The Dirty War (Spanish: Guerra Sucia) was a period of state terrorism in Argentina during the 1970s. Victims of the violence included several thousand left-wing activists and militants, including trade unionists, students, journalists, Marxists, Peronist guerrillas[1] and alleged sympathizers.[2] Some 10,000 of the disappeared were guerrillas of theMontoneros (MPM), and the People's Revolutionary Army (ERP).[3][4][5]
Estimates for the number of people who were killed or "disappeared" range from 9,089 to over 30,000;[6][7] the National Commission on the Disappearance of Persons estimates that around 13,000 disappeared.[8]
The exact chronology of the repression is still debated, however, as trade unionists were targeted for assassination by guerrillas as early as 1969, and individual cases of state-sponsored terrorism against Peronism and the left can be traced back at least to the Bombing of Plaza de Mayo in 1955. The Trelew massacre of 1972, the actions of theArgentine Anticommunist Alliance since 1973 and Isabel Martínez de Perón's "annihilation decrees" against left-wing guerrillas during Operativo Independencia in 1975, have all been suggested as dates for the beginning of the Dirty War.
Right now Mexico is going through the same degree of rape, pillage, plunder, and enslavement. All because they are signed onto NAFTA, recipients of World Bank and IMF funds, and directly south of the devil, the other United States in the Americas. Mexico too, is the United States, but of Mexico. United under the control of a dictatorship and all powerful oligarchy that murders, tortures, and incarcerates its taxpayers.
In July the fascist mafiosi who control the Federal government of Mexico stole another election from the people and pretend to call it a democracy, a Republic, a free country, free of foreign oppression and financial plunder.
Meanwhile the thieves hide behind a corrupt Catholic church that betrays the very mean who set Mexico free in the first place. Maria Morelos and Hidalgo were Catholic priests that defied the Vatican, defied Rome, and defied the archbishops and lead the independence of Mexico from Spain, only to be attacked by the French, and later the Americans via the Rothschild and Rockefeller financed clashes of titans, betting and funding both sides while they do it.
Today Mexico is no longer a free country. It is the victim of economic hitmen sent from the IMF, the World Bank, Citibank, HSBC, and the CIA. That drives the guns, drugs, and slave trade in Mexico that is destroying so many lives. Over 50,000 dead and one hundred times more suspended in fear over the sheer arrogance of their oppressors. While on one hand "fighting terrorism" and "waging a war against drugs" at home, these bastards that have taken over our governments willingly walk us into the gates of our modern day Auschwitz, prisoners of corporations and debt. Viva Cocobamba Pendejos!
Watch this video. This is the response Mexican people gave to the latest election fraud.
And this one:
Now watch the reception and appreciation Pena Nieto shows his people for voting for him.
Does that look like Greece to you? No, that is Mexico, protesting its fraudulent government. The New World Order, a fascist supranational mafia is taking over Greece, Spain, Italy, the United States, and Mexico and probably a lot more.
These fuckers work for the major banks, think tanks, and central banks around the world, all of which do the bidding of the Rockefeller and Rothschild led pyramid scheme identified in the classic books Tragedy and Hope and Secrets of the Federal Reserve, and Confessions of an Economic Hitman.
The global trade war, currency war, military invasion, etc is a game theatre where they bet and supply both sides to see who will win. They pull our strings, tighten our belts, and destroy our lives with their boom and bust cycles and austerity. Mind games and misinformation, media spin, government propaganda to make us look one way while they rob us blind, leaving us with nothing but debt. Privatization is the solution. Take control of your natural resources. They need to be non-profits. Not like the Federal Reserve, the IRS, or the CFR.
Don't let Pinche Pena Nieto see PEMEX out from under your feet Mexico. And don't let the United States provide the weapons your government uses to abuse you. Legalize, decriminalize cannibis and you will resolve the whole problem and put the guilty thieves in jail.
And this:
Now read "Who’s Behind the Mexican Drug Cartels" by Dean Henderson, published author. Then come back for more, there is a lot more to read and learn to understand how the drug war is a financial crime and the protests, mass murder, and mass detention occurring right now in Mexico City is due to the election fraud that exposed the fascist mafiosi for who the really are; thugs.