Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Why are Israelis Always in Trouble?

Right now ongoing Middle East and South Asian conflicts could easily spin out of control, triggering global armageddon. It could happen in any number of ways.

    The most probable scenario hinges on a big Israeli false flag. The Zionists have been masters of false-flag terror since they dressed up as Arabs and bombed the King David hotel on July 22nd, 1946.

Since then, they have:

*Dressed up as Arabs and bombed US targets in Egypt in 1954 (the Lavon Affair).

*Conspired to frame Egypt for the attempted murder of hundreds of American sailors aboard the USS Liberty in 1967.

*Orchestrated the “Palestinian terrorist” hijacking of the Achille Lauro cruise ship, and the murder of American citizen Leon Klinghoffer, in 1985.

*Bombed their own embassies in London in 1994 and Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1992.

*Bombed the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires in 1994.

*Conspired with American traitors to bomb the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in 2001.

*Likely conspired in follow-up bombings in Bali (2002), Madrid (2004), London (2005) and elsewhere.

And these are just a few of the Zionist false flags we know about. There have undoubtedly been dozens of others.

Transhuman Agenda: Bill Gates-Funded Birth Control Microchip

Rockefeller-Funded Anti-Fertility Vaccine Coordinated by WHO | Global Research

Ecoscience - Involuntary Fertility Control - John Holdren Really Did Say Those Things

Top White House Insider Turned Whistleblower: Fred Burks

Saturday, July 12, 2014

SINGULARITY: Google Predicts Robots to Replace Humans By 2035

Top 20 Ways to Restore the Republic in America

Here is an incomplete list of steps that would do a lot to restore America to the Constitutional Republic it once was.
  1. Withdraw troops from all foreign bases
  2. Audit the Federal Reserve and follow the money trail
  3. Congress must take back control of the money supply by repealing the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the Treasury will issue United States notes, not based on debt and not issued by the Federal Reserve.
  4. Restore Glass Steagall and separate commercial and investment banks
  5. Establish public banks in at least all 50 States
  6. Abolish the IRS and repeal the Federal Income Tax
  7. Eliminate all vestiges of United Nations Agenda 21
  8. Reverse Citizens United and eliminate all loopholes for campaign finance
  9. Nationalize FICO and reset all credit histories, make transparent the formula
  10. Repeal all laws criminalizing industrial hemp and marijuana.
  11. Break up the media, banking, energy, and telecommunications empires connected to the dynasties that are exposed in the Federal Reserve money trail.
  12. Prohibit genetically modified anything.
  13. Investigate 9-11 insider trading
  14. Indict the Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr, and Obama administrations for war crimes.
  15. Indict the Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations
  16. Withdraw funding from the World Bank, IMF, WTO, and UN
  17. Dismantle the military empire by shutting down foreign military installations and end the war on terrorism
  18. Dismantle the Department of Homeland Security
  19. Defund the DEA and end the drug war
  20. Exit the Ex-Im Bank
  21. Reverse and defund NAFTA, CAFTA
  22. Stop secret negotiations on TTIP, TTP, and any other international trade agreement being negotiated in secret.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Audit the Fed Bill (HR24) MUST BE VOTED ON!

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Thomas Jefferson,

Your representative needs to hear from you immediately on Audit the Fed. 

Thursday, the Financial Services Committee will hold its long-overdue hearing called “Legislation to Reform the Federal Reserve on Its 100-Year Anniversary." 

As you know, Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill would bring much-needed transparency to the Federal Reserve System so the American people can finally begin to learn what it is doing to our money. 

But H.R. 24, the “Federal Reserve Transparency Act,” didn’t even make the agenda

That's why I need you to contact Rep. Jackie Speier at (202) 225-3531

Urge your representative to bring up Audit the Fed at the hearing and request a markup on H.R. 24 as a standalone bill from Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling. 

Then, after you've called them, if you haven't yet done so be sure and sign your petition to House Leadership and your senators urging them to pass Audit the Fed now! 

Politicians always listen better when they're running for office. 

And as we get closer to the fall elections, they'll be listening even more intently. 

Polling shows Audit the Fed is supported by nearly 75 percent of the American people. 

For the third Congress in a row, this legislation has been cosponsored by a majority of the House of Representatives

In July 2012, when Audit the Fed last received a vote on the floor of the House, it passed overwhelmingly under suspension of the rules by a vote of 327-98. 

It's time for the House to act and place the ball in Harry Reid's court so Americans can see just who really is blocking transparency at the Federal Reserve. 

That's why I hope you'll urge your representative to request that H.R. 24 receive a markup in the Financial Services Committee from Chairman Jeb Hensarling and be referred to the House floor for a standalone vote. 

Then be sure to sign your petition telling House Leadership and your senators to Audit the Fed now! 

Campaign for Liberty's efforts to Audit the Fed rely on the grassroots action of supporters like you. 

Together, we've dragged the Fed out of the shadows and relative obscurity that it operated in for nearly a century.

Now is the time to increase the spotlight on the Federal Reserve System. 

Please take action today! 

In Liberty,

Tim Shoemaker 
Director of Legislation 

P.S. This week, the Financial Services Committee will hold its long overdue hearing called “Legislation to Reform the Federal Reserve on Its 100-Year Anniversary,” but H.R. 24, the “Federal Reserve Transparency Act” isn't even on the agenda! 

That's why I need you to contact Rep. Jackie Speier at (202) 225-3531

Urge your representative to bring up Audit the Fed at the hearing and request a markup on H.R. 24 as a standalone bill from Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling. 

Then, after you've called them, if you haven't yet done so be sure and sign your petition to House Leadership and your senators urging them to pass Audit the Fed now! 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Four out of Five Richest Tech Moguls Involved in US Intelligence

"Pump and Dump: How to Rig the Entire IPO Market with just $20 Million | Wolf Street" ( http://twitthat.com/GsoAH )
"Why Amazon's Collaboration With the CIA Is So Ominous - and Vulnerable" ( http://bit.ly/1w6RjB6 )

"Russian Sergey Brin and Google: A KGB-style Propaganda and Spying Machine? | SF Weekly" ( http://bit.ly/1r0ieRr )

"Facebook Intelligence Gathering Program - YouTube" ( http://bit.ly/1w6SoJb )

Is This What A Bursting Bubble Looks Like?

The NDAA Explained in 3 Minutes

Obama has signed the NDAA giving him the right to arrest anyone anywhere anytime and hold them indefinitely, without trial. This is treasonous. Who would stand up to a White House that has that power?

Are we going to live under a military dictatorship? It sure looks like it.

What can we do?

First turn off the TV, the iPad, the iPhone, the Xbox and do some damn research. Once you are good and pissed off, share this message with everyone you know and dont know via social media.

Whistleblowers: Pentagon Losses $2.3 Trillion Dollars, Wastes 25% of Tax Dollars

BORDER PATROL: Save America, NOT the Children of Illegals