Showing posts with label david rockefeller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label david rockefeller. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Technocracy And The Making of China

DengXiaoping.jpgIt was no mis­take of his­tory that China trans­formed from a Com­mu­nist dic­ta­tor­ship into a neo-authoritarian Technocracy.
In this regard, the influ­ence of the Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion, its mem­bers and poli­cies on the world stage can hardly be quan­ti­fied. The Com­mis­sion, founded by David Rock­e­feller and Zbig­niew Brzezinski in 1973, drew mem­ber­ship from North America, Europe and Japan. Out of approx­i­mately 300 mem­bers, only 86 were orig­i­nally from the United States, and yet they cor­po­rately devised and pushed poli­cies that suited the entire mem­ber­ship, and did so under a vir­tual cloak of invis­i­bility that lasts even into 2013.
Today, we reap the “ben­e­fits” of Tri­lat­eral manip­u­la­tion. The Euro­pean economy is trashed, Japan’s economy is still smol­dering from the mid-1990’s and the U.S. is much worse off today than in the late 1960’s. But, the polit­ical sys­tems of these coun­tries are not much better off than their economies. The fruit of decay in the United States is painfully evi­dent with a frac­tured and con­tentious politic that defies rec­on­cil­i­a­tion on even the most minor issues.
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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

#TTD002 What the hell happened in 1973 that fucked up America?

1973.  What happened in that year in the world of geopolitics and how has that event impacted the lives of nearly every resident of North America?

Is there a clear and present danger as described by John F Kennedy in the video below? It was a plea for help that got ignored, or got him killed.

What is the Trilateral Commission? How have they influenced American foreign and domestic policy? How big is their sphere of influence? What policies, trade agreements, alliances, and wars have been pushed through our legal system to our detriment?

And dont forget other local deputees in their merry band.

Is this conspiracy theory 101 or do I see a semi secret cabal working to achieve world domination through political, social, and economic control.  Now who else has spoken this way?

Next on #TwistedTimesDaily, we'll look into the Technocracy of the Trilateral Commission.  Tax free foundations, public relations, marketing, and propaganda all rolled up in a trendy little package.