Monday, June 6, 2011
Egypt’s Uprising Has Link to Marijuana Prohibition
chapter x - imf world bank and economic hitmen
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an intergovernmental organization that oversees the global financial system by following the macroeconomic policies of its member countries, in particular those with an impact on exchange rate and the balance of payments. Its objectives are to stabilize international exchange rates and facilitate development through the encouragement of liberalising economic policies[1] in other countries as a condition of loans, debt relief, and aid.[2] It also offers loans with varying levels of conditionality, mainly to poorer countries. Its headquarters is in Washington, D.C. The IMF’s relatively high influence in world affairs and development has drawn heavy criticism from some sources.[3][4]
The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans[2] to developing countries for capital programmes. The World Bank's official goal is the reduction of poverty. By law, all of its decisions must be guided by a commitment to promote foreign investment, international trade and facilitate capital investment.[3]
Chapter x - The Fall of the USSR and Western Communism
At the end of WW1, Russia had lost 34% of its population, 32% of its arable land, 54% of their industrial capacity, and 86% of their petroleum production capacity, all from the lost vassals, tributaries, and puppet states such as Azerbaijan, xx, xx, xx. This was the first loss of territory for the Russian empire in over 400 years. Imagine the difficulty of accepting this new reality. Denial and anger must have lasted for a decade. such death, destruction, and anger.
Under Lenin, the Soviet Union became the first country to adopt an administrated planned economy, whereby all production and distribution of goods were directed by a centralized government. The Bolsheviks (or majority) pursue nationalization of industry, centralized distribution, while eliminating the circulation of money, as well as private enterprises and free trade. As it had aggravated a severe economic collapse caused by the war, in 1921, Lenin replaced War Communism with the New Economic Policy (NEP), legalizing free trade and private ownership of smaller businesses. The economy recovered fairly quickly.
In 1941 Lenin announces an new economic policy to restore the nation’s pride and well being. Yet poor harvests leave more than 30 million people near starvation. Through a series of summits and conferences with the US and Britain, they moved forward with what became a century of colonial conquest of oil wealthy middle east. Beginning with Iran, the US, Russia, and Britain, force out the nationalist Reza Shah, who had become cozy with nazi Germany, and replace him with his son Mohammad Reza Shah, who becomes a puppet, allowing the three foreign powers to extract petroleum to support their military expansion, ostensibly done to counter the Germans.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
McCarthyism in Modern America #2012 @maddow
Still cant shake our fear uncertainty and doubt of those who would oppose predatory capitalism
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Was Google #fracking for #geothermal #energy? #2012 #cleanenergy #renewable
Hmmm. Seems like halliburton, big Oil and Gas and Google have something in common
Read more at gigaom.comA project that was supposed to show the potential of turning the heat from hot rocks deep in the earth into a clean power source, from a startup backed by, Kleiner Perkins, Khosla Ventures and the Department of Energy, has hit a snag — literally. Geothermal startup AltaRock Energy said yesterday that it has “encountered a number of physical difficulties,” while drilling at a site in Northern California, or as the New York Times put it, the drilling snagged on surface rock formation. As a result, the $17 million drilling project, which started in June, is being suspended indefinitely, the company says.
Is honest fracking debate possible? #2012 #peakoil #kochsuckers Halliburton Loophole,
Fracking: Natural Gas Energy Boon or Public Poison?
COMMENTARY | Fracturing shale rock to release the natural gas inside, called "fracking," is either a great method for extracting new energy from existing resources or an ecological disaster that endangers our drinking water. Or both.
The problem is that there are no clear studies indicating actual harm caused by the process. BusinessWeek points to a New York Times discovery that EPA documents reveal radioactive wastewater being discharged into river basins. Yet the government specifically exempted fracking from the Safe Water Drinking Act as part of the 2005 Energy bill. The Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission assured residents that the methane present in their tap water came from naturally occurring processes rather than as a byproduct of fracking, though it's unclear how that was expected to reassure them about flaming tap water.
Read more at only things we know for sure are that fracking uses toxic chemicals, the government is not studying—or at least not releasing information about—the potential dangers, and people are drinking flammable water.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Right Wing #peakoil Deniers Still Exist? Have Fun During #Collapse
Read more at spectator.orgFrom confused
"peak oil" theorists to
confused Congressmen, it's all but
impossible to hear a discussion of US energy policy without hearing
the left's tired refrain: "The United States currently uses 25% of
the world oil production but has only 2% of world reserves." The
left uses this misinformation to argue against domestic oil
drilling, claiming that with only two percent of the world's
reserves, we can't possibly have enough oil in the ground to
Renewable amd clean energy with #hemp oil to fuel economic recovery, reduce deficit
Honestly, non narcotic strains should be legal across the country
Hemp Fuel For a Better World
Hemp cultivation could potentially produce enough biofuel to replace fossil fuels, easing pollution and global warming problems.
Close the budget deficit with medical marijuana #2012 #hemp
How To Break Into The $1.7 Billion Medical Marijuana Industry
See more at
#GE only plan to produce #solar for 80000? USA has 100M households
This is one of the worlds largest companies and this is the best they can do. And the CEO gets a seat next to Obama?
Solar May Be Cheaper Than Fossil, Nuclear Power in Five Years, GE Says
The thin-film panels will be manufactured at a plant that GE intends to open in 2013. The company said in April that the factory will have about 400 employees and make enough panels each year to power about 80,000 homes.
Read more at peakoil.comSolar power may be cheaper than electricity generated by fossil fuels and nuclear reactors within three to five years because of innovations, said Mark M. Little, the global research director for General Electric Co. (GE)
Soviet #collapse lessons for #USA and #EU? #2012 #peakoil #IMF #DSK
Peak oil and the Fall of the Soviet Union: Lessons on the 20th Anniversary of the Collapse
Read more at www.theoildrum.comSynopsis: The causes of the fall of the Soviet Union are thought to be inefficiency and the Soviet response to the Reagan Administration’s military buildup of the early 1980s. However, a more plausible explanation is the decline in Soviet oil production caused by peak oil. This gives the world an example of a modern economy confronted by peak oil and what lessons we can learn from it.
Pemex At Lowest Levels Ever while Carstens Makes a Bid for IMF #peakoil #collapse #dsk
You can be sure that Carlos Slim is heavily invested in PEMEX bonds which essentially is privatizing without public support
Pemex Oil Output Declines at Fastest Rate Since World War II
Jan. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Petroleos Mexicanos, Mexico’s state
oil company, will probably report its fastest drop in production
since 1942, eroding revenue as plunging crude prices limit the
amount of cash available to drill for new reserves.
Pemex last year likely extracted 2.8 million barrels a day,
down about 9 percent from the 3.08 million a day pumped in 2007,
representing a total of $20 billion in lost sales, according to
data compiled by the government and Bloomberg. The Mexico City-
based company, which had revenue of $104 billion in 2007, plans
to report annual production figures tomorrow.
“The fall
in oil prices and lower production is going to make expensive
exploration projects less attractive now.”
Read more at’s “biggest problems have yet to come,” said
Alejandro Schtulmann, head of research at Empra, a political-
risk consulting firm in Mexico City, in an interview. “The fall
in oil prices and lower production is going to make expensive
exploration projects less attractive now.”
Windfall profits tax on banks and big oil #collapse #teaparty #dems
You're About To Hear The Words "Windfall Profits Tax"
Similarities between 2011 and 2008 are piling up.
Read more at www.businessinsider.comSo it only stands to reason, that with big oil set to report near-record earnings, per the WSJ and with anyone complaining about higher gas prices, that we revisit the Democrats' big idea from 2008. It was in May of that year that this idea seriously got debated.
In the coming global economic #collapse, the USA wont be 1st #CDS #global #economy #IMF contributes #transition #peakoil
Its happening. The fallout of the financial crisis of 2008 is finally unfolding around the world. Expect to see 3-10 EU nations default by December 2011
Default Swaps Trading on U.S. Debt Doubles on Deficit Wrangling
A total of 819 contracts covering a net notional $4 billion
of debt were outstanding as of May 20, up from 449 contracts
covering $2 billion a year ago, according to the Depository
Trust & Clearing Corp. Average daily trading volume surged to
$490 million last week from $10 million the week before, making
the U.S. the fourth most active among 1,000 contracts tracked by
DTCC, up from 633rd.
“In a way, it’s worse than in Greece because no one can
bail out the U.S.,” said Georg Grodzki, the London-based head
of credit research at Legal & General Investment Management,
which oversees $580 billion of assets. “Complete political
paralysis is OK if your deficit is 3 percent, but not if it’s 10
This year’s federal budget deficit is projected to reach
$1.5 trillion, or 9.8 percent of gross domestic product,
according to the Congressional Budget Office. The government
will run out of options to avoid a default if the limit is not
raised by early August, Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner
said May 2.
Read more at debt is the world’s most expensive to insure at about
1,400 basis points for five years and more than 2,000 basis
points for one year. Swaps on Norway are the world’s least
expensive at 17 basis points for five years and 5.5 basis points
for one year.
Mexican Economic Miralce? Carstens for #IMFpost #CDS #collapse #global #economy #transition #peakoil #narco
Must be the damn drug trade funneling $60B into the economy untaxed.
RT: [eksit101] Is the #ENDTHEFED victories the October surprise? Just all seems fishy. #NWO #RESTORETHEREPUBLIC f...
— #New World Order (@nwohashtag) October 1, 2013
IMF Candidate Carstens Winning Over Bond Investors at Home: Mexico Credit
Carstens’s “credibility has been enhanced,” Pablo Cisilino, who helps manage $22 billion in emerging-market debt
at Stone Harbor Investment in New York, said in a telephone
interview. “Carstens came out and said we’re going to stay put
and inflation is not going to pick up, it’s going to come down.
Something that you’ve been predicting happens, your credibility
gets enhanced.”
“It definitely says that the market is perfectly happy
with the way that Carstens is conducting monetary policy,”
Kieran Curtis, who helps manage more than $3 billion of
emerging-market assets, including peso debt, at Aviva Investors
in London, said in a telephone interview. “No change for still
a reasonable period of time is quite a reasonable sort of policy
outlook to expect.”
“Weak” economic growth is more responsible for the
decline in consumer prices in Mexico than Carstens, said Benito Berber, Latin America strategist at Nomura Securities.
Read more at has nominated Carstens, who was deputy managing
director at the IMF from 2003 to 2006, to replace Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who resigned as head of the organization last week
to defend himself against criminal charges including attempted
rape. French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde, who is also
seeking the top job at the Washington-based Fund, has won
endorsements from European countries including the U.K., Germany
and Sweden.
Japan is Crumbling #CDS #collapse #global #economy #IMF contributes #transition #peakoil
Watch the CDS and IMF, bank bailouts, protests, and austerity measures while security related stocks soar.
Japan’s Credit Outlook Lowered to Negative at Fitch Amid Rising Debt Level
“It’s an alarm bell for Japan to demonstrate political
leadership to take an action to ensure the credibility of the
nation’s debt,” said Junko Nishioka, chief economist at RBS
Securities Japan Ltd. in Tokyo. “Concerns over Japan’s fiscal
conditions will become an issue again in the bond market in
coming months, which could make it more likely for bond yields
to rise.”
Read more at central bank is poised to keep its monetary stimulus,
contrasting with counterparts from China to India that are
tightening policy to stem inflation. Prices climbed in Japan
after global energy and food costs rose and retailers suffered
product shortages in the aftermath of the natural disaster.
Stanford and BDO Ponzi Scheme #CDS #collapse #global #economy #IMF contributes #transition #peakoil
Its happening. The fallout of the financial crisis of 2008 is finally unfolding around the world. Expect to see 3-10 EU nations default by December 2011
“BDO’s cozy relationship with the Stanford Financial Group
was steeped in conflicts of interest and required ongoing
deception and duplicitous manipulation of the facts to enable
the Ponzi scheme to grow exponentially for over a decade,”
investors said in the complaint. “The result is the loss of
thousands of investors’ life savings.”
Read more at Investors Sue Former Auditor BDO US for $10.7 Billion Over Fraud
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Some historical gas price increase due to #oil speculators, more 2 come w/ #peakoil
Investors are anticipating oil price surges due to #peakoil, how broad is that?
Regulators Sue Speculators for $150 million
The Commodities Future Trading Commission (CFTC) announced yesterday that
they are suing two oil traders accused of manipulating the oil markets in
the 2008 run-up to $147 per barrel oil.
Climate Capitalism: Google Wind Farms in Mojave Desert
Google invests $55 million in Mojave Desert wind farm
Google Inc. is investing $55 million in a large Mojave Desert wind farm, pumping fresh air into California’s struggling wind power industry.
Google said Tuesday that it was partnering with Citibank, which is also shelling out $55 million to help finance part of the Alta Wind Energy Center, one of the world’s largest wind installations.
Read more at peakoil.comWhen complete, the project in the Tehachapi Mountains will generate 1.5 gigawatts, enough to power 450,000 homes. The installation will help boost wind jobs in the state 20% while feeding more than $1.2 billion into the Kern County economy, according to developers.