Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wikileaks en La Jornada: Farsa, el juicio a Manning #NSA #snowden #Imperialismo

Wikileaks en La Jornada
Farsa, el juicio a Manning
El resultado está decidido de antemano, asegura Assange
Sostiene que se prepara el terreno para un proceso en su contra
Por su afinidad con EU, Suecia se ha convertido en el Israel del norte
Julian Assange durante la entrevista con La Jornada, el pasado fin de semanaFoto Wikileaks
El fundador de Wikileaks en un balcón de la embajada ecuatoriana en Londres, donde se refugiaFoto Reuters
Pedro Miguel
Periódico La Jornada
Martes 11 de junio de 2013, p. 2
El juicio contra el soldado Bradley Manning, acusado por Estados Unidos de haber entregado documentos gubernamentales secretos a Wikileaks, es una farsa: su resultado está decidido de antemano, sostiene Julian Assange, fundador y editor de esa organización, la más odiada y perseguida por Washington después de Al Qaeda. En el proceso, la defensa está atada de manos y la fiscalía busca, además de sentar un precedente, establecer un control totalitario sobre todos los empleados gubernamentales y una fase preparatoria para un juicio “contraWikileaks y contra mí”.
Desde su refugio en la embajada de Ecuador en Londres, el australiano ofreció una extensa entrevista a este diario en la que abordó, además del proceso contra Manning, las perspectivas y propósitos del propio Assange como candidato al parlamento de Australia, el papel de los medios tradicionales, la eclosión de información independiente en Internet, la politización creciente de la red, el papel de los poderes fácticos en la política estadunidense, el realineamiento de Suecia como aliado estrechísimo y subordinado de Washington. Y otros asuntos.
La plática tiene lugar en una desangelada oficina de la representación ecuatoriana, a no más de cuatro metros de distancia del policía británico cuya gorra se asoma por la ventana elevada del recinto. Afuera la vida londinense bulle con normalidad, animada por la clientela de Harrods, la tienda departamental situada a una cuadra.
Posiblemente los dos uniformados ubicados afuera de la embajada se dediquen con sinceridad a procurar la seguridad de ésta. Para garantizar que Assange no escape hay un enjambre de agentes secretos –las comillas vienen a cuento porque son inconfundibles en cualquier país– que pulula por la calle de Hans Crescent y las aledañas. Son de varias agencias y no sólo británicos (del MI5, oficialmente encargado deproteger al Reino Unido de amenazas contra la seguridad nacional), sino también estadunidenses, a decir del vigilado.
Sin embargo, nadie obstruye el acceso ni pregunta nada ni revisa maletas cuando se ingresa a la representación diplomática. Uno toca el timbre, un empleado de la embajada abre la puerta, franquea el paso e invita a tomar asiento en un amplio despacho. A los pocos minutos, Assange emerge del fondo de la embajada.
Han pasado casi dos años y medio desde la noche del martes 18 de enero de 2011, cuando, en una localidad del este de Inglaterra, Assange entregó a este enviado una memoria USB que contenía 2 mil 995 cables enviados al Departamento de Estado en años y meses anteriores por la embajada y los consulados de Estados Unidos en México. El perseguido conserva la jovialidad de entonces y se le ve sereno mientras habla. Dos cambios perceptibles, de entonces a la fecha: sus gestos de niño travieso han desaparecido y a su pelo casi blanco –era de un rubio extremo– se le ha caído el casi.
Empecemos por lo que dice Assange sobre la corte marcial que por estos días juzga a Manning en la base militar Fort Meade, en Maryland, justo donde se ubica la enorme sede de la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional (NSA, por sus siglas en inglés).
Una defensa imposibilitada para defenderse
–Dices que el juicio contra Manning es una mascarada.
–Sí. Es absolutamente político. En un juicio debería tratarse de establecer la verdad, la culpabilidad o inocencia de una persona. Su resultado tendría que depender de lo que digan los testigos, y así. Pero este juicio fue deliberadamente planeado para desembocar en una conclusión predeterminada. Es un show.
–¿Veredicto y sentencia ya decididos?
–La juez estableció limitaciones a la defensa: no puede presentar más que a un puñado de testigos, mientras la parte acusadora tiene permitidos 141; casi todos los de la defensa, en cambio, fueron vetados. El tribunal prohibió a la defensa argumentar sobre la intencionalidad; o sea, no puede presentar testigos o pruebas que tengan que ver con las intenciones, ni probar que la intención del acusado no era dañar a Estados Unidos, los militares y el gobierno, sino ofrecer a la gente información acerca de los crímenes de guerra y su contexto. Además, la defensa tiene prohibido presentar cualquier prueba, cualquier informe gubernamental, cualquier testigo, que muestre que el acusado no causó daño alguno.
“Si hacemos un paralelismo, imaginemos que te acusan de asesinato y te envían a una corte como la que juzga a Bradley Manning. No podrías alegar que fue en defensa propia ni presentar material de video que así lo demostrara porque eso sería hablar sobre la intención. Tú intentabas defenderte, no asesinar a alguien, pero te prohibirían mostrar eso. Si la supuesta víctima estuviera viva, no lo podrías llevar al tribunal, no podrías mostrar que no hubo daño. En otras palabras, la defensa no se puede defender.
“El cargo más grave elaborado por la fiscalía contra Manning es el de ayudar al enemigo [documento de la acusación, en http://goo.gl/r5l1K]. Es un delito grave. El fiscal pidió cadena perpetua, pero la juez podría, si quisiera, dictar la pena de muerte. Por la trascendencia de ese posible castigo, esto debería ser juzgado con completa seriedad. En cambio, el juzgado y el fiscal se burlan del mundo. Dicen que el fiscal no tiene que demostrar que Manning ayudó al enemigo.
“¿Y qué significa ayudar al enemigo? Pues dicen que Manning se comunicó con una organización periodística que a su vez se comunicó con el público, y el público incluye a Al Qaeda. El termino que usan en la formulación de cargos es ‘comunicación indirecta con Al Qaeda vía Wikileaks’. O sea que el enemigo es el público, y que éste, en todo caso, incluye a Al Qaeda. Si te comunicas con un periodista, y por medio de éste, con el público, luego entonces te comunicaste con Al Qaeda. Así que comunicarte con un periodista es ahora un delito de posible pena capital en Estados Unidos. Ese es el precedente que intentan crear. Quieren hacer eso porque implica un control totalitario sobre todos los empleados gubernamentales estadunidenses.
“La juez estableció que lo único que el fiscal tiene que demostrar es que, junto con el resto del mundo, Al Qaeda leyó los informes de Wikileaks. Ni siquiera tiene que probar que Al Qaeda hizo algo con esta información. Basta con que la organización terrorista haya leído The New York Times y visto CNN, y con eso ya leyó a Wikileaks, junto con los demás.” [Para mayor información, consultar el blog del juicio contra Bradley Manning, en el sitio web de La Jornada:http://goo.gl/Er41w]
Los objetivos siguientes: Assange yWikileaks
–¿Y qué hay con Wikileaks?
–El juicio no sólo se desarrolla para aterrorizar a futuros Bradleys Mannings; también está ahí para preparar el terreno de una acusación contra Wikileaks y contra mí. Si la gente vio el caso la semana pasada, habrán visto cómo desde el primer día decían que Manning era agente deWikileaks, que yo lo controlaba, le daba tareas que llevar a cabo, información que conseguir.
“No necesitarían hacer eso en el caso de Manning porque él ya admitió, en su declaración, que pasó información a Wikileaks y queWikileaks la publicó posteriormente. Pero el fiscal no dice ‘el acusado ya admitió haber hecho esto, no hay nada que discutir’; no, dice que Assange hizo tal y tal. Lo hace para armar una historia ante el público, lo cual es política y legalmente necesario para el siguiente caso. También es parte del espectáculo contra Manning, pero también contra Wikileaks y contra mí.”
–¿Una muestra de lo que pasaría si te extraditaran?
–Sabemos que trabajan en lo que llaman, en su correspondencia formal con la embajada de Australia en Washington, una investigación de escala y naturaleza sin precedente, con más de una docena de dependencias involucradas. El Departamento de Justicia admitió hace tres días que continúa con esto. Y tengo indicios creíbles de que hay una acusación sellada contra mí. El responsable es Neil McBride, fiscal para el distrito oriental de Virginia, que es donde se llevan a cabo todos los procesos judiciales de seguridad nacional. El jurado estaría compuesto por gente que trabaja en la CIA, el Pentágono y la NSA. En esa región existe la mayor concentración de empleados de oficinas de seguridad nacional en Estados Unidos.
“La gente me dice cosas absurdas como ‘no te preocupes, Julian, si alguien de tu equipo es extraditado a Estados Unidos, la Primera Enmienda los protege’. ¡Por favor! Es completamente absurdo. Sabemos dónde se llevará a cabo el juicio, dónde ha estado haciendo citatorios el gran jurado en estos últimos tres años, desde julio de 2010; dónde ha interrogado a gente, solicitado registros, sacado información de Google, forzando a que testigos rindan testimonio en secreto. Incluso han forzado a novias y madres a testificar en contra de algunos. Han solicitado registros de nuestros proveedores de servicio de Internet, de Google Earth, de Twitter.
Eso ha estado ocurriendo en Alexandria, Virginia. Ahí es donde se llevaría a cabo el juicio, a seis kilómetros de Washington DC, con un jurado compuesto por gente del área. ¿Qué hay en esa zona? La CIA, el Pentágono, la NSA, Langley. Si nuestra gente es enviada a un jurado ahí, no tiene esperanza alguna. Por lo demás, miremos las estadísticas del gobierno estadunidense: si eres sometido a un jurado federal, hay 99.97 por ciento de probabilidades de que seas acusado.
–O sea que un juicio en tu contra sería una mera formalidad...
–Una mera formalidad. Si eres acusado bajo la ley federal en Estados Unidos, la posibilidad de que seas condenado es de 99 por ciento. Eso no es un sistema de justicia: con 99.97 por ciento de probabilidades de ser acusado si pasas por un gran jurado, y 99 por ciento de que seas condenado si te acusan... Y sabemos dónde sería ese juicio: justo al lado de Langley [sede de la CIA], en Alexandria, Virginia.
El Israel del norte
–¿Y Suecia? ¿Por qué no confías en Suecia?
–En Suecia la gente es detenida sin cargos durante meses, y mantenida en aislamiento. Se le niega acceso a televisión, periódicos, cualquier información, cualquier amigo, etcétera, durante la investigación. Incluso el Departamento de Estado tiene una advertencia acerca de ir a Suecia, debido a las detenciones sin cargos: que no te arresten porque puede ser peligroso. La Asociación Internacional de Prisiones dijo que las condiciones en las cárceles suecas son las peores en Europa; eso incluye a Rumania. Juicios Justos Internacional condenó el aislamiento sin cargos que se practica en Suecia. Eso le acaba de pasar a un amigo mío.
–¿Cómo fue?
–Un voluntario de Wikileaks que trabajó en [el video de] Asesinato colateral, hace un año fue llevado ilegalmente por agentes del servicio secreto sueco, la Säpo, de Camboya, donde estaba viviendo, a Suecia; allí fue arrestado en la pista y puesto en prisión, en aislamiento completo, durante tres meses. Los agentes del servicio secreto estaban en Camboya. Una docena de ellos, según la documentación oficial emitida por el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores sueco como resultado de una solicitud de información.
“Suecia es el único país que entregó a Estados Unidos a personas a las cuales ya les había dado visa: dos egipcios solicitantes de asilo político, en 2001. Ambos tenían esposas e hijos en Suecia, eran refugiados políticos. La Säpo los entregó a la CIA; un avión llegó, los recogió, los llevó a Egipto y fueron torturados por el régimen de Mubarak. Todo se supo. La acción fue condenada por la ONU y hasta por Human Rights Watch, una organización muy conservadora.
Las autoridades suecas estuvieron involucradas en más de mil 200 vuelos secretos de la CIA desde 2001 al menos hasta diciembre de 2006. Lo revelamos en los cables [del Departamento de Estado]; sabemos por un cable que a partir de ese año endurecieron las reglas. Luego, Suecia es el único país en el que hay completa impunidad [a los involucrados] en el programa de traslados. En Alemania, la policía está investigando; en Italia se formularon cargos contra los italianos y los agentes de la CIA involucrados; en Polonia se investiga a agentes de la CIA basados ahí.
–¿Por qué el gobierno de Estocolmo depende tanto de Washington? ¿Por qué ha aceptado ese papel?
–Así ha sido durante mucho tiempo. La mayoría de la gente en América Latina recordará las cosas buenas que Suecia hizo en los 70, aceptando refugiados que huían de las dictaduras. Con Olof Palme como primer ministro, algo de eso era genuino. Pero desde hace unos 30 años Suecia ha jugado un sofisticado juego de relaciones públicas. Palme fue asesinado en 1986, pero antes ya las cosas habían comenzado a cambiar.
“Lo que ocurre al parecer es que Suecia se convirtió, por factores geopolíticos obvios, en el Israel del norte. Geopolíticamente son parecidos: población de Suecia: 9 millones; población de Israel: 9 millones. Como Israel, Suecia tiene su propio idioma, nadie más lo habla; Suecia está aislada de sus amigos militares; Israel está aislado de sus grandes amigos. Suecia tiene un poderoso vecino militar, Rusia. Israel está rodeado de países hostiles.
“Veamos: Suecia está allá arriba, en los bordes del continente europeo, alejada de los que considera sus poderosos amigos y aliados. Le tiene pavor a Rusia. Las encuestas muestran que es el país más antirruso de Europa; más que Polonia, incluso; más que Finlandia. También es el país más proestadunidense de Europa. De hecho, es más proestadunidense que proeuropeo. Estas realidades geopolíticas, con el resurgimiento de Rusia, bajo Putin, en los últimos 10 o 15 años, han hecho que Suecia quiera estar lo más cerca posible de Estados Unidos.
Tropas y armas suecas
“En 2006 llegaron al poder los conservadores [Allians för Sverige, en sustitución de los socialdemócratas] y formaron un gabinete del que 80 por ciento de los miembros había estudiado en Estados Unidos. El único empleo como consultor en el extranjero de Karl Rove [jefe de gabinete en la Casa Blanca entre 2001 y 2007] ha sido como consejero político del partido en el poder en Estocolmo. También es un amigo cercano, desde hace 40 años, del ministro del Exterior sueco, Carl Bildt. Como lo revelamos en Los papeles de Kissinger, Bildt, en 1974, cuando tenía 23 años, ingresó a un programa de liderazgo en Washington y allí conoció a Karl Rove. Así que hay razones geopolíticas y personales de por qué Suecia se ha vuelto tan cercano a Estados Unidos. No es un fenómeno que haya pasado como resultado del cambio de poder en 2006.”
–Pero los suecos no enviaron tropas a Irak...
–Las enviaron a Afganistán. Allí hay tropas suecas bajo control estadunidense y tienen una base en territorio afgano. Fueron los quintos en entrar a Libia. Enviaron aviones. En el parlamento sueco, hasta el pinche partido de izquierda votó por enviar fuerzas terrestres. No sé si finalmente las enviaron, pero el parlamento votó por hacerlo; y escuché, pero no lo tengo confirmado, que enviaron lanchas.
“En 2011, Suecia rebasó a Israel como el productor número uno de armas per cápita. La industria armamentista ocupa una porción mayor de la economía y la política que en ningún otro país. Suecia no envió tropas a Irak, cierto, pero construyó búnkers para Saddam Hussein y después le dio toda la información a Estados Unidos. Fue el número uno exportador de armas a Estados Unidos durante la guerra de Irak. Luego hizo un acuerdo con Washington –está en los cables del Departamento de Estado– para acoger a los refugiados iraquíes y liberar de esa tarea a Estados Unidos. Luego, Suecia se dice neutral pero está en más de 114 comités de la OTAN.
“Liberamos unos cables de diciembre pasado que indican lo siguiente: el Departamento de Estado había promovido una directiva para intentar que otros países firmaran un tratado llamado HSPD6 (Homeland Security Presidencial Directive 6, Directiva Presidencial de Seguridad Interna 6), que consiste básicamente en esto: ‘dale a Estados Unidos un montón de información acerca de sospechosos de terrorismo que podrían viajar a Estados Unidos o que podrían serle de interés’. Es un acuerdo formal y Washington envió a Estocolmo a gente de alto nivel para lograr la firma. Pero el Ministerio de Justicia sueco acudió a la embajada estadunidense y le dijo: ‘no creemos que debamos firmar eso’.¿Por qué? ‘Porque ya les estamos dando, de manera informal, mucho más de lo que está en el acuerdo. Pero si firmamos un tratado, éste debe pasar por el escrutinio del parlamento y la mayoría del parlamento no tiene idea de que les estamos dando todo esto por abajo de la mesa. Además, lo que ya hacemos probablemente es inconstitucional’. Y no firmaron.”
Con colaboración e información de Tania Molina Ramírez

Monday, June 10, 2013

Top 10 Reasons to Sign the Petition to Demand President Obama Resign

There are plenty of reasons to choose from.  Pick your own Top 10 Reasons to  Sign the Petition to Demand President Obama Resign

1. NSA wiretapping of all global citizens, including blanket orders on Americans.
2. Response to the embassy attacks in Benghazi, leading to the death of Ambassador Stevens.
3. AP wiretapping
4. Illegal invasion of Libya
5. Signing the Patriot Act
6. Signing the National Defense Authorization Act with indefinite detention of Americans
7. Bailing out the banks (TARP)
8. Continuing to keep industrial hemp illegal and listed as a Class 1 narcotic
9. Arresting prosecuting and torturing whistleblowers such as Bradley Manning
10.  Leading a covert drone war all across the world
11. Torturing and illegally holding Bradley Manning
12. Illegally arming the Syrian rebels who are known Al Qaeda
13. Arresting and violating the first amendment rights of Occupy protesters
14. Continuing to cover up for the atrocities of the past including 9/11 and the JFK assassination
15. Trans Pacific Partnership - Globilization continues from NAFTA to Asia Pacific


We Demand President Obama Resign

President Richard Nixon resigned after wiretapping a handful of journalists, sparing the nation the ordeal of impeachment. We call on Obama to do the same. His administration vetted the NSA's surveillance of millions of Americans and seriously violated the Fourth Amendment. He confiscated the personal records of reporters, thus violating the First Amendment, and the IRS under his watch harassed political organizations opposed to his policies. Moreover, his administration has lied under oath to Congress. In addition to violating Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution by invading Libya, his administration engaged in torture and conducted a covert drone war. Due to the severity of these crimes, we call for the immediate resignation of Barack Obama.
Created: Jun 07, 2013

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ivy Leagues Weigh in on Dodd Frank... Scary What They Support

I am just getting started on this topic but it sure looks as if the ivy league schools have already seen the Dodd Frank bill and are discussing it.  And from the looks of it, the Pepperdine Law Review has judged it in the favor! - expansion of the nation state over the control of global people and resources - FASCISM.  This is insane.  Dodd Frank was written by the banksters for the banksters and allows for a Cyprus style bail in.  We need Glass-Steagall, not Dodd Frank.

Putting the Reign Back in Sovereign

 Allison Christians
In its first term, the Obama administration enacted two pieces of legislation, each designed to protect an increasingly vulnerable income tax base, and each of which had the potential to set a new and unprecedented course for no less than the regulation of the global economy by the nation-state. The first, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), sought to end global tax evasion through tax havens. The second, a little-noticed two-page addendum to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank), sought to end the contribution of American multinationals to corruption in governance by codifying the transparency principles of the global Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). Both of these reforms reasserted a role for the nation state in regulating people and resources. But neither has yet to fulfill its potential. First, each has raised difficult questions about what the state can and cannot do to enforce disclosure and compliance on a global basis; failing to answer these questions is impeding implementation and aggravating an already-flagging taxpayer morale. Second, neither is broad enough: FATCA should be truly reciprocal and EITI should expand beyond the extractive industries. By acknowledging and responding in a principled way to the obstacles that limit their effectiveness, a second Obama administration could take significant steps to bring each piece of legislation to its potential, while ensuring that its scope focuses on its intended target in each case. This article outlines how these proposals could be accomplished and makes the case that they should be attempted.

Why Dodd-Frank Must Be Stopped and Glass Steagall Must Be Reinstated

Dodd Frank is a Bankster Red Herring

Very few Americans understand a key fact of Dodd-Frank. Namely, Title II of the Act to establish an Orderly Liquidation Authority, vests the FDIC with the authority to conduct a Cyprus-style bail-in. The ostensible goal of the Dodd-Frank Act is “to protect the American taxpayer by ending bailouts.”  Nothing could be further from the truth.  First of all it was written by Credit Suisse and other international and national banks.  Think about that for a second.  The organized criminal cartels that control our banking systems actually wrote the bil that is supposed to save the global economies from the systemic failures of the banks that they own.  The bill is supposed to curb their profits.  And they wrote it.  
So how would Dodd Frank enable a Cyprus style bail-in? Vis a vis a cross-border bank resolution.
Bail-in, in its simplest terms, is the inverse policy of what was done under Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Glass-Steagall Act and the 1933 Banking Act generally. In the event of a banktuptcy, under bail-in the bank survives, the depositors do not. 
Your money is to be considered an investment in the bank and therefore your deposits can be confiscated in the event of a liquidation, which would be performed according to the rules and guidance of the Orderly Liquidation Authority.

As is stated in an IMF review of the policy from April 2012, “The statutory bail-in power is intended to achieve a prompt recapitalization and restructuring of the distressed institution.” In the case of resolving a distressed globally active, systemically important, financial institution (GSIFI), bank creditors, specifically those whose assets exceed the FDIC insurance cap, will be subject to expropriation. This is not normal bankruptcy. Accounts and assets are seized and/or converted to stock under the resolution authority. The institution is prevented from failing. Values of securities are not written down through sale on the open market. And this is done to guarantee the continued operation of the financial institution and the “stability” of the financial system.

Restoring Proper Financial Regulation 

Glass-Steagall forces separation of commercial from investment banks, it ends Too Big To Fail, bars government bailouts, and will stop the onset of hyperinflation. 

On Friday Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Ia.) introduced Senate Bill 985 (#SB985) to reinstate Glass Steagall. While the full text of the Harkin bill has not yet been posted by the Library of Congress, the fact that there is now a Senate bill to reinstate full separation of commercial banking from all other brokerage and speculative activities is a dramatic development. The fight for Glass Steagall has now moved to a new level.

This comes at a very precise and fortunate time.  Earlier this year, Rep. Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio, introduced HR 129 to restore Glass-Steagall, saying, “The response of Congress to the 2008 financial crisis has been completely inadequate.”  Currently #HR129 – The Return to Prudent Banking Act– has 60 bipartisan co-sponsors in the House.  Four states have passed resolutions calling for reimplementation of Glass-Steagall, and a dozen other legislatures, including Virginia’s, are considering similar measures.

Specifically, the draft legislation has four components:

1. Commercial Banking institutions have one year to divest themselves of all non-commercial banking units, with no cross management or ownership between commercial and non-commercial units.

2. Commercial Banks are barred from using more than 2% of its capital for the creation, sale, or distribution of securities (certain bank-qualified securities are exempted)

3. Prevents Commercial Banks from loaning their commercial deposits into such vehicals as would support the creation and circulation of securities.

4. No securities of low or potentially low value can be placed by a bank into its insured commercial bank units. * Adds provision stating Glass-Steagall is the preeminant regulator of the banks, limiting banks from putting its depositors and shareholders at risk.

What is important about this legislation over all others is that there would be absolutely no room for loopholes.  There can be no accidental oversight or negligence.  Investment banking would be completely separated from commercial banking.   

This is NOT to be confused with the red herring that Obama supported earlier in his first term, known as the "Volcker rule" named after former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker .  That was a more complicated piece of legislation meant to stall real effective rules.  There is a reason for that.  Obama has received millions of dollars from investment banks, just like Romney, Bush, and all other presidential candidates.  The banks always hedge their bets and play both sides against the other.  DO NOT BE DECEIVED THIS TIME!

Additional Commentary
If you need more details on the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 and why it is important to restore, watch this video.  Max Keiser is an excellent financial news reporter that does not hold back any punches for any banker fraud and conspiracy.

And in case you need still more reason to support restoring Glass-Steagall, hear what Elizabeth Warren has to say about it.  Remember she was warning us all of the impending doom from 2005-2008 as the housing bubble and financial crisis was bubbling.

If you want to know more about who was responsible for repealing Glass-Steagall, watch this video and look to Alan Greenspan.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Join the NSA, Spy on Americans. It's the New Cool Thing to Do.

As of this moment, Obama is making the case that the US government is not eavesdropping on phone calls. Specifically, he said "nobody is listening to your phone calls - they are just looking at phone numbers and duration of calls" and concluded that the NSA was only engaged in "modest encroachments." It was unclear if that clarification was meant to put to rest fears that Big Brother has made personal privacy a thing of the past. He further went on to add that the telephone surveillance program is fully vetted by Congress and supervised by the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA). In other words: Obama is making the case that the NSA's Big Brother supervision is perfectly legal and not only that, there are checks and balances and neither the telephonic snooping nor the internet supervision is anything to be concerned about.  There is one problem: Obama is lying.
Back in April 2009, three months into the Obama regime, none other than the NSA admitted it has overstepped its legal boundaries. As the NYT reported: "The National Security Agency intercepted private e-mail messages and phone calls of Americans in recent months on a scale that went beyond the broad legal limits established by Congress last year, government officials said in recent interviews. "
Several intelligence officials, as well as lawyers briefed about the matter, said the N.S.A. had been engaged in “overcollection” of domestic communications of Americans. They described the practice as significant and systemic, although one official said it was believed to have been unintentional.

The Justice Department, in response to inquiries from The New York Times, acknowledged Wednesday night that there had been problems with the N.S.A. surveillance operation, but said they had been resolved.

As part of a periodic review of the agency’s activities, the department “detected issues that raised concerns,” it said. Justice Department officials then “took comprehensive steps to correct the situation and bring the program into compliance” with the law and court orders, the statement said. It added that Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. went to the national security court to seek a renewal of the surveillance program only after new safeguards were put in place.
The same Eric Holder who is currently being investigated for perjury before congress. As for "compliance" 4 years later it seems nothing has changed.
As for Obama's clear conscience:
The legal and operational problems surrounding the N.S.A.’s surveillance activities have come under scrutiny from the Obama administration, Congressional intelligence committees and a secret national security court, said the intelligence officials, who spoke only on the condition of anonymity because N.S.A. activities are classified. Classified government briefings have been held in recent weeks in response to a brewing controversy that some officials worry could damage the credibility of legitimate intelligence-gathering efforts.
Well thank god the most transparent administration held classified briefings to discuss the biggest government espionage program ever conceived. One may have gotten ideas otherwise...
Finally, on Obama's pinky swear that it is only foreigners' emails and iMessages that are being intercepted, turns out he is lying here too:
In recent weeks, the eavesdropping agency notified members of the Congressional intelligence committees that it had encountered operational and legal problems in complying with the new wiretapping law, Congressional officials said.

Officials would not discuss details of the overcollection problem because it involves classified intelligence-gathering techniques. But the issue appears focused in part on technical problems in the N.S.A.’s ability at times to distinguish between communications inside the United States and those overseas as it uses its access to American telecommunications companies’ fiber-optic lines and its own spy satellites to intercept millions of calls and e-mail messages.
And so on.
In short: what difference does it make - it is only the stripping of the most fundamental privacy rights of US citizens! And how else can you build a totalitarian government if you don't give up some freedoms - good heavens, one can't ask the poor president to provide 100% security without experiencing some "inconvenience" and handing over a little privacy. Or a lot.
In the end, let's not forget what really matters: the NSA spying program is from the government, and it is here to help you.
* * *
Finally, here is Matt Damon explaining why he wouldn't work for the NSA:

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Are Bilderberg Attendees Planning a Fascist Global Government?

At the 1992 Bilderberg Group meeting, Henry Kissinger said:
“Today, Americans would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow, they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all people of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil….individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government.”

Aldous Huxley > Quotes > Quotable Quote

Aldous Huxley

“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.”

― Aldous HuxleyBrave New World

Will the real terrorist please stand up.

Read more here.

What is the Trilateral Commission? #NWO #TC #CFR

The Trilateral Commission (discussed below) is a similar group that “brings together global power brokers.” Founded by David Rockefeller, he’s also a leading Bilderberger and CFR Chairman Emeritus, organizations he continues to finance and support.
Their past and current members reflect their power:
– nearly all presidential candidates of both parties;
– leading senators and congressmen;
– key members of the fourth estate and their bosses; and
– top officials of the FBI, CIA, NSA, defense establishment, and other leading government agencies, including state, commerce, the judiciary and treasury.
For its part, “CFR has served as a virtual employment agency for the federal government under both Democrats and Republicans.” Whoever occupies the White House, “CFR’s power and agenda” have been unchanged since its 1921 founding.
It advocates a global superstate with America and other nations sacrificing their sovereignty to a central power. CFR founder Paul Warburg was a member of Roosevelt’s “brain trust.” In 1950, his son, James, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee: “We shall have world government whether or not you like it – by conquest or consent.”
Read the rest of the article here.

How is the Council on Foreign Relations Involved in G8, G20, and Bilderberg Meetings? #CFR #NWO

Secret Bilderberg Partners
In the US, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is dominant. One of its 1921 founders, Edward Mandell House, was Woodrow Wilson’s chief advisor and rumored at the time to be the nation’s real power from 1913 – 1921. On his watch, the Federal Reserve Act passed in December 1913 giving money creation power to bankers, and the 16th Amendment was ratified in February creating the federal income tax to provide a revenue stream to pay for government debt service.
From its beginnings, CFR was committed to “a one-world government based on a centralized global financing system….” Today, CFR has thousands of influential members (including important ones in the corporate media) but keeps a low public profile, especially regarding its real agenda.
Historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. called it a “front organization (for) the heart of the American Establishment.” It meets privately and only publishes what it wishes the public to know. Its members are only Americans.
Read the rest of the article here.

Move Over G8, and G20, Make Room for Bilderberg #NWO

Bilderberg Objectives
The Group’s grand design is for “a One World Government (World Company) with a single, global marketplace, policed by one world army, and financially regulated by one ‘World (Central) Bank’ using one global currency.” Their “wish list” includes:
– “one international identify (observing) one set of universal values;”
– centralized control of world populations by “mind control;” in other words, controlling world public opinion;
– a New World Order with no middle class, only “rulers and servants (serfs),” and, of course, no democracy;
– “a zero-growth society” without prosperity or progress, only greater wealth and power for the rulers;
– manufactured crises and perpetual wars;
– absolute control of education to program the public mind and train those chosen for various roles;
– “centralized control of all foreign and domestic policies;” one size fits all globally;
– using the UN as a de facto world government imposing a UN tax on “world citizens;”
– expanding NAFTA and WTO globally;
– making NATO a world military;
– imposing a universal legal system; and
– a global “welfare state where obedient slaves will be rewarded and non-conformists targeted for extermination.”
Read the rest of the article here.

Shadow Banking and Financial Fraud: Massive Asset Inflation, Who Really Benefits? #NWO

Original article found here.

Have you ever wondered why when over 40 million Americans are on food stamps, millions of homes foreclosed and millions more unemployed, there is hardly any social unrest in the United States?
In the European Union, the economic situation is dire as well, but again there is hardly any social unrest. Sure there were demonstrations, but it is abundantly clear that the people in these countries have no idea as to the actual culprits who have caused them to suffer such poverty and hardship and why there have been no massive bail-outs for them.
There have been hundreds of thousands of articles published on the Global Financial Tsunami and many have pointed out the scams perpetrated by the banks and other financial institutions which resulted in movements such as “Occupy Wall Street”. But, such protests were not sustainable and were also largely unsupported by the very people who were affected by these financial scams.
Ask any debtor why he has not taken any action, and he would most likely say that he cannot really complain as he was in debt and could not pay off the debt and as such he must suffer the consequences, be it bankruptcy or foreclosures. This is the response of a typical brainwashed debtor!
Joe Six-Packs never even pondered that debtor-banks never had to suffer any consequences of their indebtedness as a result of their reckless speculations and other financial shenanigans! In fact, such banks were given freebies and back-stopped by the FED and other central banks. They were not allowed to fail, to be declared insolvent and liquidated. The banks were just Too Big To Fail and must be given a life-line.
That Joe Six-Packs have not started a revolution to throw out the power elites and shut down the Too Big To Fail Banks is because they are ignorant and do not understand the mechanics and the intricacies of banking in general and shadow banking in particular and how financial frauds have been perpetrated by these banks with the connivance of the FED and other central banks as well as the governing regimes. The judiciary willingly turned a blind-eye to these criminal activities.
So, I have decided to explain in as simple a language as I can muster in the hope that the Joe Six-Packs of the world would take action and put right the injustice that has been perpetrated by the global financial elites and reclaim their hard-earned money that was stolen from them.
Before explaining the reasons for the massive asset inflation engineered by the FED and other central banks, we must have some idea of banking and the securities / collaterals given to banks for the credit extended to borrowers (i.e. the Joe Six-Packs etc.)
Lesson 1
When a borrower takes out a loan, invariably he or she is required to provide collaterals in the form of a property, public quoted shares, government bonds etc. to secure the loan.
Usually, the bank will provide a loan in an amount equivalent to 80 per cent of the value of the security. So, if a house is worth US$100,000 or in Malaysia RM100,000, the bank would extend a loan of US$80,000 or RM80,000. The reason being, in a default the bank has a cushion of US$20,000 / RM20,000 to cover any fall in value of the house and or a lower price in a foreclosure sale. Thus, when there is a foreclosure there will always be more than enough money to cover the outstanding loan. Such a security is referred to as a “mortgage”.
In the case of shares of a company listed in a stock exchange e.g. shares in Citibank, Wal-Mart, General Motors, Sime Darby, MMC etc., the bank would extend a loan usually not exceeding 60 per cent of the value of the shares pledged to the bank. This is the rule of thumb. But, banks in different countries and jurisdictions have different rules and regulations governing such securities. But, for the purposes of this article we shall use the 80 per cent rule for mortgages and 60 per cent rule for shares. For simplicity sake, I will not refer to other types of securities offered.
These collaterals (mortgages etc.) were then packaged and repackaged and sold to investors as “Collateralised Debt Obligations” (CDOs etc.) and or re-hypothecated many times over (the technical jargon for using the securities to secure further loans) thereby compounding the exposure and risks should there be a default.
Lesson 2
What happens when there is a financial crisis?
Malaysians will recall that during the 1997/1998 Asian Financial Crisis, shares worth RM30 or more plummeted to less than RM1. But, price of houses did not suffer as much depreciation as the property bubble was confined to commercial properties.
During the Global Financial Tsunami, Citibank shares fell to less than US$5 from a peak of US$550 in early 2007. Citigroup’s market capital was US$147 Billion
on December 31, 2007, and on March 5, 2009, the market capital of Citigroup dropped to US$5 Billion, eroding over 96% of the companies’ value.
When the sub-prime bubble exploded, house prices fell by as much as 30 per cent or more resulting in the outstanding loan value exceeding the value of the mortgage.
This was a bloody disaster for the banks!
By banking regulations, the value of the security must be written down to the actual value i.e. in the case of Citibank shares to US$5. And, in the case of houses, it had to be written down to the actual depressed price e.g. from US$100,000 to US$60,000.
Borrowers could not repay their debts and in many cases refused to pay the debt because they have purchased a house which value has depreciated to the extent that it is less than the loaned sum! There were massive defaults and as such these loans must be declared as “Non-performing Loans” (NPLs).
And by accounting standards, NPLs must be written off. If and when these NPLs are written off, the banks would be insolvent and unless the banks’ shareholders pump in more money to increase the share capital sufficient to offset the losses, the banks cannot continue doing banking business. This is so basic.
The shareholders did not have the monies to increase the share capital and neither were they in any position to borrow any money to keep the banks afloat.
The global banks were starring at a bottomless black-hole!
Lesson 3
The FED and other central banks came to the rescue of the Too Big To Fail Banks (TBTF banks) by providing loans, guarantees etc. such as the TARP program, followed later by Quantitative Easing (QE).
Remember that the TBTF banks were not allowed to be bankrupted. But, the toxic “assets” (i.e. massive undervalued securities and NPLs) cannot remain on the balance sheet of the banks if marked-to-market. The world would know that the banks were insolvent. There has to be a cover-up.
How was the cover-up implemented?
Firstly, banks need not mark-to-market these toxic assets. This is outright fraud – what was worth e.g. US$5 was declared as US$300 in the case of shares. A house worth US$60,000 was declared to be worth US$100,000.
This cover-up bought the TBTF banks and the central banks time to implement the second fraud.
Bear in mind that the losses were in the US$ Trillions.
So, there was no way for the FED and other central banks to print digitally US$ Trillions in one swoop to bail out the banks. This would result in a massive devaluation of the fiat currency be it the US dollar, the Pound Sterling or the Euro and the consequential hyperinflation. All currencies would be toilet papers overnight.
So, like the thief in the night, the FED and the other central banks did so quietly and in “batches” for want of a better term.
The FED printed digital money (i.e. virtual money) via the computer and made simple book entries.
The FED and other central banks acting in concert bought the toxic assets from the bank at book value (i.e. at or close to the original price) thereby reducing the amount of toxic assets on the TBTF banks’ balance sheets. This has been going on since 2008/2009 and will continue for a long time to come, at least a decade from 2008. So, by reducing the amount of the toxic assets on the TBTF banks’ balance sheet, the amount of share capital as well as bank reserves would likewise be reduced. In fact, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the Central Bank of central banks have allowed the TBTF banks till 2019 to comply fully the Basel III Accords relating to capital requirements.
Lesson 4
The third cover-up is more subtle.
This third cover-up is to do with the scam of artificially raising the value of the shares pledged to the TBTF banks.
You will remember that these shares, pledged as securities were shares quoted in the stock exchange such as the NYSE, the London Stock Exchange etc. The value have all plummeted and are worth a fraction of the value when first pledged to the banks as illustrated above in the case of Citibank shares.
Therefore, there is a need to jack up the value of the shares quoted in the stock market. This is common sense. If the value of Citibank shares remain at US$5, the bank would not be able to cover-up this glaring black-hole if these shares have not been sold to the FED or other central banks and remained on the balance sheet.
And in the case of the FED, sooner or later, even the common man on Main Street would realise that the FED has a lot of junk on its balance sheet.
Technically, in such a circumstance, the FED would be insolvent!
Bernanke’s infamous QEs were the solution. The new digital monies were applied to buy toxic assets of the TBTF banks (which in turn were converted into bank reserves) and US treasuries. The new monies were also diverted to the stock market to push up the value of the shares as well as to shore up the depressed housing market.
In the result, there was a rally in the market and the Dow rose to a record high, even higher than what was achieved in 2007 prior to the Global Financial Tsunami. Citibank shares rose by leaps and bounds as did other shares.
In technical jargon, this is “asset inflation” – the artificial rise in value of shares as a result of the FED’s digital monies being diverted to the stock market.
The net effect is that the “toxic shares” on the TBTF banks’ balance sheet also rose in value (albeit not to its original price) as well as those shares on the FED’s balance sheet. The losses of the banks were thereby reduced.
Lesson 5
Many have moaned and groaned that the FED ought to apply QE monies to Main Street and not to Wall Street.
To the FED, what is most important to the American economy and its superpower status is that the banking system must be protected and preserved as the foundation of the entire financial edifice is global confidence in the US$ fiat money. The US$ fiat toilet paper is the fuel that drives the US economy and is the most valuable US export, an export product that does not require any manufacturing or engineering skills or technology. All it needs is a printing press (or more appropriately a digital printing press).
The above explanation is at the most basic level as the above schemes and scams are merely to shore up the first tranche of the financial rubbish that have been dumped onto Main Street. We have not even addressed the problems of those toxic assets that have been packaged and re-packaged, re-hypothecated many times over in the Shadow Banking System. Suffice to say that if the FED cannot solve the problems at the most basic level, it would be futile to address the nuclear financial waste of the Shadow Banking System.
Final Comments
Please read the extract of the article below by Chris James in 2011 entitled, “Why Citigroup Will Not Go Back to Its 2007 Highs” carefully.
In 2007, Citigroup was over $550 per share on a split adjusted basis. Investors have eagerly watched Citigroup’s stock since the March 2009 lows for it to return to its all time highs. The thing is, no matter how soon the economic recovery is, Citigroup’s stock will not return to its all time highs in the near to long term future.
Following the economic crash of 2008, Citigroup had to do multiple secondary offerings of stock to keep the company from going bankrupt. A secondary offering is when a company sells new stock to the public, diluting current shareholders. One secondary offering after another, Citigroup shareholders saw their stakes in the company diluted over and over again. Although the secondary offerings were necessary to keep Citigroup alive through the economic recession, they did permanent damage to the share value of the company.
Citigroup’s market capital was 147 Billion on December 31, 2007, and it’s share price was $294.40 on a split adjusted basis. The market capital is a measure of the value of the company, based on the sum of all the outstanding shares of a company. On March 5, 2009, the market capital of Citigroup dropped to 5 Billion, eroding over 96% of the companies’ value. Now Citigroup’s market capital ranges from 110 Billion to 145 Billion, almost back to its 2007 highs. By market capital, Citigroup is worth nearly what it was in 2007, so why is the share price only a fraction of what it was?
To do this we have to go back to dilution. In 2007, Citigroup had 5 Billion outstanding shares, and before the 1:10 reverse stock split in May 2010, there were 29 Billion outstanding shares. In other words, Investors saw their shares diluted by over 80% from secondary offerings, and as of now, their shares are still diluted. The market capital of Citigroup nearly recovered, but the share price has not, and probably will not in the near to long term future. In order for the share price to return to 2007 levels, Citigroup would have to grow to a market capital of 1.5 Trillion dollars. 1.5 Trillion! That’s assuming over a thousand percent growth. Growth like that typically takes over a decade or more for banks.
Another way Citigroup could get its historic share price back for shareholders is to introduce stock buybacks. A stock buyback is the reverse of a secondary offering. A stock buyback is when the company buys back shares on the open market and cancels them, reducing the number of shares outstanding. This creates more value per share for investors. Currently Citigroup is still recovering from the financial crisis and does not have enough cash for a stock buyback program. Therefore, Citigroup investors may have to wait much longer than they thought they would to see 2007 highs in share price again.
The point of quoting this Article written in 2011 is that after four years Citibank has yet to return to the 2007 highs for investors. The same would apply to banks who were holding these shares as collaterals.
We are now in 2013 and Citibank has yet to return to the 2007 highs for its share price.
Therefore should we be surprised that Bernanke has stated that QE would continue to 2015?
But, of course there would be some tapering as over the years, the toxic assets would have been reduced and for some of these assets, the value would have recovered somewhat though not to the 2007 high. So, instead of purchasing US$85 billion toxic assets and treasuries per month, the FED may continue with QE 4 and 5 at reduced rates i.e. US$60 billion or whatever lesser amount.
The scam will continue, the fraud will continue and Main Street will continue to suffer unless Joe Six-Packs take some drastic action through collective action to expose the fraud and the scam and shut down the ponzi scheme.