Does anyone buy the nonsense? They US and its protected NGOs started the revolution-turn civil war in Ukraine (see previous posts about Nuland leak and Soros' Open Society involvement). Putin and Russia then respond, and now we are putting more troops in Europe to reassure our European allies that we've got their back?
Be sure to share this article and related tweets with your Congressman so they know to #JustSayNO to Obama's warmongering request.
Will Congress say #HailHitler to Obama's Request for $1B for US Military In Europe?
— #TwistedTimes Daily (@TwistedPolitix) June 3, 2014
Congress MUST #JustSayNO to Obama's Request for $1 Billion To Boost US Military In Europe -
— #TwistedTimes Daily (@TwistedPolitix) June 3, 2014