Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Great American Pyramid Scheme - The Federal Reserve, A Privately Held Bank

This just about says it all. For over 100 years we have had our monetary system tied to the Bank of England and it was going well until Nixon took us off the gold standard to pay for the Vietnam war.

Its time to go back to the gold standard like Ron Paul suggests.

Amplify’d from www.zerohedge.com

Guest Post: Bernanke Pledges To Screw Your Grandmother For At Least Two More Years

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/14/2011 21:54 -0400
Submitted by Jim Quinn of The Burning Platform
Bernanke Pledges To Screw Your Grandmother For At Least Two More Years
“A system of capitalism presumes sound money, not fiat money manipulated by a central bank. Capitalism cherishes voluntary contracts and interest rates that are determined by savings, not credit creation by a central bank.” -

I wonder what goes through Ben Bernanke’s mind as he sits in his gold plated boardroom in the majestic Marriner Eccles building in Washington DC and decides to screw grandmothers in order to further enrich Wall Street bankers. He just pledged to keep interest rates at zero percent for two more years. Ben is a supposedly book smart man. Does he have no guilt or shame for what he has wrought? How does he sleep at night knowing he has created bloody revolutions around the globe due to his inflationary zero interest policy? People are dying because he has decided that an elite group of Wall Street bankers who recklessly brought down the worldwide financial system in 2008 deserve to be kept alive and enriched at the expense of the many.

He uses words like transitory to describe inflation. Even as the price of gold reveals his lies he continues to promote policies that will lead to the demise of the USD and our economic system. There is only one way to counter his lies – truth. With a corporate fascist government run by the few for the benefit of the few, telling the truth is treason as stated by Ron Paul:

“Truth is treason in the empire of lies.”

The storyline being sold to you by Bernanke, his Wall Street masters, and their captured puppets in Washington DC is that deflation is the great bogeyman they must slay. They make these statements from their ivory jewel encrusted towers as the real people in the real world deal with reality. The reality since Ben Bernanke announced his QE2 policy in August 2010 is:

  • Unleaded gas prices are up 45%.

  • Heating oil prices are up 46%.

  • Corn prices are up 71%.

  • Soybean prices are up 26%.

  • Rice prices are up 13%.

  • Pork prices are up 31%.

  • Beef prices are up 25%.

  • Coffee prices are up 38%.

  • Sugar prices are up 48%.

  • Cotton prices are up 13%.

  • Gold prices are up 42%.

  • Silver prices are up 115%.

  • Copper prices are up 23%.

These are the facts and they fly in the face of the lies being spouted by Bernanke and his Federal Reserve cronies. Words like transitory, quantitative easing, extended period, and liquidity are used by Professor Bernanke to obscure what he is doing to the average American. He lives in a world of theories and models, while the rest of us live in the real world, where theories kill and impoverish millions. There are 40 million Americans over the age of 65 today. You might even know a few of them. There will be 10,000 people per day joining their ranks for the next nineteen years as the Baby Boomers retire en masse. The vast majority of these senior citizens are risk averse. Some disturbing facts reveal the true picture for seniors today:

  • Most senior citizens do not have a traditional pension plan because they have been going out of style over the past 30 years.  In 1980, some 39% of private-sector workers had a pension that guaranteed a steady payout during retirement. Today that number stands closer to 15%, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute in Washington, D.C. 
  • 35% of Americans already over the age of 65 rely almost entirely on Social Security payments alone. 
  • Approximately 3 out of 4 Americans start claiming Social Security benefits the moment they are eligible at age 62.  Most are doing this out of necessity. This probably has something to do with the fact that the median retirement savings of households over the age of 65 is less than $45,000.   
  • The median household net worth of all Americans fell from $97,000 in 2005 to $70,000 in 2009. The median household net worth of households over 65 years old fell from $200,000 in 2005 to approximately $150,000 in 2009. Two thirds of seniors’ net worth is the equity in their primary residence, meaning they have $50,000 or less of financial assets (cash, stocks, bonds). 
  • 20% of all the households in the United States have zero or negative net worth.  

This data sets the scene for the crime of the century committed by Ben Bernanke and his co-conspirators on the Federal Reserve Board. The easiest way to understand how Ben has screwed seniors and savers to pay off his Wall Street and K Street benefactors is to use a real life example.

A seventy five year old widow living in her paid off row home, bought in 1955, gets by on her annual social security income of $17,000 and the income generated from the $125,000 in retirement savings left from her husband’s forty years working as a truck driver. She is a child of the Depression, financially unsophisticated and risk averse. This describes most senior citizens. The widow and her late husband were only comfortable investing their money in CDs and money market funds. In 2007, before the Wall Street created financial collapse, savers and risk averse senior citizens could earn 5% in a money market fund, 5.5% in a 2 year CD and 6% in a 5 year CD. The widow could supplement her meager social security income with an additional $6,000 of interest income. This money was used to pay the ever increasing real estate taxes, medical insurance premiums, upkeep on the old house, and necessities like food, fuel, insurance and heating.

Fast forward four years to 2011. Savers and seniors are getting average interest rates on 6-month CDs this week of 0.58% nationwide, according to Bankrate.com. Rates on one-year CDs fell this week to 0.86%, while 5- year CDs fetched 2.04%. Money market funds are paying a pitiful 0.16% on average. The widow that was able to generate a risk free $6,000 only four years ago has only been able to generate less than $500 per year for the last three years. In addition, the government manipulated CPI, as calculated by the drones at the Bureau of Labor Statistics, was used to deny senior citizens an increase in their Social Security payments for the last two years. Meanwhile, the prices of food, fuel, clothing, insurance, medical care, and local taxes have been skyrocketing due to Federal Reserve created inflation. Do you think the number of Americans on food stamps surging from 26.3 million in 2007 to 45.8 million today has anything to do with Bernanke’s zero interest rate, inflationary policies?

This is not a theoretical hypothesis. Ben Bernanke has purposely sacrificed the savers and seniors in this country at the satanic altar of his Wall Street high priests of debt. According to the BEA data on personal income, in the 3rd quarter of 2008 savers and seniors were able to earn $1.42 trillion of interest income. By the 3rd quarter of 2010 these same people were only able to earn $984 billion of interest income due to Ben Bernanke’s zero interest rate policy. Make no mistake about it, the $436 billion difference was taken out of the pockets of senior citizens and Americans trying to save for their futures and deposited into the accounts of the mega-Wall Street banks that destroyed our financial system with their reckless greed induced debt toga party. The beneficiaries of zero interest rates, QE1, QE2, and all future QEs are Wall Street bankers and heavily indebted entities – namely our profligate Federal Government, who make drunken sailors, seem fiscally responsible. The victims of zero interest rates and quantitative easing are savers and risk averse senior citizens as their income has plummeted and inflation has ravaged their everyday existence. Meanwhile, the Wall Street fat cats have paid themselves over $70 billion in bonuses since 2008.

The fantasy world of moderate inflation is a myth created by the Federal Reserve in conjunction with the government bureaucrats in Washington DC. These people have tortured the CPI calculation worse than a Muslim being water boarded at Guantanamo Bay. Alan Greenspan, bubble blower extraordinaire, began the process of systematically screwing grandmothers in the 1980s. As a way to hide and obscure the true level of inflation caused by running endless deficits supporting a welfare/warfare empire, Greenspan and Clinton implemented devious adjustments to the CPI in order to screw senior citizens and allow Big Government to get bigger while stealthily impoverishing the middle class. One man has pulled back the curtain on the Wizards of Inflation to reveal the truth. John Williams at www.shadowstats.com publishes the true rate of inflation as measured in 1980, prior to the fraudulent manipulation of the CPI. The reality is that inflation has not dropped below 5% since 1987 and currently exceeds 10%. 

John Williams described the Greenspan/Clinton conspiracy to defraud Americans:

“The Greenspan argument was that when steak got too expensive, the consumer would substitute hamburger for the steak, and that the inflation measure should reflect the costs tied to buying hamburger versus steak, instead of steak versus steak. Of course, replacing hamburger for steak in the calculations would reduce the inflation rate, but it represented the rate of inflation in terms of maintaining a declining standard of living. Cost of living was being replaced by the cost of survival. The old system told you how much you had to increase your income in order to keep buying steak. The new system promised you hamburger, and then dog food, perhaps, after that. Over a period of several years, straight arithmetic weighting of the CPI components was shifted to a geometric weighting. The Greenspan benefit of a geometric weighting was that it automatically gave a lower weighting to CPI components that were rising in price, and a higher weighting to those items dropping in price.” 

Now we hear the latest bipartisan plan to “save” Social Security is to alter the CPI again and further defraud Americans by pretending inflation does not exist. Why address a problem when you can obfuscate, misinform and lie? Anyone with critical thinking skills can clearly see that since 2007 real inflation for our widow has ranged between 5% and 10%, while her subsistence level income has been slashed by 26% due to Ben Bernanke’s zero interest rate policy. The good news is our widow will have the peace of mind knowing the price of steak and hamburger hasn’t really risen as she decides on whether to dine on dog food or cat food tonight.   

“Government spending is always a “tax” burden on the American people and is never equally or fairly distributed. The poor and low-middle income workers always suffer the most from the deceitful tax of inflation and borrowing.” – Ron Paul

The Road to Impoverishment & Authoritarianism

There is a direct connection between Federal Reserve policies and the impoverishment of the middle class and seniors. The average American does not appreciate the disastrous consequences of deficit spending and currency devaluation by the Federal Reserve. Ron Paul has been sounding the warning for over a decade, but no one has been listening:

“The greatest threat facing America today is the disastrous fiscal policies of our own government, marked by shameless deficit spending and Federal Reserve currency devaluation. It is this one-two punch– Congress spending more than it can tax or borrow, and the Fed printing money to make up the difference– that threatens to impoverish us by further destroying the value of our dollars.”

It is no longer a threat. It is reality. The chart below tells the story.  

The Federal Funds rate was 6.5% when George W. Bush assumed the presidency in 2000. The economy was booming, unemployment was 4.2%, the country was running fiscal surpluses, and the National Debt stood at $5.7 trillion. Alan Greenspan was the Federal Reserve Chairman and had been in that position since 1987. The Federal Funds Rate averaged 5.25% from 1990 through 2000 as the country grew strongly and America came the closest to full employment in its history. In 2001 Greenspan set in motion the creation of a tsunami of debt that swept over the entire country in 2008. The short shallow 2001 recession convinced Greenspan to reduce rates to 1% and keep them below 3% until the middle of 2005. He did this with the full support of his right hand man at the Fed – Ben Bernanke.

“The failure of Chairman Greenspan and other FOMC members to address the fiscal and monetary problems of the United States during his almost two decades at the Fed has left the United States on a trajectory for economic stagnation, hyperinflation, and the attendant political and social costs of such policies.”Chris Whalen - Inflated – How Money & Debt Built the American Dream 

Greenspan kept interest rates excessively low three years into an economic recovery, creating the largest bubble in world history. He handed the inflation baton to Bernanke in February 2006 and Ben has been sprinting at top speed for the last five years printing money faster than a Japanese bullet train. With a true rate of inflation running between 5% and 10% during the 2000 through 2011 time frame, market driven interest rates should have been in that same range. But Alan and Ben have kept the Federal Funds rate at an average level of 2.25% over this period. The result has been a consumer debt bubble, housing bubble and now a government debt bubble. Instead of accepting the consequences of excessive liquidity, excessive debt and mal-investment by the Wall Street banks and liquidating the toxic poison from our economic system with the resulting economic depression and losses borne by the stockholders and bondholders of the criminal Wall Street enterprises, Ben Bernanke and Tim Geithner chose to sacrifice the American taxpayer, savers, and seniors to keep their Wall Street masters in their NYC penthouses and Hamptons estates.

The shrieking liberal left blames capitalism and demands more social welfare benefits for their entitled constituents. The fact is we have not had true capitalism in this country since 1913.

“Capitalism should not be condemned, since we haven’t had capitalism. A system of capitalism presumes sound money, not fiat money manipulated by a central bank. Capitalism cherishes voluntary contracts and interest rates that are determined by savings, not credit creation by a central bank.”

The Day the Dollar Died – August 15, 1971

“With the exception only of the period of the gold standard, practically all governments of history have used their exclusive power to issue money to defraud and plunder the people.” - F.A. von Hayak 

“The road paved with inflation and debt is also the road to authoritarianism.” – Chris Whalen - Inflated – How Money & Debt Built the American Dream 

On August 15, 1971, exactly forty years ago this week, Richard Nixon closed the gold window and removed the last vestiges of restraint on politicians and central bankers. Politicians were free to make promises that couldn’t be kept to buy votes and central bankers were free to print fiat dollars and create inflation to support an ever growing warfare/welfare state. On that date the non-manipulated CPI was 40.8. Today, forty years later, the highly manipulated CPI is 225.7, a 553% increase. In reality, true inflation has risen more than 700% since August 1971. Some other facts put this relentless inflation into perspective:

  • GDP has ascended from $1.1 trillion to $15.0 trillion today, a 1,364% increase in forty years.

  • The National Debt has risen from $400 billion to $14.5 billion, a 3,625% increase in forty years.

  • Total wage income has grown from $588 billion to $6.627 trillion today, a 1,127% increase in forty years.

  • Consumer credit outstanding has accumulated from $141 billion to $2.446 trillion today, a 1,735% increase in forty years.

  • War spending has increased from $95 billion to $966 billion today, a 1,017% increase in forty years. The U.S. was in the midst of the Vietnam War in 1971.

  • Social welfare transfers from the Federal government for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans, and Unemployment increased from $87 billion to $2.305 trillion today, a 2,649% increase in forty years.

These facts prove how twisted and warped our economic system and society have become. Real wages are lower than they were in 1971 as families were forced to put two parents into the workforce forcing children to be raised by strangers, with the resultant social consequences. The corporate media, financial industrial complex and housing industrial complex convinced Americans they had to keep up with the Joneses with new luxury automobiles, extravagant McMansions, and the expensive accoutrements that went along with these representations of fake wealth. The financial plundering of the country by the peddlers of debt on Wall Street could not have happened without the easy money, no regulation policies of the Federal Reserve for the last decade. The National Debt is increasing at a rate of 10% per year while GDP is increasing at a rate of less than 2% per year. Anyone with even the most basic math skills can see this train is going to go off the tracks. Our spending on social welfare benefits has grown at a rate twice as high as our GDP growth for the last forty years and the establishment in Washington has no resolve to address these un-payable promises. The liberals squealed like stuck pigs over the horrific non-cuts in the recent joke debt ceiling compromise. The neo-cons who control the Republican agenda think $1 trillion per year for their war machine is far too little and endangers our very existence. Consumers refuse to accept the reality of their precarious existence balanced on the edge of their 13 credit cards.

Americans of all parties, ages, races, persuasions, education and beliefs have shirked their civic and moral responsibility to future generations. The rampant greed on Wall Street, corruption in Washington DC, shallowness of the American people and cowardice of all in not accepting responsibility for their actions will lead to the end of this country as we know it. There is no courage among the political class in Washington DC to truly take the steps required to save this country from the most predictable cataclysm in history. The politicians and citizens they represent have decided to delegate their civic responsibility to Ben Bernanke. He has tripled the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet by acquiring the toxic mortgage “assets” of the Wall Street banks and buying $600 billion of U.S. Treasuries. The Federal Funds Rate is .07%. His announcement of zero interest rates for two more years proves he has run out of theories and ammo. Jim Rickards, in 2010, pointed out the danger in Bernanke’s reckless policies:

“Fed Chairman Bernanke wakes up every morning and tries to trash the dollar with quantitative easing, zero interest rates and swap lines with the central banks. But it has not been working. The Fed has never taken it to the next step and asked what happens when quantitative easing does not work.”

The utter failure of QE2, hollow Congressional spending “cuts” that will keep the National Debt on track towards $23 trillion by 2021, S&P downgrade and recent plunge in the stock market are the first cracks in the façade of the great American Empire. We have entered a period of institutional crisis and this fiscal spiral will lead us further into the clutches of a more centralized authoritarian form of government unless the people stand up to the junta of mercantilist oligarchs that control this country. Do we want to relinquish our remaining freedoms and liberties for the cloak of corporate fascist authoritarian central planning disguised as safety and security? The Romans chose security over freedom. The time has come to make a choice about what we will become. Ben Franklin stated the obvious two centuries ago:

 Those who would give up Essential Liberty
to purchase a little Temporary Safety,
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

- Ben Franklin

Read more at www.zerohedge.com

US Oil Use Expected to Decline Until 2015 & Beyond #peakoil #jobs

People should start looking for jobs elsewhere because they will not be coming to the USA without energy. If we try to replace petroleum with natural gas, we will use up all of our fresh water and poison all the air, water, land, food supply, and people living near fracking sites. This will drive up healthcare costs to a point where people will be turned away to die in the streets.

Amplify’d from www.reuters.com

Analysis:Recession could tip U.S. oil use into permanent decline

Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:50pm EDT

(Reuters) - As a U.S. economic rebound stalls and threatens to spiral into recession, oil demand in the world's top consumer may be slipping into an irreversible decline.

Last year's fledgling recovery in U.S. oil usage -- when demand rose 400,000 barrels per day (bpd) -- made up for only a part of the 1 million bpd demand drop during a year of economic turmoil that began in August 2008.

Until recently, most analysts believed a healthier economy would push U.S. oil use higher this year and next, before tighter environmental regulations, increased use of biofuels, and tougher fuel-efficiency standards kick in later this decade to lower demand permanently.

Instead, a sour economy may turn last year's demand growth into a one-off. With U.S. manufacturing and service sectors slowing, a recent S&P downgrade on U.S. debt, and a series of stock market falls that have rattled consumer confidence, the odds are tilting toward short-term declines as well.

Last week, the U.S. Department of Energy lowered its forecast for U.S. oil demand from growth to decline in 2011. It also cut its forecasts for growth in global oil demand, as did the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and the International Energy Agency.

"We see U.S. oil demand falling this year and, later, settling into steady declines after 2015," said Rick Mueller of Boston-based consultant Energy Security Analysis Inc.

"It's all about the transportation sector, and the trends point to lower oil use."

U.S. mandates require 36 billion gallons of renewables like ethanol be blended into motor fuel by 2022, up from 14 billion gallons this year. The Obama administration has also boosted fuel economy standards for passenger vehicles to 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025, more than double current standards.


Limp demand in the United States and Western Europe won't fully offset growth in developing countries like China and India, whose appetite for crude nearly guarantees world demand will keep climbing.

Last year's U.S. growth accounted for less than one-fifth of the rise in global oil demand, which was up 2.3 million barrels per day. But with the U.S. still burning more than 19 million bpd -- twice that of No. 2 oil consumer China -- slower demand here could further hammer U.S. oil futures, which have already fallen by one-quarter since hitting $114 a barrel in April.

Until the recent slowdown, consensus forecasts saw U.S. oil demand up around 100,000 bpd this year as GDP grew about 2.5 percent, said Adam Sieminski of Deutsche Bank.

"If you take that GDP estimate to 1.5 percent instead, it could leave no growth in U.S. oil demand."

The latest government data shows U.S. oil demand, which looked buoyant earlier this year, slipped from year-ago levels in each of the last four months as pump prices climbed. Gasoline use in July was the lowest on record for the month, according to MasterCard data.

Less demand may wrongfoot oil market bulls like Goldman Sachs, which continues to call for oil prices to surpass 2011 highs next year, as demand expands faster than output.

"For a long time the premise has been that demand growth will outpace supply, but it might be the other way around," said Tim Evans of Citi Futures in New York.


Barring an acute double-dip recession, few analysts expect U.S. demand to repeat the radical declines of 2008 or 2009. Last year, U.S. demand rose for only the first time since 2005 when it peaked at 20.8 million bpd, but had still fallen more than 8 percent since then.

"Demand is reaching a plateau, and is then likely to fall slowly," said Mueller.

Higher unemployment since 2007 has cut U.S. vehicle miles traveled by about 2 percent, said James Coan at Rice University's Baker Institute in Houston. Americans without jobs drive about 55 percent less, Coan said.

Sunoco Inc, the Northeast's top independent oil refiner, has been particularly blunt about the long-term outlook for its main business.

"We do not have a bullish outlook on refining," Chief Executive Lynn Elsenhans told investors on an early August conference call.

The silver lining for consumers is that retail U.S. gasoline prices are expected to fall further from levels above $4 a gallon earlier this summer. Wholesale gasoline futures have already dropped 19 percent since late April highs, and the reductions should trickle down to consumers soon.

According to Peter Beutel of energy consultancy Cameron Hanover in Connecticut, if recently lower wholesale prices hold, they could amount to savings of $115 billion over a year for drivers.

But recent history shows that even sharply falling pump prices can't resuscitate U.S. demand during a downturn. Between mid-2008 and mid-2009, oil use dropped by a million barrels a day, even as gasoline prices cooled by 30 percent.

(Editing by David Gregorio and Matthew Robinson)

Read more at www.reuters.com

Fuel Efficiency and Electric Vehicles Around the World

Amplify’d from thinkprogress.org

Recently, the Schluckspecht E took to Bosch’s 2,945-meter (1.83-mile) test track in Boxberg, Germany. Some 36 hours and 12 minutes later, the all-electric Schluckspecht came to a halt. In that amount time, the Schluckspecht reportedly covered 1,631.5 kilometers (1,013.8 miles).

Since 36 hours is far too long a time to for one person to spend behind the wheel of the cramped Schluckspecht, four drivers took turns at the helm. At appropriate intervals, the drivers would swap in and out of the Schluckspecht, but at no time during the lapping of the track did the vehicle’s 23-kWh lithium-cobalt battery pack get recharged.

The Schluckspecht was developed at Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, in collaboration with Frauenhofter Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems. The electric vehicle sports extremely aerodynamic bodywork, two hub-mounted electric motors and an optimized battery management system that evenly divides the load among 14 individual lithium-cobalt battery packs.

The Environmental Protection Agency opted Monday not to strengthen existing air-quality standards for carbon monoxide, a move that was met with immediate frustration by clean-air and public-health groups.

The EPA said a “careful review of the science” showed that the existing standards protect public health and the environment. The standards, which were set in 1971, allow 9 parts carbon monoxide per million to be emitted over an eight-hour period.

“[Carbon monoxide] levels at monitors across the country are quite low and are well within the standards, showing that federal, state and local efforts to reduce CO pollution have been successful and are providing important public health protections to all Americans,” the EPA said in a statement.

At high levels, carbon monoxide emissions, which most commonly come from motor vehicles, can block oxygen from reaching the heart and brain.

The American Lung Association blasted the EPA’s decision Monday.

After falling 1.5% between 2008 and 2009 due to the global financial crisis, global oil consumption recovered by 3.1% in 2010 to reach an all-time high of 87.4 million barrels per day, according to a new Vital Signs Online report from the Worldwatch Institute. The 3.1% increase more than makes up for the brief decline in consumption caused by the economic crisis.

About one third of this growth came from China, which now uses more than 10% of the world’s oil. The United States, Brazil, Russia, and the Middle East accounted for an additional 48% of the increase. Meanwhile, consumption in the European Union decreased for the fourth consecutive year, falling 1.1%. The gap in oil consumption between countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and non-OECD countries narrowed, with the two groups respectively accounting for 52.5 and 47.4% of total oil consumption in 2010.

OPEC and non-OPEC countries (excluding the former Soviet Union) each accounted for almost 42% of global oil production in 2010, with the former Soviet Union responsible for 16.8%, up from 10.7% has taken the top producing spot from Saudi Arabia in the last two years.

The country’s automakers should ditch their focus on SUVs and trucks in favor of smaller, more fuel-efficient vehicles, President Obama said Monday.

“You can’t just make money on SUVs and trucks,” Obama said during a town hall forum in Cannon Falls, Minn. “There is a place for SUVs and trucks, but as gas prices keep on going up, you have got to understand the market. People are going to try to save money.”

Obama has positioned the revival and reshaping of the auto industry as a major part of his administration’s push to improve the economy and create jobs.

“When I came into office they were talking about the liquidation of GM and Chrysler, and a lot of folks said you can’t help them, and it’s a waste of the government’s money to try and help them,” Obama said Monday. “But what I said was, we can’t afford to lose up to a million jobs in this country, particularly in the Midwest.”

Green groups have filed a lawsuit challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s decision to exempt, at least for now, biomass power plants from greenhouse gas permitting rules that began phasing in this year.

EPA in January announced it would delay permitting for power plants and other facilities for three years. But the groups challenging the decision on Monday cited threats to forests, especially in the Southeast.

“The South is already seeing a huge uptick in the number of new and retrofitted facilities that will burn woody biomass, which will create increasing pressure to cut native, standing forests for fuel,” said Frank Rambo of the Southern Environmental Law Center, which is representing Georgia ForestWatch and Wild Virginia in the lawsuit.

Read more at thinkprogress.org

Monday, August 15, 2011

GOP Does Have Good Ideas - Privatize Amtrak

Amplify’d from thehill.com

GOP unveils plan to privatize Amtrak

House Republicans said private companies could provide high-speed rail faster and more cheaply than Amtrak as they rolled out their plan to privatize rail service in the Northeast on Tuesday. 

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman John Mica (R-Fla.) told reporters that the bill, which he said would be introduced next Tuesday, could achieve high-speed rail in the Northeast in 10 years. Amtrak currently has a 30-year plan.

Mica said the GOP privatization plan would cost less than Amtrak's $117 billion plan, which he said was important given the political climate in Washington. Mica also said he doesn't think the Amtrak trains would be truly high-speed. 

"People are going to turn blue waiting for Congress to provide that money," he said. "They're also going to turn blue waiting for a high-speed train [from Amtrak]."

The high-speed rail envisioned by Mica would provide faster service for passengers traveling to locations between Washington and Boston than the Acela line operated by Amtrak. The proposal would remove Amtrak from control of the federally-designated northeast rail corridor and transfer it to the Department of Transportation. A newly-created Northeast Corridor Executive Committee would oversee bidding process for rail projects in the northeast.

Democrats on Mica's panel strongly disagreed with his assessment that private companies could better deliver rail service than Amtrak, rushing to the agency's defense Wednesday as Mica was speaking at the Capitol.

"Taking a play out of President Bush’s book, Republicans are dusting off a chronically unpopular proposal that will cripple Main Street by auctioning off Amtrak’s assets to Wall Street,” the ranking Democrat on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Rep. Nick J. Rahall (D-W.Va.), said in a

statement released Wednesday morning.

“Instead of abolishing Amtrak, Republicans should abandon this ill-conceived ideological assault on passenger rail service – just as we did when President Bush first proposed it – and work with Democrats to build true high-speed and intercity passenger rail in America,” Rahall said.

Rahall called the privatization plan, which Mica is co-sponsoring with Rep. Bill Shuster (R-Pa.), "a death knell for passenger rail service from coast to coast.

"Privatizing this profitable corridor will not merely affect train service in that region; it will have a devastating domino effect from coast to coast, leaving trains stuck at the station across the Nation,” Rahall said. “The Auto Train, Capitol Limited, California Zephyr, Cardinal, Coast Starlight, Empire Builder, Palmetto and Silver Service, Texas Eagle and so many other vital lifelines will no longer serve as engines of economic growth but will be mere relics of a bygone era.”

However, Republicans found Democratic support from former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, who is now an MSNBC political analyst and co-chairman of an advocacy group dedicated to infrastructure improvements known as Building
America's Future.

Rendell called into Mica's press conference to say that he is a supporter of Amtrak, but the privatization plan made sense to him.

"I'm not a critic of Amtrak. Far from it," he said. "But the only way you're going to get that money to make this project a reality is you have the states, the federal government and private companies at the table."

Rendell went on to try to preempt criticism similar to Rahall's, saying "this shouldn't be viewed as anti-Amtrak.

"It should be viewed as a proposal by those that support high-speed rail," he said.

Mica, who has frequently referred to Amtrak as a "Soviet-style operation," also tried to soften the perception of the bill, saying that it did not prevent Amtrak from bidding for contracts or teaming up with other companies that were interested in providing the rail service in the Northeast.

"If Amtrak can compete, we'll allow them to compete," he said. "We know they can't provide this service by themselves. They've testified in this room that they can't. But if they can partner with someone, we haven't prohibited them."

Mica added that private rail service in the Northeast could become profitable enough to subsidize private-public partnership in other parts of the country where Amtrak is currently losing money as the sole provider of rail service.

"We think the Northeast will be the cash cow and we can pour that money back in to some of those that want commuter rail improvements," he said.

Amtrak CEO Joseph Boardman will respond to Mica's legislation in a 2 p.m. conference call with reporters.
Read more at thehill.com

#DearCongress, Amtrak should be privatized and the race to Iguazu should inspire the nation #rethink #rebuild #rediscover #debtceiling #gop #tlot #dems #RonPaul

JFK inspired the nation and the world with the Race to the Moon. Ron Paul or Obama could do the same

Amplify’d from www.washingtonpost.com

House GOP proposal would privatize high-speed rail along Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor

By Ashley Halsey III, Published: May 26

House Republicans want to dismantle Amtrak, giving private investors the task of building and operating high-speed rail service between Washington and Boston.

They believe that an infusion of private capital would enable the system to be built in 10 years, a third of the time that Amtrak projects for completion of the $117 billion project, and that service would improve if operations were put in the hands of a for-profit company.

At a hearing Thursday, House Transportation Committee Chairman John L. Mica (R-Fla.) condemned Amtrak as having “one of the most dismal records on earth for any rail service, particularly in the Northeast Corridor.”

His plan to privatize the operations in the densely populated region from Washington to Boston was pounced on by Democrats and unions who represent Amtrak employees.

“The railroads didn’t want to run a railroad,” said Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.), pointing to the demise of private passenger rail service more than 40 years ago. “They went bankrupt on passenger service. They begged the government to take it.”

The Republican proposal would strip Amtrak of the most heavily used portion of its system, with almost 250,000 weekday passengers, and the only rail real estate it owns. It holds title to all but 93 of the 456 miles of track between Union Station and Boston. Elsewhere, its trains travel on track owned by freight rail lines.

Mica believes that private investors will step forward to build and operate high-speed rail in the Northeast Corridor, significantly reducing the annual subsidy required to pay Amtrak to run the rest of the country’s passenger rail service.

“Amtrak receives, $1.5 billion in their annual subsidy,” he said. “If you look at their figures, about $500 million goes to operations. So the other billion is pretty much being poured into the Northeast Corridor because they don’t own any other track.”

Ignacio Jayanti, president of the private equity firm Corsair Capital, told the committee that it would be possible to raise $50 billion to $60 billion from investors over the 10-year period he said it would take to build high-speed rail in the corridor.

“There are significant private-sector dollars that are available,” Jayanti said.

Mica cited as a success story the privatization of two British rail lines by Virgin Trains, saying ridership doubled on lines from London to Manchester, England, and Glasgow, Scotland, and that the service turned a profit while eliminating government subsidies and sustaining rail employees’ wages.

Legislation Mica says he plans to introduce within two weeks will face a partisan split, as was evident at the hearing, where Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-N.J.) showed up to give a hint of what the proposal might face in the Democratic-controlled Senate.

“Privatizing the Northeast Corridor is not a smart or viable prospect,” said Lautenberg, who sits on the Senate Transportation Committee.

Rep. Corrine Brown (D-Fla.) was among those who argued that public transportation systems, whether highways, air travel or railways, all required federal financial support.

“There is no form of transportation that supports itself,” Brown said. “I don’t support cherry-picking the best routes in our system and turning them over to the private sector.”

Amtrak’s defenders said the system has been underfunded since its founding 40 years ago.

“It’s a classic starve-the-beast philosophy,” said Edward Wytkind, who heads the transportation division of the AFL-CIO. “You chronically underfund the company and then you expect it to do great things.”

While Wytkind said he supported private investment in rail service, he said “now is the time to boost investment in Amtrak.”

Read more at www.washingtonpost.com

High Oil Prices Drives Up the Cost of Military Spending

Maybe this is why we are still dependent on cheap foreign oil

Amplify’d from www.ecowatchohio.org

Former Navy secretary and U.S. senator John W. Warner (R-Va.), senior policy adviser to the Pew Project on National Security, Energy and Climate, and Vice Adm. Dennis V. McGinn (Ret.), vice chairman of the CNA Military Advisory Board, discussed security threats posed by the nation’s energy posture with veterans and clean-energy business leaders in Akron and Cleveland on Aug. 12.

Warner and McGinn spoke about how the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) is leading efforts to deploy alternative fuels, new vehicle technologies and energy-efficiency projects in order to protect service members, save money and reduce risk. The department is the federal government’s largest energy consumer, using more than 350,000 barrels of oil a day in 2009. Over the past 50 years, the fuel requirement to support each deployed U.S. soldier has increased from five gallons a day to more than 22.

“It is no secret that our nation is heavily dependent on importing foreign oil,” Warner said. “The consequences are experienced not only here at home, but by the brave men and women in uniform serving on their bases and stations and particularly those serving on foreign deployments. Under the strong leadership of former secretary of defense Robert Gates, and now Secretary Leon Panetta, the Department of Defense is exercising effective internal policies and practices, especially setting aggressive energy-efficiency goals to lessen our dependence and to enhance our nation’s energy security. I commend our armed services for being on the front lines of energy innovation, efficiency and technological advances.”

Today, the United States imports more than half of the oil it consumes—sending $1 billion a day overseas. In May, it spent $39.8 billion on oil imports totaling 60 percent of the U.S. trade deficit, the highest level in nearly three years. This is of particular consequence to the military. For every $10 increase in the price of a barrel of oil, the department pays an additional $1.3 billion. This dependence poses more than geopolitical risks and a financial burden to the United States. According to the DoD, fuel convoys into Afghanistan were attacked 1,100 times in 2010, leading to more than 3,000 killed or wounded service members and supporting contractors.

“Domestically produced energy makes America more secure and prosperous,” said McGinn, “A diverse portfolio of energy choices—including petroleum, biofuels, electric vehicles, natural gas and fuel cells, combined with measures such as fuel efficiency—reduces risk. We need to stop talking about it; put the rudder over and get on course.”

Warner and McGinn pointed to other government actions to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil, including the Obama administration’s recent proposal to increase auto fuel-efficiency standards for model years 2017-25 to 54.5 mpg.

“The administration’s recent proposed rule on fuel-efficiency standards is an important step in reducing our dependence on foreign oil. Requiring cars and trucks to go farther on a gallon of gas will not only save consumers about 12 billion barrels of oil and $1.7 trillion at the pump; it will also spur technological innovation,” said Phyllis Cuttino, who directs Pew’s clean energy and national security programs. “To achieve these savings, it’s important that the proposed efficiency standard is preserved and not watered down.”

Warner and McGinn spoke at the City Club of Cleveland and toured the Goodyear Innovation Center in Akron. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. is the exclusive developer of fuel-efficient military tires for the U.S. Army’s Fuel Efficient Ground Vehicle Demonstrator program.

The Pew Project on National Security, Energy and Climate is dedicated to highlighting the critical linkages between national security, energy independence, the economy and climate change.

CNA’s Military Advisory Board is an elite group of retired three- and four-star flag and general officers from the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps that studies pressing issues of the day to assess their impact on U.S. national security.

For more information, please visit www.PewTrusts.org/EnergySecurity or www.CNA.org.
Read more at www.ecowatchohio.org

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Journey to Rediscover the Americas - The Race from Niagara to Iguazu

The Race From Niagara to Iguazu and the Journey to Rediscover the Americas

Early in the 21st century it is clear that American capitalism and democracy needs repair. Large corporations, supported by poor energy, environmental, and foreign policy, have raped, pillaged, and plundered overseas markets for natural resources and cheap labor to support our addictive new religion, consumerism. The results are in and continue to shock those willing to accept the new reality; that the air, water, and food supply of North America have been corrupted and polluted by burning fossil fuels that we have literally poisoned ourselves and indebted ourselves, our cities, our states, and our federal government in doing so.

Therefore, it is time to embark on a new journey, a new mission like our forefathers did with the race to the moon. Only this time, instead of staring of into space dreaming of an untouchable universe, this time we must take out our maps and look to our neighbors. Not for their untapped oil, water, gold, silver, or even cheap labor, but for their wisdom, their stories, their history, their breathtaking landscapes, and their cultural beauty. This time we must journey, not to space, but to rediscover the Americas. Literally from pole to pole, north to south, east to west. But this time we must preserve the air, land, and water we cross. The mission must be sustainable both economically and environmentally. We must enter a new era of sustainable trade and energy fueled by the sun, the moon, and the wind.

Solar, wind, and wave power has come a long ways since its inception and by unleashing the creative passions of all the people of the Americas we can connect and energize our cultures, our economies, and our souls.

With this posting, with this letter, I am proposing the first of a series of races, not for speed, nor greed, nor territory, but for pride, for liberty, and for most of all, dignity. A race from Niagara Falls on the border between the United States and Canada to Iguazu, on the border of Argentina and Brazil. The race will be to build a net zero emissions high speed rail line supported by an ecosystem of small cities completely self sufficient in the food and energy needs.

The construction can be lead by companies such as the Jonathan Rose Companies, who have experience building ecosystems centered around mass transit. The architecture can be lead by people like Jacques Fresco, a futurist and architectural engineer. The financing will come from the private sector, primarily venture capitalists and microlenders for a small share of ownership. Most importantly, the labor for the project to build the railroads, the trains, the stations, and the cities that surround them will come from the unemployed; those that have been displaced by the neoliberal economic model. Their labor will not simply be paid by the hour but with shares of ownership in the new entity.

In order to qualify for participation, companies must be primarily locally owned, which means that they must be residents from within 100 miles. No longer will offshore entities hold governments hostage for tax revenues by keeping their profits in foreign banks on modern day treasure islands.

The education and training to plan, design, and build the power plants, the railroads, the distribution centers, the train cars, etc. will be subsidized by the government and the teachers will also come from the unemployed. To clarify, governments only role in this endeavor will be to provide education to its people. Even security will be privately organized and they will be unarmed peace officers providing guidance and assistance to the millions of tourists that will fill the trains on their own personal Journey to Rediscover the Americas.

Amplify’d from www.nasm.si.edu

"I believe that

this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this

decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely

to the Earth. No single space project...will be more exciting, or

more impressive to mankind, or more important...and none will be so

difficult or expensive to accomplish...."
"That's one

small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

 U.S. astronaut Neil Armstrong, on the Moon, 1969

Aldrin on Moon


the start, there were no set rules for the Space Race. What was

the goal? What would count as winning?


Americans, President Kennedy's declaration focused the Space Race

on a clear goal: landing a man on the Moon before the Soviets. The

Space Race became a race to the Moon.


years, the Soviets officially denied being in a race to the Moon.

Now there is ample evidence, including items displayed here, that

they indeed competed to reach the Moon first.




Space Race became a symbol of the broad ideological and political

contest between two rival world powers. The way the two competitors

organized to achieve their goals in space highlighted their basic



United States had separate civilian and military agencies, and only

the military space programs were secret. Civilian space activities--especially

the race to the Moon--were openly publicized for the world to see.


the Soviet Union, all space programs were integrated into a secretive

military-industrial bureaucracy. Launches were not announced in

advance, and only the successes were publicized.

Read more at www.nasm.si.edu

The Race From Niagara to Iguazu and the Journey to Rediscover the Americas

Early in the 21st century it is clear that American capitalism and democracy needs repair.  Large corporations, supported by poor energy, environmental, and foreign policy, have raped, pillaged, and plundered overseas markets for natural resources and cheap labor to support our addictive new religion, consumerism.  The results are in and continue to shock those willing to accept the new reality; that the air, water, and food supply of North America have been corrupted and polluted by burning fossil fuels that we have literally poisoned ourselves and indebted ourselves, our cities, our states, and our federal government in doing so.

Therefore, it is time to embark on a new journey, a new mission like our forefathers did with the race to the moon.  Only this time, instead of staring of into space dreaming of an untouchable universe, this time we must take out our maps and look to our neighbors.  Not for their untapped oil, water, gold, silver, or even cheap labor, but for their wisdom, their stories, their history, their breathtaking landscapes, and their cultural beauty.  This time we must journey, not to space, but to rediscover the Americas.  Literally from pole to pole, north to south, east to west.  But this time we must preserve the air, land, and water we cross.  The mission must be sustainable both economically and environmentally.  We must enter a new era of sustainable trade and energy fueled by the sun, the moon, and the wind.

Solar, wind, and wave power has come a long ways since its inception and by unleashing the creative passions of all the people of the Americas we can connect and energize our cultures, our economies, and our souls.

With this posting, with this letter, I am proposing the first of a series of races, not for speed, nor greed, nor territory, but for pride, for liberty, and for most of all, dignity.  A race from Niagara Falls on the border between the United States and Canada to Iguazu, on the border of Argentina and Brazil.  The race will be to build a net zero emissions high speed rail line supported by an ecosystem of small cities completely self sufficient in the food and energy needs.

The construction can be lead by companies such as the Jonathan Rose Companies, who have experience building ecosystems centered around mass transit.  The architecture can be lead by people like Jacques Fresco, a futurist and architectural engineer.  The financing will come from the private sector, primarily venture capitalists and microlenders for a small share of ownership.  Most importantly, the labor for the project to build the railroads, the trains, the stations, and the cities that surround them will come from the unemployed; those that have been displaced by the neoliberal economic model.  Their labor will not simply be paid by the hour but with shares of ownership in the new entity.

In order to qualify for participation, companies must be primarily locally owned, which means that they must be residents from within 100 miles.  No longer will offshore entities hold governments hostage for tax revenues by keeping their profits in foreign banks on modern day treasure islands.

The education and training to plan, design, and build the power plants, the railroads, the distribution centers, the train cars, etc. will be subsidized by the government and the teachers will also come from the unemployed.  To clarify, governments only role in this endeavor will be to provide education to its people.  Even security will be privately organized and they will be unarmed peace officers providing guidance and assistance to the millions of tourists that will fill the trains on their own personal Journey to Rediscover the Americas.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

IMF Leading Socialist Practices By Educating Poor Children - American GOP Has Mass Heart Attack

In more twisted news today the entire GOP had a mass heart attack today when they learned that their beloved IMF was responsible for socialism. Yes, that's right. PUBLIC EDUCATION, even for the poor.

Now, back to you @daryl_wright

Amplify’d from www.imf.org
Educating Children in Poor Countries
©2004 International Monetary Fund

Children are entitled to a free, quality basic education. Recognizing
this entitlement, world leaders made the achievement of universal primary
education by the year 2015 one of the Millennium Development Goals. In
2004, this goal appears to be out of reach for many poor countries. School
attendance, especially for girls, is far from universal, and many children
drop out of school before completing their primary education. Many children
who do attend school receive an inadequate education because of poorly
trained, underpaid teachers, overcrowded classrooms, and a lack of basic
teaching tools such
as textbooks, blackboards, and pens and paper.

The problem in many developing countries is that governments lack either
the financial resources or the political will to meet their citizens'
educational needs. In response, poor parents in some low income countries
have organized and paid for their children's education themselves. It
is true that school fees and other user payments are a heavy burden for
some parents to bear. But, given the alternative—children receiving
no education at all—such payments can represent a temporary, if
less than ideal, solution to the problem.

Economic Issue No. 33 examines this critical issue. Michael
Treadway prepared the text based on "User Payments for Basic Education
in Low-Income Countries" (IMF Working Paper 02/182, November 2002), by
Arye L. Hillman and Eva Jenkner, which is available free of charge at www.imf.org/pubs.
The working paper provides statistics on schooling trends, the theory
underlying the equity-efficiency problem, case studies, and a full bibliography. Public
Finance and Public Policy: Responsibilities and Limitations of Government
U.K., and New York: Cambridge University Press, September 2003), a textbook
by Professor Hillman, provides a broader examination of education and
other public policy choices.

Educating Children in Poor Countries

In an ideal world, primary education would be universal and publicly
financed, and all children would be able to attend school regardless
of their parents' ability or willingness to pay. The reason is simple:
when any child fails to acquire the basic skills needed to function as
a productive, responsible member of society, society as a whole—not
to mention the individual child—loses. The cost of educating children
is far outweighed by the cost of not educating them. Adults who
lack basic skills have greater difficulty finding well-paying jobs and
escaping poverty. Education for girls has particularly striking social
benefits: incomes are higher and maternal and infant mortality rates
are lower for educated women, who also have more personal freedom in
making choices.

Read more at www.imf.org