Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Right wing supports domestic terrorism

Seriously there needs to be a call for a new 9/11 commission. The towers fell by controlled demolition. This cannot be denied. There were war games going on with the EXACT same targets and scenarios. The evidence was guarded by the military and carted away never to be seen again.

This MUST be investigated before too much time passes.

Beck’s role in attempting to neutralize 9/11 truth

Establishment media talking points from every direction strongly indicate that a false flag attempt on President Obama’s life is being considered, to be blamed on patsies from either the “extreme” right or left, in order to silence dissent in America and blackmail Obama into launching a military assault on Iran.

Meanwhile, the corporate media and its operatives like Glenn Beck on the phony right-wing side and establishment liberals on the phony left were busy manufacturing ready-made patsies upon which the false flag would be blamed.

Beck forwarded 9/11 truthers as the main threat to the President’s life in a ludicrous continuation of his debunked premise that people who question the official 9/11 story are somehow terrorists themselves, despite the fact that there is not one single example of a 9/11 truther committing a crime or an act of violence in pursuit of their cause.

By hyping the threat of assassination, Beck was not only using it to demonize political groups, he was introducing the idea as a foreseeable scenario to his millions of unhinged sycophantic viewers, subtly implying that they should even try it.


Friday, March 18, 2011

STOP Corporate Tyranny - Sign Here

You MUST watch the Story of Stuff Pt2

In 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a case called Citizens United v. FEC that corporations have a “right” to spend unlimited money influencing elections.

Corporations are not people. Democracy is for people.

Add your name to our petition for a constitutional amendment to overturn the ruling and reclaim our democracy.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Oil Backed GOP Cuts Funding for NPR, PBC

This is clearly a right wing ideological attack on the last bastion of halfway decent media that isn't influenced by mega corporations.

The Caucus - The Politics and Government blog of The New York Times

House Votes to Cut Off Money for NPR

The House voted on Thursday to cut off funding for National Public Radio, with Democrats and Republicans fiercely divided over both the content of the bill and the manner in which it was brought to the floor.

Under the measure, sponsored by Representative Doug Lamborn, a Republican from Colorado, stations could not buy programming from NPR or any other source using the $22 million the stations receive from the Treasury for that purpose. Local NPR stations would be able to use federal funds for operating expenses, but not content.

“The time has come for us to claw back this money,” said Representative Marsha Blackburn, a Republican from Tennessee.


Why World Food Prices Will Keep Climbing

Wall St Speculators Cause Food Inflation

Really? The Fed doesnt include the cost of food in its basket of goodies in the cpi? How can that be?

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PPI Surges: Food Rises Most Since ‘74 As Fuel Gains 3.7% In A Month

See more at

Climate Change IS Coming. RU Ready?

GOP Cut Defense Budget to $400b by 2014

Ha! Made you look! You really thought somebody finally cut military spending amd the defense budget instead of education and social programs.

Retweet if I made you look!

GOP budget would actually INCREASE defense spending

When is enough enough? If the GOP was serious - and we know that they're not - they would cut into the DoD budget which is already the most bloated of them all. Let's not squeeze the poor with stripping heating subsidies or cutting school lunch programs and then let the fattest of the fat cat get even larger. CNNMoney:

By that measure, defense would not be hit by the $60 billion in spending cuts passed by the House before dawn on Saturday.

In fact, the defense budget would increase to $533 billion, up from $526 billion currently.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Decentralized Utility Better Thn Nuclear

It would seem that decentralized solar power at the individual building or small community grid level would be a lot less risky than any grander scale power supply, whether it be fossil fuel based or nuclear.

Decentralized utilities have another advantage - they decentralize power and wealth generated from the capitalistic activities. This will promote entrepreneurship and redistribute the wealth from the Fortune 400 to the less fortunate 150,000,000 American Middle Class that have suffered throughout the last 20 years.

This will also improve the US Govt budget deficit problem by pulling wealth away from the Fortune 400 wealthiest individuals ho pay an average of 16% taxes back to the middle class who pay an average of 25% taxes. Not aht that's fair at all either.

Japan's Quake to Shake the Solar Market?

As Japan grapples with the likelihood of a nuclear power disaster as a result of the huge earthquake and tsunami, investors are betting on solar as a more benign form of alternative energy. While solar stocks are going up and up, the impact of Japan's crisis may not be so sunny for the solar market in the coming year.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Can Clean Energy Redistribute Wealth?

Here is the PDF, an earlier post has the links to the NPR podcast.

Can Clean Energy Help Economic Recovery?

Bill Ritter, former Colorado Governor argues well but surprisingly enough the Clean Energy Investor does not. This debate is the epitome of why support for clean energy has been weak for the last 20 years.

Only now under Obama is there momentum gaining.

Both sides of this debate discuss the clean energy variable in the US economic recovery as it relates to GDP, some monolithic figure without considering the distribution of wealth within GDP in a clean energy economy versus one powered almost exclusively by OIL.

Clean energy will support the rise of individual and small business wealth as opposed to the giant monopolistic mega energy companies BP, Chevron, Shell, ExxonMobile, etc. Clean energy will support local community driven spending rather than concentrated wealth of a few individuals and companies far away from our neighborhoods.

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Can Clean Energy Drive The Economic Recovery?

Two teams of experts face off over clean energy at an Intelligence Squared U.S. debate on March 8 at New York University's Skirball Center for the Performing Arts. From left: Bill Ritter, Kassia Yanosek, moderator John Donvan, Robert Bryce and Steven Hayward.

President Obama and other leaders have called for investment in cleaner energy sources as a way to create jobs and spur U.S. economic recovery.

But critics argue that alternative energy generally costs more than traditional fossil fuels and that demand for energy overall has fallen during the recession, making the energy sector an odd choice for stimulating a recovery.

The Intelligence Squared U.S. debate series recently pitted two teams of experts against each other over the motion "Clean Energy Can Drive America's Economic Recovery." They argued two against two in an Oxford-style debate.


Monday, March 14, 2011

GOP Believes Corps Shouldnt Pay Tax EVER

The immediate flashpoint is a proposed settlement between state attorneys general and the mortgage servicing industry. That settlement is a “shakedown,” says Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama. The money banks would be required to allot to mortgage modification would be “extorted,” declares The Wall Street Journal. And the bankers themselves warn that any action against them would place economic recovery at risk.

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Another Inside Job

Count me among those who were glad to see the documentary “Inside Job” win an Oscar. The film reminded us that the financial crisis of 2008, whose aftereffects are still blighting the lives of millions of Americans, didn’t just happen — it was made possible by bad behavior on the part of bankers, regulators and, yes, economists.

What the film didn’t point out, however, is that the crisis has spawned a whole new set of abuses, many of them illegal as well as immoral. And leading political figures are, at long last, showing some outrage. Unfortunately, this outrage is directed, not at banking abuses, but at those trying to hold banks accountable for these abuses.


Reducing the Deficit w/ Fortune 400

Its about time.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Stop subsidies that dont create us jobs

This is just wrong. Green energy sector or not, theres no way we should be providing subsidies to US companies that move jobs to china

Can States Keep Clean Energy Jobs at Home?

In contrast, Ontario’s clean energy program is well on its way to 5,000 megawatts of new renewable energy production and supporting over 40,000 new jobs.  Over 20 new manufacturing plants have been announced.  The keystone of this program is a ‘buy local’ rule that requires wind and solar power projects who want the province’s attractive power payments to be constructed with at least 60 percent of their materials ‘made in Ontario.’  Ontarians are getting cleaner electricity and significant economic development for their clean energy commitment.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Economic Class and voting behavior

Very interesting

Middle Class all Republicans?

Clearly this is misguided. If the middle class were Republicans wouldnt they vote to protect the middle class? Cause what Republicans have been doing to this country is handing it over to the super wealthy and mega corporations.

Not democrats. We wimp out of standing up for our values of education, tolerance, progress, secularism, peace over war, local communities vs global offshore conglomerations sucking off the government subsidies

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Resolved Question:

Does the middle class vote Democratic and upper class vote Republican?

Low class and high class vote democrat.

Middle class vote republican.

Democrats want everyone that isn't poor to give their money away to the poor and republicans want to work hard for their money. Thus, you have the rich democrats, who can afford to give handouts to the poor and the poor democrats, who take the handouts from the rich. The republicans are the middle class, who are working hard, struggling and cannot afford to just "give away" their hard earned money.


Obama Missing Great Opportunity ..again?

Wasnt this a missed opportunity to clarify oil and banking efforts to dissuade the necessary transition to renewable energy? Oil speculators (gamblers) are bidding up the price, oil companies make better profits amd the public is afraid to deal with the real long term issue - time to get off fossil fuels.

Instead my favorite President of all times is defending our plans to step up domestic production...

I really hope that Obama has the audacity to fight big banks, big oil, corporate welfare, guns, military spending, and ending drug prohibition in his 2nd term.

1:37 p.m. | Updated President Obama on Friday rejected criticism from Republicans that his administration was blocking domestic oil production and said his government was prepared to encourage new drilling in the face of rising gas prices.

Obama Rejects Republican Criticism on Energy

President Obama began his remarks to the press on Friday by offering thoughts and prayers to the country of Japan.
See more at

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Reagan Got It WRONG! @chrislhayes

The TeaParty, Libertarians, and the GOP are CORRECT: the US Government is TOO big. But they dont admit WHY. Each expansion of the Federal government has been either to provide oversight of corporations and to correct the mayhem they have created.

The right is fighting the WRONG institution.

Government isn't the problem. Flagrant violation of human rights and tax laws by Corporations ARE THE PROBLEM. Corporate Welfare. Corporate Tyranny.

This drives our military to buy more for less value and expands our military budget.
It drives our government to pass more and more regulation to try and deal with sneaky companies that skirt the law to avoid paying taxes.

Large corporations seek tax exemptions at home and shuffle their profits overseas.

Meanwhile big CEOs make 100-400 times the average wage of their employees and the US middle class gets hollowed out.

Creating more institutions within the government to provide oversight of the banking industry wont do any good if campaign finance reform and lobbying are not dealt with ASAP.

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The Obama administration wants to create two regulatory agencies: one to keep tabs on potential threats to the financial system -- such as the problems Brooksley Born flagged in the derivatives market in the late 1990s -- and one to protect consumers from abusive practices by the financial services industry. In Congress, both agencies have been the subject of intense scrutiny as regulators spar over who should have which powers and Wall Street lobbyists fight to protect profits.

The Financial Services Oversight Council will "facilitate coordination of financial regulatory policy and resolution of disputes and identify emerging risks in financial markets." The council will replace the President's Working Group on Financial Markets. It will report to Congress, and its members will include representatives from the eight principal federal financial regulatory agencies.

A consolidated regulatory hub to protect consumers

The Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA), as envisioned by the administration, will have wide-reaching power to regulate not only banks and mortgage companies but also financial services previously outside the purview of federal regulation, such as payday loans, personal investment services, credit reporting agencies and stored-value cards.

It would have the power to levy substantial fines -- up to $10,000 per day for some offenses -- and to prosecute financial services providers who break the rules the CFPA creates. The CFPA would be tasked with writing disclosures in standard, clear language that make financial transactions, such as mortgages, easier to understand. The creation of the CFPA will consolidate regulatory powers currently spread among several agencies.


Origin of the Fed - Deal with TBTF

Why did the group seek such a remote location to formulate a new monetary bill for the country? The reason lies in the events surrounding the Panic of 1907. Demand for monetary reform soared following the Panic. The average citizen was very opposed to the big city banking interests, which they felt caused financial upheavals through their manipulations.

Potheads & TeaParty Should Buzz on This

Taking a $70B cut out of the deficit should interest the Teaparty. If only the potheads could get organized.

Remember that hemp could also generate a lot of small business opportunities and tax revenues vis a vis hemp oil, clothing, biomass, biofuels, plastics, etc.

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Committed to Individual Liberty, Free Markets, and Peace

The Tea Party and the Drug War

by Jeffrey A. Miron

Voter dissatisfaction with Republicans and Democrats is at historic levels, and the tea-party movement is hoping to play kingmaker in the November elections. The country's current breed of discontent is ideal for the tea parties, because economic concerns are foremost, allowing the movement to sidestep the divisions between its libertarian and conservative wings.

If the party is true to its principles — fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets — it must side with the libertarians.


Profit from Landfill Waste

Down and Dirty: Generating Profit from Landfill Waste
Humans generate tons – billions of tons – of waste each year. At over 2.1 billion tons of municipal waste annually, the world has a significant waste problem. Most of this waste is transported to landfills, where it sits, decays, and releases a suite of environmental pollutants. But there is a better way to control and reuse this waste –converting it into energy.

Locked inside the 2.1 billion tons of municipal waste that we generate each year is approximately 24.5 quadrillion Btu of energy – enough heat to meet about 10% of global annual electricity consumption. Not surprisingly, many nations including Europe, Canada, and parts of Asia, have been adding to or gearing up waste to energy operations for over a decade.