Ok California Democrats. You think your party is so clean and here is proof that your so called leaders are betraying their campaign promises, even when everything is in their favor.
First, read this article about Govenor Jerry Brown and the death penalty in California.
Isn't this saying that Govenor Jerry Brown condones the death penalty? Does it say more? Aren't Democrats generally opposed to the death penalty or is that nonsense?

Now read this book. It's only 1300 hundred pages. But it is MUCH MORE VALUABLE than the Affordable Care Act.
Speaking of the Affordable Care Act, have you heard of Agenda 21? Are they related? Part of the overall plan the oligarchy has for us? Boy would I like to see the libraries of the rich and infamous that have been manipulating us from the start.
If you are not past the left right paradigm by now, then you have a long way to go. And we are not building extra lifeboats for you idiots.
Shit. I hope I an make my own financial and physical "lifeboat" to survive the next economic shit storm because its going to be a DOOOSSYYY!
Or were you still unaware that the economic data is manipulated. We have no frickin idea who owes who what. It's all on their computers at the NSA. Every contract known to man. But it is completely unorganized. They have to put 1 person on every investigation for months at a time. Don't worry. They are not coming for you. Their coming for your money. Your credit. Your pride. Sometimes, when Obama is in charge, they come with drones and helicopters and take you out like Osama Bin Ladin. (Except he was read when Obama got him, learn more about that latter.)
On the other hand I could be making this shit up.
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