Showing posts with label Federal reserve. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Federal reserve. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

#AuditTheFed Close to Majority in the House

As we push to pass 200 and get a majority (218) to sign on the bill once again, I hope you’ll sign your petition to your U.S. Representative today. 

The House version of Audit the Fed (H.R. 24) stands at 195 cosponsors, just 23 short of a majority.

If you’ve already signed it, please forward it to family and friends so we can mobilize as many Americans as possible and keep building our momentum! 

For more information on why our nation can’t afford to wait any longer to Audit – and then END – the Fed, please see my original email below. 

In Liberty,

Ron Paul 

Campaign for Liberty
Dear Andrew,

"Monetary morphine." 

That's how some are now referring to the Fed's risky and unprecedented print-now, ask-questions-later policies. 

As a doctor, I can tell you morphine is one of the most dangerous and addictive substances known to man. First, just a little of the opiate masks a patient's pain. But then, addicts crave more and more until overdoses result in death.

Andrew, the Fed has tried hard to mask many of our economic problems for years now. But today, the first cracks are starting to appear in what I believe will be nothing less than a Federal Reserve-created, global financial meltdown

And every second Congress waits to finally audit and EXPOSE the Federal Reserve - the first step toward finally ENDING the Fed once and for all - the problems get bigger and bigger

That's why it's critical you sign your Audit the Fed petition right away. 

As you'll see, this petition urges your U.S. Representative to do everything in their power to achieve a standalone, roll call vote on the Audit the Fed bill (H.R. 24), including cosponsoring it if they haven't yet done so. 

As Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid showed us during Fed Chair Janet Yellen's confirmation fight - when he blatantly broke Senate rules rather than allow so much as a vote on Audit the Fed - he'll resort to any dirty trick in the book to stop you and me

But the truth is, there's never been any defense in Washington, D.C. against a tidal wave of angry Americans DEMANDING political action - or politicians' hides. 

That's exactly why I'm counting on your action today to help me create that tidal wave of outrage before it's too late

You see, just recently, news broke that Wall Street bigwigs, including George Soros' investment firm, held off-the-record private meetings with Fed officials, where they urged a new round of Fed "intervention" to prop up Europe. 

Apparently, the TRILLIONS in bailouts and secret loans the Fed has issued to overseas banks in recent years aren't working. 

Now, some foreign banks are fearing old-fashioned panics and demanding depositors show proof of need just to withdraw "large amounts" of their own money! And I'm afraid it's only a matter of time until this madness reaches our shores. 

Today the U.S. dollar acts as the world's "reserve currency" - the currency most often used in international trading. 

This has encouraged our federal government's monetary morphine high, enabling Congress to spend like drunken sailors as U.S. dollars - even when printed out of thin air - stay in demand around the globe

But as foreign economies crumble and stop needing U.S. dollars - and the Federal Reserve continues to print money like there's no tomorrow - I truly fear an all-out, global financial catastrophe resulting in the collapse of the U.S. dollar

And our massive and growing $17.3 TRILLION national debt could end up wiping out every last shred of American wealth.

That's why your action today is so critical

If you and I can FORCE Congress to Audit the Fed, the American people will finally see that the Federal Reserve System leads to: 

*** Ever-expanding Big Government boondoggles like "ObamaCare." 

Now that politicians have figured out the Fed will just create money out of thin air to pay the bills if taxing and borrowing can't make ends meet, the floodgates are wide open for even more of the statists' utopian plans; 

*** Constant economic crises

The housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally planned interest rates and money manipulation; 

*** The destruction of the middle class

As fuel, food, housing, medical care, and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money sinks; 

*** Currency destruction

History shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize their money isn't worth the paper it's printed on and REFUSE to accept it. 

That's why it's so important you help me turn up the heat on Congress today

I know that despite an outpouring of action by the American people during Janet Yellen's confirmation hearing, Senator Reid flat-out REFUSED to allow a vote on Audit the Fed

But luckily for him, my ability to participate in the fight was limited by federal law. 

As a former Member of Congress, I was restricted on what I could say and do regarding legislation and grassroots mobilization for one year after leaving office. For example, I couldn't even directly ask you to call Congress for or against a piece of legislation. 

But those restrictions were lifted on January 4. 

And with so much at stake, I'm more determined than ever to FORCE Congress to act on auditing the Federal Reserve

Without an audit, I'm afraid there could be no stopping the economic calamity you and I both sense roaring at us like a freight train. 

The good news is your action is proven to work. 

Just ten years ago, discussion of the Federal Reserve was limited almost solely to libertarian academics and a few of us in Congress. 

Today, it's a MAJOR national political issue - one supported by nearly 75% of the American people. 

And it's your action in support of Campaign for Liberty that put it there

Thanks to your help, my Audit the Fed bill passed the U.S. House with an incredible bipartisan three-fourths majority in 2012. And if you and I can create another massive tidal wave of action in 2014, I'm convinced there will be no stopping us

But there's no time to waste. You and I have a LOT of work to do. 

And it all starts in the House. 

Today, the House version of Audit the Fed (H.R. 24) stands at 195 cosponsors, just 23 short of a majority

If you and I can pressure a majority of House members to cosponsor Audit the Fed, pressure will dramatically increase on the House Leadership to schedule a vote. 

I'm confident, once a vote is scheduled, the bill will sail through the House yet again. 

At that point, will Senator Reid and President Obama really be able to say "NO" to holding a vote? 

Well, 2014 is an election year. 

As I mentioned earlier, Audit the Fed is supported by nearly 75% of the American people. 

"Thanks" to ObamaCare, NSA spying, and a host of other issues, the political winds are already blowing against President Obama and Senator Reid. 

If they want to add Audit the Fed to the mix, it'll be their political funeral in 2014

The American people are FED UP with Big Government politicians trying to run their lives. 

And more and more now understand Federal Reserve banksters aren't running our economy anywhere but into the ground. 

That's why it's so important you sign your petition IMMEDIATELY

My hope is to contact up to 12 million Americans from coast-to-coast to generate additional petitions to Congress. 

That alone will dramatically turn up the heat on Congress to take action. But I'm not going to stop there. 

In fact, I've instructed Campaign for Liberty staff to craft a $500,000 Internet, email, and TV mobilization campaign. 

Not only that, but it seems just about every other day, I get a call from another news network asking for an interview. 

Now that my restrictions have been lifted, I'm going to come after the Fed with everything I have

But I'm just one man. And I know what it's like to stand alone. 

For almost 40 years, I've fought to restore constitutional principles in America. 

I've warned about the dangers of the Fed. 

Today, as much as I hate to see it, my predictions are coming true

But I know I'm not alone any more. The support of good folks like you who are willing to take action to save our beloved Republic gives me hope. 

So won't you please sign the petition to your U.S. Representative at once

And, if you can, please agree to your most generous contribution

Campaign for Liberty doesn't have the money in the bank to fund everything that needs to be done. 

And I know without money, all our best-laid plans are nothing but words on paper. So I'm counting on you to help me turn up the pressure on Congress. 

Won't you please agree to a generous contribution of $30

I know I'm asking you to stretch. 

But I also know you understand just how important it is we finally Audit the Fed and FORCE our federal government to give up its addiction to "monetary morphine." 

Of course, if $30 is just too much, please give what you can. 

Perhaps you can give $20 or $10? 

Regardless of what you can give, please act right away. 

Please sign your petition and agree to your most generous contribution of $30, $20, $10, or whatever you can afford IMMEDIATELY

In Liberty,

Ron Paul 

P.S. Every second Congress waits to finally audit and EXPOSE the Federal Reserve - the first step toward finally ENDING the Fed once and for all - the problems get bigger and bigger

Now that my legal restrictions have been lifted, allowing me to turn up the pressure on Congress higher than ever,Campaign for Liberty is doubling down on its efforts to Audit the Fed before the Federal Reserve destroys every last shred of American wealth

That's why it's critical you sign your petition to your U.S. Representative and make your most generous contribution of $30, $20, or at least $10 TODAY

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Federal Reserve Has Destroyed America

There are hundreds of whistleblowers out there screaming at the top of their lungs trying to tell the world what is going on inside the banks and the Federal Reserve.  Very few are listening.  Isn't time you heard the evidence?

Obama's #SOTU speech tonight may talk about Treasury IRA's, another way to get your money locked up to pay for government debt.

Wondering who will take over the mantle of Treasury bond buyer now that the Fed is stepping away? Curious of the government's next steps towards repression and control of wealth? Wait no longer. As the AP reportsPresident Obama will unveil a new retirement savings plan tonight that allows first-time savers to buy US Treasury bonds tax-deferred for retirement. Of course, this is not the mandatory IRA that remains somewhat inevitable (as the muddle-through fails) but is certainly a step in the direction we alerted readers to a year ago by which thegovernment generously offers to help manage your retirement savings. Two words spring to mind... remember Poland.

Eager not to be limited by legislative gridlock, Obama is also expected to announce executive actions on job training, retirement security and help for the long-term unemployed in finding work.

Among those actions is a new retirement savings plan geared toward workers whose employers don't currently offer such plans.

The program would allow first-time savers to start building up savings in Treasury bonds that eventually could be converted into a traditional IRAs, according to two people who have discussed the proposal with the administration. Those people weren't authorized to discuss it ahead of the announcement and insisted on anonymity.
Of course, this is not what the CFPB suggested a year ago... We're sure the government is just trying to protect your retirement account from terrorists. From Bloomberg:
The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is weighing whether it should take on a role in helping Americans manage the $19.4 trillion they have put into retirement savings, a move that would be the agency’s first foray into consumer investments.

That’s one of the things we’ve been exploring and are interested in in terms of whether and what authority we have,” bureau director Richard Cordray said in an interview. He didn’t provide additional details.

The bureau’s core concern is that many Americans, notably those from the retiring Baby Boom generation, may fall prey to financial scams, according to three people briefed on the CFPB’s deliberations who asked not to be named because the matter is still under discussion.
Presenting: the MyRA, and since it offers "guaranteed return and no risk" we now know where all the Fed's bond trades will go to work once QE ends.
From the president:
Let’s do more to help Americans save for retirement. Today, most workers don’t have a pension. A Social Security check often isn’t enough on its own. And while the stock market has doubled over the last five years, that doesn’t help folks who don’t have 401ks. That’s why, tomorrow, I will direct the Treasury to create a new way for working Americans to start their own retirement savings: MyRAIt’s a new savings bond that encourages folks to build a nest egg. MyRA guarantees a decent return with no risk of losing what you put in. And if this Congress wants to help, work with me to fix an upside-down tax code that gives big tax breaks to help the wealthy save, but does little to nothing for middle-class Americans. Offer every American access to an automatic IRA on the job, so they can save at work just like everyone in this chamber can...

Or put another way - if you like your retirement account you can keep your retirement account.
And just like that, the "automatic" continuity to the Fed's Quantitative Easing is ensured.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Why are Americans #FedUp100? MUST SEE Documentary: Money for Nothing, Inside the Federal Reserve #AuditTheFed

And this is the very message Ron Paul has been sharing, or attempting to share for 20 years.  But the mass media has ignored him.  The pro-Fed pundits just keeping pumping out garbage promoting the very bubbles this film talks about.

The film does ignore the criminal activity that definitely occurred during all these pump and dump schemes.  But maybe that was the only way they could get the film "accepted".  For more on their crimes, read more of TwistedEconomix. I have spent thousands of hours over the last 5 years compiling evidence.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Is there a connection to the assassination of President John F Kennedy and the nefarious Federal Reserve?

Is there a connection to the assassination of President John F Kennedy and the nefarious Federal Reserve?

This excerpt from suggests there is.

1963: On June 4th President John F. Kennedy (the 35th President of the United States 1961 – 1963) signs Executive Order 11110 which returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Rosthchilds owned Federal Reserve.
Less than 6 months later on November 22nd , president Kennedy is assassinated by the Rothschilds for the same reason as they assassinated President Abraham Lincoln in 1865, he wanted to print American money for the American people, as oppose to for the benefit of a money grabbing war mongering foreign elite.
This Executive Order 11110, is rescinded by President Lyndon Baines Johnson (the 36th President of the United States 1963 to 1969) on Air Force One from Dallas to Washington, the same day as President Kennedy was assassinated.
Another, and probably the primary, reason for Kennedy's assassination is however, the fact that he made it quite clear to Israeli Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, that under no circumstances would he agree to Israel becoming a nuclear state.  The Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz on February 5, 1999, in a review of, Avner Cohen's book, "Israel and the Bomb," states the following,
"The murder of American President John F. Kennedy brought to an abrupt end the massive pressure being applied by the U.S. administration on the government of Israel to discontinue the nuclear program...The book implied that, had Kennedy remained alive, it is doubtful whether Israel would today have a nuclear option."

Bitcoin, Gold, Silver, Fiat and More, Oh My

Where is my money safe? How can I ensure that European and American central bankers do not steal or deflate away my life savings? Should I invest in Bitcoin, gold, silver, savings accounts, CDs, the stock market, real estate, or what?

This article focuses on Bitcoin as a hedge against banker and government theft.  Consider this a single chapter in a very long book on central banking dynasties and their warmongering.

The below article was originally released at on 28 March, 2013 and I borrowed it from ZeroHedge.

A lot of people have asked my opinion about bitcoin and I often have given a generic answer similar to the following: “Bitcoin is better than fiat but worse than physical silver or gold”, an answer that seems to make bitcoin fanatics lose their minds as if I am “hating” on bitcoins. However, this is so far from reality that I decided to write a more detailed explanation about what I like about bitcoin but why I don’t consider bitcoin to be sound money, nearly as solid (no pun intended) as owning 100% physical gold or physical silver, and why precious metals still trump bitcoins on a risk/reward analysis enough that I still favor the accumulation of physical gold and physical silver over the accumulation of BTCs. Furthermore, given the recent bitcoin price explosion and the negative media beating gold and silver have taken recently, I wanted to release this article now rather than as a reaction to problems that I feel BTCs will encounter down the road that would lead to accusations of "Monday morning quarterbacking". I think if you are a bitcoin advocate that you will find my logic in this article to be totally rational. Bitcoin is infinitely better than fiat money because unlike fiat currency, in which only a few families in the entire world maintain the power to create this type of money, with bitcoin, those that own infrastructure with enough of the considerable processing power necessary to run the bitcoin network can create new bitcoins. So while there are computer infrastructure limitations on who can create new bitcoins and not everyone has the money to own the type of infrastructure needed to create bitcoins, this is the only limitation one has on being able to create new bitcoins until the maximum pre-designated limit is reached. However, this barrier to entry is a significant barrier as, according to the World Food Program, nearly 1 in 7 people suffer from malnutrition and go to sleep hungry every single night and it is doubtful that any of these people could ever afford a $2,499 50GH/s bitcoin miner. Furthermore, nearly 2/3rds of the world, according to statistics compiled by Nielson Online, the International Telecommunications Union, et al, are not yet connected to the internet, which makes it problematic to create or purchase bitcoins for a large percentage of the world's population. However, it is a myth propagated by the anti-Precious Metals community that gold and silver are beyond the reach of the world's poor. In India, there are prolific anecdotal stories of the poor converting rupees into gold when it is possible for them to do so to guard against the wealth destruction inflicted upon them by Indian bankers.

Secondly, all fiat currency is created as debt. Every dollar, Euro, Yen and Pound Sterling is created with an interest component that must be paid off, which means that devaluation, or more simply put, “banker theft of your wealth held in fiat currencies”, is an inevitable fact of “modern” fiat currency. Bitcoins are created without this debt component. If government treasuries worldwide directly created money instead of bowing down to the private banking families that own Central Banks and surrendering this power, then fiat currencies could be created without a debt component as well. Thus, this distinction between bitcoins and fiat currency is merely one of power. If government treasury departments worldwide were more powerful than the private banking cartels, or had not already been co-opted by these families a long time ago, they could feasibly seize control over the creation of fiat money, and voila, fiat money would no longer be created with a built-in debt component that enslaves humanity. US President John F. Kennedy tried to remove the power of money creation from these families many decades ago and failed. Bankers were furious of Kennedy’s attempt to free humanity from their immoral control and it has been widely speculated that they played a significant role in his execution. (Google JFK's Executive Order 11110 as well as Lincoln's "greenbacks".)

Thirdly, bitcoins are capped at a supply of 20,999,999.9769 BTC, whereas the private banking families that own a monopoly on fiat money creation can push a button and create as much, unlimited digital Euros, Yen, Pound Sterling, and US dollars as they want. Another resounding checkmark for bitcoins over fiat currency.

According to BitCoin’s FAQ page, BTCs are “based on the cryptography that is an integral part of its structure, and that is readily available for any and all to see. Instead of one entity keeping track of transactions, the entire network does. Though the developers of BitCoin aver that it would be extremely difficult to create BTCs that escape detection due to its security infrastructure, they also admit that this task is not foolproof and “it can be cheated.” Perhaps some brilliant genius will figure out a way to expand the bitcoin supply more than 20,999,999,999.9769 BTCs, but I concede the point that this will be extremely difficult to execute. To the contrary, all private bankers that run the world’s Central Banks are currently actively counterfeiting dollars, yen, pound sterling and Euros right now (just refer to this article). Again, yet another win for BTCs over fiat currency.

So yes, I do agree with all BTC advocates that the above discussion points are very solid points for holding BTCs over fiat. But I disagree strongly with the BTC fanatics that are so blinded by BTCs’ recent run higher on the back of the Cyprus fiasco that they cannot see the dangers that are also associated with BTCs over the long run. So here is why physical gold and silver still trumps BTCs as the best form of sound money, hands down. With all the positives of BTCs I discussed above, why do I still vehemently stand firm to my position that BTCs are infinitely better than fiat currency yet still does not fit the definition of sound money? The answer is actually a quite simple and logical one. The private banking families that have a stranglehold on all monetary creation today in wide distribution view any competitive currency to their counterfeit fiat currency as a currency to be crushed with an iron fist. These private banking cartels that own and run Central Banks will not tolerate any type of serious competition and will seek to either strip all owners of bitcoins of their BTCs or to destroy the BTC network as they definitely view BTCs as a threat to their criminal system even if they haven’t yet expressly voiced this opinion. The theft in Cyprus should illustrate how quickly bankers can turn people’s lives upside down at a moment’s notice. The founder of bitcoin states that the BTC network remains secure “as long as honest nodes collectively control more CPU power than any group of attacking nodes…If a majority of CPU power is controlled by honest nodes, the honest chain will grow the fastest and outpace any competing chains…If a greedy attacker is able to assemble more CPU power than all the honest nodes, he would have to choose between using it to defraud people by stealing back his payments, or using it to generate new coins…We proposed a peer-to-peer network using proof-of-work to record a public history of transactions that quickly becomes computationally impractical for an attacker to change if honest nodes control a majority of CPU power."

Thus, a huge assumption is necessary at this point to trust that the BTC network will not, and has not been hacked or infiltrated by agents unfriendly to the interests of BTC holders. That assumption is that bankers have ignored BTC up to this point and have not infiltrated the network as agent provocateurs that are posing as honest people that support the BTC model. If bankers have already infiltrated the BTC network, then BTCs have counterparty risk just like fiat currency because bankers can now defraud people. In addition, if assessing the above statement, “if a greedy attacker is able to assemble more CPU power than all the honest nodes”, who is greedier and has more resources than bankers? No one. Who is best known for pumping commodities sky high very quickly, only to deliberately crash them to make money on both the upside and downside? The bankers. These are all real possibilities BTC owners must consider as BTCs have soared but have not experienced any significant correction as of yet. However, the only way bankers can introduce counterparty risk to physical gold and silver owners is by producing fake tungsten filled bars or impure bars and selling them as four nine fine bars (99.99%). However, sophisticated but simple ultrasound testing can easily spot this banker fraud with gold and silver so the counterparty risk is non-existent as long as all bullion is tested. I think it is naïve to not assume that bankers have had their eye on BTCs since the day they were first introduced several years ago.

Again, many may say it is a stretch to state that bankers have already infiltrated the nodes that control the majority of CPU power, but the reality is that no one can really accurately assess the likelihood of this possibility having already occurred, as if bankers were to have infiltrated the bitcoin network, they would not be as stupid as to reveal their identity. I do believe it is inevitable that bankers will attack the BTC network. It is just a matter of how they will do it. Just research how the private bankers went after Bernard von NotHaus, stole his silver and gold from his warehouse, imprisoned him, and used their control of the legal system to have US Attorney Anne M. Tompkins, in her own words, say that NotHaus’s “attempts to undermine the legitimate currency (USD) of the [United States of America]” were an “act of domestic terrorism.” This ruling alone should serve notice to BTC users that all banker–controlled governments (which is every government in the world) clearly view all BTC holders as terrorists as well and will eventually seek to destroy all BTCs. The only point of contention is whether or not they will have success in their efforts. In fact, two years after his arrest, von NotHaus has still not been sentenced, and just this week he filed for a re-trial or dismissal of his case as the "Justice" department has had great difficulty indicting von NotHaus of clear "intent to counterfeit money." Of course we report this with great irony as Anne Tompkins has taken great care to uphold the illegitimate currency of the Federal Reserve and the US Justice Department could convict the Feds and all commercial banks of clear intent to counterfeit money beyond a shadow of a doubt within five minutes of testimony from any competent person that understands the mechanisms of our modern day banking system.
That said, I’m not here to debate whether the agents of these bankers could possibly corrupt the BTC system, counterfeit BTCs deliberately, or deliberately cause frequent flash crashes in the BTC valuation that discredits its use as money. I know that BTC's founders state that all of the aforementioned are nearly impossible to accomplish, but I sincerely believe that nothing is ever impossible. Extremely difficult? Yes. Impossible? No. BTC has already suffered a couple of flash crashes due to its digital nature. Yes, I am aware that governments could choose to come after not only BTC owners but all physical gold and silver owners as all pro-BTC, anti-gold people state. However, since probably over 90% of gold and silver owners are also gun owners, I believe it would be more difficult for bankers to send cops, soldiers, etc into people’s homes to steal their physical gold and silver without suffering major casualties versus finding some way to confiscate digital bytes of air. Again, confiscating digital money and physical assets are both possible, but the mechanism for confiscation of something that is digital will always be easier than confiscating something in someone’s physical possession.

So let’s now look at why I believe that gold and silver are superior to BTCs as sound money. It is absolutely a lie propagated by bankers that deflation leads to recession and no economic growth. Bankers hate deflation because people’s wealth grows under deflation and they lose control over the people as the people’s wealth grows. This is the number one reason why we have had continuous inflation in every country after private banking families and cartels established a unified system of control, otherwise known as the Central Banking system. During the 1800s in the US, there was steady consistent economic growth for nearly an entire century in which deflation persisted for most of this time. The only reason the price index was nearly the same in the early 1900s as it was in the early 1800s, despite this prolonged period of consistent deflation and economic growth, was the massive inflation and economic instability that accompanied the abandonment of the gold standard during the Civil War. Though people may love a scenario in which their money’s purchasing power increases sharply over time, continued steep deflation over long periods of time is not a desirable quality for sound money as such a scenario will eventually lead to a period of steep inflation. I believe that sound money should exhibit price stability over time. Price stability over extended periods of time is a necessary quality for money to possess to grant people confidence in being able to assess and plan for the longevity of their savings. For example, because bankers have destroyed the purchasing power of the Euro, the Pound Sterling, the USD in recent decades, 75-year old retirees that thought their savings were adequate to last the rest of their lives are now seeking employment again (Just read this article "The Greatest Retirement Crisis In American History" in which millions of elderly Americans are described as "too frail to work, too poor to retire"). Since one gold coin could buy you about the equivalent amount of goods today as it could several thousand years ago during the Roman empire, we already know that gold exhibits price stability over a huge duration of time.

BTCs' common trait with all fiat currencies ultimately precludes it from ever serving as sound money. BTCs have zero intrinsic worth as it is a 100% digital currency backed by nothing but air. On BTC’s own website, the founders of BTC state the BTCs have value “because they are scarce.”While true, scarcity is only one of many fundamental traits that all sound money must possess, including durability, being easily divisible, consistency, and having intrinsic value. BTCs are easily divisible, even more so than gold, are consistent, but unfortunately lack durability (as they are backed by air) and intrinsic value. In my opinion, the most significant characteristic of all the prerequisites of sound money, and the one most vital to protecting the interests of the people that own this form of money, is the possession of intrinsic value. Though a BTC’s valuation originates primarily from its scarcity, divisibility and growing acceptance, it is still a digital currency backed by the commodity of air, and this presents a huge problem for BTCs serving as a stable store of value over long periods of time. Of course, since BTCs have only been in existence for a little over four years, we do not have a large enough sample at the present time to fully understand how BTCs will serve as a store of value over time. However, bitcoins’ founders admit that BTCs are “vulnerable to price manipulation. It doesn't take significant amounts of money to move the market price up or down and thus bitcoin remains a volatile asset.” Gold and silver owners also realize that gold and silver prices are vulnerable to immense price manipulation as well, as we have seen over the past decade, so vulnerability to price manipulation alone does not exclude a money from qualifying as sound money.

The billion dollar question (inflated from the standard million dollar question, which is now not worth nearly as much today), is the “escapability” factor from price manipulation.

And this is where intrinsic value comes into play. Currently, millions upon millions of paper ounces of gold and silver backed by nothing but air are sold into the market by large players like HSBC, JP Morgan, Scottia Mocatta, et al for the sole purpose of suppressing the price and introducing volatility into the price. People that don’t understand this banker manipulation will be shocked in the future when gold moves higher by several hundred dollars an ounce and silver by five dollars an ounce in a single day. These immoral bankers have wreaked havoc on the price stability of gold and silver as bankers have committed reverse alchemy and have turned hard assets into air through their invention of paper derivative products that have fooled the masses into believing they are as good as physical when clearly they are not. However, as REAL PHYSICAL demand for gold and silver keeps increasing and REAL PHYSICAL supplies of gold and silver simultaneously keeps dwindling, the reality of the physical markets will eventually trump the banker shenanigans in the paper markets and eventually lead to the collapse of gold and silver futures contracts in New York and London. The fact that people can opt out of these “fake” gold and silver markets by purchasing the hard assets of physical gold and silver will eventually trump all the scams bankers have executed to manipulate gold and silver prices.

However, with BTCs, demand and supply for air/digital bytes provide no manipulation “escapability” for BTCs. In the event that BTCs are not manipulated but banker-controlled governments resort to shutting down BTCs or threatening jail time for anyone caught making transactions with BTCs, then one can escape to another country and use BTCs. Bankers can of course, resort to the same threats with those holding gold and silver. However, nearly every informed gold and silver owner also holds physical gold/silver outside of their country of residence. Since physical gold and silver are universally accepted as money in all 193 countries in this world, gold and silver not only provide better “escapability” from manipulation but also from banker confiscation. 

I have mentioned that price stability is necessary for a commodity to be determined to be sound money. However, once the physical gold and silver markets escape the bankers’ manipulation throes, we are likely to not see very much stability but huge volatile swings in price with the direction of these swings, both up and down, eventually bringing forth much higher prices. However, this temporary instability will only exist because there has never been a free market price for gold and silver since any of us have been alive. Once gold and silver prices are no longer suppressed by bankers and allowed to settle into a free-market price, then mild, instead of massive, volatility would become the norm and perhaps like the bulk of the period between 1800 and 1900 we would experience a steady slow period of mild deflation and relative price stability.

A medium of money that has intrinsic value is ALWAYS better than money that lacks intrinsic value because it allows the owner of that money to punish the creators of that money should they ever commit fraud.
If those in control of the gold standard commit fraud by creating more money without buying the gold to back the creation of additional money, this fraud will always be evident through inflation of the currency, and the loss of purchasing power. When people note this, under a gold standard, people bring their devalued notes to bankers and convert them into gold at a higher rate than the true valuation of the notes. Consequently, bankers are forced to return an asset of intrinsic value, gold, to the people, while they receive devalued and counterfeited notes in return. Yes, money with intrinsic value allows the people to have power over the bankers and call their bluff. History has proven this point. People called the bankers’ bluff and demanded gold for their devalued notes with the gold-backed Pound Sterling after WWI and again, with the gold-backed USD in the early 1970s, even though neither system used an ideal 100% fully gold-backed currency. So even a pseudo-gold standard allows people to call a banker’s bluff.

The problem with all fiat currency in widespread use today all over the world is that all fiat currencies have zero intrinsic valuation. Thus under this current fraudulent fiat monetary system, one cannot call the bluff of the bankers when they commit the fraud. Since all fiat money has an intrinsic value of zero, all one can do is trade one currency backed by air for another currency backed by air. This is a huge inherent problem with BTCs as well, as the founders of BTCs state that they have “no inherent value.” In conclusion, BTCs are great as a medium of exchange in the short-term, and still far better than fiat money for purchasing power. Thus they should be used as such but viewed with skepticism in being able to provide a stable store of value over extended periods of time due to the limitations I have discussed in this article. If you want to buy money to pass on to your children, you should definitely be buying physical gold and physical silver and not BTCs. BTCs are great for use as money in every positive capacity that I outlined in this article, but they undeniably have flaws that preclude their use as sound money that gold and silver do not have. Am I saying BTCs don't have any utility? Of course not. Just re-read the beginning of this article again where I discussed why BTCs are much better than all fiat currencies. But please understand what BTCs are, and what they are not. In the end, I support the continued existence of BTCs as a competitive form of currency, even if the world eventually defeats our current immoral fractional reserve banking system and returns to sound money 100% backed by gold. In the end, whatever form of money proves to contribute to price stability and serves as a store of value over time the best will be the one that comes out on top. For this very reason, competition, even when it applies to money, is beneficial to the people. Bitcoins versus gold (and silver) is much like the parable of the tortoise versus the hare. Gold has proven itself to be a steady reliable tortoise over thousands of years. Thus far BTCs have proven themselves to be the hare up to this point. In the end, if we let the people decide what is the best form of money in a competitive monetary environment, I am quite sure that gold and silver would come out of the battle as the victors. Stay tuned next week for Part II.

About the author: JS Kim is the Founder & Managing Director of SmartKnowledgeU, a fiercely independent research & consulting firm with a mission of helping Main Street avoid the deceit and chicanery of Wall Street and of triggering a wave of global economic freedom only possible through one pathway - the end of all global fiat currency and a return to sound money.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

CNBC, Banker, and Analyst Nonsense

Look at this article from CNBC, a popular mass media tool for luring individual savers and investors into the shark infested stock market.

Apparently strong 1st quarter earnings supported a rally, but expected slower earnings in 2nd quarter will result in a 5-10% drop in the market. 

A 10-20% drop in the market is typical in Q2 based on the last 3 yrs as a reference? The last 3 year's we have seen the central bankers pump trillions into the markets in the UK, Japan, EU, and US.

Don't worry. You should buy stock on those dips.

Besides, who needs strong corporate earnings when we've got the Federal Reserve pumping trillions into banks, who aren't lending that out quite yet. Maybe they are saving for the upcoming dips too! I mean if you could socialize losses with bailouts and privatize the gains with super cheap Fed money, wouldn't you?

At what point will people wake up to the scientifically engineered economic boom bust cycles and SCREAM, RIOT, at least ACT!

After April Showers, Market Could Spring Higher | March 28, 2013 | 10:13 AM EDT

The stock market is likely to see its typical, seasonal pullback in the second quarter after the first quarter's sharp gains, but unlike previous years, more bullish Wall Street strategists expect a significantly higher end-of-year finale...

Major averages have been on a tear in the first quarter, thanks largely to better-than-expected earnings, further evidence of a healing economy, and ongoing support from the Federal Reserve...

Analysts have jumped aboard the bullish momentum.  Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, and S&P Capital IQ boosted their targets significantly, citing the improving U.S. economic growth and liquidity from the Federal Reserve.

In the last three years, strong market run-ups in the first quarter have led to pullbacks of between 10 to 20 percent during the first few weeks of the second quarter.

"It looks like the rally's gotten tired and we're due for a pullback for stocks. And while we may not see the huge pullback like in the past years, a smaller decline of about 5 to 10 percent is what we're expecting," said Jeff Kleintop, chief market strategist for LPL Financial. "But we'll see a bounce after that, so individual investors can use this market to their advantage and look to buy on the dips."

Some analysts point to slow earnings growth as a possible catalyst for the pullback.

Earnings growth expectations for the first quarter are at a modest 1.5 percent, according to the latest data from Thomson Reuters.

So far, a little over 100 companies on the S&P 500 have provided negative earnings guidance compared to 23 positive pre-announcements for the first-quarter. Still, earnings growth is forecast at 9.2 percent for the year.

"Earnings expectations have not risen as much as in prior years, which may limit the disappointment," wrote Kleintop. "It is too early to say whether [the earnings revision] indicator is flashing a warning sign."

" if investors are going to be nervous, Europe's going to be an excuse," said Thomas Lee, chief U.S. equity strategist at JPMorgan. "But at the end of the day, I don't think this is a big enough threat to say the bull market's over and global recession's starting because there's another financial crisis."

—By CNBC's JeeYeon Park (Follow JeeYeon on Twitter: @JeeYeonParkCNBC)

Questions? Comments? Email us at

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Anglo Central Banks Creating Inflation in a Global Currency War

For those of you familiar with the New World Order, read the post below.  If you are not familiar with the concept, start doing your research.  It will take you a while to put the pieces together.  Start with George Bush Sr's NWO speech on YouTube and then watch "The Invisible Empire".  

The New World Order has many different facets.  This particular post will look at the coordinated global central banks moves to "save the economy".  What the central banks really do is print money, lend it to their cartel buddies, and suck the life out of economies, like a vampire squid sucking the tit of the earth.

The following post came in on Mike Shedlock's global financial analysis blog.

Global Uncoordinated Panic; ECB Cuts Rates to Record Low, Deposit Rate to Zero; Bond Market Response Was "Not Enough"; Words "Heightened Uncertainty" Explained

Global Uncoordinated Panic
In a 45-Minute Salvo today, the ECB cuts rates to a record low 0.75 percent and reduced the deposit rate to zero. Meanwhile, the People’s Bank of China cut their benchmark borrowing costs (the second time in a month), and the Bank of England raised the size of its asset-purchase program.
Also note the central banks of Australia, the Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Vietnam and Israel cut rates in June, while the Swiss National Bank is buying euros to defend its franc ceiling.
ECB president Mario Draghi said these events were not global coordinated easing.
I am willing to take him for his word. Thus, it's safe to assume that what has transpired was more akin to global uncoordinated panic.

Fed Uncertainty Principle
Now would be a good time to review the Fed Uncertainty Principle, especially corollaries one and two. 
Corollary Number One:The Fed has no idea where interest rates should be. Only a free market does. The Fed will be disingenuous about what it knows (nothing of use) and doesn't know (much more than it wants to admit), particularly in times of economic stress.

Corollary Number Two:The government/quasi-government body most responsible for creating this mess (the Fed), will attempt a big power grab, purportedly to fix whatever problems it creates. The bigger the mess it creates, the more power it will attempt to grab. Over time this leads to dangerously concentrated power into the hands of those who have already proven they do not know what they are doing.
What I said about the Fed apples to central banks in general.

So this particular post from Mish talks about the ECB, the Federal Reserve, and a few other market where central banks turned on the spicket.  Before you go any further, you should recognize that outside of the EU, the UK, and USA, most central banks are increasing interest rates to tame inflation.  That inflation is created by the Anglo Central Banks (EU, UK, ECB) lending more money into the system.  It is quite confusing and will take several months of serious effort to understand.  For the purposes of this article, just understand that most central banks around the world are RESPONDING to  a currency war that has been CREATED by the Anglo Central Banks.  It is also important to note that the Anglo Central Banks are owned by mostly the same people or institutions, and have been for generations.  Yes, I am talking about oligarchs, aristocrats, the 1%, the mega wealthy and elite that control 80% or more of the resources and wealth on this planet.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bankers and Federal Reserve Support Obama in 2012

The Fed is Engineering Obama’s Re-Election Campaign

The Federal Reserve is Engineering Obama’s Re-Election Campaign
 by Gary Dorsch, Editor, Global Money Trends
Mitt Romney has just rolled up back to back victories in the Nevada and Florida primaries, and his path to the Republican nomination looks to be inevitable. Republicans are mostly basing their voting decisions upon opinion polls showing Romney has the best chance of defeating President Barack Obama in the Nov 6th presidential election. According to the latest Gallup poll, both Obama and Romney have equal support of 48% of the US-electorate, and if correct, more than a billion dollars worth of campaign and PAC ads will swamp the media outlets, in order to try an influence the decisions of less than 5% of undecided voters.
In his standard stump speech Romney charges Obama with recklessly spending billions of tax payer dollars and is peddling for votes to support his re-election. “Over the past three years Barack Obama has been replacing our merit-based society with an entitlement society,” Romney tells his supporters. Indeed, direct government payments to individuals shot up by almost $600-billion, a +32% increase, since the start of the Obama administration in 2009.
A record 49% of Americans live in a household where someone receives at least one type of government subsidy, such as Medicare, food stamps, hosing subsidies, unemployment insurance, school lunch, veterans’ benefits, etc. And 63% of all federal spending this year will consist of checks written to individuals for which the government receives currently no services, the White House estimates. That’s up from 46% in 1975 and 18% in 1940. At the same time, about half of Americans pay no federal income tax at all.
While the Republicans rail against the burgeoning welfare society, they also support corporate welfare for the Wall Street banking Oligarchs, support $53-billion in tax breaks for the oil industry, and tens of billions in subsidies for America’s Agricultural farm factories. Americans are facing tough times. Millions are still out of work. Wages remain stagnant, while health care costs, tuition, and other household cost continue to rise. Many homeowners owe more for their houses than they are worth. Yet the income of the wealthiest 1% of Americans has risen dramatically over the last decade, and now equal 25% of the entire national income. Still, the federal government lavishes the top-1% with billions of dollars in giveaways and tax breaks. Meanwhile 50% of US-workers earned less than $26,364 last year, reflecting a growing income gap between America’s rich and poor.
Undoubtedly, there will be plenty of mudslinging fired from both sides, with political spin artists trying to brainwash the public’s view of the state of the economy. “This president’s misguided policies have made these tough times last longer,” Romney said to his Nevada supporters on Feb 5th. “If elected president, my priority will be worrying about your job, not saving my own,” he added. For his part, Obama toldthе Democratic Caucus on January 27th that their votes for the $787-billion economic stimulus package prevented a second Great Depression, and enabled the progress made ѕіnсе the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009.“Over thе last 22-months we’ve seen 3-million jobs сrеаtеd, - and more new factory jobs ѕіnсе thе 1990′s. A lot οf thаt is because of tough decisions уου took,” said Obama.
Mitt Romney is now starting to aim most of his fire on President Obama, instead of attacking his Republican rivals. However, Romney’s strategies for winning the presidency are bumping up against a huge roadblock, - Obama’s top campaign manager, - the Federal Reserve. The highly secretive Fed is actively rigging the markets in order to help Mr Obama get re-elected, and the fruits of the Fed’s labor is just beginning to sprout in the political arena. The Fed has engineered an improbable recovery rally in the stock market that has lifted the Dow Jones Industrials to its highest closing level since May 2008, - back to the time before Lehman Brothers collapsed. The Nasdaq Composite Index, dominated by technology stocks, has rebounded to the 2905-level, its highest close in 11-years, led by Apple Inc.
Despite all of the turmoil in the stock markets over the past five-years, when retail investors withdrew $465-billion of their savings out of stock mutual funds, Fed chief Ben “Bubbles” Bernanke proved that the Fed could rig the stock market, - and engineer an economic recovery by printing vast quantities of money, and keeping interest rates locked at historically low levels. Behind the scenes, the Fed funneled trillions in loans to Wall Street bankers, arranged currency swaps with other central banks, and through in agents, intervened directly in the futures markets, in order to keep the stock market’s recovery rally intact.
One of the Fed’s favorite tools that's used to pump-up the stock market is “open mouth” operations, in order to influence trader behavior and market psychology. The Fed broadcasts a constant barrage of hints to the financial media, that it could unleash another tsunami of “quantitative easing” (QE), at a moments’ notice. By flooding the markets with ultra-cheap liquidity, the Fed whets the appetite of risk takers, and starts an orgy of speculation in the markets and creates asset bubbles. In turn, a steadily rising stock market is boosting the odds of Obama’s winning a second term. Mirroring the steady climb of the Dow Jones Industrials, online bettors at, now give Obama a 57% chance of getting re-elected.
That’s up from 46.5% odds of winning on October 4th, when the Dow was plunging in a downward spiral to the 10,500-level. Thanks to massive intervention in the futures market, the Fed put a brutal squeeze on short sellers, and engineered a stunning +375-point rally in the Dow Industrials in the final 45-minutes of trading on October 4th. The Fed turned back the threat of a Bear market, and in hindsight, ignited the third leg up for the Bull market that began in March 2009. The Fed has proved its ability to manhandle the Treasury bond and stock markets, and few traders are willing to fight the Bernanke Fed these days.
Incumbent presidents are always hard to beat. The powers of the presidency go a long way. Not since 1971 and early in the 1972 election year, when Nixon pressured Arthur Burns, then the Fed chairman, to expand the money supply with the aim of reducing unemployment, and boosting the economy in order to insure Nixon’s re-election, have traders seen such massive political pressure on the Fed to intervene in the markets in order to help a president to get re-elected. Nixon imposed wage and price controls to constrain inflation, and won the election in a landslide.
Underneath the surface, the Fed was steadily increasing the high octane MZM Money supply, throughout the turbulent days of 2011. The size of the MZM Money supply has increased by $1-trillion from a year ago, to a record $10.75-trillion today. At the same time, Bernanke has gone far beyond the markets wildest imaginations, by pledging to keep borrowing costs for banks and hedge funds locked at zero-percent for the next three years. The Fed said that it aims to continue with its ultra-easy money policy until the US-jobless rate falls towards 6-percent from 8.3% today, and is willing to tolerate a higher inflation rate, until it acheives its objective.
Only one US-president since World War II -- Ronald Reagan -- has been re-elected with a jobless rate above 6-percent. Reagan won a second term in 1984 with an unemployment rate of 7.2% on Election Day. Reagan won in a landslide since the jobless rate had fallen almost 3% in the previous 18-months, and a sizeable majority of US-voters thought the economy was moving in the right direction. By contrast, under Mr Obama the unemployment rate has dropped by 1.7% in the last 26 months – from a high of 10% in 2009. The Fed aims to keep the ultra-easy conditions in place that would enable the jobless rate to tumble to 7% by Election Day, even at the expense of faster inflation, to help Obama win a second term.
It’s starting to look as if the US-economy is on a steady, if unspectacular, upward trend. Considering how beaten down the economy has been, - it’s possible that Obama might find himself in the sweet spot of a virtuous cycle of a business recovery, in the months ahead. Republicans will claim that Obama’s policies deserve none of the credit. “Mr. President, we welcome any good news on the jobs front,” Romney said. “But it is thanks to the innovation of the America people and the private sector and not to you, Mr. President,” he added.
However, presidents tend to get the blame for everything bad that happens on their watch and receive credit for everything good. Obama’s chances for re-election are starting to look much better, after Labor department apparatchiks reported that US-employers added 243,000 workers to their payrolls in January, the biggest gain in nine months. The US-economy has created about a half-million jobs in the past two months, government bureaucrats says, and the unemployment rate dropped to 8.3% in January from 8.5% in December. Already, 2012 is looking like a winner for automakers -- just one month into the year.
Another hopeful sign for the US-economy’s future, - sales of new cars and trucks rose +11% to in January to 913,287, thanks tolow borrowing costs and better loan availability. The sales pace accelerated to its highest level since the Cash for Clunkers program in August 2009.Chrysler had its best January in four years. If sales stay at January’s pace, they would reach 14.2-million, up from 12.8-million in 2011. While that’s below the 2000 peak of 17.3-million, it’s better than the 10.4-million trough hit in 2009. One reason car sales are improving is that buyers need to replace aging vehicles. The average age of a vehicle in the US is a record 10.8-years, nearly two years older than a decade ago. The bad news is that US-motorists are paying an average $31,300 for a new car, compared with $28,000 five years ago.
Historical observation reveals that the direction of the stock market has a notable influence over consumer confidence and spending levels. In particular, the top-20% of wealthiest Americans account for 40% of the spending in the US-economy, so the Fed hopes that by inflating the value of the stock market, wealthier Americans would decide to spend more. It’s the Fed’s version of “trickle down” economics, otherwise known as the “wealth effect.”
Yet when measured in “hard money” terms, or in comparison to the price of Gold, it becomes clear that much of the Dow’s “miracle rally” during the Obama administration was nothing more than a “monetary illusion,” inflated by the Fed’s hallucinogenic QE scheme. When seen thru the prism of Gold, 1-share of the Dow Industrials can only buy 7.4-ounces of Gold today. That’s slightly less than the exchange rate that prevailed at the bottom of the stock market’s slide in March 2009. Compared to the price of Gold, the Dow Jones Industrials is currently trading at its lowest level since 1992, - a 20-year low. In other words, without the Fed’s massive money printing operations, the stock market would be in a shambles today, and Obama’s chances at re-election would’ve been worse than Jimmy Carter’s in late 1980.
Just as the Dow’s historic rally is a mirage in hard money terms, the decline in the jobless rate to 8.3% is also deceptive. The fall in the headline unemployment rate has tumbled because the size of America’s workforce is shrinking – 4.8-million workers have simply given-up looking for a job over the past 31-months, and are no longer counted as unemployed. If these workers were counted as unemployed, the jobless rate would be at 11%. Nearly 24-million Americans remain unemployed, underemployed, or have just stopped looking for work. Long-term unemployment remains at record levels. If all these segments of the labor force are considered, the so-called U-6 jobless rate is at 15.1%, or equal to 1-in-6 American workers.
Still, the Fed figures that if it continues to pump-up the value of the stock market, eventually good tidings for the US’s asset based economy would follow. On Sept 21st, 2011, the Fed devised a brand new scheme to inflate the stock market’s value. The Fed said it would switch $400-billion of its portfolio into long-term Treasury bonds, in order to lock down long-term interest rates at historic low levels. The Fed telegraphed the move to Wall Street for weeks, dubbed “Operation Twist.” Since then, the Fed has locked the 10-year Treasury note yield below 2%, which is less than the 2.05% dividend yield that’s offered by the S&P-500 Index, and making the stock market look more attractive.
The Fed has been able to lock long-term bond yields at historic lows, even at a time, when the CBO reports that annual spending over the Obama era has climbed to a projected $3.6-trillion this fiscal year from $3-trillion in fiscal 2008, up more than 20%. The government’s share of spending in the US-economy has increased to 24%, up from an average of about 20% of GDP. This doesn’t include the $2-trillion tab for Obama Care. Under the Obama administration, the federal debt has mushroomed by about $5-trillion in a mere four years.
Since the Fed unveiled “Operation Twist,” the Dow Jones Industrials has soared +1,700-points higher, yet long-term Treasury yields remain “repressed” by the central bank. Typically, in a free and open marketplace, Treasury bond yields would’ve climbed sharply higher, alongside a booming stock market. Instead, the Fed has kept Treasury yields locked at artificially low levels. The massive degree of heavy handed intervention in the marketplace, and the manipulation of interest rates, the stock market, and currency exchange rates, is reminiscent of the Japanese capital and currency markets, and has also become the hallmark of the Bernanke Fed and the Obama administration.
However, according to the latest Gallup poll, the Fed’s intervention tactics are boosting Mr Obama’s ratings in the opinion polls. Gallup says 46% of American voters now approve of Mr. Obama’s performance in the White House. That’s up from 38% on October 4th, when the Fed rescued the stock market from the claws of the grizzly Bear. Historically, the best predictor of a president’s re-election chances is the approval rating. Since World War II, every president with an approval rating of at least 50% has won re-election. Every president with a rating clearly below 47% has lost. The most important driver of voter sentiment is the health of the labor market, and the number of net new jobs that are created.
But the Fed still has substantial work to do in order to insure Obama’s re-election: among the all-important independent voters likely to determine the outcome of the upcoming election, 47% approve of the way Obama is handling his job, and 50% disapprove. Many traders figure that if Obama is running neck and neck with Romney in the polls, the Fed could decide to take the politically risky gambit of unleashing QE-3, - printing anywhere from $600-billion to $1-trillion, and in turn, inflate the Dow Industrials to record highs above the 14,000-level.
If correct, there could be serious side-effects that could derail Obama’s re-election campaign. For instance, unleashing QE-3 could lift the price of North Sea Brent crude oil towards $150 per barrel, and jolt retail gasoline prices toward $5 /gallon. QE-3 could also lift the price of Gold above $2,000 /oz and trigger a broad based binge of speculation in the commodities markets, for grains, livestock, and base metals. That could usher in a whole new wave of consumer price inflation that would erode the purchasing power of US-wage earners.
Japan’s finance chief, Jun Azumi, said on Feb 2nd, that if the Fed unleashes QE-3, he would exert maximum pressure on the Bank of Japan (BoJ) to consider easing policy further, in order to prevent the US-dollar from falling below 75-yen, and to protect its export-reliant economy. “Yen buying has strengthened, led by short-term and speculative moves on the back of expectations for low interest rates in the US until 2014. I would like the BoJ to take account of economic conditions and various factors in deciding policy, including quantitative easing,” Azumi declared. Thus, if the Fed unleashes QE-3, the BoJ could provide traders with a double bonus, - QE-4 in Tokyo, and a whole new wave of yen carry trade speculation.
Saudi Arabia, the central banker of crude oil, is doing its part to counter the effects of QE in the Western world and Japan, by lifting its oil output to about 9.8-million barrels per day, up about 1.5-million bpd from a year ago. Riyadh is keeping the oil flowing at near record levels, even while Libya’s output of 1.5-million of high-grade light crude is gradually re-entering the marketplace. Still, the crude oil market is bubbly these days, with North Sea Brent trading above $115 /barrel, and gaining some upward momentum. Expectations of further rounds of QE in England, Japan, the US, and “Backdoor” QE in the Euro-zone are buoying the crude oil and Gold markets at historically high prices. 
Suddenly, the financial media is swamped with speculation about a possible Israeli airstrike on Iran’s nuclear facilities in the months ahead, which if correct, could lift crude oil prices towards $200 per barrel, and wreck the fragile recovery in the US-economy. But it appears as though Israel’s public statements about a possible military strike against Iran's nuclear sites are a bluff designed to spur Europe and the US into adopting tougher economic sanctions on Iran in the months ahead. After all, if Israel was actually preparing to launch a military strike against Iran, it would not be broadcasting such an operation so openly. Israel’s attacks on nuclear sites in Iraq in 1981 and Syria in 2007 were launched in utmost secrecy.
Thus, traders in the Dow Jones Industrials reckon that the odds of an Israeli airstrike are very low. Instead, the US is expected to placate the Israelis by ratcheting up economic sanctions on Iran’s central bank, its oil industry, and oil shipping companies, in order to bring about a hasty collapse of the Iranian economy. The key question is whether Iran would deliver the first strike against Israel or US-bases in the Persian Gulf, if it thought its economy was crumbling and tough sanctions were threatening to topple the Ayatollah’s regime. In any event, the tension in the Middle East is a convenient excuse for oil traders to keep the price of North Sea Brent pegged near record highs, and in turn, helps to buoy the price of Gold.
Whatever the hurdles, traders have the utmost degree of confidence that the Bernanke Fed will always devise a new rescue scheme, and place a safety net under the stock market, if necessary, when risky bets go sour. Traders also believe the US-stock market is entering the sweet spot of the presidential election cycle, and it’s very hard to bet against it. There is a strong historical tendency for the market to trend higher over the course of the second half of the presidential cycle. Thus, with the Fed working round the clock for team Obama, and the size of the entitlement society reaching majority proportions, Mr Romney is seen as the long-shot candidate to win the presidency in November.
Romney’s Road to the White House seems like a episode of Mission Impossible - His mission, is to enable the American electorate to see through the Fed’s smoke screens, and the Labor department’s fuzzy math. If Romney is able to beat the heavy odds that are poised against him, it would signal the end of Bernanke's tenure at the Fed, and the unwinding of Bubble-mainia in the markets.


This article is just the Tip of the Iceberg of what’s available in the Global Money Trends newsletter.