Sunday, July 3, 2011

China increases its investments in Iraq #peakoil

China needs energy and doesnt go to war to get it.

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China increases its investments in Iraq

AL-AHDAB OIL FIELD, Iraq - China didn't take part in the
U.S.-led invasion of Iraq or the bloody military battles that
followed. It hasn't invested in reconstruction projects or efforts
by the West to fortify the struggling democracy in the heart of the
Middle East.

But as the U.S. military draws down and Iraq opens up to foreign
investment, China and a handful of other countries that weren't
part of the so-called coalition of the willing are poised to cash

In the past two years, Chinese companies have walked away with
stakes in three of the 11 contracts the Iraqi Oil Ministry has
signed in its bid to increase crude output by about 450 percent
over the next seven years. Only two American firms won stakes in
oil deals.

The French automaker Renault and Germany's Mercedes-Benz are in
advanced talks to make trucks for industrial transport, according
to Iraqi officials. The South Koreans signed a memorandum of
understanding to build a multimillion-dollar steel mill in the
south and a power plant, and the Turks have scored a series of
construction and government services contracts.

Except for a $3 billion contract with General Electric to
purchase power-generating equipment for Iraq, Iraqi and U.S.
officials are hard-pressed to point to any significant U.S.
investment in Iraq.

The U.S. "consistently ranks in the bottom" among investors,
according to a 2009 study by Dunia Frontiers Consultants, which
tracks private investment in Iraq.

"This is a rich country," French Ambassador Boris Boillon said.
"In this world of recession, in this period of global crisis, we
need to get growth and expansion wherever you can find it."


Ron Paul Misses the Point on Energy Policy & Geopolitics

While I like Ron Paul's ideas about auditing and possibly ending the Federal Reserve (which is a PRIVATELY held bank), and legalizing hemp (which is a PLANT and source of FUEL and ENERGY that is illegal in the USA), I dont agree that the free market will properly act in the benefit of the PEOPLE of the nation. Rather, corporations will act in the interest of its stockholders, who may be from all around the world and not give a damn about what is destroying America's middle class and economies.

Ron Paul may be ill advised because I dont think he is beholden to the oil companies, is he?

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The free market – not government – is the solution to America’s energy needs.

Unfortunately, decades of misguided federal action have helped lead to skyrocketing fuel prices, making it even more difficult for hardworking families to make ends meet.

Washington’s bureaucratic regulations, corporate subsidies, and excessive taxation have distorted the market and resulted in government bureaucrats picking winners and losers.

In fact, much of the “pain at the pump” Americans are now feeling is due to federal policies designed by environmental alarmists to punish traditional energy production – like oil, coal, and natural gas – in hopes of making energy sources they favor more “economical.”

Sadly, even with $4.00 a gallon gasoline, many are attempting to make our energy crisis even worse by working to impose job-destroying carbon taxes, or a “Cap and Tax” system.

As long as we allow federal regulations and bureaucratic red tape to get in the way of energy exploration, our country will never solve its energy crisis, and Americans will continue to pay the price in high costs.


As President, Ron Paul will lead the fight to:

* Remove restrictions on drilling, so companies can tap into the vast amount of oil we have here at home.

* Repeal the federal tax on gasoline. Eliminating the federal gas tax would result in an 18 cents savings per gallon for American consumers.

* Lift government roadblocks to the use of coal and nuclear power.

* Eliminate the ineffective EPA. Polluters should answer directly to property owners in court for the damages they create – not to Washington.

* Make tax credits available for the purchase and production of alternative fuel technologies.

It’s time for a President that recognizes the free market’s power and innovative spirit by unleashing its full potential to produce affordable, environmentally sound, and reliable energy.


Ron Paul Misses the Point on Energy Policy & Geopolitics

While I like Ron Paul's ideas about auditing and possibly ending the Federal Reserve (which is a PRIVATELY held bank), and legalizing hemp (which is a PLANT and source of FUEL and ENERGY that is illegal in the USA), I dont agree that the free market will properly act in the benefit of the PEOPLE of the nation. Rather, corporations will act in the interest of its stockholders, who may be from all around the world and not give a damn about what is destroying America's middle class and economies.

Ron Paul may be ill advised because I dont think he is beholden to the oil companies, is he?

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The free market – not government – is the solution to America’s energy needs.

Unfortunately, decades of misguided federal action have helped lead to skyrocketing fuel prices, making it even more difficult for hardworking families to make ends meet.

Washington’s bureaucratic regulations, corporate subsidies, and excessive taxation have distorted the market and resulted in government bureaucrats picking winners and losers.

In fact, much of the “pain at the pump” Americans are now feeling is due to federal policies designed by environmental alarmists to punish traditional energy production – like oil, coal, and natural gas – in hopes of making energy sources they favor more “economical.”

Sadly, even with $4.00 a gallon gasoline, many are attempting to make our energy crisis even worse by working to impose job-destroying carbon taxes, or a “Cap and Tax” system.

As long as we allow federal regulations and bureaucratic red tape to get in the way of energy exploration, our country will never solve its energy crisis, and Americans will continue to pay the price in high costs.


As President, Ron Paul will lead the fight to:

* Remove restrictions on drilling, so companies can tap into the vast amount of oil we have here at home.

* Repeal the federal tax on gasoline. Eliminating the federal gas tax would result in an 18 cents savings per gallon for American consumers.

* Lift government roadblocks to the use of coal and nuclear power.

* Eliminate the ineffective EPA. Polluters should answer directly to property owners in court for the damages they create – not to Washington.

* Make tax credits available for the purchase and production of alternative fuel technologies.

It’s time for a President that recognizes the free market’s power and innovative spirit by unleashing its full potential to produce affordable, environmentally sound, and reliable energy.


Saturday, July 2, 2011

End Prohibition! Ask Congress to VOTE "YES" on HB2036 to Legalize Marijuana

Be sure you understand the differences between why non-narcotic industrial hemp is illegal and why marijuana is illegal. Look up and read the history there.

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Latest Obama/DOJ Memo Emphasizes Why We Must Pass HR 2306, The Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act Of 2011

On Wednesday the Obama administration for the second time in two years issued a Department of Justice memorandum regarding the state-sanctioned use and production of medical cannabis. However, unlike the release of the 2009 ‘Ogden memo,’ which the administration promoted with great fanfare, the issuance of this week’s ‘Cole memorandum’ is strategically being downplayed by the Justice Department.

As for the content of the memo, which you can read in full here, it’s hardly surprising — particularly in light of the administration’s recent, and highly public threats to lawmakers in states wishing to enact medical marijuana laws or expand upon their existing programs.

Perhaps most notably, the memorandum states that the recent flurry of intimidating US Attorney letters to state lawmakers are ‘entirely consistent’ with the Obama administration’s position. In other words, the administration is now on record in support of claims made by US Attorneys in Rhode Island, Washington, and other states alleging that state employees could be targeted and federally prosecuted for simply registering and licensing medical cannabis patients or providers — a position that is even more extreme than that of the previous administration. (Notably to date, however, no state employee — or for that matter, no state sanctioned dispensary operator — has ever been prosecuted by the federal government.)

The memo goes on to state that the federal government distinguishes between individual medical cannabis patients and third party providers, indicating that it is a poor use of federal resources (rather than a poor use of judgment) to target the former, while indicating that the latter are fair game for federal prosecution. It states:

“A number of states have enacted some form of legislation relating to the medical use of marijuana. Accordingly the Ogden memo reiterated to you that prosecution of significant traffickers in illegal drugs, including marijuana, remains a core priority, but advised that it is likely not an efficient use of federal resources to focus enforcement efforts on individuals with cancer or other serious illnesses who use marijuana as part of a recommended treatment regimen consistent with applicable state law, or their caregivers. The term “caregiver” as used in the memorandum meant just that: individuals providing care to individuals with cancer or other serious illnesses, not commercial operations cultivating, selling or distributing marijuana.”

Finally, the memo acknowledges that there has been an increase in the number of states that have either enacted or are considering enacting state laws allowing for the licensed production and distribution of cannabis to authorized patients. (To date, such state-licensed dispensaries are up and running in Colorado, New Mexico, and Maine; laws permitting such facilities are on the books in Arizona, Delaware, the District of Columbia, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont.) Clearly, the federal government is not at all pleased with this progress.

The Odgen Memorandum was never intended to shield such activities from federal enforcement action and prosecution, even where those activities purport to comply with state law. Persons who are in the business of cultivating. selling, or distributing marijuana, and those who knowingly facilitate such activities, are in violation of the Controlled Substances Act, regardless of state law. Consistent with the resource constraints and the discretion you may exercise in your district, such persons are subject to federal enforcement action, including potential prosecution. State laws or local ordinances are not a defense to civil enforcement of federal law with respect to such conduct, including enforcement of the CSA. Those who engage in transactions involving the proceeds of such activity may also be in violation of federal money laundering statutes and other federal financing laws.”

Regardless of how one wishes to interpret the latest memo from the DOJ, one thing is clear. States will never truly enjoy the freedom to experiment with alternative marijuana policies until the federal government is compelled to get out of their way. Only the passage of HR 2306, the ‘Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011,’ can make that happen.

House Bill 2306 mimics changes enacted by Congress that repealed the federal prohibition of alcohol by removing the federal government’s power to prosecute minor marijuana offenders. It would eliminate the existing conflict between federal law and the laws of those sixteen states that already allow for the limited use of marijuana under a physicians’ supervision. Further, it would permit state governments that wish to fully legalize and regulate the responsible use, possession, production, and intrastate distribution of marijuana for all adults to be free to do so without federal interference.

State lawmakers should be free to explore alternate marijuana policies — including medicalization, decriminalization, and/or legalization — without being held hostage to archaic federal prohibition or the whims of the Department of Justice. Contact your member of Congress and urge him or her to vote ‘yes’ on HR 2306.


Where is the #hempcar now? this is different #fuel #energy

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Cannabis Economics - Hemp Car - Hemp Clothes - Hemp Building
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Greed and Envy Are 2 Sides of the Same Coin

We gotta find harmony and balance in our lives before we kill each other and destroy the planet along with it.

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Kurt Schmoke

Political/Education leader

Kurt Schmoke

A former mayor of Baltimore City, Kurt Schmoke is Dean of Howard University School of Law.

No Downside to Greed

I am skeptical about the ability of individual CEOs to change the culture on Wall Street that led to the recent economic crisis. What would happen to the leader of a public company who announced that he or she was not focused on maximizing profits in the short run, but was concerned about strengthening the company for the long term? Millions of Americans who do not own stock in that company would praise the virtue of that CEO while his or her stockholders would scream bloody murder.

Right now it appears that the pursuit of greed has no downsides, except if you work for a company that has to plead for help from a government official who was formerly chairman of one of your company's competitors. The private-sector pressures on Wall Street business leaders are such that we are unlikely to see significant change in the business culture. Appropriate government intervention will be necessary to alter the conduct that has led to such disastrous economic results in our recent past.

@DAN1138, JFV123, JERKHOFF et al..

There is a time value to money but no time value to Law - the time value must be provided by Regulation.

Greed and Envy are two sides to the same coin if you will excuse the expression, but both are time valued: I do not envy Bernie Madoff as much as I once did.

Here's the deal: I hate Regulation as much as the next guy, but it is the only way to insure that all (human) plaintiffs are not rendered indigent before a finding of fact. It is only recently that Public Defenders in Texas were prohibited from napping during Capital Murder trials, so this Regulation as Social Conscience thing might be a bit hard to swallow. Too bad. Bringing the Law up to the speed of Money, Greed and Envy is the only rational approach.

Posted by: gannon_dick | September 21, 2009 7:34 PM
Report Offensive Comment


Greed & Poverty - 2 Sides of the Same Coin - Now out of #Balance- #crisis #economy#harmony

Thi article says it well. It doenst talk about ENVY. That drives the frustration between the haves and the have nots.

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The most serious spiritual problem in the country today is reckless and untrammeled greed. caused the disgraceful corporate scandals that fill our newspapers. Greed is responsible for crooked cops and crooked politicians. Greed causes the constant efforts to destroy unions that protect basic worker rights.

Greed is responsible for the fact that so many Americans have no health insurance and the fact that the recent reform of Medicare was a fraud
Greed is responsible for the obscene salaries of CEOs. In the '90s the ratio of CEO compensation to average workers' compensation was 250 to 1
Greed is responsible for outsourcing, which is incapable of comprehending that the employees who lose their jobs are also the consumers who sustain the economy
Greed causes expensive wars that shatter the budget.
Greed is the reason that only the wealthy are benefiting so far from the economic upturn that is allegedly happening. Greed drives loan sharks
Greed is the reason poor white Appalachians, poor African Americans and poor Native Americans must fight the wars that the wealthy start
Greed is the reason why the country is being run by those whom the president has described, however inelegantly, as the ''haves and the have mores.''
Greed is the reason that the country is being run by the insurance, pharmaceutical, weapons and petroleum industries.

But how is this possible? GREED. The economic pie is getting bigger -- how can it be true that most Americans are getting smaller slices? The answer, of course, is that a few people are getting much, much bigger slices. GREED. Although wages have stagnated since Bush took office, corporate profits have doubled. The gap between the nation's CEOs and average workers is now ten times greater than it was a generation ago. GREED!


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

This deserves attention! and

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The National Initiative for Democracy

A "Plan B" when Congress doesn't Represent

How we're getting Better and NATIONAL Ballot Initiatives

Led by former US Senator Mike Gravel, the National Initiative empowers us to check and balance representatives, similar to ballot initiatives in 24 States, but at all levels from local to national and with major improvements. It gives us a "Plan B" whenever representatives don't represent us. (Do torture, perpetual wars and debt, domestic spying and bailouts for the rich represent you??)

A few Congress members have tried to get us this power from Congress since 1907, without success. Gravel discovered the Founders had the same problem: the existing 13 Legislatures refused to share their power with the USA. The Founders found a way: The People ratified the Constitution at the Constitutional Conventions. James Madison said "The people were in fact, the fountain of all power, and by resorting to them, all difficulties were got over."(His 2nd response in the 1787 Debate)

Now we resort to you to read and vote to ratify the National Initiative, to make real the promise of "government by the people." The National Initiative consists of the brief Democracy Amendment and the more detailed Democracy Act.


What will our veterans do when they come home? #jobs How many are out there? Where will they live? #foreclosure #army #navy #rotc #marines #2012 #hemp #VEHP2012 #venusproject #USACIO

DRAFT - Cover Letter to @barackobama for the position of CIO, US Federal Government.

DRAFT - Proposal For a Microloan for Twisted Politix a 501 c3 (non-profit)

How will America transition to 2nd Place?

Are you familiar with the Veterans Emergency Housing Program from WW2 (1947)? It isnt on Wikipedia and should be. It gave discounts to soldiers to buy homes in the suburbs just outside the city after returning from war. It is essentially what started modern day suburbia and suburban sprawl, and the long commute, and highways, the cars, but I digress.

Now speed forward to 2012 (#VEHP2012). Couldn't the existing foreclosures all across the country be sold at a major discount to soldiers returning from posts overseas? Obviously the Administration would have to lean heavily on the banks to be so kind, but this is for the SOLDIERS! Who could refuse! (Imagine all the places we have bases or troops - Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Panama, Japan, Germany, Nigeria, etc. It would depend on where they are. Some may not want to come home. Would you want to leave Germany now? - When their economy is doing well and Octoberfest is coming and the girls, etc. But maybe Afghanistan isn't so fun now the Bin Laden is dead.) Of course to do this, you would have to close bases and that would be tough even with the deficit!

Wouldn't a program like that NOW help end the wars, secure the nation (tough guys in the house), reduce anti-American sentiment, and stimulate the economy? End the wars because with such a great $deal$, the soldiers would want to come home fast!

Or what if they were granted the permit to build homes as long as they were built to spec under the architectural guidance of Jacques Fresco, a futurist like DaVinco, using innovative and renewable materials that are 100% eco-friendly, such as hemp, grown right here in the USA. (You would have to legalize industrial, non-narcotic hemp which is ILLEGAL in the USA because of corporate lobbyists.)

And all food must be grown locally (within 50 miles), and all waste must be disposed of locally (within 50 miles),

All electrical power would have to be generated from solar or wind or other approved renewables, like biomass, and EVERY building would have to be self-sufficient and provide its own energy.

All the automobiles had to run on biofuels and were only for mass transport or public transit, which were all leased on a subscription based service like with Zipcars. But these would be taxed heavily and tricycles and bicycles would be donated by China.

Back to reality for a moment... If they havent lost their homes, then Good for them! Is it possible that these soldiers wont have jobs when they get home?

Maybe instead of them collecting unemployment, they could BUILD the new VEHP2012 themselves.

And maybe the Jonathan Rose Companies could run the projects. And these new homes and transition towns could be located along train lines or in the projected path for new high speed rail that has been proposed and paid for by the Federal government.

There are foreclosures deep in the heart of the cities, in the suburbs, and even on farms. It most certainly has happened.

If any Congressmen or Senators with sons in the military knew about this, they might write a bill and pass a law, and whalaaahhh! Economic improvement. A stimulus but for VETERANS! Man would this stir up a serious fight in our Congress. Only a Democrat would bring it up because its a stimulus when all the conversation is about deficits. Then the Republicans would have a hell of a time explaining why its no good. Meanwhile the soldiers find out and starting asking when they are going to come home. The generals and admirals start putting pressure on the GOP to give in so their boys can come home. - Oh but wait, we can't leave a war without WINNING first! So how do you define winning? Shit this is going to be a long one...

Oh but you can imagine the capitalists licking their chomps to get a hold of this contract or win some business from the Government! To sell any services or supplies to the returning soldiers. But what if in order to be a a vendor of the project, you had to be certified with a license that confirms that you are an US company, privately held (NOT publicly traded), whose employee base is at least 20% made up of people that are unemployed, and that at least 50% of the ownership was made up of employees, even part timers, etc.

This is a campaign slogan that WORKS! HEMP4VICTORY2012 Hoorah! Start GROWING!!!

Ok and now off the deepend...And what if they measured the cost of goods in calories required to produce it start to finish, and measured the cost of service by the customer ratings. And people who worked in these transition towns were paid incentives like how many positive tweets they got. No wait that sounds too funky. They were paid with hours of time from experts - with wisdom. And they were grateful they got all this so they gave back by teaching others something they have learned - whatever skill they have. But all employees were volunteers but owners in the companies or even in the village itself.

Please click

Please click The end of World War II was the beginning of a new set of problems for Gallatin veterans. The vets were coming “home,” but there wasn’t any “home” for them to return to. A Gallatin survey revealed there were at least 25 new houses needed since there weren’t any vacant houses nor rooms to rent.

The Gallatin Rotary Club passed a resolution backing a building program for the purpose of alleviating the housing shortage and also to curb inflation of real estate values.

The problem came to light when a man went to buy a permit to build in the city. He found a building priority for a home was impossible to obtain unless the town in which he resided had a set building quota. Gallatin didn’t have any such quota.

Building quotas were based on each particular town and an investigation of Gallatin revealed several factors had to be resolved before a quota could be set. A few of these factors were:

1. There were eight or more families without places to live and several others were inadequately housed

2. Property values had inflated from 100% to 300%

3. Many retired farmers were moving to town

4. Several returning veterans had expressed wanting to live in Gallatin.

A proposal was set up by the FPHA (Federal Public Housing Authority) stating they’d furnish pre-fabricated houses of a war-housing type and ship the parts to Gallatin for assembly. The housing units would remain federally owned. They would be four, five, or six bedroom homes and modern in every way.

Only discharged veterans or families of servicemen were eligible to apply for the accommodations. Before applications could be made for the temporary housing, an estimate of community needs had to be made. All veterans and servicemen’s families who wanted the accommodations were urged to sign up for them. The number of houses to be asked for depended upon the number of people interested in securing this type of housing.

In January 1946, Gallatin made application for 15 temporary family units to be occupied by discharged veterans and the families of servicemen. Additional units were to be ordered if the houses were being utilized and proved to be satisfactory. The government would furnish pre-fabricated war-housing type dwellings delivered prepaid by the city. The cost of a site and connecting the utilities would be paid to the city. The rent, at a very nominal cost of $22 a month, was to be charged to the veterans and families.

The application was turned down because the quota for the houses had been exhausted. Both the project requested and the number size of the housing administration was too small. They’d substitute 10 trailers. In February, 1946, 10 family trailers were ordered and were to be of two sizes, 7' x 22' one bedroom units and three 22' x 22' bedroom units. Each trailer had their water and electricity. The trailers would be allotted to the applicants in the order the requests were received.

Dockery Park was chosen for the site because there’d be less work and expense. There’d be little grading and sodding to be done, sidewalks and gavel driveways were already built and present light and water facilities were nearby. Rent from the trailers would go to the FPHA after the expenses of maintenance were deducted. FPHA retained the title to the buildings. Families of servicemen and veterans were the only eligible tenants of the trailers. Also included were men seeking accommodation so they could bring their families stationed outside the locality.

Near the end of February, Gallatin was assured of its trailer colony housing project. The FPHA would provide the materials and the labor for the construction of two baths and laundry buildings at the trailer site. The building would be 29 ½' x 23' and would cost $8,300. The project had been turned down earlier by the city officials due to the scarcity of materials and labor.

In May 1946, the government agreed to relieve the city of any responsibility in building construction. The bath and laundry building was approved for the colony. Under the proposal the city would sign a contract with the housing authority to build the structure, with the government agency paying the bill. The city was to hire the labor, buy the material, and supervise the construction. The building was to be centrally located in the trailer colony.

Note: -- by Wilbur Bush

American is NOT a True Democracy, Laws By Ballot is TRUE Democracy

This is brilliant. This will truly determine what the people believe rather than what corporations can buy

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The National Initiative for Democracy is a proposal which will permit citizens to make laws by ballot initiative.

  • Creates a ballot initiative process at all levels of government including at the federal level
  • Becomes a new check in our system of checks and balances
  • Does not modify Congress, the President, or the judicial system
  • Fair, non-partisan, promotes freedom of speech

What to do:

  1. Learn about NI4D

  2. Vote for it

  3. Get Involved

  4. Donate to the cause


VIDEO: Hemp Legalization For Biofuels and National Security

Really, why is a non-narcotic plant is illegal? It's a great biofuel and biomass feedstock, so legalize it, tax it, and let's reduce our dependency on foreign oil!

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How can we end prohibition against hemp nationally?

How do we end the tyranny from the federal government in regards to cannabis laws in the US states that have decriminalized cannabis for medical use or otherwise?


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

BOA Homeowners Should be F*CKING OUTRAGED! BOA Strikes a Deal w/ Investors for $8.5B

So BOA leaves homeowners high and dry as they decline mortgage refinancing deals and robosign foreclosures but they agree to pay PIMCO, Blackrock, and the Fed, and the stock price increases.

The HAMP program and the Obama administration's efforts to save foreclosures and distressed homeowners has been a complete flop and NOTHING gets done. People just lost their homes, all their equity or previous investment.

Meanwhile the mega wealthy hedge fund managers get paid back.

There should be RIOTS in the streets. People who have lost their home to BOA should be F*CKING OUTRAGED!

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Bank of America Near $8.5 Billion Deal on Mortgage Securities

Bank of America is near to a deal to pay $8.5 billion to settle a suit by investors who purchased mortgage securities that soured, handing a victory to a group of money managers including Pimco and BlackRock as well as the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

The company’s board has yet to approve the settlement, but both sides are aiming to get it done by Thursday, according to an individual close to the negotiations. The timing is intended to take place before the second quarter ends.

Bank of America stock jumped 38 cents in after-hours trading to $11.19 a share after news reports of the deal.

  “I think this is huge,” said Mike Mayo, a bank analyst with Credit Agricole in New York. “It’s about time the industry resolves issues from the financial crisis and focuses more on righting their companies and improving the economy. This is the most significant step since the financial crisis that helps do that."

Last fall, analysts warned that the toll from suits by these investors and other private holders could total tens of billions of dollars, but the proposed deal would lift some of that uncertainty. The securities affected by the deal come almost entirely from Countrywide, the subprime mortgage lender whose excesses have come to symbolize the excesses of the housing boom. Bank of America bought Countrywide in 2008.

The $8.5 billion settlement represents just a portion of the bank’s total exposure to faulty mortgage bonds. Analysts say it appears to cover about $56 billion of the roughly $222 billion of troubled loans that were bundled into securities, largely by the Countrywide Financial business in acquired in early 2008.

Other huge risks from the fallout of the subprime mortgage crisis still loom — both for Bank of America and its giant peers.  All 50 state attorneys general are in the final stages of settling an investigation into abuses by the biggest mortgage servicers,  and are pressing the banks to pay up to $30 billion in fines and penalties.


Educated Spaniards Follow Their Ancestors Back to Thriving Latin America

Meanwhile latinos educated in Latin America are finding it hard to improve their work life conditions outside of the major metropolis

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The Spanish brain-drain

24 June 2011
El País

Faced with record unemployment and poor job prospects, a generation of young Spaniards is decamping to the economic boomtowns of Latin America

Despite everything the press writes about this special period of prosperity and stability that Latin America is going through, the continent continues to surprise the Spaniards. “Many Spanish companies come and say they want to have a base in Mexico from which they can springboard to the United States. And then they grasp that Mexico is a huge market itself, and it’s growing fast.” So they give up on their planned jump to Uncle Sam and build a growth strategy for where they are, says the young Spaniard.

The Spanish banking sector understood this many years ago. Javier Lopez, president of the CreditServices financial company, explained a few months ago that a good chunk of the company’s activity had shifted to Brazil following the financial crisis:  “Today, I’m managing finances in Latin America like I was doing in Spain five years ago."


"In Mexico, the world of work has nothing in common with Spain,” Juan Arteaga goes on. “You work really hard, and there is less time off. But hard work is rewarded.  Someone who works well moves up fast.  I landed here with no money, no network, and five years later I’m handling communications for Coca-Cola in its second global market. And all that by the age of 30.” It’s a career that’s unthinkable for most young people in Spain. Juan sums it up succinctly:  “In Spain, I would still be living off scholarships.”

The Colombian consulate in Madrid is seeing an unprecedented increase in applications for work visas.  In 2008, the consular services were handling an average of 45 visas a month. This year, the average has yet to drop below 70, counting all types of visas, including the special permit to create business contacts.

Money, the desire to be active, Hispanic culture, lush natural landscapes, a demand for the Spaniards...  Who would even want to move to Germany when there is Latin America? But other factors, such as distance and lack of social security, dull the lustre of the new Eldorado: emigration remains a possibility for only a minority of the unemployed Spaniards who might seem a natural fit, although it is becoming more popular. “Latin America is a very faraway continent, and some news coverage [of the violence] doesn’t help,” Juan Arteaga admits. 

Within Europe, the Spanish emigrant is never more than four hours by plane from home. From Latin America, the nearest European destination is nine hours away. Pilar Pin, executive director of Spain’s Office for Expatriate Affairs, which studies the lives of Spanish expatriates around the world, singles out as problems the “wages, labour laws, poor coverage in case of unemployment and the health system… We are used to a free and universal system, and health care in the Americas is extremely expensive.”

The numbers are clear, and they show there is no wave of Spanish migration to Latin America. It’s not forlorn and hungry emigrants clutching cardboard suitcases that we’re seeing headed for the boats, but university students in search of experience.

Still, the fact remains that over the next decade there is a whole continent out there where Spanish is spoken and where the emigrants can put their hand to something.  At the same time, back in Spain, a generation of young graduates finds itself stuck in economic agony. Those two realities are now beginning to come together.


German Mark Set for Comeback As EURO Crisis Deepens

It would be interesting to hear what the French think of this.

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Story Image

ALMOST three-quarters of Germans doubt that the euro has a future, a poll reveals.

They also believe rescue attempts are futile as billions more euros will be paid to bail out Greece.

Sixty eight per cent said they did not think the emergency bail out of Greece would work.

A separate poll last week showed more than half of Germans thought that Greece should be thrown out of the euro.

Rumours are also rife in Germany that Deutsche Mark bank notes are being printed again in preparation for ditching the euro.

It is said Germany’s central bank, the Bundesbank, has been ordered to print marks as part of contingency plans to leave Europe’s single currency.


The Bundesbank has been ordered to print marks


This would be an extraordinary step for Germany and would deepen the growing divide between Europe’s leading states.

Since its introduction in 1999, the euro has had a tough time trying to win over a sceptical German public, who saw the mark – one of the world’s most stable currencies – as a symbol of post-war prosperity, second only to the US dollar as the reserve option for investors.

Chancellor Angela Merkel now faces her biggest crisis. The opposition is speculating her government may fall as Germans become more vocal in their opposition to bailing out Greece.


Despite EU Budget Woes, Swiss Engineers Strive to Outdo Japan

Is there some sort of strange competition going on between the Swiss and the Japanese for sophisticated railway? Certainly the Chinese will outdo all of us.

2020 Events:

Two other transalpine tunnels are planned to exceed 50km but are unlikely to be complete until the 2020s. One tunnel will connect Lyon in France to Turin in Italy and another is due to replace the Brenner tunnel between Austria and Italy.

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Swiss create world's longest tunnel

Engineers have drilled through the last remaining rock to create the world's longest tunnel, under the Swiss Alps.

The 9.8bn Swiss franc (£6.4bn; $10.3bn) project will take up to 300 trains each day underneath the Alps.

The length of the Gotthard tunnel exceeds the 53.8km Seikan rail tunnel linking the Japanese islands of Honshu and Hokkaido and the 50km Channel Tunnel linking England and France.

Switzerland is one of Europe's major junctions for freight and the tunnel is part of a larger project aiming to move cargo off the roads and on to rail.

Improvements on the northern and southern approaches to the new Gotthard tunnel have been postponed, so trains will run on existing track there.

Tunnel route - graphic

Swiss Transport Minister Moritz Leuenberger said that the Gotthard Tunnel would become a spectacular and grandiose monument with which all tunnels would be compared.

Two other transalpine tunnels are planned to exceed 50km but are unlikely to be complete until the 2020s. One tunnel will connect Lyon in France to Turin in Italy and another is due to replace the Brenner tunnel between Austria and Italy.


Monday, June 27, 2011

Cuba Survived #PeakOil w/ Permaculture Like USA in WW2

when the USSR collapsed in 1991, its ally Cuba lost its primary supplier of oil. the began to plant Victory Gardens all over the place.

The USA can adopt this conservation movement to reduce the need for war abroad and reduce the shock of peak oil as the supply of cheap and easily accessible oil and natural gas dwindles.

But this would mean less power for the corporations that benefit from our expensive military industrial complex.

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A LESSON FOR OUR FUTURE: The Cuban Experience (1/4)
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