The December 14, 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, CT which left 26 dead bore all the hallmarks of a SatanicIlluminati horror-fest designed as a pretext for accomplishing the Eight Families’ longtime goal of disarming pesky American revolutionaries in preparation of the imposition of world government by lizard bloodline. It was a Merry Christmas card from the same Zionist filth that killed Jesus. The alleged shooter Adam Lanza had a history of mental problems, making him the perfect patsy. Several eyewitness local news reports state that there was no assault rifle found beside Lanza’s dead body, just two pistols. Local news cameras also filmed another man arrested in the nearby woods. Many researchers think Lanza was killed earlier, his dead body later conveniently dropped at the school, where a team of military-trained snipers did the deed. The kill ratio would indicate this is true. According to a now well-circulated Russian FSB report, Lanza’s mother Nancy, who often took the disturbed boy to shooting ranges, was a top CIA psychological analyst assigned to the Pentagon’s secretive Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA), where the 911 false flag was most likely hatched. DARPA is heavily involved in developing violent video games used in MK-ULTRA type programs. Lillian Bittman, who served on the Sandy Hook school board until 2011, stated that Nancy Lanza was not a teacher at her school, as reported extensively by Illuminatimedia. Adam Lanza’s father Peter is an executive at GE Energy Financial Services. Early reports surfaced that Peter, along with Colorado theatre shooter James Holmes’ father, were scheduled to testify at upcoming LIBOR scandal hearings. Veterans Today Senior Editor Gordon Duff fingers Israeli terror squads in the Sandy Hook massacre ( Duff says Israeli PM Netanyahu was livid at Obama’s recent snub of Israel at the UN post-Gaza bombing and by his choice of Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense. I picked Hagel for CIA Director in a recent column ( Hagel’s appointment could signal both a significant move away from Israel and its neo-con stooges in US foreign policy circles, as well as big budget cuts coming at the Pentagon. There is much talk at Veterans Today (full disclosure, I am one of their featured columnists) that Israel has unleashed terror squads across the US in an attempted destabilization of the Obama Administration. If this is true, it is hard to understand how Obama could be unaware of this and why he would step into the gun control trap. Europe’s Black Nobility refuse to recognize the American Revolution, a battle won due to access to guns – mostly .22 rifles. Why is it that US liberals fight to defend all of the Bill of Rights, while mocking those who defend the 2nd Amendment? It can only be that they don’t understand the history of necessary armed struggle. Guns are an evil invention, which have enabled mankind to run roughshod over the planet, destroying nature and fellow man alike. I wish they did not exist, but they do. As such, Chairman Mao was right. Power emanates from the barrel of a gun. One cannot convert a bully or tyrant through reasoning. They only respect brute force. This understanding is what separates a revolutionary from a liberal. Imagine if Castro’s band of Cuban guerrillas did not have access to guns. Ditto the Sandinistas, Viet Cong, ZANU-PF, FMLN, FARC, or any other revolutionary group throughout history – including our Founding Fathers. I will gladly lay down my guns the day that the military-industrial complex mothballs all of its nuclear weapons, stealth bombers and fighter jets, drones, and all other instruments of war. Until then every US citizen has a Constitutional right to own whatever weapons they can get there hands on. Brain-dead liberals will say this is “too broad an interpretation of the 2nd Amendment”. OK. What about the First Amendment? Should we start banning the use of certain words? If I come out against that am I interpreting my right to free speech too broadly? What about unreasonable search and seizure or due process? Should we allow these to be incrementally “interpreted”. We already have and the result has been disastrous to our civil liberties. Beyond the obvious task of investigating Israeli/DARPA/Illuminati involvement in Sandy Hook and other massacres, I see two solutions to the madness which is occurring at America’s schools and one is not the nutty idea of further arming are schools, as proposed by the military-industrial contractor parading as citizens rights group known as the NRA. First and foremost, the US needs to drastically change its foreign policy. Since WWII, this nation’s children have grown up watching the example of a government which does not negotiate with countries it disagrees with. Instead it bombs them, invades them, overthrows their duly-elected leaders and hatches bloody covert operations where civilian casualties become “collateral damage”. Talk about desensitizing a nation to violence. If the US government continues to behave like a deranged global cop, our children will continue to grow up believing the “might-is-right” paradigm is normal. But it is not normal. It is sociopathic/psychopathic madness, which now plays out on America’s TVs and video games, in her homes and offices, at her sporting events and inside her schools. As Henry David Thoreau so eloquently stated, “For every thousand men hacking at the branches of a social ill, there is but one digging at the root”. The violence which permeates American culture has its roots in the US empirical imperative. We must slash our defense budget, back progressive governments instead of dictators, and pull back from our role as global cop on the beat for the global Illuminatioligarchy. Second, and in the spirit of the first item, we must demilitarize our schools. Where, along the slippery slope towards creeping fascism, did we begin to put metal detectors in all our schools, treat students like potential criminals and disrespect their basic human rights? Disempowered people, stripped of all dignity, do crazy things. If you treat kids like thugs, they will act like thugs. If you give them your trust, they become trustworthy. One thing is for sure. Both gun control-obsessed liberals and Lockheed Martin-sponsored NRA fat cats have it wrong. Leave the 2nd Amendment be, get the armed guards out of our schools, get Chuck Hagel in as Defense Secretary and maybe, just maybe, we can quit behaving like a military-industrial superpower overseas while flailing helplessly as our kids are sacrificed to the Illuminati Satanist agenda at home. Dean Henderson is the author of four books: Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network, The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries, Das Kartell der Federal Reserve & Stickin’ it to the Matrix. You can subscribe free to his weekly Left Hookcolumn @ |
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Illuminati Gun Grab & the Superpower Complex
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