowden. Zero amount of this incriminating info hit the newspapers. This sensitive info and evidence would have gone to NY Times or CNN if they showed any interest in handling and disseminating them. Witnesses and many others fear for their lives. Many people in USA are under gag orders from Federal Judges who have all the information about 9/11. 9/11 is one facet of their ‘house cleaning’, and blackmail, and a massive case of insurance fraud. 9/11 was big, a very big PAYDAY killing off as many people as possible! 9/11 was like the last scene of the first Godfather movie, where they are going to the christening ceremony and they bought and killed all the family’s enemies.
- 1:18:49 They did that and made a $7 billion payday, and after that they put in place organizations. They took a primary 9/11 plotter and put him in charge of the Department of Homeland Security where all investigations could be quashed immediately. All of the criminal cases tied to 9/11 went to a US Attorney who was involved in 9/11 planning. The most powerful lobbying groups in Washington and think tanks were all involved in planning 9/11. The documents Gordon receives list payoffs; what it takes to silence people. You figure out who you are, what it would take, and what your life is worth. One figure was used continually. You pay someone off with $20 million no more or less. Why this figure? They went through Congress, department after department, through the FBI, Department of Justice, and gave these people $20 million. Accounting done in Caribbean island and handled through Cayman Islands. All these people now, hundreds of them who know everything about terror of 9/11, are sitting there with $20 million, and Obama just cut them off from their cash.
- 1:22:28 How do you hide/handle the money, and what it takes: They don’t just hand you the money, they launder the money for you because they have banks, and they control the IRS, and they control the Treasury Department. They are the ones who make sure you never get audited, that nobody looks through your accounts for the money, that none of it is ever seen. You can take money in and out of the country, and you can keep it. However, if anything ever goes wrong, they can always get you. To come forward and testify means nothing because you will never live to see a judge, a police officer can always pull you over and shoot you! Or you’ll be in a small plane like Mike Connell who made Carl Rove angry, and it will plough into sand bank and kill you, or you’ll have a mysterious heart attack, or a strange case of systematically induced cancer. Failed attempt was made on Gordon Duff’s life.
- 1:24:45 Factory explosion in Donetsk; Lance missile was designed to carry the neutron bomb. Neutron bombs and varying forms of them in stage 1 and 2, neutron and EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) bombs are available in large quantity and in configurations as small as 1 ton TNT. There are weapons out there that do not produce any radiation, and there is never a large explosion. We have hundreds and hundreds of tons of plutonium that we consider worthless scrap. These bombs can be made out of low grade fuel and nuclear waste. This is why VT publishes nuclear information. No longer require 98.8% plutonium or pure 235. These weapons are made from simple nuclear waste. We now have ways to get depleted uranium to go very critical. Anything is possible.
- 1:28:55 Code words in this broadcast for intelligence people to know this is factual. Get this information out to as many people as possible! Once the information is put out there is no putting it back. Discussion moves into duplicity and who was involved, as well as who was killed on 9/11.
- 1:35:04 It appears that Dynacorp broke the original investigation on this. Dynacorp was the accountant for roughly $2.7 trillion missing 1991-2001. Also missing in 1996 or 1997; $60 billion missing out of HUD. Dynacorp appears to be the accounting division of the US government these days. Formerly under Clinton, Dynacorp was involved with wars in Bosnia / Serbia; also involved with trafficking children. Dynacorp may go back to daddy and Israelis. If you work as a military contractor, you work with Booz Allen and Dynacorp fairly extensively. Israeli company that manufactured the jammers recovered on 9/11 is a working partner, equity partner with Gordon’s firm; they own stock!
- 1:36:34 Zionist forces have so much CONTROL over USA politics, military, and foreign policy. NSA raw data [‘unfiltered’ information on individual Americans that should be covered by privacy] goes directly to Tel Aviv.
- ISSUE: Rather than military and political data mining, there is a massive amount of commercial information used to manipulate stock and commodity markets in the USA.
- ISSUE: NSA listens to all stock trades, sees all corporate communications, intercepts any and all corporate documents that allow insider trading and/or market manipulation; all of that information goes directly to Israel. It’s always about money. There is no integrity whatsoever in the financial system. The whole game is rigged. If you understand who is rigging it [the real crooks involved] and how the game is rigged, as many do, you will always make money.
September 27, 2014
“This 9/11 data dump is so radioactive the US Government will likely collapse. The world will never be the same when nations everywhere see this report!”
Huge caverns of “melted granite” were found below the foundations of the Twin Towers. Were they caused by thermo-nuclear explosions detonated to obliterate the steel reinforced, cast concrete, tubular core structure of WTC Buildings 1 & 2?
The evidence is now clear and indisputable that the false flag operation carried out on September 11, 2001 was a multi-nation conspiracy. The USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia and UK have each been proven to be directly involved with the execution and coverup of this crime against humanity.
There were other state actors and intelligence agencies involved such as Pakistan’s ISI; however, the US Federal Government and Israel Secret Services are by far the most complicit. The voluminous amount of circumstantial evidence alone both indicts and convicts the US Government of crimes against its own citizenry. Likewise, Israel’s fingerprints are all over the 9/11 crime scene and directly related criminal activities.
Enter Russia … Edward Snowden … and the Alternative News Media
When Edward Snowden opted to stay in Russia after fleeing the USA little did he know that the NSA treasure trove he absconded with would serve as the basis for so much 9/11 revelation. The existence of this extraordinary cache of NSA evidence documenting criminal activity conducted at the highest levels of government has empowered Russia to reveal 9/11 Truth with unimpeachable authority. Hence, the Kremlin now conducts periodic and strategic data dumps concerning the real facts surrounding the events of 9/11.
As long as the Anglo-American Axis, the European Union, and NATO continue to antagonize and persecute Russia, why would they not continue their “massive download” of 9/11 evidence which indicts the original accusers. The coup d’état conducted by the CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD in downtown Kiev only served to further inflame an already justifiably angry Russia.
While the USA & Company issues one sanction after another, it is Putin who owns the critical pieces in the critical places on the ever-changing geopolitical chessboard. Not only can Russia shut down the Ukraine economy in a day and a night, much of Europe can be left out in the cold this coming winter season. Much more importantly, however, Russian social networks can download HUGE amounts of 9/11 evidence about the true false flagperpetrators in a New York Minute.
Whereas Russia has yet to do just that, the Kremlin has permitted the release of earth-shattering material which is generally known on the internet as 9/11 Truth. The world is starving for such unvarnished and genuine truth in view of the fact that those false flagattacks have been systematically utilized by the real perpetrators to wage war against nations near and far.
That’s all about to change in 2014.
With the dissemination of the most recent round of 9/11 Truth, the guilty state actors have been painted into the corner … WITH NO WAY OUT. When a nation such as Russia, which possesses an intelligence apparatus second only to the USA, provides high integrity information and data pertaining to the 9/11 false flag operation, and Edward Snowden is backing it up with NSA-generated hard evidence, how can the real perps possibly squeeze out of that corner?
The internet has seen to it that no one can hide in 2014 and beyond … not in Paraguay, not in Pine Gap, nor in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. What do we mean by this?
The following bullet points were extracted from one of the most earth-shaking interviews ever conducted on radio. This truly extraordinary interview took place among a group of9/11 Truth seekers whose collective knowledge base, deep/broad experience set and access to insider information qualified them “to blow the lid off ” the US Government-coordinated conspiracy to commit high treason, mass murder, grand theft and premeditated acts of state-sponsored terrorism.
The YouTube video of this unprecedented interview is shown below, as is the original hyperlink. This particular link has also been used for the following bulletized transcription of many of the key points concerning 9/11 Truth that were discussed. Many of those points have the YouTube time posted for ease of referencing.
Is this the Nuclear Blast Hole beneath a WTC Tower that Dimitri Khalizov reported would result from a 150 KiloTon Bomb underground nuclear explosion?
There is no event in the New Millennium that has shaped world affairs like the state-sponsored terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
The primary truths of What, How, Who and Why have never been satisfactorily answered by government or law enforcement, mainstream media or scientific academia. However, the many shocking and painfully relevant truths have been hiding in plain sight for over 13 years.
The established facts and hard truths regarding the 9/11 false flag attacks on New York City and Washington, DC are now coming out. Authoritative sources, who either witnessed what happened or who have first hand knowledge of what went down, are disseminating their once secret information on the internet for all to review and evaluate.
Now anyone can become privy to what was once highly privileged information; although, numerous individuals have been aware of some of this “explosive material”[1] by virtue of their positions in society. However, up until this point relatively few Americans have ever read exposés like this. This state of affairs must change if the 9/11 Truth Movement is to gather the necessary momentum to put the country in the right direction.
Perhaps it’s time to aggressively disseminate 9/11 Truth like this before the same characters set about the process of trying to pull off another one. After all, members of the very same crowd are still in power. Others have access to the same levers of power that they pulled during the 9/11 attacks on NYC and DC.
Therefore, it seems necessary that those who are now in the know would unite in such a way so as to forever preclude another 9/11 type event on US soil. With knowledge as powerful as that which is presented in this post, aware citizens ought to organize in a manner that will guarantee the immediate termination of all US state-sponsored terrorism both domestic and foreign.
Toward that end, each and every US Government official, law enforcement personnel, agents of foreign governments, intelligence and secret service operatives, corporate contractors, mainstream media coverup participants, and all other co-conspirators must be identified and properly tried within the criminal justice system.
Just as important, any individual found to be peripherally involved with the 9/11 false flag attacks on America should be immediately removed from their positions of power, authority and influence. They must also be deprived of those resources which were utilized in the commission of such a grave crime. In short their seats of power ought to be replaced by prison cell bunks post haste … for the rest of their natural lives.
Michael Thomas
Author’s Note
It is critical to understand, especially for those initiated into the complexities of the World Trade Center controlled demolitions, that there were various means necessary for taking down the Twin Towers into their own footprint. Such a task was so complicated and difficult that the evidence — circumstantial, anecdotal, and scientific — points to multiple techniques and demolition devices.
To elaborate further for the many nuclear skeptics, it is quite likely that in addition to the micro-thermonuclear explosives, super-nanothermite and directed energy weapons[2] were also utilized. Why, pray tell, wouldn’t the perps use every means at their disposal to ‘neatly’ and efficiently bring down the buildings, just as they did?
In other words, the usage of the aforementioned trio of micro-thermonuclear explosives, super-nanothermite and directed energy weapons are all consistent with different theories which have been advanced by some very smart people. Therefore, one thing is now abundantly clear: These three effective methodologies are by no means mutually exclusive when postulating the controlled demolition of the three WTC buildings. That also includes those typical explosives and standard operating procedures which are routinely used in controlled demolitions around the world.
Why should any of these techniques be mutually exclusive? Who says so? Only those truthers who are so stuck in the Dr. Judy Wood DEW camp only, or Dr. Steven Jones Thermite camp only, or Veterans Today Nuke camp only, to the exclusion of any other possibilities seem to assert such dogmatic and inflexible ‘conclusions’. We don’t see Judy Wood or Steven Jones or Gordon Duff being resistant to various combinations of controlled demolition techniques.
At the end of the day, does it really matter exactly how they executed the obviously controlled demolitions of all three buildings. The “What?” and the “How?” are never as important as the “Who?” and the “Why?”. Yes, it is helpful to know how they did it in order to secure convictions against the low level hit men who placed the charges and “aimed the weapons”, etc. However, they are but very small fish in a very big sea where there are some very large and dangerous sharks still roaming around.
Smoothed granite from thermo-nuclear detonation in the WTC foundation
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