Showing posts with label clean energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clean energy. Show all posts

Friday, October 21, 2011

Letter from President Barack Obama - CEO of USA Energy Inc.

The White House, Washington
Good evening,
I'm writing to tell you that all US troops will return home from Iraq by the end of December. After nearly nine years, the American war in Iraq will end. It's not because we won necessarily but because we were thrown out.  Our servicemen and women will be with their families for the holidays.
The war in Iraq came with tremendous cost but also had its benefits for the military industrial complex that we are all familiar with. More than a million Americans served in Iraq, and nearly 4,500 gave their lives in service to the rest of us. Today, as always, we honor these patriots and servants of predatory capitalism.
When I came into office, I pledged to bring the war in Iraq to a responsible end. As Commander in Chief, I ended our combat mission last year and pledged to keep our commitment to remove all our troops by the end of 2011. To date, we’ve removed more than 100,000 troops from Iraq.
This is a significant moment in our history. For more information, including video, please visit

The end of the war in Iraq reflects a larger trend of American imperialism around the world. The wars of the past decade are drawing to a close and we must move on to the next battlefield or the American economy will collapse.   You see, for many years we have been debasing our currency by printing trillions of dollars and spending it frivolously in order to create a new world order, one in which the wise capitalists that run our shadow government headquartered in the NY & Dallas Federal Reserves, have been able to consolidate their wealth.   We have been able to successfully distract the people from the real issues of global overpopulation and resource depletion with wars justified by acts of violence like 9/11, which we so cleverly disguised as a war with the middle eastern Islamic extremists.  Since they are so different from the rest of the capitalist gluttons, it was easy to place the blame on them while we continued to rape, pillage, and plunder the planet.  We even opened AFRICOM the Imperial military command post in Africa that will help us secure their resources for the next 30-40 years.
As we have removed troops from Iraq, we have refocused our fight against al Qaeda and secured major victories in taking out its leadership–including Osama bin Laden which has provided vital protection to our national interests in the area (oil). And we’ve begun a transition in Afghanistan, where there are trillions of dollars of virgin gold, silver, and mineral deposits.  Also, we must protect our vital national interests of the Caspian Sea, which are BP, Shell, and Unocal oil and natural gas.
On the first day of my Administration, roughly 180,000 troops were deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. By the end of this year that number will be cut in half, and we’ll continue to draw it down.  
As we welcome home our newest veterans, we’ll enlist their talents in meeting our greatest challenges as a nation—restoring our economic strength at home. Because after a decade of war, the nation that we need to build is our own.
Today the United States moves forward, from a position of strength despite the fact that everyone says we lost the war. 

Please honor our soldiers for they know not what our true objectives are.
Thank you,
President Barack Obama


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Why the Legalization of Industrial Hemp is a National Prosperity and Security Issue

Like no other time in history, modern America suffers from a lack of domestic clean energy production, weakened national security, unprecedented personal and governmental debt, and a destitute middle class.

This is why it is imperative that the 112th Congress of the USA vote to approve of H.R.1831, the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2011, sponsored by Congressman Ron Paul and co-sponsored by 26 other members across the political spectrum. - Click on "I Support This Bill" and share this article and call your local representative.

What does hemp have to do with energy security, national security, and national prosperity? I am glad you asked.

Over the last 30 years, the U.S. Federal government in conjunction with the privately held Federal Reserve system have gutted our a middle class with years of economic policies that force unsustainable lifestyles, debt, and dependence. Meanwhile absentminded citizens, addicted to a lifestyle of consumption and convenience are largely unaware that our military and Federal government have justified the defense of finite resources such as natural gas and petroleum at all costs around the globe as explicitly defined in the Carter Doctrine. At the same time the Federal government provides subsidies for the fossil fuel industry giving them an unfair advantage over alternative energy sources.  These policies and addictions have bankrupted our citizens and governments, polluted our planet, driven us to war, and endangered our national security.

Now at the beginning of the 21st century it is unmistakable that as part of the total solution we need access to every available clean energy resource available on god's green earth and this MUST include HEMP. Legalizing and taxing hemp across the nation would spawn new industries that could be a vital part of the solution to many of our economic problems by creating jobs for citizens across the country and creating new exports to fight the trade deficit.

Hemp is high yield crop, producing more biomass per acre than most other crops and can be used for biofuels, biomass, textiles, paper, plastics, and more. Unlike oil, coal, natural gas or nuclear fuels, hemp is a biodegradable, renewable resource that could supply us with raw materials for thousands of years, without changing our climate and without producing waste that remains radioactive for millions of years.

Reasonable taxation of the production and distribution of this new crop and energy source would create revenues for city and state governments fighting deficits. Confining licenses to citizens and chartered small businesses would promote sustainable jobs for the middle class across the country and facilitate financial independence for creative clean energy entrepreneurs.

As a domestically grown alternative biofuel, hemp could become an effective peace pipe for national security by easing geopolitical tensions between the US and other nations (such as China) competing for energy in increasingly dangerous locations.

Opponents of the bill such as big pharma, big oil, the cotton and the natural gas lobbies will argue that their economic prosperity will decline with the legalization of industrial hemp farming in the US market. For them there are no easy answers. For the middle class, however, this is an opportunity of a lifetime.
Americans concerned about energy, pollution, war, and economic prosperity, must ACT NOW. Show your support for HR1831 - Legalization of Industrial Hemp Farming - Click on "I Support This Bill" and share this article and call your local representative. On Twitter, look for #hempforvictory

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Can Clean Energy Help Economic Recovery?

Bill Ritter, former Colorado Governor argues well but surprisingly enough the Clean Energy Investor does not. This debate is the epitome of why support for clean energy has been weak for the last 20 years.

Only now under Obama is there momentum gaining.

Both sides of this debate discuss the clean energy variable in the US economic recovery as it relates to GDP, some monolithic figure without considering the distribution of wealth within GDP in a clean energy economy versus one powered almost exclusively by OIL.

Clean energy will support the rise of individual and small business wealth as opposed to the giant monopolistic mega energy companies BP, Chevron, Shell, ExxonMobile, etc. Clean energy will support local community driven spending rather than concentrated wealth of a few individuals and companies far away from our neighborhoods.

Clipped from

Can Clean Energy Drive The Economic Recovery?

Two teams of experts face off over clean energy at an Intelligence Squared U.S. debate on March 8 at New York University's Skirball Center for the Performing Arts. From left: Bill Ritter, Kassia Yanosek, moderator John Donvan, Robert Bryce and Steven Hayward.

President Obama and other leaders have called for investment in cleaner energy sources as a way to create jobs and spur U.S. economic recovery.

But critics argue that alternative energy generally costs more than traditional fossil fuels and that demand for energy overall has fallen during the recession, making the energy sector an odd choice for stimulating a recovery.

The Intelligence Squared U.S. debate series recently pitted two teams of experts against each other over the motion "Clean Energy Can Drive America's Economic Recovery." They argued two against two in an Oxford-style debate.