After seeing countless videos and reading a plethora of expert testimonies, I find it IMPOSSIBLE to believe the 9-11 Commission report and the official version of 9/11. The Neocons hijacked our foreign policy and doubled down on the military congressional industrial complex and the defense budget.
Do Americans realize how important this is? This dwarfs our debate about collective bargaining, healthcare, budget deficits, third world America, tax breaks, jobs, the poor economy, abortion, filibusters, clean energy, pollution, muslim extremists, planned parenthood, NPR, even the global economic crisis and financial bailout.
America is at war with itself. Americans are being pitted against each other. We are being distracted with each of these issues when in reality, the culprits responsible for 9/11 are profiting beyond our imagination.
Iraq and Afghanistan are WARS fought based COMPLETELY on LIES. Why are Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and others being SERIOUSLY investigated?