Tuesday, December 31, 2013

PLEASE READ! A Letter from @SenRandPaul for #AuditTheFed.

Rand Paul for Senate 2016

Dear Andrew Jackson,

The deadline for the "Audit the Fed" Money Bomb is midnight tonight.

I'm willing to go all-out to fight to force a vote in the Senate on my Audit the Fed bill (S. 209).

But I need to know if you're willing to stand with me in this fight.

You see, Harry Reid's blocking my bill because he's afraid of how this vote will play in the rapidly approaching 2014 midterms.

Either vulnerable senators will vote to open the Fed's books or they will stand against the nearly 80% of the American people who support Auditing the Fed.

I can't understand how any politician could go home to face the voters after denying them the chance to hold the Fed accountable.

And you and I have a chance to hold the Fed accountable, but that will only happen if the grassroots is prepared to run an all-out blitz on Congress.

Click to sign

You see, 2013 has shown that the grassroots has incredible power to push Congress to listen.

From beating back gun control and stopping the march to war in Syria, the American people have risen up and forced Washington to back down.

So I hope you'll help me kickoff 2014 by deploying the same grassroots passion to demand Congress end 100 years of Fed secrecy by making the "Audit the Fed" Money Bomb as successful as possible.

Please make your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or $35 before the midnight deadline.

I know times are tough, so if that is too much for you to afford, please chip in a contribution of $10 or $20.

This may be the best opportunity you and I get to crack the Fed's wall of secrecy.

If you have already contributed to this effort, I thank you.  But I'd ask that youdig deep one more time to help me launch an all-out blitz on Audit the Fed.

If you haven't yet donated,  I hope you'll stand with me in the fight to unshackle our economy from the Fed's print-now, ask-questions later disaster.

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul

P.S.  The deadline for the "Audit the Fed" Money Bomb is midnight tonight!

The nomination of Janet Yellen gives you and me our best chance yet to force a vote on my Audit the Fed bill (S. 209)

I hope I can count on you in this fight to hold the Fed accountable for helping to create the economic disaster of 2008 and choking off economic growth with its easy money policies.

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